Examples for Lenstool
Listing :
example_draw_giant_arc : Plot cusp giant arcs and illustrate how to produce noise.
example_with_images : Optimise a potential with 3 systems of multiple images. Produce the best mass map. Produce the shear field. Produce a 2 related grid : regular source plane --> lensed in image plane.
example_with_sources : Lens 3 sources. Produce a mass map and a shear field.
example_with_galaxies : Optimise a cluster-scale potential and 12 galaxy-scale subhalos with 2 systems of multiple images.
example_with_errors : Optimise the cluster-scale potential as well as the noise itselt introduced on the image catalog (Gaussian noise of 0.1"). (See log file)
How to :
In all these examples, plot the mass map with DS9: ds9 ./mass.fits
Then, run the test example (with the extension .par) : lenstool ./test_galaxies
Then, plot the results on the DS9 frame: ./draw
You can also plot the bayes.dat pdf with ([RETURN] to go forward): pdfcheck.pl
or print a summary of the optimized parameters: bayesResults.pl
or plot a 2D map of 2 optimized parameters with: Histogram2D