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#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include "structure_hpc.hpp"
#include "gradient.hpp"
#define GET_INDEX2D(y, LDY, x, LDX) (LDX*y + x)
#define GET_INDEX3D(y, LDY, x, LDX, z, LDZ) (LDX*LDZ*y + LDZ*x + z)
/** @brief Tranform a point from image to source plane. Result stored in sourcepoint argument
* Tranform a point from image to source plane using lensequation
* @param image_point image position
* @param dlsds dls/ds
* @param nhalos number of halos
* @param potential_param gravitational potential information
* @param source_point address where source information will be stored
void mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane(const runmode_param *runmode, const struct point *image_point, double dlsds, const struct Potential *lens, struct point *source_point)
{ // dlsds is the distance between lens and source divided by the distance observer-source
struct point Grad; // gradient
Grad = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient(runmode->nhalos, image_point, lens);
//Grad = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA(image_point, lens, runmode->Nlens);
source_point->x = image_point->x - dlsds*Grad.x;
source_point->y = image_point->y - dlsds*Grad.y;
//printf("dlsds %f", dlsds);
void mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA(const int Nlens, const struct point *image_point, double dlsds, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, struct point *source_point)
{ // dlsds is the distance between lens and source divided by the distance observer-source
struct point Grad; // gradient
Grad = module_potentialDerivatives_totalGradient_SOA(image_point, lens, Nlens);
source_point->x = image_point->x - dlsds*Grad.x;
source_point->y = image_point->y - dlsds*Grad.y;
//printf("dlsds %f", dlsds);
void mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( const struct point *image_point, double dlsds, struct point *source_point, double *grad_x, double * grad_y, int grad_id)
source_point->x = image_point->x - dlsds*grad_x[grad_id];
source_point->y = image_point->y - dlsds*grad_y[grad_id];
//int world_rank;
//MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
//if (world_rank == 1)
//printf(" %d: %f %f = %f %f - dlsds = %f grad id = %d grad = (%f %f)\n", world_rank, source_point->x, source_point->y,image_point->x, image_point->y, dlsds, grad_id, grad_x[grad_id], grad_y[grad_id]);
//printf("dlsds %f", dlsds);
/** @brief Tranform a triangle from image to source plane. Result stored in S triangle argument
* Return a triplet of points in the source plane corresponding to the triplet
* of images. dlsds is the lens efficiency at the source redshift.
* I is the triangle in the image plane (input), S is the same triangle in the source plane (output)
* @param I triangle in image plane
* @param dlsds dls/ds
* @param nhalos number of halos
* @param potential_param gravitational potential information
* @param S address where triangle source information will be stored
void mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_upper( struct triplet *I, double dlsds, struct triplet *S, double *grad_x, double * grad_y, int grad_id, int nbgridcell)
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->a, dlsds, &S->a, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id );
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->b, dlsds, &S->b, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id + nbgridcell);
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->c, dlsds, &S->c, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id + 1);
void mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_lower( struct triplet *I, double dlsds, struct triplet *S, double*
grad_x, double * grad_y, int grad_id, int nbgridcell)
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->a, dlsds, &S->a, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id + nbgridcell + 1);
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->b, dlsds, &S->b, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id + 1);
mychi_transformImageToSourcePlane_SOA_Packed( &I->c, dlsds, &S->c, grad_x, grad_y, grad_id + nbgridcell );
/** @brief Return the scalar triple product (a*b).c of the 3 vectors A[x,y,1], B[x,y,1], C[x,y,1].
* If 2 of the 3 vectors are equal, colinear or form an orthogonal basis,
* the triple product is 0.
* This is also the determinant of the matrix
* | Ax Bx Cx |
* | Ay By Cy |
* | 1 1 1 |
double mychi_determinant(const struct point *A,
const struct point *B,
const struct point *C)
return( B->x*C->y - B->y*C->x +
A->x*B->y - A->y*B->x +
A->y*C->x - A->x*C->y );
/** @brief Return 1 if P is inside the triangle T, 0 otherwise.
* Return 1 if P is inside the triangle T, 0 otherwise.
* @param P a point
* @param T a triplet of points.
int mychi_inside(const struct point *P, struct triplet *T)
double s, s1, s2, d;
d = mychi_determinant(&T->a, &T->b, &T->c);
s = mychi_determinant(&T->a, &T->b, P)*d;
if (s < 0.) return 0;
s1 = mychi_determinant(&T->b, &T->c, P)*d;
if (s1 < 0.) return 0;
s2 = mychi_determinant(&T->c, &T->a, P)*d;
if (s2 < 0.) return 0;
return 1;
//return((s > 0.) && (s1 > 0.) && (s2 > 0.)); // If all determinants are positive,
// the point must be inside the triangle
mychi_inside2(const struct point *A, const struct point *B, const struct point *C)
// Compute vectors
v0 = C - A;
v1 = B - A;
v2 = P - A;
// Compute dot products
dot00 = dot(v0, v0);
dot01 = dot(v0, v1);
dot02 = dot(v0, v2);
dot11 = dot(v1, v1);
dot12 = dot(v1, v2);
// Compute barycentric coordinates
invDenom = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
// Check if point is in triangle
return (u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u + v < 1);
/** @brief Return 1 if P is inside the triangle T or on its border, 0 otherwise.
* Return 1 if P is inside the triangle T or on its border, 0 otherwise.
* @param P a point
* @param T a triplet of points.
int mychi_insideborder(const struct point *P, struct triplet *T)
double s, s1, s2, d;
d = mychi_determinant(&T->a, &T->b, &T->c);
s = mychi_determinant(&T->a, &T->b, P)*d;
if (s < 0.) return 0;
s1 = mychi_determinant(&T->b, &T->c, P)*d;
if (s1 < 0.) return 0;
s2 = mychi_determinant(&T->c, &T->a, P)*d;
if (s2 < 0.) return 0;
return 1;
//return((s >= 0.) && (s1 >= 0.) && (s2 >= 0.)); // If all determinants are positive or 0,
// the point must be inside the triangle or on its border
/** @brief Barycentre of a triplet/triangle
* A is a structure triplet that contains 3 structures point a,b and c
* Return value B is a point
struct point mychi_barycenter(struct triplet *A)
struct point B;
B.x = (A->a.x + A->b.x + A->c.x) / 3.;
B.y = (A->a.y + A->b.y + A->c.y) / 3.;
/** @brief Euclidean distance between 2 points
* Euclidean distance between 2 points
double mychi_dist(struct point A, struct point B)
double x, y;
x = A.x - B.x;
y = A.y - B.y;
return(sqrt(x*x + y*y));

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