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Mon, Mar 17, 20:23
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Wed, Mar 19, 20:23 (2 d)
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R1448 Lenstool-HPC
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// Filename: hilbert.h
// Purpose: Header for hilbert.c
// History: Incorporates Hilbert and Linked-list codes.
// John Skilling 28 Jan 2002 - 11 Oct 2003
#ifndef HILBERTH
#define HILBERTH
typedef unsigned int coord_t; // char,short,int for 8,16,32 bits per word
struct Node_;
struct Atom_;
typedef struct Atom_
coord_t* Label; // label as composite integer ([0] high)
struct Node_* Base;
struct Node_* Free;
} Atom; // Element of linked list
typedef struct Node_
int depth;
int number;
struct Node_* parent;
struct Node_* lo;
struct Node_* hi;
struct Atom_* atom;
} Node; // Linkage in linked list
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Composite-integer arithmetic ...............................................
extern int CmpLabel( // Output sign(u-v) for comparison
coord_t* u, // Input composite integer ([0] high)
coord_t* v, // Input composite integer ([0] high)
int Ndim); // Dimension
extern void AddLabel( // Add labels
coord_t* w, // Output sum u+v
coord_t* u, // Input composite integer
coord_t* v, // Input composite integer
int Ndim); // Dimension
extern void SubLabel( // Subtract labels
coord_t* w, // Output difference u-v
coord_t* u, // Input composite integer
coord_t* v, // Input composite integer
int Ndim); // Dimension
// Hilbert curve ..............................................................
extern void LinetoAxes( // multidimensional posn <--- serial Hilbert length
coord_t* Axes, // O multidimensional position [Ndim]
coord_t* Line, // I linear serial number, stored as [Ndim]
int Nbits, // I # bits used for each coordinate
int Ndim); // I dimension
extern void AxestoLine( // serial Hilbert length <--- multidimensional posn
coord_t* Line, // O linear serial number, stored as [Ndim]
coord_t* Axes, // I multidimensional position [Ndim]
int Nbits, // I # bits used for each coordinate
int Ndim); // I dimension
// Linked list ................................................................
extern int SetLink( // Setup Link
int Ndim, // Dimension
Node* Link); // Linked list
extern int FreeLink( // Free memory allocated by SetLink
Node* Link); // Linked list
extern int InsAtom( // Insert atom (1=accept, 0=reject, -ve=error)
Atom* insertion, // &(atom to be inserted)
Node* Link); // Linked list
extern int DelAtom( // Delete atom
Atom* deletion, // &(atom to be deleted)
Node* Link); // Linked list
extern Atom* EndLink( // Output &(last atom in list): see BeginLink
const Node* Link); // Linked list
extern Atom* FindHere( // Output &(atom at Label), or NULL
coord_t* Label, // Input composite integer
const Node* Link); // Linked list
extern Atom* FindLeft( // Output &(atom at or before Label), or NULL
coord_t* Label, // Input composite integer
const Node* Link); // Linked list
extern Atom* FindRight( // Output &(atom at or after Label), or NULL
coord_t* Label, // Input composite integer
const Node* Link); // Linked list
extern Atom* FindOrder( // Output &(n'th atom in ordered list)
int n, // order number in list
const Node* Link); // Linked list
extern int OrderNum( // Output order number in list: see FindOrder
Atom* atom); // Input &(atom)
extern int Storage( // Output position in current storage: see FindAtom
Atom* atom); // Input &(atom)
#undef FindAtom // Output &(n'th atom in current storage of Link)
#define FindAtom(n,Link) (NumAtoms(Link) ? (Link)->atom + (n) + 1 : NULL)
#undef BeginLink // Output &(1st atom in list of Link): see EndLink
#define BeginLink(Link) (NumAtoms(Link)?(Link)->atom->Base->hi->atom:NULL)
#undef NextAtom // Output &(rightward neighbour atom to A), or NULL
#define NextAtom(A) ((A)&&(A)->Base->hi ? (A)->Base->hi->atom : NULL)
#undef PrevAtom // Output &(leftward neighbour atom to A), or NULL
#define PrevAtom(A) ((A)&&(A)->Base->lo->lo?(A)->Base->lo->atom:NULL)
#undef NumAtoms // Output number of atoms in Link
#define NumAtoms(Link) ((Link)->atom->Free->number - 1)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define E_TREEDATA -261 // Wrong input sizes
#undef E_MALLOC
#define E_MALLOC -130 // Can't allocate memory
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