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Fri, Mar 7, 03:32
# Transform the ellipses in ds9 to a lenstool catalog. If no
# argument is given, write the lenstool catalog on STDOUT.
# If the argument is STDIN, read the ds9 region file from
# stdin.
# If an argument is given, the ellipses are written in the
# file and if the file already contains ellipses with the
# same identifiers, their position, size and orientations are
# updated. Their redshifts and magnitudes are not modified.
# The ellipses in ds9 must have different identifiers.
$[ = 0; # set array base to 1
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
# subroutine that return $ra and $dec according to $iref
sub getRADEC
local $iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx;
($iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx) = @_;
#If we have the reference coordinates in sexagesimal form
#convert them to degrees
if ($iref == 1)
if (substr($dec,0,1) eq '-')
$ds9type = 'fk5';
elsif( $iref == 2 )
$ds9type = 'image';
else #( $iref == 3 or $iref == 0 ) default case
$ds9type = 'fk5';
} # end of getRADEC subroutine
# subroutine that converts an X and Y value read from DS9 according to
# a reference declaration
sub convertXY
local $iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx, $xc, $yc, @ref;
($xc, $yc, $iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx) = @_;
# Convert the coordinates to relative coordinates
# if $iref == 0, nothing has to be done as it stays in WCS
if( $iref == 1 or $iref == 3 )
$xc -= $ra + 360 if( abs($xc - $ra) > 1 ); #correction if ra=0
$xc = ($xc - $ra)*$pixelx;
$yc = ($yc - $dec)*$pixel;
elsif( $iref == 2 )
$xc -= $ra;
$yc -= $dec;
return ($xc, $yc);
} # end of convertXY subroutine
# Beginning of the main script
# Get the right DS9 id
if( $ARGV[0] ne "STDIN" )
if( ! $ENV{DS9} )
@xpa = `xpaget xpans`;
@xpa = split(/ /,$xpa[0]);
# Read the DS9 regions output
system("xpaset -p $title regions system wcs");
system("xpaget $title regions > e.reg");
open $ds9 ,"e.reg";
$ds9 = *STDIN;
shift @ARGV;
#Read DS9 file and fill the %arcs hash map
while (<$ds9>)
if( $_ =~ /^#/ )
{} elsif ( $_=~ /ellipse\((.*)\).*text={([\w|\d|\.]+)}/ )
if ( $2 ne "" )
$fld[6]=0.; #redshift
$fld[7]=0.; #magnitude
$arcs{$2}=[ @fld ]; # the key is the arc id
printf STDERR "%d regions read\n",scalar keys %arcs;
exit 1 if( scalar keys %arcs == 0 );
#if something has to be changed in ARGV[0]
#if ds9 regions have been read
if (scalar keys %arcs)
#Default : No #REFERENCE keyword
$iref = -1;
#Read $ARGV[0]
if( @ARGV > 0 ) {
#Check if there is a reference keyword
if( $line =~ /#REFERENCE/i )
($null, $iref, $ra, $dec) = split ' ', $line;
getRADEC( $iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx );
@fld=split ' ',$line;
# Lookup in the %arcs hash map for the same arc id
#Update the old values with the new ds9 values
@fldDs9=@{ $arcs{$fld[0]} };
# update ra, dec, a, b and theta
# save the new array
$arcs{$fld[0]}=[ @fld ];
} else
#Consider those lines as header
push @header, $line;
#Switch the writting between ARGV[0] or stdout
if( @ARGV > 0 ) {
} else {
$out = *STDOUT;
# Print the #REFERENCE keyword if it doesn't exist
printf $out "#REFERENCE 0\n" if( $iref == -1 );
# Print the header
for( @header )
printf $out $_;
# Print the modified arcs values
foreach $key ( sort keys %arcs )
@fld=@ { $arcs{$key} }; #retreive the arc array with its key
# convert the center coordinates
@ref = ($iref, $ra, $dec, $pixel, $pixelx);
($fld[1], $fld[2]) = convertXY( $fld[1], $fld[2], @ref );
# $fld[3]=substr($fld[3],0,-1);
# $fld[4]=substr($fld[4],0,-1);
printf $out "%s %.7f %.7f %.5f %.5f %6.1f %.3f %.4f\n", @fld;
close($out) if $out ne *STDOUT;
exit 0;

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