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Sat, Mar 29, 22:00
# Plot a grid in the source or in the image plane.
# Perl settings ----------------------------------------
$[ = 0; # set array base to 0
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
# Subprogram declaration
sub appendGrid;
# Read the arguments
if( @ARGV lt 1 )
print "Usage: grid <image|source> [<color>]";
print ">Usage: grid <image|source> [color] [clean] # $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2]";
if ($color eq '')
if ($ARGV[2] eq "clean")
system("xpaset -p ds9 regions deleteall");
# Read the input file
if( $igrid eq "image" ) {
open($inV,"gi1.dat") || die "Error: gi1.dat not found\n";
open($inH,"gi2.dat") || die "Error: gi2.dat not found\n";
} else {
open($inV,"gs1.dat") || die "Error: gs1.dat not found\n";
open($inH,"gs2.dat") || die "Error: gs2.dat not found\n";
close $inV;
close $inH;
#Set default WCS coordinates values
$iref = 0;
$ra = 0;
$dec = 0;
# Check if there exists the file for compatibility
do '';
$iref = 1 if( $type eq 'fk5' );
# Check if the first line contains a WCS reference
if( $fileV[0] =~ /#REFERENCE/i )
print $file[0];
chop $file[0];
($null,$iref,$ra,$dec) = split / /,$fileV[0];
#If we have the reference coordinates in sexagesimal form
#convert them to degrees
if ($iref == 1)
if (substr($dec,0,1) eq '-')
$ds9type = 'fk5';
elsif( $iref == 2 )
$ds9type = 'image';
else #( $iref == 3 or $iref == 0 ) default case
$ds9type = 'fk5';
#Main program
system("rm -f e.reg");
appendGrid \@fileV;
appendGrid \@fileH;
system("cat e.reg | xpaset ds9 regions");
sub appendGrid {
local( @x, @y, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $i);
my $in = shift;
my $npt = 0; my $ngrid = 0; my $iold = -1;
shift @{$in};
for(@{$in}) {
($i, $tmpx, $tmpy) = split;
push @x,$tmpx;
push @y,$tmpy;
$ngrid = $i if( $iold eq $i );
$iold = $i;
open(ds9, ">>e.reg");
for( $i = 0; $i < $npt - 1; $i++ )
$y1 = $y[$i]/$pixel + $dec;
$x1 = $x[$i]/$pixelx + $ra;
$y2 = $y[$i+1]/$pixel + $dec;
$x2 = $x[$i+1]/$pixelx + $ra;
printf ds9 "$ds9type;line(%.7f,%.7f,%.7f,%.7f) # line=0 0 color=$color\n",
# printf ds9 "fk5;point(%.7f,%.7f) # point=cross color=$color\n",
# $x[$i], $y[$i];
close ds9;

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