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Tue, Jan 7, 23:51
/* nom: tirer */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
void tirer(struct galaxie *source)
const extern struct pot lens[];
const extern struct g_mode M;
const extern struct g_source S;
const extern struct g_grille G;
const extern struct g_frame F;
const extern struct point gsource_global[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
int k = S.rand;
double dlsds;
double t, I, J, N;//z,
double Txmin, Txmax, Tymin, Tymax, Trmax;
struct point pi, ps1, ps2;
double dx, dy, ex, ey, e2;
long int i, j, l, ng;
double I0max = 100.;
ng = G.ngrid;
/* determination de la fenetre de tirage dans le plan soure */
dlsds = dratio(lens[0].z, S.zs);
pi.x = F.xmin;
pi.y = F.ymin;
e_dpl(&pi, dlsds, &ps1);
Txmin = ps1.x;
Tymin = ps1.y;
pi.x = F.xmax;
pi.y = F.ymax;
e_dpl(&pi, dlsds, &ps2);
Txmax = ps2.x;
Tymax = ps2.y;
Trmax = dist(ps1, ps2) / 2.;
if (S.grid == 0)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: Sources catalog drawn randomly\n");
if ( S.ns > NFMAX )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Too many sources. NFMAX limit is %d.\n", NFMAX);
dx = Txmax - Txmin;
dy = Tymax - Tymin;
for (i = 0; i < S.ns; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Create source %ld/%ld\r", i + 1, S.ns);
sprintf(source[i].n, "%ld", i + 1);
source[i].C.x = d_random(&k) * dx + Txmin;
source[i].C.y = d_random(&k) * dy + Tymin;
if (S.distz == 0)
source[i].z = S.zs;
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
source[i].I0 = I0max * pow(d_random(&k), 2.);
t = S.taille * (1. + d_random(&k) / 2.);
source[i].mag = 25. - 2.5 * log10(d_random(&k) * t * 100.);
else if (S.distz == 1)
source[i].z = S.zsmin + (S.zsmax - S.zsmin) * d_random(&k);
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
source[i].I0 = I0max * pow(d_random(&k), 2.) / (1 + source[i].z);
t = S.taille * (1. + d_random(&k) / 2.) / (1. + source[i].z);
source[i].mag = 21. - 2.5 *
log10(d_random(&k) * t / pow(1. + source[i].z, 5.));
source[i].z = d_rndz(S.zsmax, &k);
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
source[i].magabs = d_rndschechter(&k);
source[i].type = d_rndtype(&k);
source[i].I0 = I0max * pow(d_random(&k), 2.) / (1 + source[i].z);
t = S.taille * (1. + d_random(&k) / 2.) / (1. + source[i].z);
s_compmag(&source[i], &k);
// TODO: Understand this distribution and possibly edit:
// S.emax = 0.3 but is defined in set_default.c and by the user using the elip_max keyword
ex = d_gauss(S.emax, &k); // the e1 and e2 components are ~Gaussian at low ell
ey = d_gauss(S.emax, &k); // on the edges, the J11+J22 of small objects enforce
// the tails, hence produce Cauchy-Lorentz distrib
e2 = sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);
while ( e2 >= 0.999 );
// t = galaxy size (taille)
// e = (a*a-b*b)/(a*a+b*b)
source[i].E.a = t * sqrt(1. + e2);
source[i].E.b = t * sqrt(1. - e2);
if (S.emax == 0.)
source[i].E.theta = 0.;
source[i].E.theta = 0.5 * atan2(ey, ex); // is this definition arbitrary?
else if (S.grid > 0)
//TODO: Fix the regular grid part
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: Sources catalog drawn on a regular grid\n");
if (S.grid == 1)
if (ng > 99)
ng = 99;
ng = S.ns;
for (i = 0; i < ng; i++)
fprintf(stderr, "Create sources on line %ld...\r", i);
for (j = 0; j < ng; j++)
l = j + i * ng;
I = i;
J = j;
N = (double)(ng - 1);
I = I / N;
J = J / N;
Txmin = Txmin + .0001;
Tymin = Tymin + .0001;
sprintf(source[l].n, "%ld", l + 1);
source[i].z = S.zs;
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
if (G.pol == 0)
source[l].C.x = Txmin + I * (Txmax - Txmin);
source[l].C.y = Tymin + J * (Tymax - Tymin);
I = I + 0.0001;
source[l].C.x = I * Trmax / 2.*cos(J * 2.*PI);
source[l].C.y = I * Trmax / 2.*sin(J * 2.*PI);
if (S.grid == 2)
source[l].C.x = gsource_global[i][j].x + .000;
source[l].C.y = gsource_global[i][j].y + .000;
source[l].E.a = S.taille;
source[l].E.b = S.taille;
source[l].E.theta = 0.;
source[l].I0 = 50.;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");

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