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/* Program : r_image */
/* Version : 1 mai 1992 */
/* Location : Obs. Toulouse */
/* Auteur : jean-paul */
static void scanzmlimit(char *third, int *opt, char *name, int *bk, double *min, double *max, double *prec);
void r_image(FILE *IN, FILE *OUT)
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct MCarlo mc;
extern struct z_lim zlim[];
extern struct z_lim zalim;
extern struct cline cl[];
extern struct sigposStr sigposAs;
char second[20], third[FILENAME_SIZE+10];
int ii, j;
double x;
fmot(IN, second);
while (strcmp(second, "end"))
flire(IN, third);
if (!strcmp(second, "arcletstat"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%s", &I.stat, &I.statmode, I.arclet);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %s\n",
second, I.stat, I.statmode, I.arclet);
else if ( !strcmp(second, "sigell"))
sscanf(third, "%lf %lf", &I.sigell, &I.dsigell);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%lf ", second, I.sigell);
if ( I.dsigell != -1. )
fprintf(OUT, "%lf", I.dsigell);
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
else if (!strcmp(second, "shearmap"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%s", &I.shmap, &I.zsh, I.shfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %s\n", second, I.shmap, I.zsh, I.shfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "z_arclet"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &I.zarclet);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%lf\n", second,I.zarclet);
else if (!strcmp(second, "multfile"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &I.n_mult, I.multfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second, I.n_mult, I.multfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "sourcefit"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s%s", &I.srcfit, I.srcfitFile, I.srcfitMethod);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s %s\n", second, I.srcfit, I.srcfitFile, I.srcfitMethod);
else if (!strcmp(second, "mult_wcs"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &I.mult_abs);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, I.mult_abs);
else if (!strcmp(second, "sigpos"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &x);
sigposAs.min = sqrt(x);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, sigposAs.min);
else if (!strcmp(second, "sigposArcsec"))
j = getWords(third);
if ( j == 3 )
if ( sscanf(third, "%d %lf %lf", &sigposAs.bk, &sigposAs.min, &sigposAs.max) == 3 )
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d %lf %lf\n", second, sigposAs.bk, sigposAs.min, sigposAs.max);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\tERROR reading '%s'!!\n", second, third);
else if ( j == 1 )
if ( sscanf(third, "%lf", &sigposAs.min) == 1 )
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, sigposAs.min);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\tERROR reading '%s'!!\n", second, third);
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Syntax mismatched for sigposArcsec keyword\n");
else if (!strcmp(second, "sigamp"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &x);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, x);
I.sig2amp = x * x;
else if (!strcmp(second, "Dmag"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &I.Dmag);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, I.Dmag);
else if (!strcmp(second, "forme"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &I.forme);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, I.forme);
else if (!strcmp(second, "n_MonteCarlo"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &mc.n_MonteCarlo);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, mc.n_MonteCarlo);
else if (!strcmp(second, "optMC"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &mc.optMC);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, mc.optMC);
else if (!strcmp(second, "iterations"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &mc.iterations);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, mc.iterations);
else if (!strcmp(second, "tosses_sq"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &mc.tosses_sq);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, mc.tosses_sq);
else if (!strcmp(second, "squares_par"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &mc.squares_par);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, mc.squares_par);
else if (!strcmp(second, "z_m_limit"))
j = I.nzlim;
scanzmlimit(third, &zlim[j].opt, zlim[j].n, &zlim[j].bk,
&zlim[j].min, &zlim[j].max, &zlim[j].dderr);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t %d %s %d %.3lf %.3lf %.4lf \n", second, zlim[j].opt,
zlim[j].n, zlim[j].bk, zlim[j].min, zlim[j].max, zlim[j].dderr);
if (zlim[j].opt > 0)
else if (!strcmp(second, "z_opt"))
j = I.nzlim;
sscanf(third, "%lf%d", &zlim[j-1].percent, &zlim[j-1].bk0);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%.3lf%d\n", second, zlim[j-1].percent, zlim[j-1].bk0);
else if (!strcmp(second, "z_a_limit"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%lf", &zalim.bk, &zalim.min, &zalim.max);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t %d %.4lf %.4lf\n", second, zalim.bk, zalim.min, zalim.max);
else if (!strcmp(second, "critic"))
j = I.npcl;
if( sscanf(third, "%d%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", &ii, &cl[j].C.x, &cl[j].C.y,
&cl[j].phi, &cl[j].dl, &cl[j].z) != 6 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: reading .par file\n>\t%s %s\n", second, third);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", second, ii,
cl[j].C.x, cl[j].C.y, cl[j].phi, cl[j].dl, cl[j].z);
cl[j].phi *= DTR;
if (ii > 0)
cl[j].n = ii;
else if (!strcmp(second, "adjust"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &I.adjust, I.Afile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d %s\n", second, I.adjust, I.Afile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "nfilt"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &I.Anfilt);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, I.Anfilt);
else if (!strcmp(second, "npixseeing"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &I.Anpixseeing);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%d\n", second, I.Anpixseeing);
else if (!strcmp(second, "seeing"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &I.Aseeing);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, I.Aseeing);
// Read the next line
fmot(IN, second);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\n", second);
static void scanzmlimit(char *third, int *opt, char *name, int *bk, double *min, double *max, double *prec)
int i, n; // number of names
char str[50], tmp[50];
char *pch;
n = 1; // First assume only individual system
// if n>1, n systems have the same redshift
// Initialize values
*opt = *bk = -1;
*min = *max = *prec = -1.;
strcpy( tmp, third );
pch = strtok( tmp, " " );
if ( pch != NULL )
sscanf( pch, "%d", opt);
goto ERROR;
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if ( pch != NULL )
sscanf( pch, "%s", name );
goto ERROR;
// Read additional system names
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
while( sscanf(pch, "%d", bk) != 1 && n < ZMBOUND)
sscanf(pch, "%s", str);
name[strlen(name)] = ' ';
strcat(name, str);
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if( n == ZMBOUND )
goto ERROR;
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if ( pch != NULL )
sscanf( pch, "%lf", min);
goto ERROR;
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if ( pch != NULL )
sscanf( pch, "%lf", max);
goto ERROR;
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if ( pch != NULL )
sscanf( pch, "%lf", prec);
goto ERROR;
pch = strtok( NULL, " " );
if ( pch == NULL || pch[0] == '#' )
if ( n >= ZMBOUND )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Too many bounded images %s (max %d)\n",
third, ZMBOUND);
else if ( *prec == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing argument in z_m_limit %s\n", third);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Reading line %s. Check the number of arguments\n", third);

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