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Wed, Mar 19, 13:34

# Read all the chires*.dat in the current directory
# and produce a chires_mean.dat file with the mean
# rms for each system.
use warnings;
use strict;
sub readChires {
my ($dir, @chires);
opendir($dir, "chires") || die "Cannot open chires/ directory\n";
@chires = grep { /chires[0-9]*\.dat/ } readdir($dir);
closedir $dir;
return @chires;
if( @ARGV < 1 )
print "Syntax: <.par>\n";
exit -1;
# Delete chires[0-9]*dat files in the current directory
#@chires = readChires();
#printf "INFO: Delete %d chires[0-9]*dat files\n", unlink @chires;
# Create chires[0-9]*dat files and process them
my $status = system("bayesChires $ARGV[0]");
die "ERROR: bayesChires error\n" if $status;
my @chires = readChires();
if( @chires eq 0 )
print "ERROR: No chires/chires*.dat files found\n";
exit 1;
# Read the chires*.dat files
my (@n, @id, @z, @narc, @chip, @chix, @chiy, @chia);
my (@n_cl, @x_cl, @y_cl, @chil);
my (@n_s, @id_s, @z_s, @chis, @gamma, @kappa, @g, @es1, @es2);
my (@rmss2, @rmsi2, @dx, @dy, @nwarn);
my ($i, $l, $l_cl, $l_s);
my ($secmult, $seccrit, $secwl);
my $nchires = scalar @chires;
for( @chires )
$_ = "chires/".$_;
my $ifh;
open( $ifh, $_ );
$l = 0; # line index for multiple images in the chires.dat file
$l_cl = 0; # line index for critical lines in the chires.dat file
$l_s = 0; # line index for arclets in the chires.dat file
$secmult = 0;
$seccrit = 0;
$secwl = 0;
LOOP: while( <$ifh> )
# Check the section limits
if( /chi multiples/ )
$secmult = 1;
my $nextline = <$ifh>; # skip line N ID z ...
next LOOP;
if( /chimul/ )
$secmult = 0;
next LOOP;
if( /chi critical/ )
$seccrit = 1;
next LOOP;
if( /chil/ )
$seccrit = 0;
next LOOP;
if( /chis arclets/ )
$secwl = 1;
my $nextline = <$ifh>; # skip line N ID z ...
next LOOP;
if( /chis/ )
$secwl = 0;
next LOOP;
# Process a line in section chi multiple
my @fld = split;
if( $secmult )
$n[$l] = $fld[0];
$id[$l] = $fld[1];
$z[$l] += $fld[2];
$narc[$l] = $fld[3]; # always the same number
$chip[$l] += $fld[4];
$chix[$l] += $fld[5];
$chiy[$l] += $fld[6];
$chia[$l] += $fld[7];
$rmss2[$l] += $fld[8]*$fld[8]; #total rmss
$rmsi2[$l] += $fld[9]*$fld[9]; #total rmsi
if( $narc[$l] == 1 )
$dx[$l] += $fld[10];
$dy[$l] += $fld[11];
$nwarn[$l] += $fld[12];
$l++; # next system
# Process a line in section chi critical line
if( $seccrit )
$n_cl[$l_cl] = $fld[0];
$x_cl[$l_cl] = $fld[1];
$y_cl[$l_cl] = $fld[2];
$chil[$l_cl] += $fld[3];
$l_cl++; # next critical line
# Process a line in section chi arclets
if( $secwl )
$n_s[$l_s] = $fld[0];
$id_s[$l_s] = $fld[1];
$z_s[$l_s] = $fld[2];
$chis[$l_s] += $fld[3];
$gamma[$l_s] += $fld[4];
$kappa[$l_s] += $fld[5];
$g[$l_s] += $fld[6];
$es1[$l_s] += $fld[7];
$es2[$l_s] += $fld[8];
$l_s++; # next arclet
# Write the chires_mean.dat file
open(OUT, ">chires_mean.dat");
# Print summary for arclets
my $chistot = 0.;
if( $l_s > 0)
print OUT "chis arclets\n";
print OUT " N ID z chi2 gamma 1-k g es1 es2\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $l_s; $i ++ )
$chis[$i] /= $nchires;
$gamma[$i] /= $nchires;
$kappa[$i] /= $nchires;
$g[$i] /= $nchires;
$es1[$i] /= $nchires;
$es2[$i] /= $nchires;
$chistot += $chis[$i];
printf OUT "%6ld %6s %.3lf %6.4lf %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le\n", $n_s[$i], $id_s[$i], $z_s[$i], $chis[$i], $gamma[$i], $kappa[$i], $g[$i], $es1[$i], $es2[$i];
printf OUT "chis %.2f\n", $chistot;
print OUT "\n";
# Strong lensing summary
my $chiptot = 0.;
if ( $l > 0 )
print OUT "chi multiples\n";
print OUT " N ID z Narcs chip chix chiy chia rmss rmsi dx dy nwarn\n";
my ($chixtot, $chiytot, $chiatot);
my ($rmss2tot, $rmsi2tot, $nwarntot, $nsys);
my ($sdx, $sdy);
for( $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++ )
my ($rmss, $rmsi);
$rmss = $rmsi = 0.;
$sdx = $sdy = " N/A ";
my $name=$id[$i];
$z[$i] /= $nchires;
$rmss = $rmss2[$i] / $nchires;
$chip[$i] /= $nchires;
$chix[$i] /= $nchires;
$chiy[$i] /= $nchires;
$chia[$i] /= $nchires;
# Be careful with non predicted images
if( $nchires - $nwarn[$i] > 0 )
$rmsi = $rmsi2[$i] / ($nchires - $nwarn[$i]);
if( $narc[$i] == 1 )
$sdx = sprintf("%6.2f", $dx[$i] / ($nchires - $nwarn[$i]));
$sdy = sprintf("%6.2f", $dy[$i] / ($nchires - $nwarn[$i]));
$name = $name.'*' if( $nwarn[$i] > 0 );
# print a line for an image
printf OUT "%2d %6s %.3f %d %7.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.3f %6.2f %s %s %d\n", $n[$i], $name, $z[$i], $narc[$i], $chip[$i],
$chix[$i], $chiy[$i], $chia[$i], sqrt($rmss), sqrt($rmsi), $sdx, $sdy, $nwarn[$i];
if( $narc[$i] != 1 )
$rmss2tot += $rmss;
$rmsi2tot += $rmsi;
$chiptot += $chip[$i];
$chixtot += $chix[$i];
$chiytot += $chiy[$i];
$chiatot += $chia[$i];
$nwarntot += $nwarn[$i];
$rmss2tot /= $nsys;
$rmsi2tot /= $nsys;
printf OUT "chimul %7.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.3f %6.2f N/A N/A %d\n", $chiptot, $chixtot, $chiytot, $chiatot, sqrt($rmss2tot), sqrt($rmsi2tot),$nwarntot;
# Print summary for critical lines
my $chiltot = 0.;
if( $l_cl > 0)
printf OUT "chi critical line\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $l_cl; $i ++ )
$chil[$i] /= $nchires;
$chiltot += $chil[$i];
printf OUT "%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", $n_cl[$i], $x_cl[$i], $y_cl[$i], $chil[$i];
printf OUT "chil %.2f\n", $chiltot;
printf OUT "\nchitot %.2f\n", $chiltot + $chiptot + $chistot;
# Delete chires[0-9]*dat files
#@chires = readChires();
#printf "INFO: Delete %d chires[0-9]*dat files\n", unlink @chires;

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