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/* Program : grille */
/* Version : 1 mai 1992 */
/* Location : Obs. Toulouse */
/* Auteur : jean-paul */
static void scanInverse(char * third);
void r_runmode(FILE *IN, FILE *OUT)
extern struct g_mode M;
char second[20], third[FILENAME_SIZE+10];
char ref1[20], ref2[20];
double ss0, tt0;
int hh0, mm0, dd0, nn0;
M.iref = 0; // default : no WCS
M.nshearf = 25; // default for shearfield
fmot(IN, second);
while (strcmp(second, "end"))
flire(IN, third);
if ((!strcmp(second, "arclet")) || (!strcmp(second, "image")))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &M.image, M.imafile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second, M.image, M.imafile);
if (strlen(M.imafile) < 2)
strcpy(M.imafile, "image.ext");
else if (!strcmp(second, "source"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &M.source, M.sourfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second, M.source, M.sourfile);
if (strlen(M.sourfile) < 2)
strcpy(M.sourfile, "source.ext");
else if (!strcmp(second, "sourceof"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s%s", &M.sof, M.imsfile, M.sfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s %s\n", second, M.sof, M.imsfile, M.sfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "corshear"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &M.icorshear, M.corshfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second, M.icorshear, M.corshfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "local"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &M.local, M.localfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second, M.local, M.localfile);
if (strlen(M.localfile) < 2)
strcpy(M.localfile, "local.ext");
else if (!strcmp(second, "study"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s", &, M.studyfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s\n", second,, M.studyfile);
if (strlen(M.studyfile) < 2)
strcpy(M.studyfile, "study.ext");
else if (!strcmp(second, "fake"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &M.fake);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, M.fake);
else if (!strcmp(second, "meanz"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &M.mean);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, M.mean);
else if (!strcmp(second, "verbose"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &M.verbose);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, M.verbose);
else if (!strcmp(second, "imseeing"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &M.seeing);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%lf\n", second, M.seeing);
else if (!strcmp(second, "grille"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf", &M.grille, &M.ngrille, &M.zgrille);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf\n", second,
M.grille, M.ngrille, M.zgrille);
else if (!strcmp(second, "sort"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &M.sort);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, M.sort);
else if (!strcmp(second, "inverse"))
if ( M.inverse <= 2 )
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d\n", second, M.inverse, M.itmax);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %d\n", second, M.inverse, M.rate, M.itmax);
else if (!strcmp(second, "minchi0"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &M.minchi0);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t\t%lf\n", second, M.minchi0);
else if (!strcmp(second, "shearfield"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%s%d", &M.ishearf, &M.zshearf, M.shearffile, &M.nshearf);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %s %d\n", second, M.ishearf,
M.zshearf, M.shearffile, M.nshearf);
else if (!strcmp(second, "amplifield"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%s", &M.iamplif, &M.zamplif, M.ampliffile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %s\n", second, M.iamplif,
M.zamplif, M.ampliffile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "shear"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.ishear, &M.nshear, &M.zshear, M.shearfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s\n", second, M.ishear, M.nshear,
M.zshear, M.shearfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "poten"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.ipoten, &M.npoten, &M.zpoten, M.potenfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s\n", second, M.ipoten, M.npoten,
M.zpoten, M.potenfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "mass"))
if ( sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.imass, &M.nmass, &M.zmass, M.massfile) != 4 )
printf("ERROR: Syntax error in line:\n\t%s\t%s [%d] [%d] [%lf] [%s]\n", second, third,M.imass,M.nmass,M.zmass,M.massfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s\n", second, M.imass, M.nmass,
M.zmass, M.massfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "dpl"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s%s",
&M.idpl, &M.ndpl, &M.zdpl, M.dplxfile, M.dplyfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s %s\n", second, M.idpl, M.ndpl,
M.zdpl, M.dplxfile, M.dplyfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "curv"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s%s%s",
&M.icurv, &M.ncurv, &M.zcurv, M.cxxfile, M.cxyfile, M.cyyfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s %s %s\n", second, M.icurv, M.ncurv,
M.zcurv, M.cxxfile, M.cxyfile, M.cyyfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "ampli"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.iampli, &M.nampli, &M.zampli, M.amplifile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s\n", second, M.iampli, M.nampli,
M.zampli, M.amplifile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "time"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.itime, &M.ntime, &M.ztime, M.timefile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %lf %s\n", second, M.itime, M.ntime,
M.ztime, M.timefile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "prop"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%lf%s", &M.prop, &M.nprop, &M.zprop, M.propfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %.3lf %s\n", second,
M.prop, M.nprop, M.zprop, M.propfile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "propradius"))
sscanf(third, "%lf", &M.radius);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%lf\n", second, M.radius);
else if (!strcmp(second, "pixel"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%s", &M.pixel, &M.npixel, M.pixelfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %d %s\n", second, M.pixel, M.npixel,
else if (!strcmp(second, "cube"))
sscanf(third, "%d%d%d%s", &M.cube, &M.npixel, &M.nslices, M.cubefile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d \t%d %d %s\n", second, M.cube, M.npixel,
M.nslices, M.cubefile);
else if (!strcmp(second, "marker"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%s", &M.marker, &M.zmarker, M.markfile);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %s\n", second, M.marker, M.zmarker,
else if (!strcmp(second, "reference"))
sscanf(third, "%d%s%s", &M.iref, ref1, ref2);
if (M.iref == 1)
sscanf(ref1, "%d:%d:%lf", &hh0, &mm0, &ss0);
sscanf(ref2, "%d:%d:%lf", &dd0, &nn0, &tt0);
NPRINTF(stderr, "%d:%d:%lf %d:%d:%lf\n", hh0, mm0, ss0, dd0, nn0, tt0);
M.ref_ra = ((double)(hh0) + ((double)(mm0)) / 60 + ss0 / 3600) * 15;
if (dd0 < 0)
M.ref_dec = ((double)(dd0)) - ((double)(nn0)) / 60 - tt0 / 3600;
M.ref_dec = ((double)(dd0)) + ((double)(nn0)) / 60 + tt0 / 3600;
M.iref = 3; // for compatibility in the best.par and bestopt.par
else if ( M.iref == 3 )
sscanf(ref1, "%lf", &M.ref_ra);
sscanf(ref2, "%lf", &M.ref_dec);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %s %s %lf %lf\n", second, M.iref, ref1, ref2,
M.ref_ra, M.ref_dec);
else if (!strcmp(second, "radialprop") || !strcmp(second, "profil"))
sscanf(third, "%d%lf%lf", &M.radial, &M.zradial, &M.theta);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d %lf %lf\n", second, M.radial, M.zradial, M.theta);
M.theta *= DTR;
else if (!strcmp(second, "chi2"))
sscanf(third, "%d", &M.ichi2);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\t%d\n", second, M.ichi2);
M.theta *= DTR;
// read the next line
fmot(IN, second);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%s\n", second);
static void scanInverse(char * third)
extern struct g_mode M;
double inverse1; // rate in bayesian mode (3) or number of iterations (mode 1 or 2)
int inverse2; // optional number of iterations in bayesian inverse mode (3)
char *pch;
pch = strtok( third, " ");
sscanf( pch, "%d", &M.inverse );
if ( M.inverse <= 2 )
M.itmax = 100; // Default value
pch = strtok( NULL, " ");
if ( pch != NULL && sscanf(pch, "%lf", &inverse1) == 1 )
M.itmax = (int) inverse1;
M.itmax = 1000; // Default number of posterior samples
M.rate = 0.5; // Default convergence speed/evidence precision(5)
pch = strtok( NULL, " ");
if ( pch != NULL && sscanf(pch, "%lf", &inverse1) == 1 )
M.rate = inverse1;
pch = strtok( NULL, " ");
if ( pch != NULL && sscanf(pch, "%d", &inverse2) == 1 )
M.itmax = inverse2;

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