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#include "fonction.h"
#include "constant.h"
#include "dimension.h"
#include "structure.h"
/* Program : grille */
/* Version : 1 mai 1992 */
/* Location : Obs. Toulouse */
/* Auteur : jean-paul */
/* EJ 30/11/05 Modify indentation and add void flire */
/* EJ 2/12/05 Rearrange the coef in rcut/sigma... equations*/
static void convertXY_compat(double *x, double *y, int isAbsWCS);
int set_potfile(int nplens, struct g_pot *pot)
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct pot lens[];
struct pot *ilens;
double aa, bb;
char line[256];
long int i;
double ref_ra, ref_dec;
int iref;
iref = 0; // Default, absolute wcs coordinates
i = nplens;
ilens = &lens[i];
if ( pot->ftype == 0 )
// Check redshift for ftype 1 or 3
if( pot->ftype == 1 || pot->ftype == 3 )
if( pot->zlens <= 0. )
NPRINTF(stderr, "ERROR: z_lens keyword not defined in the potfile section\n");
// Open and read the potfile
NPRINTF(stderr, "READ: %s nlens:%d ftype:%d\n", pot->potfile, nplens, pot->ftype);
POT = fopen(pot->potfile, "r");
if ( POT == NULL || ferror(POT) )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Error reading %s\n", pot->potfile);
// Read the potfile
fgets(line, 128, POT);
while ( !feof(POT) && !ferror(POT) && i < NLMAX )
// Check for a WCS header
if ( strstr(line, "#REFERENCE" ) != NULL )
getRADEC( line, &iref, &ref_ra, &ref_dec );
goto NEXT;
// Skip commented lines with #
if ( line[0] == '#' )
goto NEXT;
// Default initialisation of clump ilens
ilens->type = pot->type;
ilens->z = pot->zlens;
ilens->epot = ilens->emass = 0.;
ilens->alpha = ilens->beta = 0.;
ilens->rckpc = ilens->rc = 0.;
ilens->rcutkpc = ilens->rcut = DBL_MAX;
ilens->effradius = 0.;
// Read a line of the catalog
if ( pot->ftype == 1 || pot->ftype == 3 )
if ( sscanf( line, "%s%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
ilens->n, &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y,
&aa, &bb, &ilens->theta, &ilens->mag, &ilens->lum) != 8 )
goto NEXT;
else if ( pot->ftype == 2 || pot->ftype == 4 )
sprintf(ilens->n, "%ld", i);
if ( sscanf( line, "%d%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
&ilens->type, &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y,
&ilens->emass, &ilens->theta, &ilens->rckpc,
&ilens->rcutkpc, &ilens->sigma, &ilens->z ) != 9 )
goto NEXT;
else if ( pot->ftype == 8 )
if ( sscanf( line, "%s%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
ilens->n, &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y,
&aa, &bb, &ilens->theta, &ilens->mag, &ilens->lum,
&ilens->effradius) != 9 )
goto NEXT;
else if ( pot->ftype >= 5 )
if ( sscanf( line, "%s%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
ilens->n, &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y,
&aa, &bb, &ilens->theta, &ilens->mag, &ilens->z ) != 8 )
goto NEXT;
// Convert input from relative to absolute coordinates if needed
convertXY( &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y, iref, ref_ra, ref_dec );
convertXY_compat( &ilens->C.x, &ilens->C.y, (iref == 0 && pot->ftype == 1) );
// convert to output relative coordinates
if ( M.iref == 1 || M.iref == 3 )
ilens->C.x -= M.ref_ra;
ilens->C.x *= -3600 * cos(M.ref_dec * DTR);
ilens->C.y -= M.ref_dec;
ilens->C.y *= 3600;
else if ( M.iref == 2 )
ilens->C.x -= M.ref_ra;
ilens->C.y -= M.ref_dec;
// Eventually modify the ID of the clump
if ( i < G.no_lens )
strcpy( line, ilens->n );
sprintf(ilens->n, "O%s", line);
// Initialize the lens parameters
ilens->theta *= DTR;
if ( pot->ftype != 2 && pot->ftype != 4 )
ilens->emass = (aa * aa - bb * bb) / (aa * aa + bb * bb);
if ( ilens->emass < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: The potfile clump %s has a negative ellipticity.\n", ilens->n );
// get next line
fgets(line, 128, POT);
} // endof while loop over the potfile lines.
if ( i == NLMAX )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Too many clumps. Maximum allowed %d.\n", NLMAX);
// Return the number of clumps read in the potfile
return(i - nplens);
/* In case of potfile with header, perform an additional conversion
* for compatibility with previous file format.
* Perform conversion to absolute coordinates even when the galaxy catalog has no header
* isAbsWCS is true if galaxy catalog has no #REFERENCE header, but has ftype = 1
static void convertXY_compat(double *x, double *y, int isAbsWCS )
extern struct g_mode M;
// For compatibility with the former syntax
if ( isAbsWCS )
*x /= -3600.*cos(M.ref_dec * DTR);
*x += M.ref_ra;
*y /= 3600.;
*y += M.ref_dec;
* Initialise the scaling relations parameters
void setScalingRelations(struct g_pot *pot)
extern struct g_grille G;
const extern struct g_cosmo C;
extern struct pot lens[];
// Check if the scaling relations are defined
if ( pot->ftype == 1 || pot->ftype == 3 )
if ( pot->sigma1 == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: potfile: sigma not defined\n");
if ( pot->cutkpc1 == DBL_MAX && pot->cut1 == DBL_MAX )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: potfile: cut length not defined\n");
if ( pot->corekpc == -1 && pot->core == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: potfile: core length not defined\n");
else if ( pot->ftype == 5 || pot->ftype == 6 )
if ( pot->a1 == DBL_MAX || pot->b1 == DBL_MAX )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: potfile: a or b scaling parameter not defined\n");
// Set the Potfile current and limiting values
if ( pot->ftype <= 4 )
// Scale potfile SIGMA
pot->sigma = pot->sigma1;
// ... and potfile RCUT
if ( pot->cut1 == DBL_MAX && pot->cutkpc1 != DBL_MAX )
pot->cut1 = pot->cutkpc1 / (d0 / C.h * distcosmo1(pot->zlens));
pot->cut2 = pot->cutkpc2 / (d0 / C.h * distcosmo1(pot->zlens));
pot->cut = pot->cut1;
// ... and potfile RCORE
if ( pot->core == -1.0 && pot->corekpc != -1 )
pot->core = pot->corekpc / (d0 / C.h * distcosmo1(pot->zlens));
// ... and potfile RCUT SLOPE
pot->slope = pot->slope1;
// ... and potfile VDSLOPE
pot->vdslope = pot->vdslope1;
else if ( pot->ftype >= 5 )
// log(m200) = a * log(mstar) + b (cf Leauthaud2009)
pot->a = pot->a1;
pot->b = pot->b1;
pot->slope = pot->slope1;
pot->vdslope = pot->vdslope1;
// set potfile VDSCAT for all potfile scaling relations
pot->vdscat = pot->vdscat1;
// ... and potfile RCUTSCAT
pot->rcutscat = pot->rcutscat1;
// Scale potfile parameters
long int i, ilensmin, ilensmax;
ilensmin = G.nplens[pot->potid];
ilensmax = G.nplens[pot->potid+1];
if ( pot->ftype == 1 || pot->ftype == 3 )
for ( i = ilensmin ; i < ilensmax ; i++ )
if ( lens[i].mag != 0 )
lens[i].rc = pot->core * pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - lens[i].mag) / 2.);
scale_pot(pot); // ...and RCUT and SIGMA of the clumps.
* Scale the sigma and rcut of a potfile clump according to the potfile parameters
void scale_pot(struct g_pot *pot)
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct pot lens[];
struct pot *ilens;
double lm200, lc200;
long int i, ilensmin, ilensmax;
ilensmin = G.nplens[pot->potid];
ilensmax = G.nplens[pot->potid+1];
// loop over the potfile clumps to scale
if ( pot->ftype <= 4 )
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
if ( ilens->mag != 0 )
ilens->sigma = pot->sigma *
pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) / pot->vdslope);
/* The factor of 2 so that with slope1 = 4, we have
* 2/slope1=1/2, then Brainerd, Blandford, Smail, 1996 */
ilens->rcut = pot->cut *
pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) * 2. / pot->slope);
if ( pot->ivdscat != 0 )
ilens->sigma += d_gauss(pot->vdscat, &S.rand);
// Convert sigma to b0
if ( pot->ircutscat != 0 )
ilens->rcut += d_gauss(pot->rcutscat, &S.rand);
else if ( pot->ftype == 5 )
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation from Alexie
lm200 = ilens->mag * pot->a + pot->b; // here ilens->mag = log10(stellar mass)
// concentration from Maccio2008 for WMAP2005
lc200 = -0.098 * (lm200 - 12 ) + 0.830;
// convert to values for lenstool NFW
ilens->masse = exp( lm200 * LOG10 );
ilens->beta = exp( lc200 * LOG10 );
else if ( pot->ftype == 6 )
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation from Alexie
// lm200 = ilens->mag * pot->a + pot->b; // here ilens->mag = log10(stellar mass)
lm200 = 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) * pot->a + pot->b;
// concentration from Gao2008 (zl=0.5)
lc200 = -0.125 * lm200 + 2.372;
// convert to values for lenstool NFW
ilens->masse = exp( lm200 * LOG10 );
ilens->beta = exp( lc200 * LOG10 );
else if ( pot->ftype == 61 )
double lsigma;
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation for SIS
ilens->sigma =pow(ilens->mag / pot->mag0, pot->a) * pot->b;
else if ( pot->ftype == 62 )
double lsigma;
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation for NFW and c(M) relation (Mandelbaum et al. 2008)
ilens->masse = pow(ilens->mag / pot->mag0, pot->slope) * pot->a;
ilens->beta = pow(ilens->masse / pot->a, -pot->vdslope) * pot->b / pow(1. + ilens->z, 0.45);
else if ( pot->ftype == 63 )
double lsigma;
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation for NFW and c(M) relation (Mandelbaum et al. 2008)
// same as 62 but for point mass, we don't need beta
ilens->masse = 0.01 * pow(ilens->mag / pot->mag0, pot->slope) * pot->a;
ilens->masse /= 1e12; // definition of point mass in Lenstool
else if ( pot->ftype == 7 )
const extern struct g_cosmo C;
double lmvir, mvir, cvir, rvir;
double rho_c, x;
double rs, rhos, delta_c, sigma_s2;
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];
// scaling relation from Bundy 2007 (stellar mass to mvir)
//lmvir = ilens->mag * pot->a + pot->b - 0.2 * (1. + ilens->z) ;
lmvir = (ilens->mag - 11. + 2. * log(C.h)) + 12.83 - 0.2 * (1. + ilens->z) ;
mvir = exp(lmvir * LOG10);
// concentration from Bullock 2001
cvir = 9. * pow(mvir / 8.12e12 * C.h, -0.14) / (1. + ilens->z);
// Delta_c overdensity for a flat universe and wX = -1, Bryan & Norman 1998
x = C.omegaM * pow(1. + ilens->z, 3) * chiz(ilens->z) * chiz(ilens->z);
x = x - 1.;
delta_c = 18. * PI * PI + 60. * x - 32 * x * x; // Overdensity
// rs in arcsec
rho_c = rho_cri(ilens->z); // in Msun/Mpc^3
rvir = pow(3. * mvir / 4. / PI / rho_c / delta_c, 0.333333); // in Mpc
rs = rvir / cvir; // in Mpc
ilens->rc = rs * 1e3 / (d0 / C.h * distcosmo1(ilens->z));
// sigma_s from Golse 2002
delta_c = delta_c / 3. * pow(cvir, 3) / (log(1. + cvir) - cvir / (1. + cvir));
rhos = delta_c * rho_c; // in Msun/Mpc^3
sigma_s2 = 8. / 3. / INVG * rs * rs * rhos;
ilens->sigma = sqrt(sigma_s2);
ilens->b0 = 6.*pia_c2 * ilens->sigma * ilens->sigma;
else if ( pot->ftype == 8 )
for ( i = ilensmin; i < ilensmax; i++ )
ilens = &lens[i];//lens[i] contsains parameters for potential i
if ( ilens->mag != 0 )
if ( ilens->effradius != 0 ) {
ilens->sigma = pot->sigma *
pow(10., log(ilens->effradius * 0.05) / 1.49 -
0.74/1.49 * (ilens->mag + 2.5 * log(2. * PI * (0.05*ilens->effradius)*(0.05*ilens->effradius)))/2.5 + 8.779/1.49); ///Bernardi:2003 R0 = sigma^1.49 I^-0.75 --> sigma = R0^1./1.49 . I^0.75/1.49
ilens->rcut = pot->cut *
pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) * 2. / pot->slope);
else {
ilens->sigma = pot->sigma *
pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) / pot->vdslope);
/* The factor of 2 so that with slope1 = 4, we have
* 2/slope1=1/2, then Brainerd, Blandford, Smail, 1996 */
ilens->rcut = pot->cut *
pow(10., 0.4 * (pot->mag0 - ilens->mag) * 2. / pot->slope);
if ( pot->ivdscat != 0 )
ilens->sigma += d_gauss(pot->vdscat, &S.rand);
// Convert sigma to b0
set_dynamics(i);//converts velocity dispersion into different units
if ( pot->ircutscat != 0 )
ilens->rcut += d_gauss(pot->rcutscat, &S.rand);

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