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Wed, Mar 19, 13:36


/*Global variables declaration*/
struct g_mode M;
struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
struct g_pixel imFrame,wFrame,ps,PSF;
struct g_cube cubeFrame;
struct g_dyn Dy; // //TV
struct g_source S;
struct g_image I;
struct g_grille G;
struct g_frame F;
struct g_msgrid H;
struct g_large L;
struct g_cosmo C;
struct g_cline CL;
struct g_observ O;
struct pot lens[NLMAX];
struct pot lmin[NLMAX],lmax[NLMAX],prec[NLMAX];
struct pot clmin,clmax; /*cosmological limits*/
struct galaxie smin[NFMAX], smax[NFMAX]; // limits on source parameters
struct ipot ip;
struct MCarlo mc;
struct cline cl[NIMAX];
struct galaxie *srcfit; // points for source plane fitting
struct vfield vf;
struct vfield vfmin,vfmax; // limits on velocity field parameters
#define CMAX 20
#define LMAX 80
float Tab1[LMAX][CMAX];
float Tab2[LMAX][CMAX];
float Tab3[LMAX][CMAX];
lensdata *lens_table;
int block[NLMAX][NPAMAX]; /*switch for the lens optimisation*/
int cblock[NPAMAX]; /*switch for the cosmological optimisation*/
int sblock[NFMAX][NPAMAX]; /*switch for the source parameters*/
int vfblock[NPAMAX]; /*switch for the velocity field parameters*/
double excu[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
double excd[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
int it;
int nrline,ntline,flagr,flagt;
long int narclet;
struct point gimage[NGGMAX][NGGMAX],gsource[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
struct biline radial[NMAX],tangent[NMAX];
struct galaxie arclet[NAMAX],source[NAMAX],image[NFMAX][NIMAX];
struct galaxie cimage[NAMAX];
struct pointgal gianti[NPMAX][NIMAX];
struct point SC;
double elix;
double grid_dr; // dlsds ratio for the grid used from source to image plane
double alpha_e;
double *v_xx;
double *v_yy;
double **map_p;
double **tmp_p;
double **map_axx;
double **map_ayy;
// Global variables defined in o_global.c
struct shear shm[NAMAX];
struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
struct z_lim zlim[NIMAX];
struct z_lim zalim;
struct z_lim zlim_s[NIMAX];
struct pot lmin_s[NLMAX],lmax_s[NLMAX],prec_s[NLMAX];
struct sigposStr sigposAs_s, sigposAs;
struct matrix amplifi_mat[NIMAX][NIMAX],amplifi_matinv[NIMAX][NIMAX];
struct pixlist plo[100000]; /*list of points that compose the polygon around the image to inverse*/
double z_dlsds;
double chi_im,chip,chix,chiy,chia,chil,chis,chi_vel,chi_mass; //I added chi_vel and chi_mass TV
double amplifi[NIMAX][NIMAX];
double **imo,**soo,**ero;
double drima; /* distance ratio between the image to inverse and the main lens*/
double **sm_p; /* optimization spline map : initial save */
int nshmap;
int optim_z, n_famille;
int block_s[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
int **imuo;
int nplo; /*number of points of the polygon around the image to inverse*/
double z_dlsds;
double chi_im,chip,chix,chiy,chia,chil,chis;
double amplifi[NIMAX][NIMAX];
double **imo,**soo,**ero;
double drima; /* distance ratio between the image to inverse and the main lens*/
double **sm_p; /* optimization spline map : initial save */
int nshmap;
int optim_z, n_famille;
int block_s[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
int **imuo;
int nplo; /*number of points of the polygon around the image to inverse*/
double distmin[NIMAX]; /* List of minimal euclidean distances between
the images of a same familly i*/
int nwarn; // warning emitted during image plane chi2
double *np_b0; // non parametric accelerator

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