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#include "fonction.h"
#include "constant.h"
#include "structure.h"
//#define DDEBUG
/* nom: e_unlens */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse
* This function performs a kind of iterative inversion process to get
* the position of one arclet knowing the position of the source Bs.
* Return in multib a list of arclet positions in the image plane
* corresponding to the Bs source position. Return the number of
* valid positions in multib.
* If it has been possible to find a triangle in the source plane that
* contains Bs and is smaller than the minimum surface required (defined
* by the DMIN constant), then multib[i] contains the barycenter
* of this triangle in the image plane, otherwise it contains the observed
* arclet position multi[i] and the warn global variable is incremented.
* Parameters :
* - n : number of arclets in multi[]
* - multi[] : list of arclets for a source
* - Ps[] : list of sources corresponding to the arclets of multi[]
* - Bs : barycenter in the source plane of the list of arclets in multi[]
* Global varibles used :
* - distmin (constant)
* - in e_im_prec() : it, G, lens, lens_table
* - in e_transform() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in e_amp() : G, lens, lens_table
void e_powell( struct point Bs, double dlsds,
struct point *p, struct point *xi,
double ftol, double *fret);
void amoeba(struct point Bs, double dlsds, struct point *p, double *y, double ftol );
//function for single arclet
int unlens_bc_single(struct point Psi,
struct point Bs,
struct galaxie *multii,
struct point *multibi,
int n_famille);
//det_stop: if det_stop than we should stop imediately
// It can happen in openmp mode then chi2_img
// have already decided return -1.
int unlens_bc(const struct point *Ps,
struct point Bs,
struct galaxie *multi,
struct point *multib,
int n,
int n_famille,
int *det_stop)
const extern double distmin[NFMAX];
int nimages; // number of valid images in multib
int i, j;
double d, dmax;
nimages = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (*det_stop)
if (unlens_bc_single(Ps[i], Bs, &(multi[i]), &(multib[i]), n_famille))
// Reorder the predicted images to make them closer to their observed counterparts
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int jclose = -1;
dmax = 100000.; // in arcsec
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
d = dist(multi[i].C, multib[j]);
if( d < dmax )
dmax = d;
jclose = j;
// swap the predicted points to match the closer observed images
if( jclose != i )
struct point tmp;
tmp.x = multib[i].x;
tmp.y = multib[i].y;
multib[i].x = multib[jclose].x;
multib[i].y = multib[jclose].y;
multib[jclose].x = tmp.x;
multib[jclose].y = tmp.y;
// Test if 2 images are at the same place
multib[n] = multib[0];
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if( dist(multib[i], multib[i+1]) < 0.1 )
// compute the distances to the observed images, and keep the smallest one for stats in o_chires
double d1 = dist(multib[i], multi[i].C);
double d2 = dist(multib[i+1], multi[i+1].C);
if( d1 > d2 )
multib[i].x = multi[i].C.x;
multib[i].y = multi[i].C.y;
multib[i+1].x = multi[i+1].C.x;
multib[i+1].y = multi[i+1].C.y;
return nimages; // number of valid images in multib
//function for single arclet
int unlens_bc_single(struct point Psi,
struct point Bs,
struct galaxie *multii,
struct point *multibi,
int n_famille)
const extern double distmin[NFMAX];
struct bitriplet TE;
struct bitriplet Tfinal; // list of final triangles found. (source and image planes)
// bi-triangle definition
/* TE.i.a=multii->C;
TE.i.b.x=TE.i.a.x +2.*(Bs.x-Psi.x) -(Bs.y-Psi.y);
TE.i.b.y=TE.i.a.y +2.*(Bs.y-Psi.y) -(Bs.x-Psi.x);
TE.i.c.x=TE.i.a.x +2.*(Bs.x-Psi.x) +(Bs.y-Psi.y);
TE.i.c.y=TE.i.a.y +2.*(Bs.y-Psi.y) +(Bs.x-Psi.x); */
/*distance between the barycenter of the sources and a particular source
* normalized by the amplification factor at the arclet position*/
double amp = fabs(e_amp_gal(multii, NULL));
double dd = 0.7 * dist(Bs, Psi) / amp; // distance scaled back to image plane
/*minimal distance between the images of a familly*/
double d_min = 0.4 * distmin[n_famille];
/*if the distance in the source plane is larger than the
* smallest distance between 2 images*/
if ( d_min < dd )
dd = d_min;
/* TE.i represents an equilateral triangle with Cx,Cy at its center*/
TE.i.a.x = multii->C.x;
TE.i.a.y = multii->C.y + 2.*dd;
TE.i.b.x = multii->C.x + 1.7 * dd;
TE.i.b.y = multii->C.y - dd;
TE.i.c.x = multii->C.x - 1.7 * dd;
TE.i.c.y = multii->C.y - dd;
/* Compute a triplet of simulated sources for the corresponding
* triplet of simulated images. We assume that Bs is in TE.s */
e_transform(&TE.i, multii->dr, &TE.s);
/*count the loops needed to reach the smallest source triangle*/
int it = 0;
/*return the smallest couple of triangles in which Bs is located
* in the source triangle TE.s and the image triangle TE.i contains
* or is close to the current arclet position multii->C in the image
* plane. Tfinal.i is a subtriangle of TE.i and Tfinal.s its associated
* triangle in the source plane.
* It's a kind of dichotomic process to get the
* position of one arclet and its source with precision. */
e_im_prec(&TE, &Bs, multii->dr, &it, &Tfinal);
// Di=dist(barycentre(Tfinal.i),multii->C);
// CG.x=Tfinal.i.a.x;
// CG.y=Tfinal.i.a.y;
// NPRINTF(stderr,"Ai=%.3lf Aig=%.3lf Di=%.3lf\n",1./e_amp(multii->C,dlsds),1./e_amp(CG,dlsds),Di);
double D = dist(barycentre(&Tfinal.s), Bs) / amp; //,Di;
if ( D < 0.1 )
*multibi = barycentre(&Tfinal.i);
return 1; //nimages++
//Bs is too far and cannot be reached by the e_im_prec() function
*multibi = multii->C;
//NPRINTF(stderr,"WARNING: could not find the searched image\n");
// NPRINTF(stderr,"Ai=%.3lf Aig=%.3lf D:%lf i:%d j:%d it:%d\n",1./e_amp(multii->C,dlsds),1./e_amp(CG,dlsds),D,n_famille,i,it);
return 0; //do not count the current image

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