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#include "lt.h"
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include "omp.h"
#define CHIRES
static double chi2SglImage( struct galaxie *pima, struct point *ps );
static int chi2_img( double *chi2, double *lh0 );
static int chi2_src( double *chi2, double *lh0, double *np_b0 );
static void chi2_wl( double *chi2, double *lh0 );
static void srcfitLinFit( double *chi2, double *lh0 ) __attribute__((noinline));
/* fonction: o_chi */
/* auteur: jpk */
* Return the total chi2 value
* Global variables used :
* - chip, chia, chix, chiy, chil, chis, chi_im, M, G, I, lens, shm, nshmap, arclet
* multi, cl, narclet, nwarn, optim_z, elix, SC, amplifi_mat, amplifi_matinv
* map_p, map_axx, map_ayy
* - in sig2posS() : amplifi
* - in sig2posSj() : amplifi
* - in sig2posS4j() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in distcosmo1() : C
* - in e_zeroamp() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in weight_baryc() : amplifi, G, lens, lens_table, multi, C
* - in fmin_ell() : elix, SC, G, lens, lens_table
* - in o_flux() : multi, G, lens, lens_table
* - in o_chi_flux() : I
* - in amplif() : I, amplifi, G, lens, C, lens_table
* - in amplif_mat() : I, multi, amplifi_mat, G, lens, lens_table, C
* - in amplif_matinv() : I, multi, amplifi_matinv, G, lens, lens_table, C
* - in dratio() : C
* - in e_unmag() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in chi_invim() : pi, ps, M, iline, radial, tangent, nrline, ntline,
* CL, lens, flagr, flagt, G, lens_table
* - in sp_set() : v_xx, v_yy
* - in o_dpl() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in o_mag_m() : G, lens, lens_table
* - in unlens_bc() : nwarn, distmin, G, lens, lens_table
#ifdef CHIRES
void o_chires(char *filename)
// Return 1 if error, 0 otherwise
int o_chi_lhood0(double *chi_ext, double *lhood0_ext, double *np_b0)
/* variables externes */
extern struct g_mode M;
const extern struct g_grille G;
const extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_dyn Dy; //TV
const extern struct pot lens[NLMAX];
extern struct shear shm[];
extern struct cline cl[];
extern double chil, chis, chi_im, chi_vel, chi_mass; //TV
extern int nshmap;
// extern double amplifi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern double **map_p, **map_axx, **map_ayy;
extern int nplo, **imuo;
extern double drima, **imo, **wo, **ero, **soo;
extern struct pixlist plo[];
/* local variables */
struct point A, B, D;
struct ellipse ampli;
double chi_mult, chisrcfit, chish;
double chi, lhood0;
double x, qp, tp;
int i, j;
#ifdef CHIRES
OUT = fopen(filename, "w");
double *np_b0 = NULL;
/*variables initialisation*/
chi = 0.;
chish = 0.;
chi_im = 0.;
chis = 0.;
chi_mult = 0.;
chisrcfit = 0.;
chil = 0.;
lhood0 = 0.;
chi_vel = 0.;
chi_mass = 0.;
/* spline mapping */
if (lens[0].type == 10)
sp_set(map_p, G.nx, G.ny, map_axx, map_ayy);
/* if cleanset is true in cleanlens*/
if (M.iclean != 0)
if (M.iclean == 2)
// Add up barycenter position to source positions
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
const extern struct g_image I;
struct point Bs[NFMAX]; // list of source barycenters
struct point Ps[NIMAX];
char str[IDSIZE], *pch; // get image identifier
if( I.n_mult > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
// check if source is attached to an image
strcpy(str, source[i].n);
pch = strtok(str, "_");
pch = strtok(NULL, "_");
if( pch == NULL ) break; // no attachment to an image
// look for the corresponding image family
j = 0;
while ( indexCmp( pch, multi[j][0].n ) && j < I.n_mult ) j++;
// add barycenter position
if( j < I.n_mult )
o_dpl(I.mult[j], multi[j], Ps, np_b0);
Ps[I.mult[j]] = Ps[0];
Bs[i] = bcentlist(Ps, I.mult[j]);
source[i].C.x += Bs[i].x;
source[i].C.y += Bs[i].y;
// Compute image
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
const extern struct g_observ O;
double dx = imFrame.xmax - imFrame.xmin;
double dy = imFrame.ymax - imFrame.ymin;
int verbose_save = M.verbose;
M.verbose = 0;
//2Eric: You assume that imFrame.pixelx == imFrame.pixely ?
if (fabs(( imFrame.pixelx - imFrame.pixely)/imFrame.pixelx) > 1e-4)
fprintf(stderr, "Error | imFrame.pixelx(%f) != imFrame.pixely(%f) but we assume that they are equal\n", imFrame.pixelx, imFrame.pixely);
o_pixel(ero, imFrame.nx, imFrame.ny, imFrame.pixelx, imFrame.xmin, imFrame.xmax, imFrame.ymin, imFrame.ymax, source, map_axx, map_ayy);
//wrf_fits_abs("simu.fits", ero, imFrame.nx, imFrame.ny, imFrame.xmin, imFrame.xmax, imFrame.ymin, imFrame.ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
if (O.setseeing)
d_seeing_omp(ero, imFrame.nx, imFrame.ny, imFrame.pixelx);
if (O.bruit)
d_bruiter_omp(ero, imFrame.nx, imFrame.ny);
M.verbose = verbose_save;
if (wo != NULL)
for (i = 0; i < imFrame.ny; i++ )
for (j = 0; j < imFrame.nx; j++ )
ero[i][j] -= imo[i][j];
chi_im += ero[i][j] * ero[i][j] * wo[i][j];
lhood0 -= log( 2.*M_PI*wo[i][j] );
for (i = 0; i < imFrame.ny; i++ )
for (j = 0; j < imFrame.nx; j++ )
ero[i][j] -= imo[i][j];
chi_im += ero[i][j] * ero[i][j] / fabs(imo[i][j] + 1.);
lhood0 += log( 2.*M_PI*fabs(imo[i][j] + 1.) );
// restore relative source positions
if( I.n_mult > 0 )
for( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
// check if source is attached to an image
strcpy(str, source[i].n);
pch = strtok(str, "_");
pch = strtok(NULL, "_");
if( pch == NULL ) break; // no attachment to an image
// look for the corresponding image family
j = 0;
while ( indexCmp( pch, multi[j][0].n ) && j < I.n_mult ) j++;
// add barycenter position
if( j < I.n_mult )
source[i].C.x -= Bs[i].x;
source[i].C.y -= Bs[i].y;
/* chi_im is the error associated to the transformation image -> source*/
chi_im = chi_invim(imo, plo, nplo, drima, soo, ero, imuo);
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "chi_im %.2lf\n", chi_im);
/* ----------------------------------------------------
* Weak-Lensing chi2
* if arcletstat is true in image section*/
if (I.stat != 0)
chi2_wl(&chis, &lhood0);
#ifndef CHIRES
// check for NaN. It can happen in some very particular conditions
// - when for 1 arclet, grad2.a = -5.2e-08 (EJ 16/03/2011)
if( chis != chis ) return(1);
/* if shearmap is true in image section*/
if (I.shmap != 0)
chish = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nshmap; i++)
ampli = e_unmag(&shm[i].C, I.dl0ssh, I.dossh, I.zsh);
qp = fabs(ampli.b / ampli.a);
tp = fabs(1. - qp * qp) / 2. / qp;
ampli.theta += M_PI / 2.;
x = (shm[i].mx - tp * cos(2.*ampli.theta)) / shm[i].err;
chish += x * x;
x = (shm[i].my - tp * sin(2.*ampli.theta)) / shm[i].err;
chish += x * x;
chish /= nshmap;
chis += chish;
} /*end if (I.shmap!=0)*/
/* if I.n_mult is true in image keyword*/
if (I.n_mult != 0)
if (I.forme >= 0)
// Source plan chi2
x = chi2_src( &chi_mult, &lhood0, np_b0 );
// Image plane chi2
tp = lhood0;
x = chi2_img( &chi_mult, &lhood0 );
//Uncomment if you want to chain image plane and source plane
if( x != 0. )
chi_mult = 0.; lhood0 = tp;
chi2_src(&chi_mult, &lhood0 );
#ifndef CHIRES
// This case should never happens in o_chires().
// this #ifndef condition aims only at avoiding the compilation warning
if ( x != 0 ) return(1);
} /*end of optimization with the arclets*/
// if there are points for source plane fitting
if (I.srcfit != 0 )
srcfitLinFit(&chisrcfit, &lhood0);
#ifndef CHIRES
if ( chisrcfit == -1. ) return(1);
/* if there are constraints on the critical lines positions in image keyword*/
if (I.npcl != 0)
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "chi critical ligne\n");
double ampa, ampb, d;
chil = 0.;
for (i = 0; i < I.npcl; i++)
A.x = cl[i].C.x - cl[i].dl * cos(cl[i].phi);
A.y = cl[i].C.y - cl[i].dl * sin(cl[i].phi);
B.x = cl[i].C.x + cl[i].dl * cos(cl[i].phi);
B.y = cl[i].C.y + cl[i].dl * sin(cl[i].phi);
ampa = e_amp(&A, cl[i].dl0s, cl[i].dos, cl[i].z);
ampb = e_amp(&B, cl[i].dl0s, cl[i].dos, cl[i].z);
if (ampa*ampb < 0.)
// look for the critical line position between A and B
// the precision if fixed by PREC_ZERO
D = e_zeroamp(A, B, cl[i].dl0s, cl[i].dos, cl[i].z);
if ((B.x != A.x) && (ampb != ampa))
D.x = (ampb * A.x - ampa * B.x) / (ampb - ampa);
D.x = A.x;
if ((B.y != A.y) && (ampb != ampa))
D.y = (ampb * A.y - ampa * B.y) / (ampb - ampa);
D.y = A.y;
d = dist(D, cl[i].C) / cl[i].dl;
chil += d * d;
// add parity chi2 (side A must be +-, side B must be ++)
ampli = e_unmag(&A, cl[i].dl0s, cl[i].dos, cl[i].z);
if( ampli.a < 0. ) chil += ampli.a * ampli.a;
if( ampli.b > 0. ) chil += ampli.b * ampli.b;
ampli = e_unmag(&B, cl[i].dl0s, cl[i].dos, cl[i].z);
if( ampli.a < 0. ) chil += ampli.a * ampli.a;
if( ampli.b < 0. ) chil += ampli.b * ampli.b;
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "%d %.3lf %.3lf %.2lf\n", i, cl[i].C.x, cl[i].C.y, d*d);
fprintf(OUT, "chil %.2lf\n", chil);
if (Dy.dynnumber == 1 || Dy.dynnumber == 2 || Dy.dynnumber == 3 || Dy.dynnumber == 4)
//extern struct pot lens[NLMAX];
double vel_model; //TV Oct2011
double mass_model;
if (Dy.dynnumber == 1 || Dy.dynnumber == 2)
vel_model = lens[0].sigma/1.473972264; //Transformation of the velocity in "our" velocity
chi_vel = (Dy.dynvel - vel_model) * (Dy.dynvel - vel_model) / Dy.dynevel / Dy.dynevel;
lhood0 += log( 2.*M_PI*(Dy.dynevel*Dy.dynevel) ); // NORMALIZATION
if (Dy.dynnumber == 2)
mass_model = mass2d_NFW(lens[0].sigma,Dy.refradius,lens[0].rckpc); //Analitical mass
chi_mass = (Dy.indmass - mass_model)*(Dy.indmass - mass_model) / Dy.indemass / Dy.indemass;
lhood0 += log( 2.*M_PI*(Dy.indemass*Dy.indemass) ); // NORMALIZATION
if (Dy.dynnumber == 3)
mass_model = mass3d_NFW(lens[0].sigma,Dy.refradius,lens[0].rckpc); //Analitical mass
chi_mass = (Dy.indmass - mass_model)*(Dy.indmass - mass_model) / Dy.indemass / Dy.indemass;
lhood0 += log( 2.*M_PI*(Dy.indemass*Dy.indemass) ); // NORMALIZATION
/* if (Dy.dynnumber == 4) //MAMPOST
Full MAMPOSSt will be implemented soon
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT,"chi_vel %7.4lf\n",chi_vel);
fprintf(OUT,"chi_mass %7.4lf\n",chi_mass);
chi = chi_im + chis + chisrcfit + chil + chi_mult + chi_vel + chi_mass; //TV //Min(chi_mult, 100000000.);
// printf("chi_mult %lf chisrcfit %lf chil %lf\n",chi_mult,chisrcfit,chil);
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "\nchitot %.2lf\n", chi);
fprintf(OUT, "log(Likelihood) %.2lf\n", -0.5*(chi + lhood0));
/* NPRINTF(stderr,"chip=%.3lf",chip); */
/* NPRINTF(stderr,f"chia=%.3lf chip=%.3lf chix=%.3lf chiy=%.3lf\n",chia,chip,chix,chiy); */
#ifndef CHIRES
*chi_ext = chi;
*lhood0_ext = lhood0;
return 0; // OK
#ifndef CHIRES
// Return the chi2. Return -1 if error
double o_chi()
int error;
double chi2, lhood0;
error = o_chi_lhood0(&chi2, &lhood0, NULL);
if ( !error )
#ifdef __SEGER__O_CHI_TEST
static int o_lhood_count = 0;
struct timeval o_lhood_tv1;
double o_lhood(int *error)
double chi2, lhood0;
*error = o_chi_lhood0(&chi2, &lhood0, NULL);
#ifdef __SEGER__O_CHI_TEST
fprintf(stdout, "%d %g %g\n", o_lhood_count, chi2, lhood0);
if (o_lhood_count == 1)
gettimeofday(&o_lhood_tv1, NULL);
if (o_lhood_count == 200)
struct timeval tv2;
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
fprintf(stdout, "time %g\n", (double)(tv2.tv_sec - o_lhood_tv1.tv_sec) +
1e-6 * (tv2.tv_usec - o_lhood_tv1.tv_usec));
//just in case o_chires test
return(-0.5*(chi2 + lhood0));
/* Return the chi2 to a set of arclet according to the
* I.stat chosen method.
static void chi2_wl(double *chi2, double *lh0)
extern struct g_mode M;
const extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_source S;
extern long int narclet;
extern struct galaxie arclet[NAMAX];
long int i;
double ells, wht_ell, es1, es2; /*error and weight in ellipticity in the image plane*/
double a, b, e, g, g1, g2, e1, e2;
double chi2i;
double x, qp, dp, tp, k;
struct ellipse ell_sou, source, ampli; /* variables locales images */
struct matrix grad2;
#ifdef CHIRES
double ga; // shear,kappa,reduced shear estimator
fprintf(OUT, "chis arclets\n");
fprintf(OUT, " N ID z chi2 gamma 1-k g es1 es2\n");
if ( I.stat == 1 || I.stat == 2 )
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
/* optimisation du z */
if (I.stat == 2)
printf("WARN: redshift optimisation with I.stat=2 not yet implemented.\n");
// if (indexCmp(I.nza, arclet[i].n)) //TO CHECK (previous version : I.nza!=i+1)
// {
// SC = arclet[i].C;
// ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
// elix = fabs(arclet[i].eps *
// cos(2 * (arclet[i].E.theta - ampli.theta)));
// //arclet[i].dr =
// // zero_t(arclet[i].dr, arclet[i].dr + .05, fmin_ell);
// }
// else
// // all arclets are optimised but arclet[i]
// arclet[i].dr = I.drarclet;
/* calcul de ts optimise */
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
isoima(&arclet[i].E, &ampli, &ell_sou);
x = ell_sou.b / ell_sou.a;
x = .5 * (1. / x - x);
if (I.stat == 2)
// if (indexCmp(I.nza, arclet[i+1].n)) //TO CHECK (previous version : I.nza!=i+1)
// *chi2 += x * x;
// else
// {
// // less weight to strong lensing arcs
// *chi2 += 50.*x * x;
// }
*chi2 += x * x;
}; /*end for (i=0;i<narclet;i++)*/
} /* if ((I.stat==1)||(I.stat==2))*/
else if (I.stat == 3) /* optimisation de l'orientation */
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
x = arclet[i].tau * sin( 2.*(arclet[i].E.theta - ampli.theta));
*chi2 += x * x;
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "%ld %s %.2lf\n", i, arclet[i].n, x*x);
else if (I.stat == 4) /* optimisation orientation + ellipticite*/
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
qp = fabs(ampli.b / ampli.a);
dp = (1. + qp * qp) / 2. / qp;
tp = fabs(1. - qp * qp) / 2. / qp;
x = dp * arclet[i].tau * cos( 2.*(arclet[i].E.theta - ampli.theta))
- tp * arclet[i].dis;
*chi2 += x * x;
//chis /=narclet;
else if (I.stat == 5) /* optimisation orientation + ellipticite*/
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
isoima(&arclet[i].E, &ampli, &source);
x = fabs( (source.a * source.a - source.b * source.b)
/ 2. / source.a * source.b);
*chi2 += x * x / 0.001;
//chis /=narclet;
else if (I.stat == 6) /* optimisation ellipticite a la Marshall*/
double lh0_add = 0;
double chi2_add = 0;
int num_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
if (num_threads > narclet / 100)
num_threads = narclet / 100;
#ifdef CHIRES
num_threads = 1;
#pragma omp parallel for if (num_threads > 1) schedule(guided, 100) \
private(ampli, source, ells, es1, es2, chi2i) \
reduction(+: lh0_add, chi2_add) num_threads(num_threads)
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
// Get amplification matrix:
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
// WARNING! if you uncomment something here put
// "local variables" into private section of #pragma omp
// a = ampli.a; b = ampli.b;
// e = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a + b * b);
// g1 = e * cos(2. * ampli.theta);
// g2 = e * sin(2. * ampli.theta);
// a = arclet[i].E.a; b = arclet[i].E.b;
// e = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a + b * b);
// e1 = e * cos(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
// e2 = e * sin(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
// es1 = e1 - g1;
// es2 = e2 - g2;
// Apply amplification matrix to image shape to get source shape:
isoima(&arclet[i].E, &ampli, &source);
// In weak lensing regime, have that e = e_s + g, or that e_s = e - g
// i.e. in this limit source contains the residual that goes into chi-sq
ells = (source.a * source.a - source.b * source.b) / (source.a * source.a + source.b * source.b);
es1 = ells * cos(2 * source.theta);
es2 = ells * sin(2 * source.theta);
//WARNING! if you uncomment something here then put
//"local variables" into private section of #pragma omp
// Ellipticity compnents are the objects that are Gaussian-distributed:
// cos2th = cos(2.0*source.theta);
// sin2th = sin(2.0*source.theta);
// ells1 = ells*cos2th;
// ells2 = ells*sin2th;
// Product of Gaussian distributions centred on zero:
// WARNING! if you uncoment it then put chis to reduction statement
// chis += ells1*ells1*wht_ell + ells2*ells2*wht_ell;
chi2i = es1 * es1 / (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var1 );
chi2i += es2 * es2 / (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var2 );
chi2_add += chi2i;
//if ( I.statmode == 1 || I.dsigell != -1 )
lh0_add += log( 2 * M_PI * (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var1) ) +
log( 2 * M_PI * (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var2) );
// TODO: test this on simulated data...
#ifdef CHIRES
#pragma omp critical
ga = (ampli.a - ampli.b) / 2.; // gamma_i
k = (ampli.a + ampli.b) / 2.; // divided by 1-k_i
g = ga / k;
NPRINTF(stdout, "INFO: compute chi2 for arclet %ld/%ld\r", i + 1, narclet);
fprintf(OUT, "%6ld %6s %.3lf %6.4lf %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le\n", i, arclet[i].n, arclet[i].z, chi2i, ga, k, g, es1, es2 );
// printf( "%lf\n", chi2_add);
*chi2 += chi2_add;
*lh0 += lh0_add;
#ifdef CHIRES
else if (I.stat == 7 || I.stat == 8) // optimisation ellipticite superior a la Marshall
else if (I.stat == 7) // optimisation ellipticite superior a la Marshall
// TODO include shape estimation error in quadrature?
// wht_ell = 1. / I.sig2ell;
// Compute the normalisation factor
// *lh0 += narclet * log( 2 * M_PI * I.sig2ell );
double lh0_add = 0;
double chi2_add = 0;
int num_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
if (num_threads > narclet / 100)
num_threads = narclet / 100;
#ifdef CHIRES
num_threads = 1;
#pragma omp parallel for if (num_threads > 1) schedule(guided, 100) \
private(grad2, k, g1, g2, g, e, e1, e2, x, es1, es2, chi2i) \
reduction(+: lh0_add, chi2_add) num_threads(num_threads)
for (i = 0; i < narclet; i++)
grad2 = e_grad2_gal(&arclet[i], NULL);
// Get amplification matrix:
grad2.a /= arclet[i].dos;
grad2.b /= arclet[i].dos;
grad2.c /= arclet[i].dos;
// a = ampli.a; b = ampli.b;
// // k = 0.5 * (grad2.a + grad2.c) <--> k = 1 - 0.5 * (ampli.a + ampli.b)
// // gam = 0.5 * (ampli.a - ampli.c) <--> gam = sqrt(g1^2 + g2^2)
// // gam * cos(2*ampli.theta) <-> g1 = 0.5 * (grad2.c - grad2.a)
// // gam * sin(2*ampli.theta) <-> g2 = - grad2.b
k = 0.5 * (grad2.a + grad2.c);
g1 = 0.5 * (grad2.c - grad2.a) / (1. - k); // reduced shear
g2 = - grad2.b / (1. - k);
g = g1 * g1 + g2 * g2;
// e = (grad2.a - grad2.c) / (a + b); // g = gamma / (1-kappa)
// g1 = e * cos(2. * ampli.theta);
// g2 = e * sin(2. * ampli.theta);
// a = arclet[i].E.a; b = arclet[i].E.b;
// e = (a - b) / (a + b);
// e1 = e * cos(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
// e2 = e * sin(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
// a & b are gamma1 and gamma2 (calibrated ellipticities)
// In COSMOS : e = (a*a-b*b)/(a*a+b*b) (cos(2theta) + i sin(2theta))
// (See Bartelmann & Schneider 2001 : Eq. 4.6 pg 49)
e = (arclet[i].E.a * arclet[i].E.a - arclet[i].E.b * arclet[i].E.b) / (arclet[i].E.a * arclet[i].E.a + arclet[i].E.b * arclet[i].E.b);
e1 = e * cos(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
e2 = e * sin(2. * arclet[i].E.theta);
g1 *= -1; g2 *= -1; /// to match Bartelmann definition in Eq 4.6
x = 1. + g - 2. * (g1 * e1 + g2 * e2);
es1 = (e1 - 2. * g1 + e1 * (g1 * g1 - g2 * g2) + 2. * g1 * g2 * e2) / x;
es2 = (e2 - 2. * g2 - e2 * (g1 * g1 - g2 * g2) + 2. * g1 * g2 * e1) / x;
// Apply amplification matrix to image shape to get source shape:
//isoima(&arclet[i].E, &ampli, &source);
// In weak lensing regime, have that e = e_s + g, or that e_s = e - g
// i.e. in this limit source contains the residual that goes into chisq
//ells = (source.a - source.b) / (source.a + source.b);
//ells should be Rayleigh-distributed:
//*chi2 += ells * ells * wht_ell; // - 2.0 * log(ells);
chi2i = es1 * es1 / (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var1 );
chi2i += es2 * es2 / (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var2 );
chi2_add += chi2i;
lh0_add += log( 2 * M_PI * (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var1) ) +
log( 2 * M_PI * (I.sig2ell + arclet[i].var2) );
#ifdef CHIRES
#pragma omp critical
ampli = e_unmag_gal(&arclet[i]);
ga = (ampli.a - ampli.b) / 2.; // gamma_i
k = (ampli.a + ampli.b) / 2.; // divided by 1-k_i
g = ga / k;
NPRINTF(stdout, "INFO: compute chi2 for arclet %ld/%ld\r", i + 1, narclet);
fprintf(OUT, "%6ld %6s %.3lf %6.4lf %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le %6.3le\n", i, arclet[i].n, arclet[i].z, chi2i, ga, k, g, es1, es2 );
*chi2 += chi2_add;
*lh0 += lh0_add;
// else
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in o_chi/arclet: I.stat = %d\n", I.stat);
// exit(-1);
// }
#ifdef CHIRES
NPRINTF( stdout, "\n" );
fprintf(OUT, "chis %.2lf\n", *chi2);
fprintf(OUT, "log(Likelihood) %.2lf\n", -0.5*(*chi2 + (*lh0)));
/* Return the chi2 for a single image.
* Parameters :
* - pima : pointer to an observed single image
* - ps : pointer to the corresponding predicted source position
static double chi2SglImage( struct galaxie *pima, struct point *ps )
const extern struct g_image I;
struct bitriplet Tsol[NIMAX]; // list of triangles containing predicted
//arclets for a single obs image
struct point Bs; /*barycenter of a familly of I.mult[i] sources*/
double chi2, I2x, I2y, dx, dy;
int j, nimages;
#ifdef CHIRES
double rmsi_tot, rmsi, chi22;
rmsi_tot = 0.;
chi2 = 0;
I2x = I2y = I.sig2pos[0][0];
//just an over check
if (pima->gsource != NULL && pima->grid_dr < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "You should initializa galaxie::gsource as NULL\n");
//if it is first run we should initialize pima->gsource
if (pima->gsource == NULL)
pima->gsource = (struct point (*)[NGGMAX][NGGMAX])
malloc(sizeof(struct point[NGGMAX][NGGMAX]));
const extern struct g_grille G;
// fprintf(stderr,"%d %d\n", NGGMAX, G.ngrid);
pima->grid_dr = -1;
// Check if the grid is initialize to the image redshift
// But we should reconstruct grid in any case
// if ( pima->grid_dr != pima->dr )
pima->grid_dr = pima->dr;
e_unlensgrid( *(pima->gsource), pima->grid_dr);
//raise chip to a high value if we have more than 1 image
nimages = inverse( (const struct point (*)[NGGMAX]) * (pima->gsource), ps, Tsol);
if ( nimages > 1 )
if ( fabs(I.forme) == 10 )
I2x = I2y = pima->E.a * pima->E.a;
else if ( fabs(I.forme) == 11 )
I2x = pima->E.a * cos(pima->E.theta);
I2y = pima->E.b * cos(pima->E.theta);
I2x = I2x * I2x;
I2y = I2y * I2y;
// compute chip as the total distance between the predicted images
// and the observed image
for ( j = 0; j < nimages; j++ )
Bs = barycentre(&Tsol[j].i);
dx = Bs.x - pima->C.x;
dy = Bs.y - pima->C.y;
chi2 += dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
#ifdef CHIRES
chi22 = dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
rmsi = dx * dx + dy * dy;
rmsi_tot += rmsi;
fprintf(OUT, " 0 %6s %.3lf %d %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %.2lf %.2lf %d\n", pima->n, pima->z, 1, chi22, dx*dx / I2x, dy*dy / I2y,
0., 0., sqrt(rmsi), 0);
#ifdef CHIRES
if ( nimages != 0 )
rmsi_tot = sqrt(rmsi_tot / nimages);
fprintf(OUT, " 0 %6s %.3lf %d %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %.2lf %.2lf %d\n", pima->n, pima->z, nimages, chi2, 0., 0., 0., 0., rmsi_tot, 0);
* Optimization with the arclet shape in the SOURCE PLANE.
static int chi2_src( double *chi2, double *lh0, double *np_b0 )
const extern struct g_grille G;
const extern struct g_image I;
extern double chip, chia, chix, chiy;
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
const extern int optim_z;
extern struct matrix amplifi_mat[NFMAX][NIMAX], amplifi_matinv[NIMAX][NIMAX];
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
struct point Ps[NIMAX];
struct point Bs; //barycenter of a familly of I.mult[i] sources
struct galaxie *pima; // pointer to an arclet
double MA, MB, MC, MD;
double sigx2, sigy2, da, fluxS, sig2flux;// ,siga2;
int ntot; // total number of multiple images
double wtot; // sum of images weight (multi[i][j].var1, default:1)
double Ix, Iy, I2x, I2y, Ixy; //sigma and sigma^2 in the source plane
double w2x, w2y, wxy; //1/sigma^2 in the image & source plane
double lhood0; // local lh0
double dx, dy; //error in position in the source plane
double chipij;
int optEllip; // test accelerator (boolean)
#define NDXDY 300
double tmp[NDXDY];
int dcnt, ndxdy; // image counter
register int i, j, k;
#ifdef CHIRES
struct point multib[NIMAX];
int nimages; // number of valid images in multib
extern int nwarn; /*counts each time a barycenter is not found in a
small source triangle. see e_im_prec() function*/
char fname[15]; // root name of a multiple images system
double chipi, chixi, chiyi, chiai; // per family chi2
double chixij, chiyij, chiaij; // per image chi2
double rmss, rmsi; // per family rms in source and image plane
double rmssj, rmsij; // per image "rms" in source and image plane
double rmss_tot, rmsi_tot; // image rms tot in source and image plane
int nwarni; // +1 if error in predicted image
fprintf(OUT, "chi multiples\n");
fprintf(OUT, " N ID z Narcs chip chix chiy chia rmss rmsi dx dy nwarn\n");
rmss_tot = rmsi_tot = 0;
nwarn = 0;
double d[40];
// double sigposMean;
chip = chix = chiy = chia = 0.;
lhood0 = 0.;
ntot = wtot = 0.;
// Just to prevent warning messages during compilation
// I2x and I2y are properly computed later
I2x = I2y = sigposAs.min * sigposAs.min;
// Regularisation of sig2pos
// sigposMean=0.; ntot=0;
// for( i=0 ; i< I.n_mult; i++)
// for( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
// {
// sigposMean+=sqrt(sig2pos[i][j]);
// ntot++;
// }
// sigposMean/=ntot;
// for( i=0 ; i< I.n_mult; i++)
// for( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
// {
// dx=sqrt(sig2pos[i][j])-sigposMean;
// chip+=dx*dx/I2x;
// }
// *lh0 += log( 2.*M_PI*I2x );
// It's not very necessary for I.forme==5 but it can be worth that
// in the rest of the code all the images have their amplification
// computed at some point, even if it's not necessary today (EJ: 07/07).
// if ( I.forme <= 7 || I.forme == 10 )
// amplif(np_b0, amplifi); //amplification of each image of all families
// EJ(22-05-2011): amplifi is removed and a call to e_amp_gal is made in each function which requires it
if ( I.forme == 8 || I.forme == 12 || I.forme == 13 )
if ( I.forme == 9 )
// compute the total number of images, and initialise tmp[]
if ( I.forme == 12 )
ndxdy = 0;
dcnt = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult && ndxdy < NDXDY; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i] && ndxdy < NDXDY; j++ )
tmp[ndxdy] = tmp[ndxdy+1] = 0.;
ndxdy += 2;
if ( ndxdy >= NDXDY )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Too many images. Increase NDXDY in o_chi.c\n");
// Define the number of threads we want to use
int num_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
#ifdef CHIRES
num_threads = 1;
if ( I.forme == 12 )
num_threads = 1;
/* for each familly of arclets*/
#pragma omp parallel for if (num_threads > 1) \
private(optEllip,fluxS,i,I2x,I2y,Ix,Iy,Ps,pima,Bs, \
j,chipij,dx,dy,MA,MB,MC,MD, \
w2x,w2y,wxy,k,tmp,d,sigx2,sigy2,da,sig2flux) \
reduction(+: lhood0,chip,chix,chiy,chia,wtot,ntot) num_threads(num_threads)
for (i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++)
#ifdef CHIRES
chipi = chixi = chiyi = chiai = 0.;
rmss = rmsi = 0.;
nwarni = 0;
//int n_famille = i;
// Initialise shortcut tests
// for optimization with the ellipticity of the arclets
optEllip = 0;
if ( ( I.forme == 1 || I.forme == 3 ) &&
! ( multi[i][0].E.a == multi[i][0].E.b && multi[i][0].E.theta == 0. )
optEllip = 1;
o_mag_m(I.mult[i], multi[i]);
/*optimization with the flux of the arclets*/
if ( I.forme == 2 || I.forme == 13 )
o_flux(I.mult[i], &fluxS, i, np_b0);
if ( I.forme <= 3 || I.forme == 10 )
// etendue method. Source plane error averaged
// over all the images of the system.
I2x = I2y = sig2posS(I.sig2pos[i][0], I.mult[i], i, np_b0);
if ( I.forme == 10 )
Ix = I2x / I.sig2pos[i][0]; // Ix: normalised etendue source plane
/*optim_z can be not null only with the o_runz*() functions*/
if (optim_z == 0)
/*Compute the sources positions in Ps */
o_dpl(I.mult[i], multi[i], Ps, np_b0);
/*Compute the source position for each arclet*/
for (j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
pima = &multi[i][j];
Ps[j].x = pima->C.x - pima->Grad.x * multi[i][0].dr;
Ps[j].y = pima->C.y - pima->Grad.y * multi[i][0].dr;
Ps[I.mult[i]] = Ps[0];
/* NPRINTF(stderr," dr=%.3lf Ps=%.3lf\n",multi[i][0].dr,Ps[0].x); */
/*Find the barycenter position of the computed sources*/
if (I.forme == 4 || I.forme == 6)
Bs = weight_baryc(Ps, multi[i], I.mult[i], i);
Bs = bcentlist(Ps, I.mult[i]); /* barycentre */
if( G.nlens != G.nmsgrid )
Bs.x = source[i].C.x;
Bs.y = source[i].C.y;
#ifdef CHIRES
/* Compute the rms in the image plane.
multib[] contains the predicted image positions
in source plane.
multib[] has the same size as multi[]
In case of lost images, the predicted image position is
the observed image position.
int det_stop = 0;
nimages = unlens_bc(Ps, Bs, multi[i], multib, I.mult[i], i, &det_stop);
// ****************************************************
// If we contraint with a SINGLE IMAGE...
// Exception!!! -->constraint in the image plane
if ( I.mult[i] == 1 )
chip += chi2SglImage( &multi[i][0], &Ps[0] ) * multi[i][0].var1;
wtot += multi[i][0].var1;
ntot ++;
* in each familly i, for each arclet j, compute chip
for (j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
// Initialisation of per image variables
chipij = 0.;
ntot ++;
#ifdef CHIRES
chiaij = chixij = chiyij = 0.;
/* distance in arcsec in the source plane between barycenter
* and computed source position for each arclet*/
dx = Bs.x - Ps[j].x;
dy = Bs.y - Ps[j].y;
/* Modify the error in position according to the shear and
* convergence parameters in the source plane.
* (EJ 09/01/09: This is the proper way of computing the chi2,
* \theta_pred - \theta_obs = M^-1 ( \hat{\beta} - \beta_obs )
if (I.forme == 8 || I.forme == 13)
double cost, sint, a2, b2;
double dx_i, dy_i;
double wi2x, wi2y, wixy;
MA = amplifi_mat[i][j].a;
MB = amplifi_mat[i][j].b;
MC = amplifi_mat[i][j].c;
MD = amplifi_mat[i][j].d;
dx_i = dx * MA + dy * MD;
dy_i = dx * MB + dy * MC;
// covariance matrix in amplification axis
cost = cos(multi[i][j].E.theta);
sint = sin(multi[i][j].E.theta);
// cost = 1.;
// sint = 0.;
a2 = multi[i][j].E.a * multi[i][j].E.a;
b2 = multi[i][j].E.b * multi[i][j].E.b;
wi2x = cost * cost / a2 + sint * sint / b2;
wixy = cost * sint / a2 - cost * sint / b2;
wi2y = cost * cost / b2 + sint * sint / a2;
// Not used in chi2 because of outflow errors in the denominator chi2
w2x = wi2x * MA * MA + 2.*wixy * MA * MD + wi2y * MD * MD;
w2y = wi2y * MC * MC + 2.*wixy * MB * MC + wi2x * MB * MB;
wxy = wi2x * MA * MB + wixy * (MA * MC + MB * MD) + wi2y * MC * MD;
// chipij = dx*dx*wi2x*MA*MA + dx*dx*wi2y*MD*MD + 2.*dx*dx*wixy*MA*MD
// + dy*dy*wi2y*MC*MC + dy*dy*wi2x*MB*MB + 2.*dy*dy*wixy*MB*MC
// + 2.*(dx*dy*wi2x*MA*MB + dx*dy*wi2y*MC*MD + dx*dy*wixy*MA*MC + dx*dy*wixy*MB*MD);
// chipij = dx * dx * w2x + dy * dy * w2y + 2. * dx * dy * wxy;
chipij = dx_i * dx_i * wi2x + dy_i * dy_i * wi2y + 2. * dx_i * dy_i * wixy;
// update normalisation factor for image ij
// lhood0 += log( 4.*M_PI * M_PI / (w2x * w2y - wxy * wxy));
lhood0 += log( 4.*M_PI * M_PI / (wi2x * wi2y - wixy * wixy));
// Detect infinite amplification issues
//if ( chipij < 0. ) return(1); // error
else if ( I.forme == 12 )
// compute chi2 with covariance matrix
double dx_i, dy_i;
MA = amplifi_mat[i][j].a;
MB = amplifi_mat[i][j].b;
MC = amplifi_mat[i][j].c;
MD = amplifi_mat[i][j].d;
dx_i = dx * MA + dy * MD;
dy_i = dx * MB + dy * MC;
for ( k = dcnt + 1; k < ndxdy; k++ )
tmp[k] += 2. * dx_i * I.weight[dcnt][k];
chipij = dx_i * dx_i * I.weight[dcnt][dcnt] + tmp[dcnt] * dx_i;
d[dcnt] = dx_i;
for ( k = dcnt + 1; k < ndxdy; k++ )
tmp[k] += 2. * dy_i * I.weight[dcnt][k];
chipij += dy_i * dy_i * I.weight[dcnt][dcnt] + tmp[dcnt] * dy_i;
// lhood0 is updated once by detCov at the end
d[dcnt] = dy_i;
else if( G.nlens != G.nmsgrid )
Ix = multi[i][j].E.a * multi[i][j].mu;
Iy = multi[i][j].E.b * multi[i][j].mu;
I2x = Ix * Ix;
I2y = Iy * Iy;
chipij = dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
lhood0 += log( 4.*M_PI * M_PI * I2x * I2y);
if ( I.forme == 4 || I.forme == 7 )
// sqrt(etendue) method. Image plane error = seeing
I2x = I2y = sig2posSj(I.sig2pos[i][j], multi[i], I.mult[i], j, i);
else if ( I.forme == 5 || I.forme == 6 )
// brute force method with 4 points
I2x = I2y = sig2posS4j(I.sig2pos[i][j], multi[i], Ps[j], j);
else if ( I.forme == 10 )
// etendue method. Different image plane errors
I2x = I2y = Ix * multi[i][j].E.a * multi[i][j].E.b;
else if ( I.forme == 11 )
// etendue method. Elliptical error in the source plane
// considering the image size as 1sigma error
sig2posSe(&multi[i][j], &I2x, &I2y);
w2x = 1. / I2x;
w2y = 1. / I2y;
wxy = 0.;
/*modify the sigma according to the shear and convergence
* parameters in the source plane*/
if (I.forme == 9)
MA = amplifi_matinv[i][j].a;
MB = amplifi_matinv[i][j].b;
MC = amplifi_matinv[i][j].c;
MD = amplifi_matinv[i][j].d;
Ix = (MA + MD) * sqrt(I.sig2pos[i][j]);
Iy = (MB + MC) * sqrt(I.sig2pos[i][j]);
I2x = Ix * Ix;
I2y = Iy * Iy;
w2x = 1. / I2x;
w2y = 1. / I2y;
chipij = dx * dx * w2x + dy * dy * w2y + 2. * dx * dy * wxy;
// update normalisation factor for image ij
lhood0 += log( 4.*M_PI * M_PI / (w2x * w2y - wxy * wxy));
// sum total chip
chip += chipij * multi[i][j].var1;
wtot += multi[i][j].var1;
#ifdef CHIRES
// chi2 and rms for familly i
chipi += chipij;
rmssj = dx * dx + dy * dy;
rmss += rmssj;
//optimization with the ellipticity of the arclets...
if ( optEllip )
o_shape(j, multi[i], &dx, &sigx2, &dy, &sigy2, &da);
chix += dx * dx / sigx2;
chiy += dy * dy / sigy2;
#ifdef CHIRES
chixij = dx * dx / sigx2;
chixi += chixij;
chiyij = dy * dy / sigy2;
chiyi += chiyij;
// ... and the flux
if (I.forme == 3)
chia += da * da / I.sig2amp;
#ifdef CHIRES
chiaij = da * da / I.sig2amp;
chiai += chiaij;
//optimization with the flux of the arclets only
if ( (I.forme == 2 || I.forme == 13) && multi[i][j].mag != 0. )
o_chi_flux(&multi[i][j], fluxS, &da, &sig2flux);
chia += da * da / sig2flux;
lhood0 += log( 2.*M_PI * sig2flux );
#ifdef CHIRES
chiaij = da * da / sig2flux;
chiai += chiaij;
#ifdef CHIRES
// compute the error in image plane from the multib[]
// computed earlier
dx = multib[j].x - multi[i][j].C.x;
dy = multib[j].y - multi[i][j].C.y;
rmsij = dx * dx + dy * dy;
int warnij = 0;
if ( rmsij > 0 )
rmsi += rmsij;
warnij = 1;
nwarni += 1;
// Summarize all these calculations in one print
fprintf(OUT, "%2d %6s %.3lf 1 %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %d\n",
i, multi[i][j].n, multi[i][j].z, chipij, chixij, chiyij, chiaij, sqrt(rmssj), sqrt(rmsij), -dx, dy, warnij);
} /*end for each image*/
#ifndef CHIRES
} /*end for each familly i ( in o_chi() )*/
// Finalise the statistics
if ( nimages - nwarni > 0 )
rmsi /= nimages - nwarni;
rmsi = 0;
rmss /= I.mult[i];
rmss_tot += rmss;
rmsi_tot += rmsi;
nwarn += nwarni;
strcpy(fname, multi[i][0].n);
fname[strlen(multi[i][0].n) - 1] = 0;
fprintf(OUT, "%2d %6s %.3lf %d %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf N/A N/A %d\n",
i, fname, multi[i][0].z, I.mult[i], chipi, chixi, chiyi, chiai, sqrt(rmss), sqrt(rmsi), nwarni);
} /*end for each familly i ( in chires() ) */
// normalize chip, but we still want the full chi2, not the reduced chi2
chip = chip * ntot / wtot;
#ifdef CHIRES
rmss_tot /= I.n_mult;
rmsi_tot /= I.n_mult;
fprintf(OUT, "chimul %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf N/A N/A %d\n", chip, chix, chiy, chia, sqrt(rmss_tot), sqrt(rmsi_tot), nwarn);
fprintf(OUT, "log(Likelihood) %7.2lf\n", -0.5*(chip + chia + chix + chiy + lhood0));
// update the total statistics
if ( I.forme == 12 )
*lh0 += ndxdy * log(2. * M_PI) + log(I.detCov);
*lh0 += lhood0;
*chi2 = chip + chia + chix + chiy;
return(0); // OK
static int chi2_img( double *chi2, double *lh0 )
#ifndef CHIRES
extern struct g_mode M;
const extern struct g_image I;
extern double chip, chia, chix, chiy;
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern int nwarn; /*counts each time a barycenter is not found in a
small source triangle. see e_im_prec() function*/
const extern int optim_z;
#ifdef CHIRES
double rmss_tot, rmsi_tot; // image rms tot in source and image plane
int ntot; // total number of multiple images
fprintf(OUT, "chi multiples\n");
fprintf(OUT, " N ID z Narcs chip chix chiy chia rmss rmsi dx dy nwarn\n");
ntot = rmss_tot = rmsi_tot = 0;
chip = chia = chix = chiy = 0.;
nwarn = 0;
//I. We calculate numbers of all images in all families.
//It is equal to the number of times we should run unlens_bc_single
//or chi2SglImage
int task_num = 0; //number of time we should call unlens_bc_single
int task_idx; //index of task
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++)
task_num += I.mult[i];
struct point *vPs; //array of source position for all images from all familes
struct point *vmultib;//array of multib for all images from all families
struct point *vBs; /*array of barycenters of a familly of I.mult[i] sources*/
int* task_imap; //task_imap[task_idx] = n_familly
int* task_jmap; //task_imap[task_idx] = j
vPs = (struct point*) malloc(task_num * sizeof(struct point));
vmultib = (struct point*) malloc(task_num * sizeof(struct point));
vBs = (struct point*) malloc(I.n_mult * sizeof(struct point));
task_imap = (int*) malloc(task_num * sizeof(int));
task_jmap = (int*) malloc(task_num * sizeof(int));
#ifdef CHIRES
int *task_ok = (int*) malloc(task_num * sizeof(int)); //find or not image
//II. We create task_imap and task_jmap to be able to make single for-loop
//over all images from all families
task_idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < I.mult[i] ; j++, task_idx++)
task_imap[task_idx] = i;
task_jmap[task_idx] = j;
//III. We calculate vPs[task_idx] and vBs[i]
task_idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++)
struct point Ps[NIMAX + 1];
/* optim_z can be different from 0 with the o_runz*() functions*/
if (optim_z == 0)
/* compute the sources positions in Ps*/
o_dpl(I.mult[i], multi[i], Ps, NULL);
for (j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++)
struct galaxie *pima = &multi[i][j];
Ps[j].x = pima->C.x - pima->Grad.x * multi[i][0].dr;
Ps[j].y = pima->C.y - pima->Grad.y * multi[i][0].dr;
Ps[I.mult[i]] = Ps[0];
/*vBs[i] contains the barycenter of the I.mult[i] sources positions Ps*/
vBs[i] = bcentlist(Ps, I.mult[i]);
for (j = 0 ; j < I.mult[i]; j++, task_idx++)
vPs[task_idx] = Ps[j];
//IV. We run unlens_bc_single for all images from all families in
//the single for cycle. For single image families we run chi2SglImage.
//This part is the most time consuming part so we can parallelise it.
int det_stop = 0; // if det_stop then we should return -1
// Define the number of threads we want to use
int num_threads = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
if (num_threads > task_num / 2)
num_threads = task_num / 2;
#ifdef CHIRES
num_threads = 1;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i,j) num_threads(num_threads)
for (task_idx = 0 ; task_idx < task_num ; task_idx++)
if (det_stop)
i = task_imap[task_idx]; //number of family
j = task_jmap[task_idx]; //number of image in family i
if ( I.mult[i] == 1 ) // SINGLE IMAGE system
double chip_tmp = chi2SglImage( &multi[i][0], &vPs[task_idx] );
#pragma omp atomic
chip += chip_tmp;
else //MULTIPLE IMAGES system
/*return in vmultib[task_idx] an image for current arclet */
int ok = unlens_bc_single(vPs[task_idx], vBs[i], &multi[i][j],
&vmultib[task_idx], i);
//if !ok then we cannot find this image
#ifdef CHIRES
task_ok[task_idx] = ok;
#ifndef CHIRES
if ( !ok && M.inverse > 2 )
#pragma omp atomic
det_stop++; //we "return -1"
//flush(det_stop) surprisingly reduce performance,
//so we don't do it
if (det_stop)
//V. Now we can caluculate chi2 using constructed vmultib
task_idx = 0;
for (i = 0; (i < I.n_mult) && (!det_stop); i++)
if (I.mult[i] == 1) //SINGLE IMAGE system
//we already add results to chip
else //MULTIPLE IMAGES systems
double I2x, I2y; //sigma and sigma^2
double dLhood0; // lh0 for a given familly of multiple images (I.forme=10 || sigposAs.bk !=0)
double dx, dy; //error in position in the source plane
int j;
#ifdef CHIRES
int nimages = 0;
double chipi, chixi, chiyi, chiai;
double rmss, rmsi; // image rms in source and image plane
chipi = chixi = chiyi = chiai = 0.;
rmss = rmsi = 0.;
dLhood0 = 0.;
// In all cases
I2x = I2y = I.sig2pos[i][0];
// For each image in familly i
for (j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++, task_idx++ )
//current multib ---> vmultib[task_idx]
//current Bs ---> Bs[i]
//current task_ok---> task_ok[task_idx]
struct galaxie *pima = &multi[i][j];
if ( I.forme == -1 )
I2x = I2y = I.sig2pos[i][j];
else if ( I.forme == -10 )
I2x = I2y = pima->E.a * pima->E.b;
else if ( I.forme == -11 )
I2x = pima->E.a; //* cos(pima->E.theta);
I2y = pima->E.b; //* cos(pima->E.theta);
I2x = I2x * I2x;
I2y = I2y * I2y;
// update normalisation factor for image ij
dLhood0 += log( 4.*M_PI * M_PI * (I2x * I2y) );
dx = vmultib[task_idx].x - multi[i][j].C.x;
dy = vmultib[task_idx].y - multi[i][j].C.y;
chip += dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
#ifdef CHIRES
if (task_ok[task_idx])
double rmsij, rmssj, chipij;
chipi += dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
chipij = dx * dx / I2x + dy * dy / I2y;
rmsi += dx * dx + dy * dy;
rmsij = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// source plane rmss
double dxs, dys;
dxs = vBs[i].x - vPs[task_idx].x;
dys = vBs[i].y - vPs[task_idx].y;
rmss += dxs * dxs + dys * dys;
rmssj = dxs * dxs + dys * dys;
//TODO: do we need warnj variable here?
int warnj = 0;
fprintf(OUT, "%2d %6s %.3lf 1 %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %d\n", i, multi[i][j].n, multi[i][j].z, chipij, 0., 0., 0., sqrt(rmssj), sqrt(rmsij), -dx, dy, warnj);
} //end "for j" cycle
// update the total statistics
*lh0 += dLhood0;
// TODO: Implement chix, chiy and chia calculation in image plane
for (j=0;j<I.mult[i];j++)
chia += da*da/I.sig2amp;
#ifdef CHIRES
rmss_tot += rmss;
rmsi_tot += rmsi;
ntot += nimages;
nwarn += I.mult[i] - nimages;
if ( nimages != 0 )
rmss = rmss / nimages;
rmsi = rmsi / nimages;
fprintf(OUT, "%2d %6s %.3lf %d %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf N/A N/A %d\n",
i, multi[i][0].n, multi[i][0].z, I.mult[i], chipi, chixi, chiyi, chiai, sqrt(rmss), sqrt(rmsi), I.mult[i] - nimages);
} // end of case with I.mult[i] > 1
} /*end for each familly*/
#ifdef CHIRES
// Total statistics
rmss_tot = sqrt(rmss_tot / ntot);
rmsi_tot = sqrt(rmsi_tot / ntot);
fprintf(OUT, "chimul %7.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.2lf %6.3lf %6.2lf N/A N/A %d\n", chip, chix, chiy, chia, rmss_tot, rmsi_tot, nwarn);
fprintf(OUT, "log(Likelihood) %7.2lf\n", -0.5*(chip + (*lh0)));
if (det_stop)
return -1;
*chi2 = chip + chia + chix + chiy;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf( "All images found!\n");
return 0; // no error, no warning
* Send the points in srcfit[] to source plane and fit a line
* to the source plane points.
static void srcfitLinFit(double *chi2, double *lh0)
const extern struct g_image I;
extern struct galaxie *srcfit;
struct point P[NSRCFIT];
double wt[NSRCFIT], t;
double ss, sx, sy, st2, a, b, tmp;
int i;
// Send points to source plane and compute source plane weights
o_dpl(I.nsrcfit, srcfit, P, NULL);
// Algorithm from IDL
ss = sx = sy = 0.;
for ( i = 0; i < I.nsrcfit; i++ )
wt[i] = srcfit[i].E.a * srcfit[i].E.b ; //* fabs(e_amp_gal(&srcfit[i]));
wt[i] = 1. / wt[i];
ss += wt[i] * wt[i];
sx += P[i].x * wt[i] * wt[i];
sy += P[i].y * wt[i] * wt[i];
b = 0.;
st2 = 0.;
for ( i = 0; i < I.nsrcfit; i++ )
t = (P[i].x - sx / ss) * wt[i];
b += t * P[i].y * wt[i];
st2 += t * t;
b /= st2;
a = (sy - sx * b) / ss;
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "\nsource plane fitting y = %lf + %lf * x\n", a, b);
fprintf(OUT, " N ID wt chi2\n");
// Compute chi2
for ( i = 0; i < I.nsrcfit; i++ )
tmp = (P[i].y - b * P[i].x - a) * wt[i];
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "%2d %4s %.3lf %.2lf\n", i, srcfit[i].n, wt[i], tmp*tmp ); // (1. + a * a));
*chi2 += tmp * tmp ; /// ( 1. + a * a);
*lh0 += log( 2.*M_PI / wt[i] / wt[i] );
#ifdef CHIRES
fprintf(OUT, "chisrcfit %.2lf\n", *chi2);
fprintf(OUT, "log(Likelihood) %7.2lf\n", -0.5*(*chi2 + (*lh0)));

Event Timeline