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static void rotelip(struct ellipse *el, double theta, struct ellipse *el_r);
static void formatrix(struct ellipse *eli, struct matrix *r);
static void mag(struct matrix *A, struct ellipse *ampli, struct matrix *B);
/* nom: isoima */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
* Convert an ellipse from source to image plane or from
* image to source plane according to the amplification matrix.
* When passing from image to source plane, ampli is the eigenvalues of the A^-1 matrix
* ( 1-k+gamma, 1-k-gamma ) and theta is the magnification axis angle theta_pot.
* When passing from the source to the image plane, ampli is the eigenvalues of the A matrix
* ( 1 / (1-k+gamma), 1 / (1-k-gamma) ) and theta is ALSO the magnification axis angle theta_pot.
* ampli(IN) : not modified
* Global variables used :
* - none
void isoima(struct ellipse *es, struct ellipse *ampli, struct ellipse *ei)
struct ellipse esm, eim;
struct matrix S, I;
/* on se place dans le repere de magnification*/
rotelip(es, ampli->theta, &esm);
/* la matrice des fij, c'est le carre des longueur !!! */
esm.a = esm.a * esm.a;
esm.b = esm.b * esm.b;
/* on determine la matrice correspondante f_i ou f_s (eq 2.92 JPK PhD thesis) */
formatrix(&esm, &S);
/* on determine la matrice image */
mag(&S, ampli, &I);
/* on determine l'ellipsoide correspondant par diagonalisation */
eim = formeli(I.a, I.b, I.c);
/* l'ellipse c'est la racine carre de l'ellipsoide */
eim.a = sqrt(eim.a);
eim.b = sqrt(eim.b);
/* on retourne dans le repere propre*/
rotelip(&eim, -ampli->theta, ei);
/* Change the ellipse angle from its original reference frame to a new reference frame
* with the same origin but rotated by an angle theta.
static void rotelip(struct ellipse *el, double theta, struct ellipse *el_r)
el_r->a = el->a;
el_r->b = el->b;
el_r->theta = el->theta - theta;
/* Build a matrix form of the ellipse. The procedure works in both the source and the image plane.
* theta_i = 0 means that the ellipse major axis is aligned with the magnification direction
* theta_pot.
static void formatrix(struct ellipse *eli, struct matrix *r)
struct matrix m;
m.a = eli->a; // start with fij = | a^2 0 |
m.c = eli->b; // | 0 b^2 |
m.b = m.d = 0.;
*r = rotmatrix(&m, eli->theta); // and apply the rotation f = R(theta_i) fij R(-theta_i)
// if theta_i = 0, f = fij
static void mag(struct matrix *A, struct ellipse *ampli, struct matrix *B)
double alpha, beta;
alpha = ampli->a; // streching or shrinking factor along major magnification axis
beta = ampli->b; // streching or shrinking factor along minor magnification axis
B->a = alpha * alpha * A->a; // see eq 2.109 of JPK PhD thesis
B->b = B->d = alpha * beta * A->b; // where alpha is 1-K+gamma and beta is 1-K-gamma when passing
B->c = beta * beta * A->c; // from image to source plane.

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