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/* nom: multiscale_grid */
/* auteur: Eric Jullo */
/* date: 22/02/08 */
/* place: Marseille */
* Build a multiscale grid according to the density of constraints
* read from the multfile and the field defined by champ section.
* Increment the number of clumps in the lens[] variable.
* Exit if multfile is not defined.
* The Champ section default is defined in set_default()
* If there are no constraints in the field, split the field only once, ie. 6 triangles.
#define COPY(p1,p2) {p1.x=p2.x; p1.y=p2.y;}
static struct galaxie mult[NFMAX*NIMAX]; // LOCAL catalog of multiple images
static long int nmult; // number of elements in mult[]
static long int ilens; // index of the last clump of the grid in lens[]
static struct pot **gridID; // grid index containing pointers to registered clumps
static double dx, dy; // size of the smallest triangle in the grid at the finest resolution
static double width; // width of the grid
static unsigned int maxLens;// maximum number of lens in the grid for a given number of splitting
static void divide_tri(struct triplet *tri, double rci, int leveli);
static double dens_tri(struct triplet *tri);
static void readMultfile();
static void buildgrid(long int *pilens);
static void circle();
static void regLens(struct point *ppoint, double rc);
static unsigned int getID(struct point *ppoint);
static void initClump(struct point *ppoint, double rc, double lmin, double lmax );
static void readGridfile(long int *pilens);
void multiscale_grid(long int *pilens)
// Define variables
extern struct g_msgrid H;
extern struct g_image I;
if ( strcmp(H.gridfile, ""))
// Check that the multfile is defined
if ( I.n_mult == 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR[multiscale grid] multfile undefined in .par file.");
// Read the catalog of multiple images
// Place the PIEMD clumps and define their rcore/rcut
#ifdef DEBUG
// Create a DS9 file with the clump positions
/* Read a grid file and initialise it
static void readGridfile(long int *pilens)
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_msgrid H;
extern struct pot lens[], lmin[], lmax[];
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
char line[128];
double ra, dec;
int iref;
FILE *in;
in = fopen(H.gridfile, "r");
if ( in == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: reading %s\n", H.gridfile);
ilens = G.nmsgrid;
while ( !feof(in) && !ferror(in) && ilens < NLMAX )
fgets(line, 128, in);
if ( strstr(line, "#REFERENCE" ) != NULL )
getRADEC(line, &iref, &ra, &dec );
else if ( sscanf( line, "%d%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
&lens[ilens].type, &lens[ilens].C.x, &lens[ilens].C.y,
&lens[ilens].rc, &lens[ilens].rcut, &lens[ilens].sigma,
&lmin[ilens].sigma, &lmax[ilens].sigma) == 8 )
// Convert input from relative to absolute coordinates if needed
convertXY( &lens[ilens].C.x, &lens[ilens].C.y, iref, ra, dec);
// Give an ID to each clump
sprintf(lens[ilens].n, "%ld", ilens);
// Initialize the lens parameters
lens[ilens].epot = 0.;
lens[ilens].theta = 0;
lens[ilens].alpha = 0;
// convert to output relative coordinates
if ( M.iref == 1 || M.iref == 3 )
lens[ilens].C.x -= M.ref_ra;
lens[ilens].C.x *= -3600 * cos(M.ref_dec * DTR);
lens[ilens].C.y -= M.ref_dec;
lens[ilens].C.y *= 3600;
else if ( M.iref == 2 )
lens[ilens].C.x -= M.ref_ra;
lens[ilens].C.y -= M.ref_dec;
// set uniform prior
block[ilens][B0] = 1;
*pilens = ilens;
/* Create a catalog of the clump positions to be plotted with pelli
static void circle()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct pot lens[];
struct pot *plens;
FILE *ds9;
int i;
ds9 = fopen("msgrid.dat", "w");
fprintf( ds9, "#REFERENCE 3 %lf %lf\n ", M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
for ( i = G.nmsgrid; i < ilens; i++ )
plens = &lens[i];
fprintf( ds9, "%s %lf %lf %lf %lf 0. 0. 0.\n",
plens->n, plens->C.x, plens->C.y, plens->rc, plens->rc);
/* Place the PIEMD clumps and define their rcore/rcut
* Parameters:
* - pilens : global number of lenses in lens[] list
static void buildgrid(long int *pilens)
// Define variables
extern struct g_frame F;
extern struct g_msgrid H;
int id[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5, 0, 5, 6, 0, 6, 1};
struct triplet tri;
struct point node[7];// summits of the hexagon and center
double rc; // parameter of the PIEMD clumps
double s3 = sqrt(3.) / 2.; // const
unsigned int i;
// find the limits of the field in arcsec
width = F.xmax - F.xmin;
// Initialise the grid parameter
dx = width / 2 / (1 << (H.levels - 1));
dy = s3 * dx;
// Max number of nodes in the grid
maxLens = 1 << (H.levels - 1); // 2^(H.levels-1)
maxLens = 1 + 6 * maxLens * ( maxLens + 1 ) / 2; // arithmetic series
gridID = (struct pot **) malloc( maxLens * sizeof( struct pot *) );
for ( i = 0; i < maxLens ; i++ )
gridID[i] = 0;
rc = width / 2.; // because we are sure that we go at least to level1
// 7 initial points in relative arcsec
ilens = *pilens;
node[0].x = 0.;
node[0].y = 0.;
node[1].x = width / 2.;
node[1].y = 0.;
node[2].x = width / 4.;
node[2].y = s3 * width / 2.;
node[3].x = -width / 4.;
node[3].y = s3 * width / 2.;
node[4].x = -width / 2.;
node[4].y = 0.;
node[5].x = -width / 4.;
node[5].y = -s3 * width / 2.;
node[6].x = width / 4.;
node[6].y = -s3 * width / 2.;
// Divide subtriangles 0 -> 5
if ( H.levels > 1 )
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
COPY(tri.a, node[id[3*i]]);
COPY(tri.b, node[id[3*i+1]]);
COPY(tri.c, node[id[3*i+2]]);
if ( dens_tri(&tri) >= H.threshold )
divide_tri(&tri, rc, 1);
// free gridID
*pilens = ilens;
/* Map a grid position to a location in the gridID[] array.
* Return the location in the gridID[] array
static unsigned int getID(struct point *ppoint)
int i, j, n;
j = ppoint->y / dy;
i = ( ppoint->x + j * dx / 2. ) / dx;
n = (int) (abs(j) * width / dx + abs(j) - abs(j) * (abs(j) + 1) / 2);
n = j > 0 ? n : -n;
return( (unsigned int) (n + i + (maxLens - 1) / 2) );
/* Initialise a lens[] clumps
static void initClump(struct point *ppoint, double rc, double min, double max )
extern struct g_msgrid H;
extern struct pot lens[];
extern struct pot lmin[], lmax[];
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
struct pot *plens;
// Initialise the new clump
plens = &lens[ilens];
sprintf(plens->n, "G%ld", ilens);
plens->type = 81; // PIEMD
plens->C = *ppoint;
plens->emass = 0.;
plens->theta = 0.;
plens->rc = rc;
plens->rcut = rc * H.param;
plens->rckpc = 0; // for compatibility with set_lens()
plens->rcutkpc = DBL_MAX;
plens->mag = 0;
plens->sigma = 100.;
plens->z = lens[0].z;
// Priors
block[ilens][B0] = 1;
lmin[ilens].sigma = min;
lmax[ilens].sigma = max;
/* Register a clumps in the gridID[] array
static void regLens(struct point *ppoint, double rc)
extern struct pot lens[];
// Initialise the new clump
initClump(ppoint, rc, 0., 1200.);
// Register lens in gridID[] array
gridID[getID(ppoint)] = &lens[ilens];
/* Divide a triangle into 4 subtriangles
* Append the new subtriangles positions to the x and y list
* Increment the nlens global variable
* 2
* / \
* / [2] \
* / \
* 5 ---------- 4
* / \ / \
* / [0] \ [3] / [1] \
* / \ / \
* 0 ------- 3 -------- 1
* - tri : corners position (0,1,2) in arcsec of this triangle
* - rci : scale radius of the clumps in this triangle
* - leveli : level of this triangle
static void divide_tri( struct triplet *tri, double rci, int leveli)
extern struct g_msgrid H;
struct point node[6]; // triangle and subtriangle nodes
struct pot *plens; // pointer to a lens[] element
struct triplet trio;
double rcs; // subtriangle PIEMD params
double dens; // density of constraints in subtriangle
int nsplit = 0; // boolean to say if this triangle is splitted or not
int i;
// this triangle corners
COPY(node[0], tri->a);
COPY(node[1], tri->b);
COPY(node[2], tri->c);
if ( leveli + 1 <= H.levels )
// subtriangle corners and size
node[3].x = (node[0].x + node[1].x) / 2.;
node[4].x = (node[1].x + node[2].x) / 2.;
node[5].x = (node[0].x + node[2].x) / 2.;
node[3].y = (node[0].y + node[1].y) / 2.;
node[4].y = (node[1].y + node[2].y) / 2.;
node[5].y = (node[0].y + node[2].y) / 2.;
rcs = rci / 2.;
// subtriangle 0
COPY(trio.a, node[0]);
COPY(trio.b, node[3]);
COPY(trio.c, node[5]);
dens = dens_tri(&trio);
//printf("%lf %lf\n",dens,H.threshold);
if ( dens >= H.threshold )
nsplit = 1;
divide_tri(&trio, rcs, leveli + 1);
// subtriangle 1
COPY(trio.a, node[3]);
COPY(trio.b, node[1]);
COPY(trio.c, node[4]);
dens = dens_tri(&trio);
//printf("%lf %lf\n",dens,H.threshold);
if ( dens >= H.threshold )
nsplit = 1;
divide_tri(&trio, rcs, leveli + 1);
// subtriangle 2
COPY(trio.a, node[5]);
COPY(trio.b, node[4]);
COPY(trio.c, node[2]);
dens = dens_tri(&trio);
//printf("%lf %lf\n",dens,H.threshold);
if ( dens >= H.threshold )
nsplit = 1;
divide_tri(&trio, rcs, leveli + 1);
// subtriangle 3 (do not add its point 5)
COPY(trio.a, node[3]);
COPY(trio.b, node[4]);
COPY(trio.c, node[5]);
dens = dens_tri(&trio);
//printf("%lf %lf\n",dens,H.threshold);
if ( dens >= H.threshold )
nsplit = 1;
divide_tri(&trio, rcs, leveli + 1);
if ( nsplit == 1 ) rci = rcs;
// if not splitting triangle or leave triangle --> register
//if( leveli+1 > H.levels || nsplit == 0 )
// register subtriangle corners or rescale them
for ( i = 0; i <= 2 ; i++ )
if ( (plens = gridID[getID(&node[i])]) == NULL )
regLens(&node[i], rci);
else if ( plens->rc > rci )
plens->rc = rci;
/* Return the number of constraints inside a triangle
static double dens_tri(struct triplet *tri)
long int i;
int sum = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nmult; i++ )
sum += inside(&mult[i].C, tri);
return sum;
/* Read the multfile catalog and save the images in mult variable
static void readMultfile()
extern struct g_image I;
f_shape(&nmult, mult, I.multfile, 1);

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