module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU_v2(double *grid_grad_x, double *grid_grad_y, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame, int nbgridcells, int i, int nhalos)
__device__ point module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_5_SOA_GPU(const struct point *pImage, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int shalos, int nhalos){
double R = sqrt(x*x*(1 - ell_pot) + y*y*(1 + ell_pot));
result.x = (1 - ell_pot)*lens->b0[i]*x/R;
result.y = (1 + ell_pot)*lens->b0[i]*y/R;
grad.x += result.x*cose - result.y*sine;
grad.y += result.y*cose + result.x*sine;
return grad;
__device__ point module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_8_SOA_GPU(const struct point *image_point, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int shalos, int nhalos){
struct point grad;
grad.x = 0;
grad.y = 0;
for(int i = shalos; i < shalos + nhalos; i++)
complex zis;
// positioning at the potential center
// Change the origin of the coordinate system to the center of the clump
__device__ point module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_81_SOA_GPU(const struct point *pImage, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int shalos, int nhalos){