bayesResults.pl : to print the statistics of the bayes.dat file. draw : to plot everything on a DS9 image of the object. frames.pl : to define the reference position. (deprecated). Use instead the
#REFERENCE <int> <RA> <DEC> header at the beginning of the input files.
garc.pl : to grab the ellipses in a DS9 image of an object. gianti : to plot the gianti.dat file grid : to plot the gs1.dat, gs2.dat, gi1.dat and gi2.dat pcl : to plot the critical lines. pdfcheck.pl : to plot the bayes.dat results in Histogram1D format. Need the
the utils/Histogram tool to be included in the PATH.
pelli : to plot ellipses of the image or source catalogs. plotmap.pl : to plot the map.iso file. (see: potfile optimisation). Need PGPLOT
for Perl installed.
ppoint : to plot points instead of ellipses of the image or source catalogs. wcscat : almost the same as pelli. bayesChires.pl : Produce a chires_mean.dat file containing the averaged rms for
all the models contained in the bayes.dat file.