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#ifdef _OPENMP
#include "omp.h"
static void readWeightMat(double *** weight, double *detCov);
struct shear shm[NAMAX];
struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
struct z_lim zlim[NFMAX];
struct z_lim zalim;
struct galaxie *srcfit; // points for source plane fitting
struct z_lim zlim_s[NFMAX];
struct pot lmin_s[NLMAX], lmax_s[NLMAX], prec_s[NLMAX];
struct sigposStr sigposAs_s, sigposAs;
struct matrix amplifi_mat[NFMAX][NIMAX], amplifi_matinv[NFMAX][NIMAX];
struct pixlist plo[100000]; /*list of points that compose the polygon around the image to inverse*/
double z_dlsds;
double chi_im, chip, chix, chiy, chia, chil, chis, chi_vel,chi_mass; //I added chi_vel and chi_mass TV
//double amplifi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
double **imo, **wo, **soo, **ero;
double ***cubeo,***ercubeo;
double **fluxmap;
double drima; /* distance ratio between the image to inverse and the main lens*/
double **sm_p; /* optimization spline map : initial save */
int nshmap;
int optim_z;
int block_s[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
int **imuo;
/*number of points of the polygon around the image to inverse*/
double distmin[NFMAX]; /* List of minimal euclidean distances between
the images of a same familly i*/
int nwarn; // warning emitted during image plane chi2
double *np_b0; // non parametric accelerator
int nplo; // number of points for criticinv.c
/* nom: global */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
void o_global()
/************* declaration de common et locale ****************/
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct pot lens[];
double evidence; // in the bayesian optimisation
int constraints, parameters; // for the computation of dof
NPRINTF(stderr, "------- GLOBAL - Lens Optimisation - JPK, March 1994 ------\n");
/* preparation de l'optimisation */
/* optimisation */
if ( G.nmsgrid != G.nlens )
NPRINTF(stderr, "(NON PARAM)");
NPRINTF(stderr, " :\n");
// set the evidence and compute the number of dof.
evidence = 0;
if ( M.inverse >= 3 ) NPRINTF( stderr, "Bayesys Rate : %lf \n", M.rate);
constraints = getNConstraints();
parameters = getNParameters();
NPRINTF(stderr, "Number of contraints : %d\n", constraints);
NPRINTF(stderr, "Number of free parameters : %d\n", parameters);
// if ( parameters > constraints )
// {
// NPRINTF( stderr, "WARN : Too many free parameters.\n");
// exit(-1);
// return;
// }
// Start the optimisation engines
if ( M.inverse == 3 || M.inverse == 4 )
evidence = o_run_bayes();
else if ( M.inverse == 5 )
// evidence = o_run_nest();
printf("ERROR : inverse modes 1 & 2 are not supported anymore\n");
// /* sauvegarde des parametres d'optimisations */
// /* is the potentiel a spline? */
// if (lens[0].type != 10)
// {
// for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
// {
// lmin_s[i] = lmin[i];
// lmax_s[i] = lmax[i];
// prec_s[i] = prec[i];
// for (j = 0; j < NPAMAX; j++)
// block_s[i][j] = block[i][j];
// }
// }
// else
// {
// sm_p = (double **) alloc_square_double (G.nx, G.ny);
// sm_p = map_p;
// }
// for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
// zlim_s[i] = zlim[i];
// sigposAs_s = sigposAs;
// /* selection/identification des parametres pour la carte de chi2 */
// // if any block[ils][ipx] is < 0, set the global variable
// o_set_map();
// if ( > 0 ) NPRINTF( stderr, "map dimensions : %d \n",;
// if (M.inverse == 1) /* direct fitting */
// {
// if (mc.optMC == 1)
// o_run_mc();
// else if (mc.optMC == 2)
// o_run_mc0();
// else if (zlim[0].opt == 2)
// o_runz_mc();
// else if (zlim[0].opt == 3)
// o_runz_mc0();
// else if ( == 0)
// o_run();
// else if ( == 1)
// o_run1();
// else if ( == 2)
// o_run2();
// }
// else if (M.inverse == 2) /* potfile fitting */
// {
// if ((P.ircut > 1) && (P.isigma > 1))
// o_runpot2();
// else if (P.ircut > 1)
// o_runpot1(1);
// else if (P.isigma > 1)
// o_runpot1(2);
// else
// o_run();
// }
* Reset the lens parameters and print the optimisation results */
/*Fill the chires.dat file*/
/*Reset the lens parameters*/
/*Print the results of optimisation*/
o_print_res(o_chi(), evidence);
// NPRINTF(stderr,"chi: %.1lf (%.1lf,%.1lf)\n",chi0,chip,chil);
/* resultats */
if (lens[0].type != 10)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
if (lens[i].type > 1)
lens[i].sigma = sqrt(lens[i].b0 / 6. / pia_c2);
lens[i].sigma = sqrt(lens[i].b0 / 4. / pia_c2);
lens[i].dlsds = dratio(lens[i].z, S.zs);
if (I.stat != 0)
extern struct galaxie arclet[];
extern long int narclet;
o_stat(narclet, arclet);
NPRINTF(stderr, "------- Lens Optimisation Done -----------\n");
* Free all memory in o_global.readConstraints()
void o_global_free()
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_mode M;
if ( I.srcfit != 0 )
if ( G.nlens != G.nmsgrid )
extern struct galaxie arclet[];
if( I.n_mult > 0 )
free(multi[0][0].np_grad); // root of the malloc
if (M.iclean != 0)
extern struct g_source S;
const extern struct g_pixel ps;
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
extern struct g_pixel wFrame;
extern struct g_cube cubeFrame;
extern double **map_axx, **map_ayy;
int i;
// free the square maps
if (M.iclean == 2 )
free_square_double(ero, imFrame.ny);
else if (M.iclean == 3 )
free_cubic_double(cubeo, cubeFrame.ny);
free_cubic_double(ercubeo, cubeFrame.ny, cubeFrame.nx);
free_square_double(soo, ps.ny);
free_square_int(imuo, ps.ny);
free_square_double(imo, imFrame.ny);
free_square_double(wo, wFrame.ny);
free_square_double(fluxmap, imFrame.ny*imFrame.nx);
int pot_nopt = 0;
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
for (i = 0; i < G.npot; i++ )
pot_nopt += P[i].ircut;
pot_nopt += P[i].isigma;
pot_nopt += P[i].islope;
pot_nopt += P[i].ivdslope;
pot_nopt += P[i].ivdscat;
pot_nopt += P[i].ircutscat;
pot_nopt += P[i].ia ;
pot_nopt += P[i].ib;
if (G.no_lens == 0 && pot_nopt == 0)
free_square_double(map_axx, imFrame.ny);
free_square_double(map_ayy, imFrame.ny);
// Reset source positions to absolute positions
if( I.n_mult > 0 )
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
struct point Bs; // list of source barycenters
struct point Ps[NIMAX];
char str[IDSIZE], *pch; // get image identifier
int j;
for( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
// check if source is attached to an image
strcpy(str, source[i].n);
pch = strtok(str, "_");
pch = strtok(NULL, "_");
if( pch == NULL ) break; // no attachment to an image
// look for the corresponding image family
j = 0;
while ( indexCmp( pch, multi[j][0].n ) && j < I.n_mult ) j++;
// add barycenter position
if( j < I.n_mult )
o_dpl(I.mult[j], multi[j], Ps, np_b0);
Ps[I.mult[j]] = Ps[0];
Bs = bcentlist(Ps, I.mult[j]);
source[i].C.x += Bs.x;
source[i].C.y += Bs.y;
// Reset source counter to zero
S.ns = 0;
/* Read the different constraints to prepare the optimisation
* according to the global variables set in the .par file.
void readConstraints()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct pot lens[];
extern struct cline cl[];
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern struct galaxie arclet[];
extern long int narclet;
int np;
long int ntmult;
int i, j;
if (M.iclean != 0)
// imo = (double **) o_invim(M.zclean, &drima, plo, &nplo);
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
extern struct g_pixel wFrame;
extern struct g_cube cubeFrame;
extern struct galaxie source[NFMAX];
const extern struct g_pixel ps;
extern double **map_axx, **map_ayy;
// Read input image from cleanlens section
imo = (double **) readimage(&imFrame);
cubeo = (double ***) readcube(&cubeFrame);
// for( i = 0; i < imFrame.nx; i++ )
// for( j = 0; j < imFrame.ny; j++ )
// if( imo[j][i] == 0. )
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: O value found in %s. Cannot compute chi2.\n", imFrame.pixfile);
// exit(-1);
// }
if(wFrame.format != 0)
wo = (double **) readimage(&wFrame);
// Test of positivity of wo
for( i = 0; i < wFrame.nx; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < wFrame.ny; j++ )
if( wo[j][i] < 0. )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: negative value found in %s.\n", wFrame.pixfile);
// Test of dimension matching
if ( wFrame.nx != imFrame.nx || wFrame.ny != imFrame.ny )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dimensions mismatch in %s and %s", wFrame.pixfile, imFrame.pixfile);
if ( M.iclean == 2 || M.iclean ==3 )
// allocate temporary array to compute chi2 in o_chi()
ero = (double **) alloc_square_double(imFrame.ny, imFrame.nx);
// allocate temporary array to compute chi2 in o_chi()
ercubeo = (double ***) alloc_cubic_double(cubeFrame.ny, cubeFrame.nx,;
int pot_nopt = 0;
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
for (i = 0; i < G.npot; i++ )
pot_nopt += P[i].ircut;
pot_nopt += P[i].isigma;
pot_nopt += P[i].islope;
pot_nopt += P[i].ivdslope;
pot_nopt += P[i].ivdscat;
pot_nopt += P[i].ircutscat;
pot_nopt += P[i].ia ;
pot_nopt += P[i].ib;
if( G.no_lens == 0 && pot_nopt == 0 )
map_axx = (double **) alloc_square_double(imFrame.ny, imFrame.nx);
map_ayy = (double **) alloc_square_double(imFrame.ny, imFrame.nx);
struct point pi, ps;
for (i = 0; i < imFrame.ny; i++)
pi.y = imFrame.ymin + i * imFrame.pixelx;
for (j = 0; j < imFrame.nx; j++)
pi.x = imFrame.xmin + j * imFrame.pixelx;
e_dpl(&pi, 1., &ps);
map_axx[i][j] = pi.x - ps.x;
map_ayy[i][j] = pi.y - ps.y;
// read and prepare sources for o_chi()
if( M.source > 0 )
long int istart = S.ns;
f_shape(&S.ns, source, M.sourfile, M.source); // with var1 & var2 parameters
if( M.source == 2 )
for( i = istart; i < S.ns; i++ )
source[i].type = source[i].var1;
pro_arclet(S.ns, source); // compute eps = (a-b)/(a+b)
// prepare sources to have relative positions wrt barycenter
// if( I.n_mult > 0 )
// {
// struct point Ps[NIMAX];
// char str[IDSIZE], *pch; // get image identifier
// for( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
// {
// // check if source is attached to an image
// strcpy(str, source[i].n);
// pch = strtok(str, "_");
// pch = strtok(NULL, "_");
// if( pch == NULL ) break; // no attachment to an image
// // look for the corresponding image family
// j = 0;
// while ( indexCmp( pch, multi[j][0].n ) && j < I.n_mult ) j++;
// // set source position into relative coordinates
// if( j < I.n_mult )
// source[i].C.x = source[i].C.y = 0.;
// }
// }
// prepare source redshifts
for ( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
if( source[i].z == 0 )
source[i].z = M.zclean;
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARN: source %s redshift set to cleanset z=%lf\n", source[i].n, M.zclean);
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
// allocate square map
soo = (double **) alloc_square_double(ps.ny, ps.nx);
ero = (double **) alloc_square_double(ps.ny, ps.nx);
imuo = (int **) alloc_square_int(ps.ny, ps.nx);
if (I.shmap != 0)
nshmap = 0;
f_shmap(&nshmap, shm, I.shfile);
if (nshmap < 1)
I.shmap = 0;
I.dl0ssh = distcosmo2( lens[0].z , I.zsh );
I.dossh = distcosmo1( I.zsh );
I.drsh = I.dl0ssh / I.dossh;
if (I.stat != 0)
narclet = 0;
// Test if the number of arclets is lower than NAMAX
IN = fopen(I.arclet, "r");
if ( IN == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: File %s not found.\n", I.arclet );
if ( wc(IN) > NAMAX )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Too many arclets in %s (%d). Max allowed %d\n",
I.arclet, (int)wc(IN), NAMAX);
f_shape(&narclet, arclet, I.arclet, I.statmode);
if (M.seeing > 0.)
cor_seeing(narclet, arclet, M.seeing);
if (narclet < 1)
I.stat = 0;
sort(narclet, arclet, comparer_z);
zalim.opt = 0;
gsl_rng *seed = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_taus);
gsl_rng_set(seed, S.rand);
gsl_ran_discrete_t *gsmail;
if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
gsmail = smailpreproc();
while( arclet[zalim.opt].z == 0 && zalim.opt < narclet )
if( I.zarclet > 0 )
arclet[zalim.opt].z = I.zarclet;
else if( zalim.min > 0 )
arclet[zalim.opt].z = zalim.min;
else if( S.distz == 0 )
arclet[zalim.opt].z = S.ns;
else if( S.distz == 1 )
arclet[zalim.opt].z = S.zsmin;
else if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
arclet[zalim.opt].z = d_rndzsmail(seed, gsmail);
if( arclet[zalim.opt].z > 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Arclets with unknown redshift, and no redshift set in image section\n");
if( zalim.opt > 0 )
FPRINTF(stdout, "INFO: Set %d arclets with unknown redshift\n", zalim.opt);
for( i = 0; i < narclet; i++ )
dratio_gal(&arclet[i], lens[0].z);
pro_arclet(narclet, arclet);
if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
// Intrinsic ellipticity distribution width:
I.sig2ell = I.sigell * I.sigell;
if (I.n_mult != 0)
ntmult = 0;
struct galaxie *mult = (struct galaxie *) malloc((unsigned long int) NFMAX * NIMAX * sizeof(struct galaxie));
if ( mult == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: mult[NFMAX*NIMAX] memory allocation failed.\n");
if (I.n_mult == 2 )
f_shape(&ntmult, mult, I.multfile, 2);
f_shape(&ntmult, mult, I.multfile, 1);
for ( i = 0; i < ntmult; i++ )
mult[i].var1 = mult[i].var2 = 1.; //weight = 1
if (M.seeing > 0.)
cor_seeing(ntmult, mult, M.seeing);
if (ntmult < 1)
I.n_mult = 0;
pro_arclet(ntmult, mult);
o_prep_mult(ntmult, mult);
// Set the image position error in image plane
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
I.sig2pos[i][j] = sigposAs.min * sigposAs.min;
if( I.forme == 12)
readWeightMat(&I.weight, &I.detCov);
// Prepare Accelerated potentials
if ( G.nmsgrid != G.nlens )
// Error message to prevent deletion of imported data
if( M.source != 0 && I.n_mult != 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: You cannot import a catalog of sources while optimizing with the grid.\n");
// Source plane fit of a brightness profile
if (I.srcfit != 0 )
srcfit = (struct galaxie *)malloc((unsigned int)NSRCFIT * sizeof(struct galaxie));
if ( srcfit == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: srcfit memory allocation failed.\n");
f_shape(&I.nsrcfit, srcfit, I.srcfitFile, 0);
for (i = 0; i < I.nsrcfit; i++)
dratio_gal(&srcfit[i], lens[0].z);
if (I.npcl != 0)
/* preparation de l'optimisation dans le cas de contraintes de ligne */
/* critiques (cassures d'arcs) */
np = 0;
for (i = 0; i < I.npcl; i++)
if (cl[i].n != 0)
if (lens[0].z < cl[i].z)
cl[i].dl0s = distcosmo2(lens[0].z, cl[i].z);
cl[i].dl0s = 0.;
cl[i].dos = distcosmo1(cl[i].z);
cl[i].dlsds = cl[i].dl0s / cl[i].dos;
cl[np] = cl[i]; // stack all the CL contraints at the beginning of <cl> list
I.npcl = np; // new number of CL constraints
NPRINTF(stderr, "INF: critical points: %d\n", I.npcl);
// Compute the number of constraints with multiple images
int getNConstraints()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_dyn Dy; //TV Oct 2011
extern long int narclet;
int constraints, i;
int opi; // number of observable per images
opi = 2; // default only consider x,y
if ( I.forme == 1 ) opi = 4; // +shape
if ( I.forme == 2 ) opi = 3; // +flux only
if ( I.forme == 3 ) opi = 5; // +flux + shape
constraints = 0;
// Multiple images constraints
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i ++)
if ( I.mult[i] > 1 )
constraints += opi * (I.mult[i] - 1);
else // for singly imaged galaxy
constraints += opi;
// Sums up the critical lines
constraints += 2 * I.npcl;
if ( I.srcfit != 0 )
constraints += 2 * I.nsrcfit;
// arclets
if ( I.stat > 0 )
constraints += 2 * narclet;
//dynamics // TV
if(Dy.dynnumber == 1)
constraints = constraints+1;
if(Dy.dynnumber == 2)
constraints = constraints+2;
if(Dy.dynnumber == 3)
constraints = constraints+1;
if(Dy.dynnumber == 4)
constraints = constraints+1;
// FITS image reconstruction
if ( M.iclean == 2 )
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
constraints += imFrame.nx * imFrame.ny;
// Compute the number of free parameters
int getNParameters()
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_source S;
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
extern int cblock[], sblock[NFMAX][NPAMAX];
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
long int parameters, i, j;
int ipx;
parameters = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i ++ )
for ( ipx = CX; ipx <= PMASS; ipx ++ )
if ( block[i][ipx] != 0 )
// multiscale grid clumps
parameters += G.nlens - G.nmsgrid;
// source parameters
for ( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
for (ipx = SCX; ipx <= SFLUX; ipx++ )
if ( sblock[i][ipx] != 0 )
// cosmological parameters
for ( ipx = OMEGAM; ipx <= WA; ipx++ )
if ( cblock[ipx] ) parameters++;
// redshift optimization
for ( i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++ )
if( zlim[i].bk > 0 )
parameters ++;
// source fitting
if ( I.srcfit != 0 )
if ( !strcmp(I.srcfitMethod, "LINFIT") )
parameters += 2;
for ( i = 0; i < G.npot; i++ )
struct g_pot *pot = &P[i];
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ircut != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->isigma != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->islope != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ivdslope != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ivdscat != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ircutscat != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ia != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( pot->ftype && pot->ib != 0 ) parameters++;
if ( sigposAs.bk != 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
if ( I.dsigell != -1. ) parameters++;
/* Initialise the np_grad and np_grad2 global variables
* used after in e_grad() and e_grad2().
* These variables are used to speed up the computation
* of the gradients for the many identical potentials
* involved in the non parametric model.
void prep_non_param()
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct pot lens[];
extern long int narclet;
extern struct galaxie arclet[];
extern struct pot lmax[];
struct galaxie *image;
long int i, j, k, l, n, nimages;
struct point *pGrad;
double *pGrad2a, *pGrad2b, *pGrad2c, *tmp;
double dls, oldz;
struct matrix grad2;
long int gcount, lcount; // global and local counters
struct ellipse ampli;
// Number of clumps
n = G.nlens - G.nmsgrid;
// Create a global array for the lens.b0
np_b0 = (double *) calloc((unsigned) n, sizeof(double));
// set all lens[*].b0 so that all lens[*].pmass=1
for ( i = 0; i < G.nlens - G.nmsgrid; i++ )
np_b0[i] = lens[i + G.nmsgrid].b0;
lens[i + G.nmsgrid].b0 = 1.;
// lens[i + G.nmsgrid].b0 = 0.;
// for( j = 0; j < G.nlens - G.nmsgrid; j++ )
// lens[i + G.nmsgrid].b0 += G.invmat[i][j];
// Initialise np_grad and np_grad2 arrays
nimages = narclet;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
nimages += I.mult[i];
pGrad = (struct point *) malloc((unsigned int) n * nimages * sizeof(struct point));
pGrad2a = (double *) malloc((unsigned int) n * nimages * sizeof(double));
pGrad2b = (double *) malloc((unsigned int) n * nimages * sizeof(double));
pGrad2c = (double *) malloc((unsigned int) n * nimages * sizeof(double));
tmp = (double *) malloc((unsigned int) n * nimages * sizeof(double));
// Check memory allocation
if( pGrad == NULL || pGrad2a == NULL || pGrad2b == NULL || pGrad2c == NULL || tmp == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in prep_non_param() during memory allocation\n");
nimages = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
image = &multi[i][j];
image->np_grad = pGrad + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2a = pGrad2a + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2b = pGrad2b + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2c = pGrad2c + nimages * n;
oldz = lens[0].z; dls = image->dl0s;
for ( k = G.nmsgrid; k < G.nlens; k++ )
if( lens[k].z != oldz )
dls = distcosmo2(lens[k].z, image->z);
oldz = lens[k].z;
// dls/ds multiplication is done in o_dpl.c for e_grad_pot()
image->np_grad[k-G.nmsgrid] = e_grad_pot(&image->C, k);
grad2 = e_grad2_pot(&image->C, k);
image->np_grad2a[k - G.nmsgrid] = grad2.a * dls;
image->np_grad2b[k - G.nmsgrid] = grad2.b * dls;
image->np_grad2c[k - G.nmsgrid] = grad2.c * dls;
// For SL: Compute amplification due to the fixed potentials
if( I.n_mult > 0 )
extern struct g_pot P[NPOTFILE];
struct matrix *amatinv; // correction factor for the error, which is not exactly in the image plane if there are fixed potentials
int nimage = 0;
long int ilens;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
nimage += I.mult[i];
amatinv = (struct matrix *)calloc((unsigned int)nimage, sizeof(struct matrix));
// Contribution from the fixed potentials
for( ilens = G.no_lens; ilens < G.nplens[0]; ilens++ )
nimage = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
grad2 = e_grad2_pot(&multi[i][j].C, ilens);
amatinv[nimage].a += grad2.a * multi[i][j].dr;
amatinv[nimage].b += grad2.b * multi[i][j].dr;
amatinv[nimage].c += grad2.c * multi[i][j].dr;
// Contribution from the potfile, if it is fixed
for( k = 0; k < G.npot; k++ )
if( P[k].isigma == 0 && P[k].ircut == 0 )
for( ilens = G.nplens[k]; ilens < G.nplens[k+1]; ilens++ )
nimage = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
grad2 = e_grad2_pot(&multi[i][j].C, ilens);
amatinv[nimage].a += grad2.a * multi[i][j].dr;
amatinv[nimage].b += grad2.b * multi[i][j].dr;
amatinv[nimage].c += grad2.c * multi[i][j].dr;
// Compute resulting amplification
nimage = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < I.n_mult; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < I.mult[i]; j++ )
multi[i][j].mu = sqrt(fabs((1. - amatinv[nimage].a) * (1. - amatinv[nimage].c) - amatinv[nimage].b * amatinv[nimage].b));
// Process arclets with OPENMP
gcount = lcount = 0; // count number of processed arclets (big/small loop)
//#pragma omp parallel default(shared) firstprivate(pGrad,pGrad2a,pGrad2b,pGrad2c) private(i,image,k,lcount,grad2)
//#pragma omp for nowait
for ( i = 0; i < narclet; i++ )
if ( lcount == 200 )
//#pragma omp critical
gcount = gcount + lcount;
printf("INFO: prepare lens profiles for arclet %ld/%ld\r", gcount, narclet);
lcount = 0;
image = &arclet[i];
image->np_grad = pGrad + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2a = pGrad2a + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2b = pGrad2b + nimages * n;
image->np_grad2c = pGrad2c + nimages * n;
oldz = lens[0].z; dls = image->dl0s;
for ( k = G.nmsgrid; k < G.nlens; k++ )
if( lens[k].z != oldz )
dls = distcosmo2(lens[k].z, image->z);
oldz = lens[k].z;
image->np_grad[k-G.nmsgrid] = e_grad_pot(&image->C, k);
image->np_grad[k-G.nmsgrid].x *= image->dr;
image->np_grad[k-G.nmsgrid].y *= image->dr;
grad2 = e_grad2_pot(&image->C, k);
image->np_grad2a[k-G.nmsgrid] = grad2.a * dls;
image->np_grad2b[k-G.nmsgrid] = grad2.b * dls;
image->np_grad2c[k-G.nmsgrid] = grad2.c * dls;
if( narclet > 0 )
printf("INFO: prepare lens profiles for arclet %ld/%ld\n", narclet, narclet);
// restore lens[i].b0 values
for ( i = G.nmsgrid; i < G.nlens; i++ )
lens[i].b0 = np_b0[i-G.nmsgrid];
// clean allocated data not used afterwards
// Read a FITS file containing the weight matrix
// Return the determinant of the Covariance matrix, for Likelihood normalization
static void readWeightMat(double *** weight_ext, double *detCov)
int i, j, nx, ny, nullity;
char *header;
double *p, result, **tmp, **weight;
weight = rdf_fits("weight.fits", &nx, &ny, &header);
p = (double *) calloc(nx, sizeof(double));
tmp = (double **) malloc(nx * ny * sizeof(double));
memcpy( tmp, weight, nx * ny * sizeof(double));
cholesky(tmp, nx, p);
result = 1.;
for( i = 0; i < nx; i++ )
result *= p[i] * p[i];
*detCov = 1. / result;
*weight_ext = weight;

Event Timeline