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#include "lt.h"
/* nom: o_runpot2 */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
* Look for the rcut and sigma values for the potfile that give the
* best chi2.
* Run the standard optimisation o_chires() function to terminate.
* This function establish a map of 2 parameters rcut and sigma that
* are increased by the sampling value P.ircut or P.isigma at each
* iteration.
* At each iteration, a full standard optimisation process is run.
* Default behavior :
* If o_runpot2() is called but ircut or isigma are < 2 then the default
* behavior is to set ircut=2 and isigma=2.
* Display more debug info if M.verbose>1.
* Write 2 files on the disk :
* - map.iso contains the best chi2.
* - map.res contains the chi2 and the potential parameters.
void o_runpot2()
extern struct g_grille G;
extern struct g_image I;
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct g_pot P;
extern struct g_cosmo C;
extern struct ipot ip;
extern struct pot lens[], lmin[], lmax[], prec[];
extern int block[][NPAMAX];
extern struct z_lim zlim[];
extern struct galaxie multi[][NIMAX];
extern double chip, chis, chil; //,chix,chiy,
extern double **map_p;
register int i, j, k, l;
int n1, n2;
int stop = 0, ic = 0;
// int iz1=-1,iz2=-1;
int sblock[NLMAX][NPAMAX];
double chi0;
double savchi, minchi;
double p1, pmin1, pmax1, dp1;
double p2, pmin2, pmax2, dp2;
struct pot best[NLMAX], save[NLMAX], slmin[NLMAX], slmax[NLMAX], sprec[NLMAX];
struct z_lim szlim[NFMAX];
double bestz[NIMAX];
double **mbest_p, **smap_p;
double scale; // scaling kpc/arcsec
OUT = fopen("map.res", "w");
MAP = fopen("map.iso", "w");
/* sauvegarde des parametres des lentilles */
if (lens[0].type != 10)
for (j = 0; j < G.no_lens; j++)
save[j] = best[j] = lens[j];
slmin[j] = lmin[j];
slmax[j] = lmax[j];
sprec[j] = prec[j];
for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
sblock[j][k] = block[j][k];
mbest_p = (double **) alloc_square_double (G.nx, G.ny);
mbest_p = map_p;
smap_p = (double **) alloc_square_double (G.nx, G.ny);
smap_p = map_p;
for (j = 0; j < I.nzlim; j++)
szlim[j] = zlim[j];
if (P.ircut < 2)
P.ircut = 2;
if (P.isigma < 2)
P.isigma = 2;
n1 = P.ircut;
pmin1 = P.cut1;
pmax1 = P.cut2;
scale = d0 / C.h * distcosmo1(P.zlens);
n2 = P.isigma;
pmin2 = P.sigma1;
pmax2 = P.sigma2;
dp1 = (pmax1 - pmin1) / ((double)(n1 - 1));
dp2 = (pmax2 - pmin2) / ((double)(n2 - 1));
NPRINTF(stderr, "INFO: rcut (kpc) : %d %.3lf %.3lf \n", n1, pmin1*scale, pmax1*scale);
NPRINTF(stderr, "INFO: sigma (km/s) : %d %.3lf %.3lf \n", n2, pmin2, pmax2);
savchi = minchi = o_chi();
fprintf(MAP, "2 sigmin:%lf sigmax:%lf rcutmin:%lf rcutmax:%lf\n\n",
pmin2, pmax2, pmin1*scale, pmax1*scale);
fprintf(MAP, "Nrcut:%d\nNsig:%d\n", n1, n2);
fprintf(MAP, "double txt real\nmap_optim\n");
for (l = 0; l < n1; l++)
for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)
ip.extend = 1;
p1 = pmin1 + ((double) l) * dp1;
p2 = pmin2 + ((double) j) * dp2;
// reset the clumps parameters
P.cut = p1;
P.sigma = p2;
chi0 = o_prep();
ic = 0;
NPRINTF(stderr, "start %d %d %d %.3lf p1:%.3lf p2:%.3lf\n",
l, j, ic, chi0, p1*scale, p2);
stop = 0;
/*iterate with the p1(rcut) and p2(sigma) parameters for the
* potfile galaxies until chi0<0 or ic>M.itMax.
* Display more debug info if M.verbose>1. */
chi0 = o_step(chi0);
if (chi0 < 0.)
chi0 = -chi0;
stop = 1;
NPRINTF(stderr, "%d/%d %.3lf p:%.3lf s:%.3lf l:%.3lf\r",
ic, M.itmax, chi0, chip, chis, chil);
while ((stop != 1) && (ic < M.itmax));
// Print last iteration ==> best chi2 for p1 and p2
NPRINTF(stderr, "%d/%d %.3lf p:%.3lf s:%.3lf l:%.3lf\n",
ic, M.itmax, chi0, chip, chis, chil);
if (chi0 < minchi)
minchi = chi0;
/*Save the map parameters (rcut,sigma) that gave the best chi2*/
if (lens[0].type != 10)
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
best[i] = lens[i];
/*if there is a map defined in the runmode, save the best one*/
mbest_p = map_p;
/*for all the zm_limit sources, keep the z value that
* gave the best chi2 */
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
bestz[i] = multi[i][0].dr;
/*print the parameter value and the associated chi2 in map.iso file*/
fprintf(MAP, "%lf %lf %lf\n", p1*scale, p2, chi0);
/*print the chi2 and the potential parameters in the map.res file*/
fprintf(OUT, "%d/%d : %lf %lf\n", ic, M.itmax, p1*scale, p2);
o_print(OUT, chi0);
if (lens[0].type != 10)
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
if (M.minchi0 < chi0)
lens[i] = save[i];
lmin[i] = slmin[i];
lmax[i] = slmax[i];
prec[i] = sprec[i];
for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
block[i][k] = sblock[i][k];
map_p = smap_p;
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
zlim[i] = szlim[i];
}; // end of loop over p1 and p2
if (minchi < savchi)
if (lens[0].type != 10)
for (i = 0; i < G.no_lens; i++)
lens[i] = best[i];
map_p = mbest_p;
for (i = 0; i < I.nzlim; i++)
multi[i][0].dr = bestz[i];
* free maps
free_square_double((double **) mbest_p, G.nx);
free_square_double((double **) smap_p, G.nx);

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