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* @file structure.h
* @Author Thomas Jalabert, EPFL ( , Christoph Schaefer, EPFL (
* @date July 2015
* @version 0,1
* @brief Header file to define the used structures (e.g. defined structs)
* @param configuration file (parameters.par)
* @return Depends on choice in the configuration file, e.g. least chi2 model
// Header guard
#include <iostream>
#include "type.h"
/* */
/* Constants: Will be migrated to constants.h when there are too many of them*/
/* */
// GPU definitions
#define threadsPerBlock 512 // threads for each set of images
#define MAXIMPERSOURCE 20 // maximum number of multiple images for one source
#define MAXIM 200 // maximum total number of images treated
// Dimensions definitions
#define NPZMAX 9 /* maximum number of critical lines in g_cline struct*/
//#define CLINESIZE 500 /* maximum number of critical and caustic points for Cline mode. Adjust depending on RAM*/
#define NPOTFILESIZE 2000 //maximum number of potential in potfiles
#define DMIN 1e-4 // distance minimale de convergence dans le plan image (in arcsec)
#define NITMAX 100
#define NTYPES 2
// gNFW definitions
#define gNFW_ARRAY_SIZE 1800 // Set the dimension of the gnfw table gNFW_ARRAY_SIZE, must be 1800 for the current table file
// Filename definition
#define FILENAME_SIZE 50 // size of a filename in .par file
//constants definition
#define pi_c2 7.209970e-06 /* pi en arcsecond/ c^2 = 648000/vol/vol */
#define cH2piG 0.11585881 /* cH0/2piG en g/cm^2 (H0=50) */
#define cH4piG 0.057929405 /* cH0/4piG en g/cm^2 (H0=50) */
#define cH0_4piG 2.7730112e-4 /* cH0/4piG en 10^12 M_Sol/kpc^2 (H0=50) */
#define d0 29.068701 /* vol/h0*1000/rta -- c/H0 en h-1.kpc/arcsecond (h0=50)*/
#define MCRIT12 .2343165 /* c^3/4piGh0/RTA/RTA in 1e12 M_sol/arcsec^2 (h0=50) */
/* */
/* Types definition */
/* */
/** @brief Point: Structure of 2 coordinates
* @param x: X coordinate
* @param y: Y coordinate
#include "structure.h"
struct point
type_t x;
type_t y;
/** @brief Complex: Structure of 2 doubles
* @param re: Real Part
* @param im: Imaginary Part
struct complex
type_t re;
type_t im;
/** @brief Segment: Structure of two points
struct segment
point a;
point b;
/** @brief triplet: Structure of three points defining a triangle
struct triplet
struct point a;
struct point b;
struct point c;
/** @brief bitriplet: Defines two linked triangles (one in source plane and one in image plane)
* @param i: Triangle on image plane
* @param s: Triangle on source plane
struct bitriplet
struct triplet i;
struct triplet s;
/** @brief contains the table needed to compute the potential derivatives of general NFW profile
typedef struct
double alpha_now, x_now, kappa, dpl;
} gNFWdata;
/** @brief Matrix: 2by2 doubles
struct matrix
type_t a;
type_t b;
type_t c;
type_t d;
/** @brief ellipse: for shape computation
* @param a: semimajor axis
* @param b: semiminor axis
* @param theta: shape ellipticity
struct ellipse
type_t a;
type_t b;
type_t theta;
/** @brief Storage type for sources, lenses and arclets
* @param center: position of the center of galaxy
* @param shape: shape of galaxy
* @param mag: magnitude
* @param redshift: redshift
* @param dls: Distance lens-source
* @param dos: Distance observer-source
* @param dr: dls/dos
struct galaxy
//char name[IDSIZE];
struct point center;
struct ellipse shape;
type_t mag;
type_t redshift;
type_t dls;
type_t dos;
type_t dr;
/** @brief Contains the information for optimising a parameter in the inverse mode
* @param block: blockorfree variable (whether a parameter is blocked or free for the mcmc algorithm)
* @param min: lower optimisation value
* @param max: upper optimisation value
* @param sigma: optimisation step (MIGHT NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT)
struct optimize_block
int block;
type_t min;
type_t max;
type_t sigma;
/** @brief two optimize_block to simulate a point
struct optimize_point // blockorfree for the point structure
struct optimize_block x;
struct optimize_block y;
/** @brief Contains the information for optimising the potential in the inverse mode
* @param position: position of the center of the halo
* @param weight: weight of the clump (the projected mass sigma0 for PIEMD, the density rhoscale for NFW)
* @param b0: Impact parameter
* @param ellipticity_angle: orientation of the clump
* @param ellipticity: Mass ellipticity
* @param ellipticity_potential: Potential ellipticity
* @param rcore: PIEMD specific value
* @param rcut: PIEMD specific value
* @param rscale: scale radius for NFW, Einasto
* @param exponent: exponent for Einasto
* @param vdisp: Dispersion velocity
* @param alpha: exponent for general NFW
* @param einasto_kappacritic: critical kappa for Einasto profile
* @param z: redshift
struct potentialoptimization // block or free variable for the MCMC for the potential
struct optimize_point position;
struct optimize_block weight;
struct optimize_block b0;
struct optimize_block ellipticity_angle;
struct optimize_block ellipticity;
struct optimize_block ellipticity_potential;
struct optimize_block rcore;
struct optimize_block rcut;
struct optimize_block rscale;
struct optimize_block exponent;
struct optimize_block vdisp;
struct optimize_block alpha;
struct optimize_block einasto_kappacritic;
struct optimize_block z;
/** @brief Contains the information of the lens potential
* @param type: 1=PIEMD , 2=NFW, 3=SIES, 4=point mass, 5=SIS, 8=PIEMD
* @param type_name: IEMD, NFW, SIES, point
* @param name: name of the clump (e.g. name of the galaxy) : not compulsory
* @param position: position of the center of the halo
* @param weight: weight of the clump (the projected mass sigma0 for PIEMD, the density rhoscale for NFW)
* @param b0: Impact parameter
* @param ellipticity_angle:
* @param ellipticity: Mass ellipticity
* @param ellipticity_potential: Potential ellipticity
* @param rcore: PIEMD specific value
* @param rcut: PIEMD specific value
* @param rscale: scale radius for NFW, Einasto
* @param exponent: exponent for Einasto
* @param vdisp: Dispersion velocity
* @param alpha: exponent for general NFW
* @param einasto_kappacritic: critical kappa for Einasto profile
* @param z: redshift
struct Potential_SOA
int* type; // 1=PIEMD ; 2=NFW; 3=SIES, 4=point mass
char type_name[10]; // PIEMD, NFW, SIES, point
char name[20]; // name of the clump (e.g. name of the galaxy) : not compulsory
//struct point position; // position of the center of the halo
type_t* position_x; // position of the center of the halo
type_t* position_y; // position of the center of the halo
type_t* weight; // weight of the clump (the projected mass sigma0 for PIEMD, the density rhoscale for NFW)
type_t* b0; // Impact parameter
type_t* vdisp; //Dispersion velocity
type_t* ellipticity_angle; // orientation of the clump
type_t* ellipticity; // ellipticity of the mass distribition
type_t* ellipticity_potential; //ellipticity of the potential
type_t* rcore; // core radius
type_t* rcut; // cut radius
type_t* rscale; // scale radius for NFW, Einasto
type_t* exponent; // exponent for Einasto
type_t* alpha; // exponent for general NFW
type_t* einasto_kappacritic; // critical kappa for Einasto profile
type_t* z; // redshift of the clump
type_t* mag; //magnitude
type_t* lum; //luminosity
type_t* theta; //theta
type_t* anglecos; //theta precomputation of cosinus and sinus values
type_t* anglesin; //theta
type_t* sigma; // sigma
struct Potential
int type; // 1=PIEMD ; 2=NFW; 3=SIES, 4=point mass
char type_name[10]; // PIEMD, NFW, SIES, point
char name[20]; // name of the clump (e.g. name of the galaxy) : not compulsory
struct point position; // position of the center of the halo
type_t weight; // weight of the clump (the projected mass sigma0 for PIEMD, the density rhoscale for NFW)
type_t b0; // Impact parameter
type_t vdisp; //Dispersion velocity
type_t ellipticity_angle; // orientation of the clump
type_t ellipticity; // ellipticity of the mass distribition
type_t ellipticity_potential; //ellipticity of the potential
type_t rcore; // core radius
type_t rcut; // cut radius
type_t rscale; // scale radius for NFW, Einasto
type_t exponent; // exponent for Einasto
type_t alpha; // exponent for general NFW
type_t einasto_kappacritic; // critical kappa for Einasto profile
type_t z; // redshift of the clump
type_t mag; //magnitude
type_t lum; //luminosity
type_t theta; //theta
type_t sigma; // sigma
/* */
/* Control structure definition */
/* */
/** @brief Control structure for runmode parameters
* Default values are set in module_readParameters_readRunmode
* @param nbgridcells: Number of grid cells
* @param source: flag for simple source to image conversion
* @param sourfile: file name for source information
* @param image: flag for simple image to source conversion
* @param imafile: file name for image information
* @param mass: flag for mass fitsfile
* @param massgridcells: Nb of cell for fitsfile
* @param z_mass: redshift for which to be computed
* @param z_mass_s: redshift of source for which effect of mass will be computed
* @param potential: flag for potential fitsfile
* @param potgridcells: Nb of cell for fitsfile
* @param z_pot: redshift for which to be computed
* @param dpl: flag for displacement fitsfile
* @param dplgridcells: Nb of cell for fitsfile
* @param z_dpl: redshift for which to be computed
* @param inverse: flag for inversion mode (MCMC etc,)
* @param arclet: flag for arclet mode
* @param debug: flag for debug mode
* @param nimagestotal: total number of lensed images in file
* @param nsets: number of sources attributed to the lensed images
* @param nhalo: Number of halos
* @param grid: 0 for automatic grid (not implemented), 1 for grid infor applying on source plane, 2 for grid information applying on image plane
* @param nbgridcells: Number of grid cells
* @param zgrid: redshift of grid
* @param cline: flag for critical and caustic line calculation
struct runmode_param
int nbgridcells;
//Source Mode
int source;
int nsets;
//Image Mode
int image;
int nimagestot;
//Mult Mode
int multi;
//Mass Mode
int mass;
int mass_gridcells;
type_t z_mass;
type_t z_mass_s;
//Potential Mode
int potential;
int pot_gridcells;
type_t z_pot;
int nhalos;
//Potfile Mode
int potfile;
int npotfile;
//displacement Mode
int dpl;
int dpl_gridcells;
type_t z_dpl;
//Inverse Mode
int inverse;
//Arclet Mode
int arclet;
//Debug Mode
int debug;
//Grid Mode
int grid;
int gridcells;
type_t zgrid;
//Critic and caustic mode
int cline;
//Amplification Mode
int amplif;
int amplif_gridcells;
type_t z_amplif;
//Time/Benchmark mode
int time;
//SOA variables
int Nlens[NTYPES];
std::string imagefile;
std::string potfilename;
std::string sourfile;
/** @brief Not used yet
struct image_param
/** @brief Not used yet
struct source_param
/** @brief Contains Grid information
struct grid_param
type_t xmin;
type_t xmax;
type_t ymin;
type_t ymax;
type_t lmin;
type_t lmax;
type_t rmax;
/** @brief Control structure for cosmological parameters
* @param model: Cosmological model
* @param omegaM:
* @param omegaX:
* @param curvature: curvature parameter
* @param wX:
* @param wa:
* @param H0: Hubble constant
* @param h: H0/50
struct cosmo_param
int model;
type_t omegaM;
type_t omegaX;
type_t curvature;
type_t wX;
type_t wa;
type_t H0;
type_t h;
/** @brief Control structure for potfile parameters
* @param potid: 1: pot P, 2: pot Q
@param ftype:
@param potfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
@param type;
@param zlens;
@param core;CCC
@param corekpc;
@param mag0;
@param select;
@param ircut;
@param cut, cut1, cut2;
@param cutkpc1, cutkpc2;
@param isigma;
@param sigma, sigma1, sigma2;
@param islope;
@param slope, slope1, slope2;
@param ivdslope;
@param vdslope, vdslope1, vdslope2;
@param ivdscat;
@param vdscat, vdscat1, vdscat2;
@param ircutscat;
@param rcutscat, rcutscat1, rcutscat2;
@param ia; // scaling relation of msm200
@param a, a1, a2;
@param ib; // scaling relation of msm200
@param b, b1, b2;
struct potfile_param
int potid; // 1: pot P, 2: pot Q
int ftype;
char potfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int type;
type_t zlens;
type_t core;
type_t corekpc;
type_t mag0;
int select;
int ircut;
type_t cut, cut1, cut2;
type_t cutkpc1, cutkpc2;
int isigma;
type_t sigma, sigma1, sigma2;
int islope;
type_t slope, slope1, slope2;
int ivdslope;
type_t vdslope, vdslope1, vdslope2;
int ivdscat;
type_t vdscat, vdscat1, vdscat2;
int ircutscat;
type_t rcutscat, rcutscat1, rcutscat2;
int ia; // scaling relation of msm200
type_t a, a1, a2;
int ib; // scaling relation of msm200
type_t b, b1, b2;
int npotfile;
/** @brief Control structure for caustic and critical lines
* @param nplan: number of sourceplanes for which the caustic lines will be computed
* @param cz: redshift values array for respective sourceplanes
* @param dos: distcosmo1 to redshift z
* @param dls: distcosmo2 between lens[0] and z
* @param dlsds: ratio of dl0s/dos
* @param limitLow: minimum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES
* @param dmax: Size of search area
* @param xmin:
* @param xmax:
* @param ymin:
* @param ymax:
* @param limithigh: maximum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES algorithm
* @param nbgridcells: nbgridcells * nbgridcells = number of pixels for critical line computation
struct cline_param
int nplan;
type_t cz[NPZMAX];
type_t dos[NPZMAX]; // distcosmo1 to redshift z
type_t dls[NPZMAX]; // distcosmo2 between lens[0] and z
type_t dlsds[NPZMAX]; // ratio of dl0s/dos
type_t limitLow; // minimum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES or initial step size in SNAKE
type_t dmax;
type_t xmin;
type_t xmax;
type_t ymin;
type_t ymax;
type_t limitHigh; // maximum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES algorithm
int nbgridcells; // nbgridcells * nbgridcells = number of pixels for critical line computation
#endif // if STRUCTURE_H

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