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#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
static void e_magshear(struct galaxie *arclet, double *ka, double *ga1, double *ga2);
/* nom: s_source */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
/* Create a list of sources from
* - randomly with the tirer() function
* - the source file M.sourfile
* - the images file M.imafile
* Fill the global lists <source> and <arclet> and write the sources
* in the file source.dat
void s_source()
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct z_lim zlim[];
int k, l, nimages;
char limages[ZMBOUND][IDSIZE];
extern struct g_source S;
extern struct galaxie arclet[NAMAX], source[NFMAX];
extern struct galaxie multi[NFMAX][NIMAX];
extern struct pot lens[];
long int i, na;
double ka, ga1, ga2;
gsl_ran_discrete_t *gsmail;
gsl_rng *seed = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_taus);
gsl_rng_set(seed, S.rand);
// in case Smail et al. distibution is used
if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
gsmail = smailpreproc();
NPRINTF(stderr, "SET: sources\n");
if ( M.image == 0 && M.source == 0 )
tirer(source); /*optimisation dans le plan source*/
if (S.ns > 0)
NPRINTF(stderr, "[WARNING] Source index is already set to %ld\n", S.ns);
if (M.source != 0)
if( M.source > 0 )
f_shape(&S.ns, source, M.sourfile, M.source);
if( S.ns > NFMAX )
fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Too many sources in %s. NFMAX limit is %d\n", M.sourfile, NFMAX);
for ( i = 0; i < S.ns; i++ )
if( source[i].z == 0 )
if( S.distz == 0 )
source[i].z = S.zs;
else if( S.distz == 1 )
source[i].z = gsl_ran_flat(seed, S.zsmin, S.zsmax);
else if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
source[i].z = d_rndzsmail(seed, gsmail);
// else
// source[i].z = d_rndz(S.zsmax, &seed); // TODO: update with GSL
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARN: source %s redshift set to z=%lf\n", source[i].n, source[i].z);
dratio_gal(&source[i], lens[0].z);
// else if (M.source==2)
// f_shape2(&S.ns,source,M.sourfile);
if (M.image != 0)
na = 0;
if( M.image > 0 )
f_shape(&na, arclet, M.imafile, M.image);
if ( na > NFMAX )
printf("ERROR: Too many arclets in %s. NFMAX limit is %d\n", M.imafile, NFMAX );
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: arclets shear components\n");
pro_arclet(na, arclet);
for (i = 0; i < na; i++)
// If images have no redshift, look up into multi[][]
if( arclet[i].z == 0. )
for( k = 0; k < I.n_mult && arclet[i].z == 0.; k++ )
if( !indexCmp(arclet[i].n, multi[k][0].n) )
arclet[i].z = multi[k][0].z;
// If still no redshift is found then look into z_m_limit statements
if( arclet[i].z == 0. )
for( k = 0; k < I.nzlim && arclet[i].z == 0.; k++ )
nimages = splitzmlimit(zlim[k].n, limages);
for( l = 0; l < nimages; l++ )
if( !indexCmp(limages[l], arclet[i].n) )
arclet[i].z = zlim[k].min;
NPRINTF(stderr, "INFO : Set redshift of %s to %lf\n",arclet[i].n, arclet[i].z);
// If still no redshift is found then assign one from source section
if( arclet[i].z == 0 )
if( S.distz == 0 )
arclet[i].z = S.zs;
else if( S.distz == 1 )
arclet[i].z = gsl_ran_flat(seed, S.zsmin, S.zsmax);
else if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
arclet[i].z = d_rndzsmail(seed, gsmail);
// else
// arclet[i].z = d_rndz(S.zsmax, &seed); //TODO: Update with GSL
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARN: arclet %s redshift set to z=%lf\n", arclet[i].n, arclet[i].z);
dratio_gal(&arclet[i], lens[0].z);
e_magshear(&arclet[i], &ka, &ga1, &ga2);
arclet[i].kappa = ka;
arclet[i].gamma1 = ga1;
arclet[i].gamma2 = ga2;
/* ecrire_r(0,na,arclet,"aletshear.dat"); */
e_unlens(na, arclet, &S.ns, source);
pro_arclet(S.ns, source);
ecrire_r(0, S.ns, source, "source.dat", 2); // relative coordinates
// free gsl random variables
if( S.distz == 2 && S.par1 != 0 )
static void e_magshear(struct galaxie *arclet, double *ka, double *ga1, double *ga2)
struct matrix M;
M = e_grad2_gal(arclet, NULL);
M.a /= arclet->dos;
M.b /= arclet->dos;
M.c /= arclet->dos;
M.d /= arclet->dos;
*ka = (M.a + M.c) / 2.;
*ga1 = (M.a - M.c) / 2.;
*ga2 = M.b;

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