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const extern lensdata *lens_table;
/* nom: e_nfwgt */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib + David Sand */
/* date: 12/05 */
/* place: Toulouse */
/* Global variables used :
* in tnfwg_dpl() : lens_table
double nfwg_dpl(double r, double rs, double kappas, double alpha)
// I divide by 2 because in lenstool_tab, it is multiplied by 2
double dpl = kappas * rs / r * tnfwg_dpl(r / rs, alpha) / 2.;
return( dpl );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Global variable used :
* - in tnfwg_kappa() : lens_table
double nfwg_kappa(double r, double rs, double kappas, double alpha)
double kappa = kappas / 2. / rs * tnfwg_kappa(r / rs, alpha);
return( kappa );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Global variables used :
* - in nfwg_kappa() : lens_table
* - in nfwg_dpl() : lens_table
double nfwg_gamma(double r, double rs, double kappas, double alpha)
return( nfwg_dpl(r, rs, kappas, alpha) / r - nfwg_kappa(r, rs, kappas, alpha) );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Global variables used :
* in nfwg_kappa() : lens_table
* in nfwg_gamma() : lens_table
double nfwg_kappa_eps(double r, double rs, double theta, double kappas, double eps, double alpha)
double kappa_eps;
kappa_eps = nfwg_kappa(r, rs, kappas, alpha) + eps * cos(2 * theta)
* nfwg_gamma(r, rs, kappas, alpha);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return gamma1 and gamma2 for a pseudo-elliptical potential
* Global variables used :
* - in nfwg_dpl() : lens_table
* - in nfwg_kappa() : lens_table
* - in nfwg_gamma() : lens_table
* - in nfwg_kappa_eps() : lens_table
struct point nfwg_gamma_eps(double r, double rs, double theta, double kappas, double eps, double alpha)
struct point gamma_eps;
double kappa, gamma;
kappa = nfwg_kappa(r, rs, kappas, alpha);
gamma = nfwg_gamma(r, rs, kappas, alpha);
// gamma_eps = sqrt(gamma * gamma + 2 * eps * cos(2 * theta) * kappa * gamma + eps * eps * (kappa * kappa - pow(sin(2 * theta) * gamma, 2.)));
gamma_eps.x = gamma * cos(2. * theta) + eps * kappa; // gamma1
gamma_eps.y = -sqrt(1. - eps * eps) * gamma * sin(2. * theta); // gamma2
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return the NFW f function of x and alpha
* Global variables used :
* - lens_table
double tnfwg_kappa(double xwant, double alphawant)
long int xgoint, alphagoint, index_found, index_found2;
long int n_xstepsint, intnalphasteps;
double alphago, xgo, kappa_1, kappa_2, slope; //,intercept,dpl_1,dpl_2,kappatest,dpl_1test;
double alphalow, alphastep, a_step, x_not, x_max, alphahigh;
double nfwg_kappa_want;
/*read in the first two lines of the array to find the parameters for the rang
e of x and alpha*/
alphalow = lens_table[0].alpha_now;
intnalphasteps = (long int)lens_table[0].x_now;
alphastep = lens_table[0].kappa;
alphahigh = alphalow + alphastep * (intnalphasteps - 1);
x_not = lens_table[1].alpha_now;
n_xstepsint = (long int)lens_table[1].x_now;
a_step = lens_table[1].kappa;
x_max = x_not * pow(a_step, n_xstepsint - 1);
/*first find the two neighboring index positions in lens_table
from xwant and al phawant*/
if (alphawant > alphahigh)
// fprintf(stderr,"alpha is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",alphawant);
alphawant = alphahigh - alphastep / 2;
else if (alphawant < alphalow)
// fprintf(stderr,"alpha is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",alphawant);
alphawant = alphalow + alphastep / 2;
alphago = (alphawant - alphalow) / alphastep;
alphagoint = (long int)alphago;
if (xwant > x_max)
xwant = x_max / sqrt(a_step);
else if (xwant < x_not)
// fprintf(stderr,"xwant is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",xwant);
xwant = x_not * sqrt(a_step);
xgo = log10(xwant / x_not) / log10(a_step);
xgoint = (long int)xgo;
/*the '+2' accounts for the first two lines being used to determine the size of the file*/
index_found = alphagoint * n_xstepsint + xgoint + 2;
index_found2 = index_found + n_xstepsint; //+2;
/*first find value of nfwg_kappa_want at first interpolation step*/
slope = (lens_table[index_found].x_now - lens_table[index_found+1].x_now) / (lens_table[index_found].kappa - lens_table[index_found+1].kappa);
kappa_1 = lens_table[index_found].kappa - (lens_table[index_found].x_now - xwant) / slope;
/*now find value of nfwg_kappa_want at second interpolation step*/
slope = (lens_table[index_found2].x_now - lens_table[index_found2+1].x_now)
/ (lens_table[index_found2].kappa - lens_table[index_found2+1].kappa);
kappa_2 = lens_table[index_found2].kappa - (lens_table[index_found2].x_now - xwant)
/ slope;
/*now interpolate between the two values of kappa (kappa_1 and kappa_2) that i
just found*/
slope = alphastep / (kappa_2 - kappa_1);
nfwg_kappa_want = kappa_1 - (lens_table[index_found].alpha_now - alphawant) / slope;
return nfwg_kappa_want;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Return the NFW g function of x and alpha.
* Global variables used :
* - lens_table
* */
double tnfwg_dpl(double xwant, double alphawant)
long int xgoint, alphagoint, index_found, index_found2;
long int n_xstepsint, intnalphasteps;
double alphago, xgo, dpl_1, dpl_2, slope;
double alphalow, alphastep, a_step, x_not, x_max, alphahigh;
double nfwg_dpl_want;
/*read in the first two lines of the array to find the parameters for
* the range of x and alpha*/
alphalow = lens_table[0].alpha_now;
alphastep = lens_table[0].kappa;
intnalphasteps = (long int)lens_table[0].x_now;
alphahigh = alphalow + alphastep * (intnalphasteps - 1);
x_not = lens_table[1].alpha_now;
a_step = lens_table[1].kappa;
n_xstepsint = (long int)lens_table[1].x_now;
x_max = x_not * pow(a_step, n_xstepsint - 1);
/*first find the two neighboring index positions in lens_table from xwant and alphawant*/
if (alphawant > alphahigh)
// fprintf(stderr,"alpha is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",alphawant);
alphawant = alphahigh - alphastep / 2;
else if (alphawant < alphalow)
// fprintf(stderr,"alpha is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",alphawant);
alphawant = alphalow + alphastep / 2;
alphago = (alphawant - alphalow) / alphastep;
alphagoint = (long int)alphago;
if (xwant > x_max)
// fprintf(stderr,"xwant is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",xwant);
xwant = x_max / sqrt(a_step);
if (xwant < x_not)
// fprintf(stderr,"xwant is out of bounds!!!! %lf\n",xwant);
xwant = x_not * sqrt(a_step);
xgo = log10(xwant / x_not) / log10(a_step);
xgoint = (long int)xgo;
/*the '+2' accounts for the first two lines being used to determine the size of the file*/
index_found = alphagoint * n_xstepsint + xgoint + 2;
index_found2 = index_found + n_xstepsint; //+2;
/*first find value of nfwg_dpl_want at first interpolation step*/
slope = (lens_table[index_found].x_now - lens_table[index_found+1].x_now) / (lens_table[index_found].dpl - lens_table[index_found+1].dpl);
dpl_1 = lens_table[index_found].dpl - (lens_table[index_found].x_now - xwant) / slope;
/*now find value of nfwg_dpl_want at second interpolation step*/
slope = (lens_table[index_found2].x_now - lens_table[index_found2+1].x_now) / (lens_table[index_found2].dpl - lens_table[index_found2+1].dpl);
dpl_2 = lens_table[index_found2].dpl - (lens_table[index_found2].x_now - xwant) / slope;
/*now interpolate between the two values of dpl (dpl_1 and dpl_2) that i just found*/
slope = alphastep / (dpl_2 - dpl_1);
nfwg_dpl_want = dpl_1 - (lens_table[index_found].alpha_now - alphawant) / slope;
return nfwg_dpl_want;

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