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Wed, Mar 19, 14:03
16 KB
Mime Type
Fri, Mar 21, 14:03 (2 d)
Raw Data
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R1448 Lenstool-HPC
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#include "dimension.h"
// Parameter constants
#define CX 0
#define CY 1
#define EPOT 2
#define EMASS 3
#define THETA 4
#define PHI 5
#define RC 6
#define B0 7
#define ALPHA 8
#define BETA 9
#define RCUT 10
#define MASSE 11
#define ZLENS 12
#define RCSLOPE 13
#define PMASS 14
#define OMEGAM 15
#define OMEGAX 16
#define WX 17
#define WA 18
#define SCX 19
#define SCY 20
#define SA 21
#define SB 22
#define SEPS 23
#define STHETA 24
#define SINDEX 25
#define SFLUX 26
#define VFCX 27
#define VFCY 28
#define VFVT 29
#define VFRT 30
#define VFI 31
#define VFTHETA 32
#define VFLCENT 33
#define VFSIGMA 34
* structure definition
/* */
/* Definition de type */
/* */
typedef struct
double re;
double im;
} complex;
/* */
/* structure point */
/* */
struct point
double x;
double y;
/* */
/* structure lens-data */
/* */
typedef struct
double alpha_now, x_now, kappa, dpl;
} lensdata;
/* */
/* Definition des structures de controle */
/* */
struct g_observ
int bruit;
int setbin;
int bin;
int setseeing;
int filtre;
double seeing;
double seeing_a;
double seeing_b;
double seeing_angle;
char psffile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double r0st;
double r0st_a;
double r0st_b;
double prec;
double SKY;
double gain;
int idum;
struct g_mode
int verbose;
int sort;
int grille;
int ngrille;
double zgrille;
int inverse; /* mode inversion de la lentille */
int itmax; /* iter. max lors de l'optimisation*/
double rate; /* rate in the bayesian optimisation*/
double minchi0; /* minimal chi2 for the optimisation*/
int ichi2; /* compute the chi2 with the given model and constraints*/
int image; /* flag pour fichier d'images */
char imafile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int source; /* flag pour fichier de sources */
char sourfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* from an image file compute only the source catalogue */
int sof; /* flag pour fichier de sources */
char imsfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
char sfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* correlate shear with model */
int icorshear; /* flag pour fichier de correlation */
char corshfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le comportement local des image */
int local; /* flag d'etude de e_i dans le repere local */
char localfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour l'inversion des arclets en fonction du redshift */
int study; /* flag d'etude de e_s en fonction de z_s */
char studyfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int fake;
int mean;
double seeing;
/* etude pour le calcul du amplification du plan image */
int iampli;
int nampli;
double zampli;
char amplifile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du poten du plan image */
int ipoten;
int npoten;
double zpoten;
char potenfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du mass du plan image */
int imass;
int nmass;
double zmass;
char massfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du dpl du plan image */
int idpl;
int ndpl;
double zdpl;
char dplxfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
char dplyfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du curvature du plan image */
int icurv;
int ncurv;
double zcurv;
char cxxfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
char cxyfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
char cyyfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du shear-field du plan image */
int ishearf;
double zshearf;
char shearffile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int nshearf;
/* etude pour le calcul du amplification-field du plan image */
int iamplif;
double zamplif;
char ampliffile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du shear du plan image */
int ishear;
int nshear;
double zshear;
char shearfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul du time_delay du plan image */
int itime;
int ntime;
double ztime;
char timefile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude pour le calcul des props du plan image */
int prop;
int nprop;
double zprop;
char propfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double radius;
double masse;
/* visualisation pixelise du champ */
int pixel;
int npixel;
char pixelfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* datacube */
int cube;
int nslices;
char cubefile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* Reference absolue */
int iref;
double ref_ra;
double ref_dec;
/* calcul des markers sources de markers images donnes */
int marker;
double zmarker;
char markfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* etude d'une coupe des props du plan image */
int radial;
double zradial;
double theta;
/* visualisation pixelise du plan source */
int iclean;
double zclean;
/* center of multiple images file */
char centerfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* potfile parameters */
struct g_pot
int potid; // 1: pot P, 2: pot Q
int ftype;
char potfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int type;
double zlens;
double core;
double corekpc;
double mag0;
int select;
int ircut;
double cut, cut1, cut2;
double cutkpc1, cutkpc2;
int isigma;
double sigma, sigma1, sigma2;
int islope;
double slope, slope1, slope2;
int ivdslope;
double vdslope, vdslope1, vdslope2;
int ivdscat;
double vdscat, vdscat1, vdscat2;
int ircutscat;
double rcutscat, rcutscat1, rcutscat2;
int ia; // scaling relation of msm200
double a, a1, a2;
int ib; // scaling relation of msm200
double b, b1, b2;
/* dynfile parameters */
struct g_dyn {
int dyntype;
int dynnumber;
double dynvel;
double dynevel;
double indmass;
double indemass;
double refradius;
// parameters of an image in pixels with WCS coordinates
struct g_pixel
int column;
int ech;
int format;
char pixfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int ncont;
char outfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
char contfile[10][FILENAME_SIZE];
double pixelx;
double pixely;
int header;
double xmin;
double xmax;
double ymin;
double ymax;
int nx;
int ny;
double meanFlux;
struct WorldCoor *wcsinfo;
struct g_cube
int format;
char pixfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double xmin;
double xmax;
double ymin;
double ymax;
double lmin;
double lmax;
double pixelx;
double pixely;
double pixelz;
int nx;
int ny;
int nz;
int header;
double meanFlux;
struct WorldCoor *wcsinfo;
struct g_image
int random;
int nzlim;
int npcl;
/* shear map parameteres */
int shmap;
double zsh, dl0ssh, dossh, drsh;
char shfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
/* arclets parameteres */
int stat;
int statmode;
char arclet[FILENAME_SIZE];
char nza[10]; /*index of the redshift known arclet in z_arclet*/
double zarclet;
double drarclet;
double sigell, dsigell; // ellipticity of sources and associated error
double sig2ell;
// source plane fitting
int srcfit; // boolean yes/no
long int nsrcfit; // number of points in srcfit global variable
char srcfitFile[FILENAME_SIZE]; // name of the srcfit catalog of points
char srcfitMethod[50]; // source plane fitting method
/* multiple arcs parameteres */
int forme;
int n_mult;
int mult_abs;
int mult[NFMAX];
char multfile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double sig2pos[NFMAX][NIMAX]; // position error per system
double **weight; // inverse of covariance matrix
double detCov; // determinant of the covariance matrix
double sig2amp;
double Dmag;
int adjust;
char Afile[FILENAME_SIZE];
int Anx;
int Any;
int Abin;
int Anfilt;
int Anpixseeing;
double Apixel;
double Aseeing;
double Axmin;
double Axmax;
double Aymin;
double Aymax;
double Amean;
double Adisp;
struct g_source
int grid;
int rand;
long int ns;
int distz;
double emax;
double zs;
double zsmin;
double zsmax;
double par1; // for Smail et al. distrib
double par2;
double par3;
double taille;
double lfalpha;
double lfm_star;
double lfm_min;
double lfm_max;
struct g_grille
int ngrid; // number of cells in source-image plane inversion
int pol; // boolean : 0 regular grid, 1 polar grid
long int nlens; // size of lens[] list
long int nplens[NPOTFILE+1]; // array of potfile starting indexes in lens[]
int npot; // number of potfiles
long int nlens_crit; // number of lens for which the critical lines have to be computed
long int no_lens; // individual clump to optimise index in lens[]
long int nmsgrid; // multi-scale grid final index in lens[]
char splinefile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double xmin;
double xmax;
double ymin;
double ymax;
double dx;
double dy;
int nx;
int ny;
int echant;
double exc;
double excmin;
double **invmat; // msgrid transformation matrix between vector Sigma and sig2
// Multi-scale grid definition
struct g_msgrid
double threshold; // splitting threshold
int levels; // number of splitting
double param; // for PIEMD grid : rcut/rcore
char gridfile[FILENAME_SIZE];// file containing the description of a grid
struct g_cline
int nplan;
double cz[NPZMAX];
int zone;
int npzone;
char zonefile[FILENAME_SIZE];
double cpas; // minimum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES or initial step size in SNAKE
double dmax;
char algorithm[20]; //SNAKE or MARCHINGSQUARES algorithm for critical lines search
double limitHigh; // maximum size of the squares in MARCHINGSQUARES algorithm
struct g_frame
double xmin;
double xmax;
double ymin;
double ymax;
double lmin;
double lmax;
double rmax;
struct g_large
double dlarge;
char iname[50];
int vitesse;
int iso;
int nmaxiso;
double scale;
double zonex;
double zoney;
int profil;
int pt;
int ncourbe;
int npt;
struct g_cosmo
//function g_cosmo_equal make comparison of two g_cosmo structures
//see distcosmo2_cash.c
int model; //TV
double omegaM;
double omegaX;
double kcourb;
double wX;
double wa;
double H0;
double h;
/* */
/* Definition des types */
/* */
struct polar
double r;
double theta;
struct segment
double dist;
int k;
struct matrix
double a;
double b;
double c;
double d;
struct vecteur
double x;
double y;
struct biline
int i;
struct point I;
struct point S;
struct ellipse
double a;
double b;
double theta;
struct pointgal
int n;
struct point C;
double z;
struct pointell
struct point C;
struct ellipse E;
struct shear
int n;
struct point C;
double mx;
double my;
double dx;
double dy;
double err;
//"class" for cashing results of distcosmo2 (see cosmoratio.c )
struct distcosmo2_cash
//you should initialise distcosmo2_cash before using
//set z1 = 0 z2 = 0 dsl=0 (or run distcosmo2_cash_init)
//or define it as global variables which will set zero automatically
//Of course, in c++ life is easy and we simple could write constructor
struct g_cosmo C; //cosmologe for which dls = distcosmo2(z1,z2) was calculated
double z1, z2;
double dls; //cashing value
//"members" of "class" distcosmo2_cash
//you should run distcosmo2_cash_init after creatig distcosmo2_hash
void distcosmo2_cash_init(struct distcosmo2_cash* cash);
//calculate distcosmo2(z1,z2) and store result in the case
//or get value from the cash if we've already calculated it
double distcosmo2_cash_request(struct distcosmo2_cash* cash, double z1, double z2);
struct galaxie
char n[IDSIZE];
struct point C;
struct point Grad; // total deflection with all clumps
struct ellipse E;
char c;
int type;
double magabs;
double mag;
double flux;
double mu;
double I0;
double z;
double dl0s; // DLS distcosmo2 between lens[0] and z
double dos; // DOS distance to z
double dr; // ratio dl0s/dos
double q;
double eps;
double tau;
double dis;
double A;
double ep;
double tp;
double dp;
double thp;
double taux;
double tauy;
double time;
double kappa;
double gamma1;
double gamma2;
double var1; // multipurpose variable1
double var2; // multipurpose variable2
struct point grad; // deflection due to the not optimised clumps
struct matrix grad2; // absolute projected potential of the not optimised clumps
struct point *np_grad; // deflection due to non parametric clumps with b0=1
double *np_grad2a; // laplacian due to non parametric clumps with b0=1
double *np_grad2b; // laplacian due to non parametric clumps with b0=1
double *np_grad2c; // laplacian due to non parametric clumps with b0=1
struct distcosmo2_cash dls_cash; //cash of distcosmo2 result
struct point (*gsource)[NGGMAX][NGGMAX]; //we use it only for single image families!
//(see chi2SglImage function in o_chi.c)
//gsource is a 2D map of G.ngrid^2 points in the source plane defined
//by dlsds. Each point in gsource is linked to a single point in the
//gimage global variable. Those 2 maps define a kind of bijection
//between the source and the image planes.
double grid_dr; //dlsds ratio for the grid used from source to image plane
struct gal_pol
int n;
struct polar C;
struct ellipse E;
double z;
struct z_lim
int opt;
char n[128];
int bk;
int bk0; // opt_mc stuff golse2002
double percent; // opt_mc stuff golse2002
double min;
double max;
double err;
double ddmin;
double ddmax;
double dderr;
double excu;
double excd;
struct sigposStr
int bk;
double min;
double max;
double prec;
double excu;
double excd;
struct propertie
int n;
struct point P;
double k;
double s;
double e;
double t;
double q;
double theta;
double d;
double A;
double g;
struct ligne
double i;
double e;
double theta;
struct line
double e;
double theta;
double i;
double phi;
struct cline
int n;
struct point C;
double phi;
double dl;
double z;
double dos; // distcosmo1 to redshift z
double dl0s; // distcosmo2 between lens[0] and z
double dlsds; // ratio of dl0s/dos
struct pot
int type;
char n[IDSIZE];
struct point C;
double epot;
double emass;
double theta;
double phi; // triaxiality
double sigma;
double rc;
double rckpc;
double rcut;
double rcutkpc;
double alpha;
double beta;
double rcslope;
double z;
double dlsds; /*ratio D(LS)/D(OS) angular distances*/
double psicut;
double psimcut;
double psiccut;
double b0;
double masse;
double pmass;
double cr;
double ct;
double mag;
double lum;
double mtol;
double effradius;
// double omegaM;
// double omegaX;
// double wX;
struct ipot
int pmax;
int map;
int map_z;
int lens[10];
int para[10];
int lens_z[10];
int para_z[10];
int zlim[2];
int extend;
int masse;
struct triplet
struct point a;
struct point b;
struct point c;
struct bitriplet
struct triplet i;
struct triplet s;
struct chaine
struct triplet S;
struct triplet I;
struct chaine *F;
struct arbre
struct galaxie *N;
struct arbre *FG;
struct arbre *FD;
struct variation
struct point C;
double elip;
double theta;
struct pixlist
double i;
double j;
double flux;
struct MCarlo
int optMC;
int n_MonteCarlo;
int iterations;
int squares_par;
int tosses_sq;
//velocity field
struct vfield
double vt;
double rt;
struct point C;
double i;
double theta;
double lcent;
double sigma;
int profile;
#endif // if STRUCTURE_H
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