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/* nom: g_ampli */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
* Global variables used :
* - F, M, lens, imFrame
void g_ampli_m3_boucle(double **ampli, int **namp,
const double sxmin, const double symin,
const double dx, const double dy,
const double dlsds, const double dl0s,
const double dos, const double z, const int np,
double **imsens);
void g_ampli(int iamp, int np, double z, char *file)
const extern struct g_frame F;
const extern struct g_mode M;
// const extern struct g_cosmo C;
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
const extern struct pot lens[];
extern struct point gsource_global[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
register int i, j, k, ii, jj;
double dl0s,dos,dlsds;
struct point pi, ps;
struct point pImage[NIMAX]; // list of image positions for a given source position
struct ellipse amp;
struct matrix MA;
double kappa, ga1, ga2, gam, gp;
double **ampli;
double xw, yw; // WCS coordinates in degrees for -3 mode
int **namp;
int ni;
double dx, dy, sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax;
// initialise variables
amp.a = amp.b = 0.;
if (iamp == 1)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: Amp in the Image Plane for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n", z, file);
else if (iamp == 2)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: abs(Amp) in the Image Plane for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n",
z, file);
else if (iamp == 3)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP:-2.5log(abs(Amp)) in the Image Plane for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n",
z, file);
else if (iamp == 5)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP:kappa in the Image Plane (not normalized by dlsds) for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n",
z, file);
else if (iamp == 6)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP:gamma in the Image Plane (not normalized by dlsds) for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n",
z, file);
else if (iamp == -1)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP:-2.5log((abs(Amp)) in the Source Plane for z_s=%.3lf =>%s\n", z, file);
else if (iamp == -3)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: Correct -2.5log((abs(Amp)) in the Source Plane for z_s=%.3f =>%s using the detection map %s\n", z, file, imFrame.pixfile);
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: 1/Amp in the Source Plane %d\n", iamp);
dl0s = distcosmo2(lens[0].z, z);
dos = distcosmo1(z);
dlsds = dl0s / dos;
// warning message
if ( iamp == 5 || iamp == 6 )
extern struct g_grille G;
double oldz = lens[0].z;
long int i = 0;
while ( oldz == lens[i].z && i < G.nlens ) i++;
if ( i < G.nlens )
fprintf(stderr, "WARN: case ampli %d not valid for lenses at different redshifts\n", iamp);
ampli = (double **) alloc_square_double(np, np);
namp = (int **) alloc_square_int(np, np);
/* Make sure we have empty arrays */
for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
ampli[i][j] = 0.;
namp[i][j] = 0;
if (iamp > 0)
for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
pi.y = j * (F.ymax - F.ymin) / (np - 1) + F.ymin;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
pi.x = i * (F.xmax - F.xmin) / (np - 1) + F.xmin;
amp = e_unmag(&pi, dl0s, dos, z);
if (iamp == 1)
ampli[j][i] = 1. / (amp.a * amp.b);
/*absolute value of amplification*/
else if (iamp == 2)
ampli[j][i] = 1. / fabs(amp.a * amp.b);
/*amplification in magnitudes*/
else if (iamp == 3)
ampli[j][i] = -2.5 * log10(fabs(amp.a * amp.b));
else if (iamp == 4)
MA = e_grad2(&pi, dl0s, z);
MA.a /= dos;
MA.b /= dos;
MA.c /= dos;
kappa = (MA.a + MA.c) / 2.;
ga1 = (MA.a - MA.c) / 2.;
ga2 = MA.b;
gam = sqrt(ga1 * ga1 + ga2 * ga2); /*gamma*/
gp = gam / (1 - kappa);
ampli[j][i] = (1 - kappa) * (1 + gp * gp) / (1 - gp * gp);
else if (iamp == 5 || iamp == 6)
MA = e_grad2(&pi, dl0s, z);
MA.a /= dl0s;
MA.b /= dl0s;
MA.c /= dl0s;
kappa = (MA.a + MA.c) / 2.;
ga1 = (MA.a - MA.c) / 2.;
ga2 = MA.b;
gam = sqrt(ga1 * ga1 + ga2 * ga2);
if (iamp == 5)
ampli[j][i] = kappa;
else if (iamp == 6)
ampli[j][i] = gam;
ampli[j][i] = (amp.a * amp.b);
if (M.iref > 0)
wrf_fits_abs(file, ampli, np, np, F.xmin, F.xmax, F.ymin, F.ymax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits(file, ampli, np, np, F.xmin, F.xmax, F.ymin, F.ymax);
/*amplification in the source plane*/
else if (iamp < 0)
/*define a smaller window in the Source plane*/
dx = (F.xmax - F.xmin) / 6.;
dy = (F.ymax - F.ymin) / 6.;
sxmin = F.xmin + dx;
sxmax = F.xmax - dx;
symin = F.ymin + dy;
symax = F.ymax - dy;
dx = (sxmax - sxmin) / (np - 1);
dy = (symax - symin) / (np - 1);
if (iamp == -1)
for (j = 0; j < (np*1.8); j++)
pi.y = j * (F.ymax - F.ymin) / (np * 1.8 - 1) + F.ymin;
for (i = 0; i < (np*1.8); i++)
pi.x = i * (F.xmax - F.xmin) / (np * 1.8 - 1) + F.xmin;
amp = e_unmag(&pi, dl0s, dos, z);
e_dpl(&pi, dlsds, &ps);
ii = (int) (0.5 + (ps.x - sxmin) / dx);
jj = (int) (0.5 + (ps.y - symin) / dy);
if ((ii >= 0) && (ii < np) && (jj >= 0) && (jj < np))
ampli[jj][ii] += 1. / (fabs(amp.a * amp.b));
for (ii = 0; ii < np; ii++)
for (jj = 0; jj < np; jj++)
if (namp[jj][ii] > 0)
ampli[jj][ii] /= namp[jj][ii];
ampli[jj][ii] = 2.5 * log10(ampli[jj][ii]);
/*amplification total of all arclets of a familly in the source plane
* not finished*/
else if (iamp == -2)
e_unlensgrid(gsource_global, dlsds);
for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
ps.y = j * dy + symin;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
ps.x = i * dx + sxmin;
ni = e_lens_P(ps, pImage, dlsds);
for (k = 0; k < ni; k++)
amp = e_unmag(&pImage[k], dl0s, dos, z);
ampli[j][i] += 1. / (fabs(amp.a * amp.b));
for (ii = 0; ii < np; ii++)
for (jj = 0; jj < np; jj++)
if (namp[jj][ii] > 0)
ampli[jj][ii] = 2.5 * log10(ampli[jj][ii]);
else if ( iamp == -3 )
extern struct point gsource_global[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
const extern struct g_frame F;
double **imsens; // sensitivity map for the -3 mode in image plane
//read image
imsens = (double **) readimage(&imFrame);
e_unlensgrid(gsource_global, dlsds);
dx = (F.xmax - F.xmin) / 6.;
dy = (F.ymax - F.ymin) / 6.;
sxmin = F.xmin + dx; /*define a smaller window in the Source plane*/
sxmax = F.xmax - dx;
symin = F.ymin + dy;
symax = F.ymax - dy;
dx = (sxmax - sxmin) / (np - 1);
dy = (symax - symin) / (np - 1);
fprintf(stderr, "SIZE X:%d(pix) Y:%d(pix) DX:%.2lf(arcsec/pix) DY:%.2lf(arcsec/pix)\n",
np, np, dx, dy);
g_ampli_m3_boucle(ampli, namp,
sxmin, symin,
dx, dy,
dlsds, dl0s,
dos, z, np, imsens);
free_square_double(imsens, imFrame.ny);
fprintf(stderr, "> done \n");
// write the fits amplification map
if (M.iref > 0)
wrf_fits_abs(file, ampli, np, np, sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax, M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
wrf_fits(file, ampli, np, np, sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax);
} // end if iamp<0
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARNING: Command ampli not recognise\n");
free_square_double(ampli, np);
free_square_int(namp, np);
void g_ampli_m3_boucle(double **ampli, int **namp,
const double sxmin, const double symin,
const double dx, const double dy,
const double dlsds, const double dl0s,
const double dos, const double z, const int np,
double **imsens)
extern struct g_pixel imFrame;
const extern struct g_mode M;
//We have the following non-constant parameters:
//ampli, namp --- main result --- shared
//imFrame --- wcs2pix problem (solved by critical), the rest used as constant
//imsens --- used as constant
//we call the following function:
//e_lens_P --- thread save (don't have non constant extern and static in all calls inside)
//e_unmag --- thread save (don't have non constant extern and static in all calls inside)
//wcs2pix --- unfortunately change imFrame.wcsinfo, probably use it as temporaly storage
// MUST be in critical block
int j;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1)
for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
struct point ps;
ps.y = j * dy + symin;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
ps.x = i * dx + sxmin;
struct point pImage[NIMAX]; // list of image positions for a given source position
int ni = e_lens_P(ps, pImage, dlsds);
int k;
for (k = 0; k < ni; k++)
struct ellipse amp = e_unmag(&pImage[k], dl0s, dos, z);
/* compute the corresponding pixel in the image plane map*/
int imii, imij; // coordinates in pixels of the FITS file for the sensitivity map
if ( imFrame.wcsinfo != NULL )
double yw = pImage[k].y / 3600. + M.ref_dec;
double xw = -pImage[k].x / 3600. / cos(M.ref_dec * DTR) + M.ref_ra;
double xpix, ypix; // Image coordinates in pixels for -3 mode
int offscl; // offset for wcs2pix
//in principle imFrame.wcsinfo should be constant parameter, but
//actually it is not like this... for some reason wcs2pix change
//imFrame.wcsinfo.... there is possiblity that he use some fields like
//temporaly variables...
// This MUST be critical!
#pragma omp critical
wcs2pix(imFrame.wcsinfo, xw, yw, &xpix, &ypix, &offscl);
imii = (int) ypix;
imij = (int) xpix;
imii = (int) ((pImage[k].y - imFrame.ymin) / imFrame.pixely);
imij = (int) ((pImage[k].x - imFrame.xmin) / imFrame.pixelx);
if ((imii >= 0) && (imij >= 0) && (imii < imFrame.ny) && (imij < imFrame.nx))
// sensitivity of 1 pixel in source plane
double ssens = imsens[imii][imij] * (fabs(amp.a * amp.b));
// look for the minimum ssens
if (ssens > 0)
if ( ampli[j][i] == 0)
ampli[j][i] = ssens;
if ( ampli[j][i] > ssens) ampli[j][i] = ssens;
} //end of i loop
//amp modified inside k loop!!! we cannot print it outside i loop!
// NPRINTF(stderr, "%d/%d %.2lf %.2lf\r",
// j, np, (*pampli)[j][i], fabs(amp.a*amp.b) );
} // end of j loop

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