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static void Tsup(const struct point grille[NGGMAX][NGGMAX], int i, int j, struct triplet *T);
static void Tinf(const struct point grille[NGGMAX][NGGMAX], int i, int j, struct triplet *T);
/* nom: inverse */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse
* Create a link sequence of chaine structure. Each node contain
* a triangle that contain the source P, the corresponding triangle
* in the image plane and a link to another arclet of the same
* familly.
* Return the number of images found in the gsource 2D map for the
* source at position P in the source plane.
* The fist arclet is link to the Null pointer (Tsol). At the end, Tsol
* points to the last arclet.
* Parameters :
* - gsource : see description in e_unlensgrid.c
* - P : a point in the source plane.
* - Tsol : a list of arclets for a family
int inverse(const struct point gsource[][NGGMAX], struct point *P, struct bitriplet Tsol[NIMAX])
const extern struct g_grille G;
const extern struct point gimage[NGGMAX][NGGMAX];
//const extern struct bitriplet Tsol[NIMAX];
int nimage;
register int i, j;
struct triplet A, B; // Triplets Tsup and Tinf in source plane
//struct chaine *maillon;
//maillon = NULL;
nimage = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < G.ngrid - 1 && nimage < NIMAX ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < G.ngrid - 1 && nimage < NIMAX ; j++)
Tsup(gsource, i, j, &A);
Tinf(gsource, i, j, &B);
if (insidebord(P, &A))
//maillon=(struct chaine *)malloc(sizeof(struct chaine));
Tsup(gimage, i, j, &Tsol[nimage].i);
Tsol[nimage].s = A;
else if (inside(P, &B))
//maillon=(struct chaine *)malloc(sizeof(struct chaine));
Tinf(gimage, i, j, &Tsol[nimage].i);
Tsol[nimage].s = B;
/* if (nimage>0) //you can't delete it as it is referenced in Tsol
free((struct chaine *) maillon);*/
/* Return the 3 coordinates {a,b,c} contrained in grille at the 3 corners
* of the looking upwards triangle {(i,j),(i+1,j),(i,j+1)}
* Parameters :
* - grille : a square grid of points of size NGGMAX
* - i,j : integer coordinates in the grid
* */
static void Tsup(const struct point grille[NGGMAX][NGGMAX], int i, int j, struct triplet *T)
T->a = grille[i][j];
T->b = grille[i+1][j];
T->c = grille[i][j+1];
/* Return the 3 coordinates {a,b,c} contrained in grille at the 3 corners
* of the looking downwards triangle {(i+1,j+1),(i+1,j),(i,j+1)}
* Parameters :
* - grille : a square grid of points of size NGGMAX
* - i,j : integer coordinates in the grid
* */
static void Tinf(const struct point grille[NGGMAX][NGGMAX], int i, int j, struct triplet *U)
U->a = grille[i+1][j+1];
U->b = grille[i+1][j];
U->c = grille[i][j+1];

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