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Lenstool-HPC: HPC based massmodeling software and Lens-map generation
Copyright (C) 2017 Christoph Schaefer, EPFL (, Gilles Fourestey (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
@brief: Function for potential computation over a grid
#include <fstream>
#include "grid_map_pot_GPU.cuh"
#include "gradient2_GPU.cuh"
#include <structure_hpc.hpp>
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 32
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 16
//#define ROT
#define _SHARED_MEM
#ifdef _SHARED_MEM
#define SHARED __shared__
#warning "shared memory"
extern __shared__ type_t shared[];
#define SHARED
#define Nx 1
#define Ny 0
#define cudasafe
extern "C"
type_t myseconds();
//__device__ struct ellipse formeli_ampli(type_t a, type_t b, type_t c);
//GPU mapping function declaration to change when figured out linkage problems
__global__ void potential_1_grid_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t dos, type_t z,int nbgridcells);
__global__ void potential_2_grid_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t dos, type_t z,int nbgridcells);
__global__ void potential_3_grid_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t dos, type_t z,int nbgridcells);
////Map function selection
map_pot_function_t select_map_potential_function(const struct runmode_param* runmode){
if(runmode->potential == 1){
return &potential_1_grid_CPU_GPU;
else if(runmode->potential == 2){
return &potential_2_grid_CPU_GPU;
else if(runmode->potential == 3){
return &potential_3_grid_CPU_GPU;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Potential mode %d not supported yet \n",runmode->potential);
return 0;
////General Map calculation
void map_grid_potential_GPU(map_pot_function_t mapfunction, type_t *map, const struct cosmo_param *cosmo, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int nhalos ,int nbgridcells,int mode_amp, type_t z )
type_t dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
type_t dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
map_grid_potential_GPU(mapfunction,map,cosmo, frame, lens, nhalos,mode_amp,z, dx, dy, nbgridcells, nbgridcells, 0, 0);
void map_grid_potential_GPU(map_pot_function_t mapfunction, type_t *map, const struct cosmo_param *cosmo, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, int nhalos, int mode_amp, type_t z, type_t dx, type_t dy, int nbgridcells_x, int nbgridcells_y, int istart, int jstart)
grid_param *frame_gpu;
Potential_SOA *lens_gpu,*lens_kernel;
int *type_gpu;
type_t *lens_x_gpu, *lens_y_gpu, *b0_gpu, *angle_gpu, *epot_gpu, *rcore_gpu, *rcut_gpu, *anglecos_gpu, *anglesin_gpu;
type_t *potential_gpu;
type_t dl0s = module_cosmodistances_objectObject(lens->z[0], z, *cosmo);
type_t dos = module_cosmodistances_observerObject(z, *cosmo);
type_t dol = module_cosmodistances_observerObject(lens->z[0], *cosmo);
//select_ratio_function(std::string mode, const struct runmode_param* runmode, type_t dls, type_t ds)
lens_gpu = (Potential_SOA *) malloc(sizeof(Potential_SOA));
lens_gpu->type = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
// Allocate variables on the GPU
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_kernel), sizeof(Potential_SOA))," : Alloc Potential_SOA: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(type_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(int))," : Alloc type_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_x_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(lens_y_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc y_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(b0_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc b0_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(angle_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc angle_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(epot_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc epot_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(rcore_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc rcore_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(rcut_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc rcut_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(anglecos_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc anglecos_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(anglesin_gpu), nhalos*sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc anglesin_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(frame_gpu), sizeof(grid_param))," : Alloc frame_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMalloc( (void**)&(potential_gpu), (nbgridcells_x) * (nbgridcells_y) *sizeof(type_t))," : Alloc source_a_gpu: " );
// Copy values to the GPU
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(type_gpu,lens->type , nhalos*sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy type_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(lens_x_gpu,lens->position_x , nhalos*sizeof(type_t),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy x_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(lens_y_gpu,lens->position_y , nhalos*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy y_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(b0_gpu,lens->b0 , nhalos*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy b0_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(angle_gpu,lens->ellipticity_angle , nhalos*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy angle_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(epot_gpu, lens->ellipticity_potential, nhalos*sizeof(type_t),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy epot_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(rcore_gpu, lens->rcore, nhalos*sizeof(type_t),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy rcore_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(rcut_gpu, lens->rcut, nhalos*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy rcut_gpu: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(anglecos_gpu, lens->anglecos, nhalos*sizeof(type_t),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice )," : Copy anglecos: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(anglesin_gpu, lens->anglesin, nhalos*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy anglesin: " );
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(frame_gpu, frame, sizeof(grid_param), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)," : Copy fame_gpu: " );
lens_gpu->type = type_gpu;
lens_gpu->position_x = lens_x_gpu;
lens_gpu->position_y = lens_y_gpu;
lens_gpu->b0 = b0_gpu;
lens_gpu->ellipticity_angle = angle_gpu;
lens_gpu->ellipticity_potential = epot_gpu;
lens_gpu->rcore = rcore_gpu;
lens_gpu->rcut = rcut_gpu;
lens_gpu->anglecos = anglecos_gpu;
lens_gpu->anglesin = anglesin_gpu;
cudaMemcpy(lens_kernel, lens_gpu, sizeof(Potential_SOA), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
type_t time = -myseconds();
module_potential_SOA_CPU_GPU(potential_gpu, frame_gpu, lens_kernel, nhalos, dx, dy, nbgridcells_x, nbgridcells_y, istart, jstart);
//cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "module_potentialDerivative_totalGradient_SOA_CPU_GPU");
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy( map, potential_gpu, (nbgridcells_x)*(nbgridcells_y)*sizeof(type_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost )," --- : Copy source_a_gpu: " );
time += myseconds();
std::cout << " kernel time = " << time << " s." << std::endl;
// Free GPU memory
////Map functions
//Potential NR 1
void potential_1_grid_CPU_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t ds, type_t dl, type_t h, type_t z, int nbgridcells_x, int nbgridcells_y, const struct grid_param *frame)
int GRID_SIZE_X = (nbgridcells_x + BLOCK_SIZE_X - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_X; // number of blocks
int GRID_SIZE_Y = (nbgridcells_y + BLOCK_SIZE_Y - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
//printf("grid_size_x = %d, grid_size_y = %d, nbgridcells_x = %d, nbgridcells_y = %d, istart = %d, jstart = %d (split)\n", GRID_SIZE_X, GRID_SIZE_Y, nbgridcells_x, nbgridcells_y, istart, jstart);
dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y/1);
dim3 grid (GRID_SIZE_X , GRID_SIZE_Y);
//printf("nhalos = %d, size of shared memory = %lf (split)\n", nhalos, (type_t) (8*nhalos + BLOCK_SIZE_X*BLOCK_SIZE_Y)*sizeof(type_t));
//std::cerr << "Amplif 1 :" <<dl0s<<" " <<ds<<" " << std::endl;
//cudaMemset(map, 0, nbgridcells_x*nbgridcells_y*sizeof(type_t));
potential_1_grid_GPU<<<grid, threads>>> (potential,dl0s,ds,z,nbgridcells_x);
cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "pot_grid_CPU_GPU");
printf("GPU kernel done...\n");
__global__ void potential_1_grid_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t ds, type_t z,int nbgridcells)
type_t dlsds= dl0s/ds;
int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if ((row < nbgridcells) && (col < nbgridcells))
int index = row*nbgridcells + col;
potential[index] = potential[index] * dlsds;
//if(col == 0 and row == 0)printf(" GPUUUU: Grad %f %f %f ABC %f %f %f dlsds %f ab %f %f %f \n",grid_grad2_a[index]*dlsds,grid_grad2_b[index]*dlsds, grid_grad2_c[index]*dlsds,A,B,C,dlsds,amp.a,amp.b,(A - C)*(A - C) + 4*B*B);
//Potential NR 2
void potential_2_grid_CPU_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t ds, type_t dl, type_t h, type_t z, int nbgridcells_x, int nbgridcells_y, const struct grid_param *frame)
int GRID_SIZE_X = (nbgridcells_x + BLOCK_SIZE_X - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_X; // number of blocks
int GRID_SIZE_Y = (nbgridcells_y + BLOCK_SIZE_Y - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
//type_t dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells_x - 1);
//type_t dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells_y - 1); //
dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y/1);
dim3 grid (GRID_SIZE_X , GRID_SIZE_Y);
// type_t dlsds= dl0s/ds;
type_t dcrit = cH2piG * h / dl; // in 10^12 M_sol/pixel
//printf("nhalos = %d, size of shared memory = %lf (split) %f \n", nhalos, (type_t) (8*nhalos + BLOCK_SIZE_X*BLOCK_SIZE_Y)*sizeof(type_t),conv);
//cudaMemset(map, 0, nbgridcells_x*nbgridcells_y*sizeof(type_t));
potential_2_grid_GPU<<<grid, threads>>> (potential,dcrit,ds,z,nbgridcells_x);
cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "pot_grid_CPU_GPU");
printf("GPU kernel done...\n");
__global__ void potential_2_grid_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dcrit, type_t ds, type_t z,int nbgridcells)
//type_t dlsds= dl0s/ds;
int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if ((row < nbgridcells) && (col < nbgridcells))
int index = row*nbgridcells + col;
potential[index] = potential[index] * dcrit;
//Amplification NR 3
void potential_3_grid_CPU_GPU(type_t *potential, type_t dl0s, type_t ds, type_t dl, type_t h, type_t z, int nbgridcells_x, int nbgridcells_y, const struct grid_param *frame)
int GRID_SIZE_X = (nbgridcells_x + BLOCK_SIZE_X - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_X; // number of blocks
int GRID_SIZE_Y = (nbgridcells_y + BLOCK_SIZE_Y - 1)/BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
//printf("grid_size_x = %d, grid_size_y = %d, nbgridcells_x = %d, nbgridcells_y = %d, istart = %d, jstart = %d (split)\n", GRID_SIZE_X, GRID_SIZE_Y, nbgridcells_x, nbgridcells_y, istart, jstart);
dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE_X, BLOCK_SIZE_Y/1);
dim3 grid (GRID_SIZE_X , GRID_SIZE_Y);
//printf("nhalos = %d, size of shared memory = %lf (split)\n", nhalos, (type_t) (8*nhalos + BLOCK_SIZE_X*BLOCK_SIZE_Y)*sizeof(type_t));
//cudaMemset(map, 0, nbgridcells_x*nbgridcells_y*sizeof(type_t));
//potential_3_grid_GPU<<<grid, threads>>> (potential,dl0s,ds,z,nbgridcells_x);
//cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "pot_grid_CPU_GPU");
//printf("GPU kernel done...\n");

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