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File Metadata

Mon, Mar 17, 14:34
$[ = 0; # set array base to 1
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
if (@ARGV<1) {
print "Usage: ppoint <file> [color] [clean] [coltext]";
print "Catalog format : id xc(deg) yc(deg) a(deg) b(deg) theta z mag";
print ">Usage: ppoint <file> [color] [clean] [coltext] # $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2] $ARGV[3]";
if ($color eq '')
if ($col eq '')
if ($ARGV[2] eq "clean")
system("xpaset -p ds9 regions deleteall");
# Read the input file
if( $ARGV[0] ne "STDIN" )
open $in, "$ARGV[0]" or die "ERROR opening $ARGV[0]\n";
$in = *STDIN;
local $\; # établit le mode slurp en local
close $in;
#Set default WCS coordinates values
$iref = 0;
$ra = 0;
$dec = 0;
# Check if there exists the file for compatibility
do '';
$iref = 1 if( $type eq 'fk5' );
# Check if the first line contains a WCS reference
if( $file[0] =~ /#REFERENCE/i )
print $file[0];
chop $file[0];
($null,$iref,$ra,$dec) = split / /,$file[0];
#If we have the reference coordinates in sexagesimal form
#convert them to degrees
if ($iref == 1)
if (substr($dec,0,1) eq '-')
$ds9type = 'fk5';
elsif( $iref == 2 )
$ds9type = 'image';
else #( $iref == 3 or $iref == 0 ) default case
$ds9type = 'fk5';
# Try to not print the ellipse Id 2 times
$oldId = "";
for( @file )
chop; # strip record separator
if( $_ =~ "#.*" )
{} else
($id,$xc,$yc,$a,$b,$theta,$z,$mag) = split;
# Convert the coordinates to absolute coordinates
# iref == 0 means that it's already in WCS coordinates (default)
if( $iref == 1 or $iref == 3 )
$xc = $ra + $xc/$pixelx;
$yc = $dec + $yc/$pixel;
elsif( $iref == 2 )
$xc += $ra;
$yc += $dec;
# Print the points
printf ds9 "$ds9type;point(%.7f,%.7f) #point=cross color=$color ",$xc,$yc;
# Plot the arc ID but not the ID of the 2nd potfile ellipse
if( $oldId ne $id or $oldxc != $xc or $oldyc != $yc )
if($col != 0 )
printf ds9 "text={%s} ",$fld[$col-1];
printf ds9 "font=\"helvetica 14 normal\" ";
# If it's the 2nd ellipse of a potfile clump ie sigma
if ( $oldId eq $id and $oldxc == $xc and $oldyc == $yc )
printf ds9 "background";
printf ds9 "\n";
$oldId = $id;
$oldxc = $xc; $oldyc = $yc;
} # end of commented line
system("cat e.reg | xpaset ds9 regions");

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