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static double nfw_f(double r);
static double nfw_g(double r);
/* nom: e_nfw */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 06/99 */
/* place: Toulouse */
* r and rs are in radians.
* theta(in ") = r * DOL
/* Return the displacement in radians, ie the gradient of the projected
* lens potential for a circular NFW potential.
* Warning : You have to multiply by DLS/DS to get the right value
* in GK2002 Eq 6: dpl(x) = 4*kappas*r(")/x^2 * g(x)
* kappa(x) = 2*kappas
* with kappas = rho_s*rs*Sigma_crit^-1
* and vdisp^2 = 8/3*G*rs^2*rho_s (the 8/3 factor scales for the LT b0 definition)
* and x = r/rs
* ==> 4*kappas*r(")/x^2 = (6*PI/c^2 * vdisp^2) * DLS/DS * rs/r
* 2*kappas = (6*PI/c^2 * vdisp^2) * DLS/DS * 1 / 2rs
* here : kappas_LT = (6*PI/c^2 * vdisp^2) (see: set_lens.c, e_grad.c)
* ==> dpl(x) = kappas_LT * rs/r * nfw_g(r/rs) * DLS/DS
* ==> kappa(x) = kappas_LT / 2rs * nfw_f(r/rs) * DLS/DS
* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
double nfw_dpl(double r, double rs, double kappas)
double dpl = kappas * rs / r * nfw_g(r / rs);
return( dpl );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
double nfw_kappa(double r, double rs, double kappas)
double kappa = kappas / 2. / rs * nfw_f(r / rs);
return( kappa );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return kappa for elliptical NFW (cf. Golse & Kneib 2002, eq 17)
* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
double nfw_kappa_eps(double r, double rs, double theta, double kappas, double eps)
double kappa_eps;
kappa_eps = nfw_kappa(r, rs, kappas) + eps * cos(2 * theta) * nfw_gamma(r, rs, kappas);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return gamma1 and gamma2 for elliptical NFW
* (cf. Drumet-Montoyat et al. 2012 Eq A10-A12, Golse & Kneib 2002, eq 18)
* Global variables used :
* - none
struct point nfw_gamma_eps(double r, double rs, double theta, double kappas, double eps)
struct point gamma_eps;
double kappa, gamma;
kappa = nfw_kappa(r, rs, kappas);
gamma = nfw_gamma(r, rs, kappas);
// gamma_eps = sqrt( pow(gamma, 2.) + 2 * eps * cos(2 * theta) * kappa * gamma + eps * eps * ( pow(kappa, 2.) - pow(sin(2 * theta) * gamma, 2.) ) ); //NOT USED ANYMORE
gamma_eps.x = gamma * cos(2. * theta) + eps * kappa; // gamma1
gamma_eps.y = -sqrt(1. - eps * eps) * gamma * sin(2. * theta); // gamma2
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
double nfw_gamma(double r, double rs, double kappas)
/* double nfw_g();
double nfw_f();
return( kappas/rs*( nfw_g(r/rs)/r/r*rs*rs -nfw_f(r/rs)/2./(r*r/rs/rs-1) )
return( nfw_dpl(r, rs, kappas) / r - nfw_kappa(r, rs, kappas) );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
static double nfw_f(double r)
double f = 0;
if ( r > 1 )
f = ( 1. - 2. / sqrt(r * r - 1) * atan(sqrt((r - 1.) / (r + 1.))) ) / (r * r - 1); // same as acos(1/r)
else if ( r < 1 )
f = ( 1. - 2. / sqrt(1 - r * r) * atanh(sqrt((1. - r) / (r + 1.))) ) / (r * r - 1); // same as acosh(1/r)
f = 1. / 3.;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global variables used :
* - none
* */
static double nfw_g(double r)
double g = 1;
if ( r > 1 )
g = log(r / 2.) + 2. / sqrt(r * r - 1) * atan(sqrt((r - 1.) / (r + 1.))); // same as arcos(1/r)
else if ( r < 1 )
g = log(r / 2) + 2. / sqrt(1 - r * r) * atanh(sqrt((1. - r) / (r + 1.))); // same as arcosh(1/r)
g = 1. + log(0.5);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* Conversion rs,sigmas <--> concentration
* Tomas Verdugo Gonzalez : Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:07:18 -0600
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return the critical density of the Universe in Msol / Mpc3
double rho_cri(double z)
const extern struct g_cosmo C;
const extern struct pot lens[];
double Hcuad, rho_cri;
Hcuad = C.H0 / chiz(z);
Hcuad = Hcuad * Hcuad; // H^2 (z)
rho_cri = 3.0 / 8.0 / PI * INVG * Hcuad; //Critical density
return (rho_cri);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return the Overdensity (rho-rho_cri)/rho_cri (Lacey & Cole 1993; Eke et al. 1996)
double DDelta_c()
const extern struct g_cosmo C;
const extern struct pot lens[];
double DDelta_c = 0;
double E, Omega;
E = 1. / chiz(lens[0].z);
Omega = C.omegaM * pow( 1.0 + lens[0].z, 3) / E / E; //Omega at time z
if ( C.omegaX == 0.0 )
DDelta_c = 178.0 * pow(Omega, 0.30); //Overdensity for lambda=0
else if ( C.omegaX + C.omegaM == 1 )
DDelta_c = 178.0 * pow(Omega, 0.45); //Overdensity for Omega+lambda=1
// TODO else
return (DDelta_c);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Bisection method to find the solution of Fc
#define JMAX 40 //Maximum allowed number of bisections.
double rtbis2(double (*func)(double), double x1, double x2, double xacc)
//Using bisection, find the root of a function func known to lie between x1 and x2. The root,
//returned as rtbis, will be refined until its accuracy is ±xacc.
int j;
double dx, f, fmid, xmid, rtb;
f = (*func)(x1);
fmid = (*func)(x2);
if (f*fmid >= 0.0) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: (NFW:rtbis2) Root must be bracketed for bisection\n");
rtb = f < 0.0 ? (dx = x2 - x1, x1) : (dx = x1 - x2, x2);
for (j = 1; j <= JMAX; j++)
fmid = (*func)(xmid = rtb + (dx *= 0.5));
if (fmid <= 0.0) rtb = xmid;
if (fabs(dx) < xacc || fmid == 0.0) return rtb;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: (NFW:rtbis2) Too many bisections\n");
return 0.0;
#undef JMAX
static double delta_c_ext; //Characteristic density contrast
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* The next function return de F(c) value
* Global variables used :
static double efe_c(double cc)
double A, Fc;
A = cc * cc * cc / (log(1. + cc) - cc / (1. + cc));
Fc = delta_c_ext - 200. / 3.0 * A; // TODO : DDelta()
return (Fc);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given sigma_s and r_s
* :
void e_nfw_rs2c(double sigma_s, double r_s, double *rhos, double *c, double *M_200, double z)
extern double delta_c_ext;
double rho_c;
double r_200;
double r_s_Mpc;
double a = 0.0001;
double b = 30.0;
double err = 0.0001;
rho_c = rho_cri(z);
r_s_Mpc = r_s / 1000.; //rs in Megaparsecs
*rhos = (3. / 8. * INVG) * sigma_s * sigma_s / r_s_Mpc / r_s_Mpc;
delta_c_ext = *rhos / rho_c;
*c = rtbis2(efe_c, a, b, err); //This is the concentration value
r_200 = (*c) * r_s_Mpc ; //The Radius 200xrhocrit
//Virial mass in solar masses
*M_200 = (4.0 / 3.0) * PI * r_200 * r_200 * r_200 * rho_c * 200.; //DDelta_c();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given c and rs (in kpc)
* Global variables used :
void e_nfw_crs2sig(double c, double rs, double *sigma_s, double z)
double sigma_s0, rhos;
rhos = 200. / 3. * c * c * c / ( log( 1 + c ) - c / ( 1 + c ) ) * rho_cri(z); // in Msol/Mpc3
rs /= 1000.; // in Mpc
sigma_s0 = 8. / 3. / INVG * rs * rs * rhos;
*sigma_s = sqrt(sigma_s0); // in km/s
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given c and m200 (in Msol) to
* sigma_s in km/s and rs in kpc. (See NFW1996, Eq 4)
* Global variables used :
void e_nfw_cm200_sigrs( double c, double m200, double *sigma_s, double *r_s, double z )
double rhos, r200, sigma_s0, rho_c;
rho_c = rho_cri(z);
rhos = 200. / 3. * c * c * c / ( log( 1 + c ) - c / ( 1 + c ) ) * rho_c; // in Msol/Mpc3
r200 = 3. * m200 / 4. / PI / rho_c / 200.; // in Mpc^3
r200 = pow( r200, 0.333333);
*r_s = r200 / c; // in Mpc
sigma_s0 = 8.0 / INVG * (*r_s) * (*r_s) * rhos / 3.0;
*sigma_s = sqrt(sigma_s0); //in km/s
*r_s *= 1000.; // in kpc
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given c and r200 (in kpc) to
* sigma_s in km/s and rs in kpc.
* Global variables used :
void e_nfw_cr200_sigrs( double c, double r200, double *sigma_s, double *r_s, double z )
double rhos, sigma_s0;
rhos = 200. / 3. * c * c * c / ( log( 1 + c ) - c / ( 1 + c ) ) * rho_cri(z); // in Msol/Mpc3
r200 /= 1000.; // in Mpc
*r_s = r200 / c; // in Mpc
sigma_s0 = 8. / 3. / INVG * (*r_s) * (*r_s) * rhos;
*sigma_s = sqrt(sigma_s0); //in km/s
*r_s *= 1000.; // in kpc
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given rs (in kpc) and m200 (in Msol) to
* sigma_s in km/s.
* Global variables used :
void e_nfw_rsm200_sigrs( double rs, double m200, double *sigma_s, double z )
double r200, c, rhos, sigma_s0, rho_c;
rho_c = rho_cri(z);
r200 = 3. * m200 / 4. / PI / rho_c / 200.; // in Mpc
r200 = pow( r200, 0.333333);
c = r200 / rs * 1000.;
rhos = 200. / 3. * c * c * c / ( log( 1 + c ) - c / ( 1 + c ) ) * rho_c; // in Msol/Mpc3
sigma_s0 = 8. / 3. / INVG * rs * rs * rhos;
*sigma_s = sqrt(sigma_s0); // in km/s
/* --------------------------------------------------------------*
* Return one formulation of NFW given rs and r200 (in kpc) to
* sigma_s in km/s.
* Global variables used :
void e_nfw_rsr200_sigrs( double rs, double r200, double *sigma_s, double z )
double c, rhos, sigma_s0;
c = r200 / rs;
rhos = 200. / 3. * c * c * c / ( log( 1 + c ) - c / ( 1 + c ) ) * rho_cri(z); // in Msol/Mpc3
sigma_s0 = 8. / 3. / INVG * rs * rs * rhos;
*sigma_s = sqrt(sigma_s0); // in km/s

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