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Thu, Feb 6, 02:18


/* nom: set_default */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/03/94 */
/* place: ESO LaSilla */
void set_default()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_msgrid H;
extern struct g_frame F;
extern struct g_large L;
extern struct g_cosmo C;
extern struct g_cline CL;
extern struct g_observ O;/* default flux dispersion^2 */
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
extern struct ipot ip;
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
extern struct g_pixel ps, imFrame;
extern struct g_dyn Dy;
extern struct z_lim zalim;
int i;
/* runmode */
M.verbose = 0;
M.seeing = 0.;
M.sort = 0;
M.minchi0 = 0.1;
M.ichi2 = 0;
M.source = 0;
M.image = 0;
M.centerfile[0] = 0;
M.pixel = 0;
M.iclean = 0;
M.cube = 0;
/* image */
I.forme = 1;
I.mult_abs = 0;
I.Anfilt = 15;
I.Anpixseeing = 6;
I.sigell = 0.3;
I.dsigell = -1.;
I.sig2amp = 0.04; /* default flux dispersion^2 */
I.Dmag = 0.1;
I.zarclet = -1.;
// z_a_limit
zalim.bk = 0;
zalim.min = -1;
zalim.max = -1;
// sigposArcsec position dispersion
sigposAs.bk = 0; // not optimised
sigposAs.min = 0.2;
sigposAs.max = 4.;
sigposAs.prec = 0.01;
/* crtitical line */
CL.nplan = 0; = 0;
CL.npzone = 100;
strcpy(CL.zonefile, "zone.dat");
CL.limitHigh = 10; // (arcsec) limitHigh for marchingSquares
CL.cpas = 1; // (arcsec) limitLow for marchingSquares
CL.dmax = 0.; // field is computed from the champ section
strcpy(CL.algorithm, "MARCHINGSQUARES" );
/* large */
strcpy(L.iname, "giant");
L.dlarge = 2.;
L.vitesse = -1;
L.iso = 0;
L.nmaxiso = 0;
L.scale = 1;
L.zonex = 0;
L.zoney = 0;
L.profil = 0; = 0;
L.ncourbe = 0;
L.npt = 0;
/* grille */
G.pol = 0;
G.no_lens = 0;
G.nlens = 0;
G.ngrid = 30;
G.nlens_crit = 0;
G.npot = 0;
G.nplens[0] = -1;
G.nmsgrid = -1; // default no multiscale grid
// multi-scale grid
H.threshold = 0.;
H.levels = 3;
H.param = 3;
/* source */
S.zs = 0.8;
S.ns = 0;
S.grid = 0;
S.rand = ((int)time(NULL) % 100) - 50; //-2;
S.distz = 0;
S.emax = 0.3;
S.zsmin = 0.5;
S.zsmax = 1.5;
S.par1 = 0.;
S.par2 = 0.;
S.par3 = 0.;
S.taille = 0.3;
S.lfalpha = -1;
S.lfm_star = -20;
S.lfm_min = -24;
S.lfm_max = -16;
/* luminosity function (moved from r_source.c) */
S.lfalpha = -1.11;
S.lfm_star = -20.9;
S.lfm_min = -25.;
S.lfm_max = -16.9;
/* frame */
F.xmin = -20.;
F.xmax = 20.;
F.ymin = -20.;
F.ymax = 20.;
F.rmax = 25.;
/* image plane */
imFrame.xmin = -20.;
imFrame.xmax = 20.;
imFrame.ymin = -20.;
imFrame.ymax = 20.;
imFrame.pixelx = imFrame.pixely = 0.;
imFrame.ech = 2.; // number of source plane pixels for 1 image plane pixel
imFrame.nx = 40;
imFrame.ny = 40;
imFrame.column = 1;
imFrame.pixfile[0] = 0;
imFrame.ncont = 0;
imFrame.outfile[0] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
imFrame.contfile[0][0] = 0;
imFrame.header = 0;
/* source plane */
ps.xmin = -20.;
ps.xmax = 20.;
ps.ymin = -20.;
ps.ymax = 20.;
ps.pixelx = ps.pixely = 1.;
ps.ech = 1.; // pixel scale in the source plane (default no oversampling)
ps.nx = 40; // size of the source plane image
ps.ny = 40;
ps.pixfile[0] = 0;
/* potfile */
for( i = 0; i < NPOTFILE; i++ )
P[i].potid = i;
P[i].select = 0; // not selection by their Einstein radius
P[i].mag0 = 17.;
P[i].isigma = 0;
P[i].ircut = 0;
P[i].islope = 0;
P[i].ivdslope = 0;
P[i].ivdscat = 0;
P[i].ircutscat = 0;
P[i].type = 81; // default PIEMD
P[i].corekpc = P[i].core = -1.0;
P[i].cutkpc1 = P[i].cut1 = P[i].cut = DBL_MAX;
P[i].sigma1 = P[i].sigma = -1.0;
P[i].slope1 = 4.;
P[i].vdslope1 = 4.;
P[i].vdscat = 0.;
P[i].rcutscat = 0.;
P[i].a1 = P[i].a = DBL_MAX; // default not defined
P[i].b1 = P[i].b = DBL_MAX;
/* cosmology */
C.model = 1;
C.H0 = 50.;
C.h = 1.;
C.omegaM = 1.;
C.omegaX = 0.;
C.kcourb = 0.;
C.wX = -1.;
C.wa = 0.;
/* observe */
O.prec = 0.2;
O.bruit = 0;
O.idum = -1;
O.setseeing = 0;
O.setbin = 0;
O.bin = 0;
O.setseeing = 0;
O.filtre = 0;
O.seeing = 1.;
O.r0st = 0;
O.SKY = 0;
O.gain = 1.;
// Parameters
ip.pmax = 11;
ip.extend = 1; = 0;
// Dynamics
Dy.dyntype = 0;

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