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* @file module_readParameters.cpp
* @Author Christoph Schaefer, EPFL (
* @date July 2015
* @version 0,1
* @brief read parameters, images, sources and any other relevant information
* read parameter file
// Include
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "structure.h"
#include "module_readParameters.hpp"
// Function definitions
/** @brief This module function reads the cosmology parameters from the parameter file
* This module function reads the cosmology parameters from the parameter file. The given pointer is
* updated with the results.
* Read an infile: The structure of the file is as follows:
| .
| .
| .
| model x <---- this is a value
| H0 x
| . .
| . .
| end
| .
| .
| finish
* @param Cosmology cosmology
* @param infile path to file
void module_readParameters_readCosmology(std::string infile, cosmo_param &Cosmology)
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(),std::ios::in); // open file
if ( IN )
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first;
while(strncmp(first.c_str(), "finish",6) != 0) // read line by line until finish is reached
if ( strncmp(first.c_str(), "cosmolog", 8) == 0){ // if the line contains information about cosmology
std::getline(IN,line2); // read the line word by word
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
while(strncmp(second.c_str(), "end",3) != 0) // Go ahead until "end" is reached
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "model") ) // set model of universe
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "H0") ) // set Hubble constant
Cosmology.h = Cosmology.H0 / 50.;
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "omegaM") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "omega") ) // set density of matter
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "omegaX") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "lambda") ) // set cosmological constant
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "wX") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "q") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "w0") ) // set "q" for Model 2, "wX" for Model 3, "w0" for Model 4
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "wa") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "n") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "delta") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "w1") ) // set "n" for Model 2, "delta" for model 3, "w1" for model 4
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "omegaK") ) // set universe curvature
// read next line
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
// if a flat Universe
if ( Cosmology.curvature == 0. )
Cosmology.omegaX = 1 - Cosmology.omegaM;
Cosmology.curvature = Cosmology.omegaM + Cosmology.omegaX - 1;
// read next line
std::istringstream read1(line1);
read1 >> first;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", infile.c_str()); // Exit if file was not found
/** @brief This module function reads the number of sources, arclets, etc. in the parameter file. We need to know this to allocate the memory
* Function to read the number of multiple images and clumps
* Check if there is 1 limit for each clump set
* The program reads the number of potentials and limits defined, and checks whether there are the same number
* Then it opens the imfile to read the numbers of images and set of images
* Reads also the size of the multiple images area, the size of a pixel, and the runmode.
* @param infile path to file
* @param runmode runmode parameter
void module_readParameters_readRunmode(std::string infile, struct runmode_param *runmode)
std::string first, second, third, fourth, fifth, line1, line2;
int Nsis(0), Npiemd(0);
/// Set default values
runmode->nbgridcells = 1000;
runmode->source = 0;
runmode->image = 0;
runmode->imagefile = "Empty";
runmode->mass = 0;
runmode->mass_gridcells = 1000;
runmode->z_mass = 0.4;
runmode->z_mass_s = 0.8;
runmode->potential = 0;
runmode->pot_gridcells = 1000;
runmode->z_pot = 0.8;
runmode->potfile = 0;
runmode->npotfile = 0;
runmode->dpl = 0;
runmode->dpl_gridcells = 1000;
runmode->z_dpl = 0.8;
runmode->inverse = 0;
runmode->arclet = 0;
runmode->debug = 0;
runmode->nimagestot = 0;
runmode->nsets = 0;
runmode->gridcells = 1000;
runmode->cline = 0;
runmode->time = 0;
int j=0;
std::string imageFile_name;
int imageIndex=0;
int numberPotentials=0, numberLimits=0;
/*************************** read nhalos, imfile_name, pixel_size, multipleimagesarea_size and runmode from configuration file *********************/
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN )
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first; // Read the first word
while( strcmp(first.c_str(),"finish") != 0 ) // Continue until we reach finish
if ( strncmp(first.c_str(), "runmode", 7) == 0){ // Read in runmode information
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third >> fourth; // Read in 4 words
while (strncmp(second.c_str(), "end", 3)) // Read until we reach end
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "nbgridcells") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d ", &runmode->nbgridcells);
//std::cout<< runmode->nbgridcells;
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "source") )
char filename[FILENAME_SIZE];
//std::cout<< line2 << std::endl;
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %s ", &runmode->source, &filename);
runmode->sourfile = filename;
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "image") )
char filename[FILENAME_SIZE];
//std::cout<< line2 << std::endl;
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %s ", &runmode->image, &filename);
runmode->imagefile = filename;
//std::cout<< runmode->imagefile << std::endl;
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "inverse") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d ", &runmode->inverse);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "mass") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %d %lf %lf", &runmode->mass, &runmode->mass_gridcells, &runmode->z_mass, &runmode->z_mass_s);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "poten") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %d %lf", &runmode->potential, &runmode->pot_gridcells, &runmode->z_pot);
//printf("grid %d, number %d, redshift %f",runmode->potential, runmode->pot_gridcells, runmode->z_pot);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "dpl") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %d %lf", &runmode->dpl, &runmode->dpl_gridcells, &runmode->z_dpl);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "grid") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %d %lf", &runmode->grid, &runmode->gridcells, &runmode->zgrid);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "amplif") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %d %lf", &runmode->amplif, &runmode->amplif_gridcells, &runmode->z_amplif);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "arclets") )
runmode->arclet = 1; // Not supported yet
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "time") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d ", &runmode->time);
if( !strncmp(second.c_str(), "Debug",5) ) // Read in if we are in debug mode
runmode->debug = 1;
// Read the next line
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
else if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "potent", 6)) // each time we find a "potential" string in the configuration file, we add an halo
std::istringstream read2(line2);
double z(0);
read2 >> second >> third;
//std::cout << second << third << std::endl;
if (strcmp(second.c_str(), "end") == 0) // Move to next potential and initialize it
if ( z == 0. ) // Check if redshift from current halo was initialized
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: A redshift is not defined for a potential \n");
break; // Break while loop and move to next potential
// Read in values
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "profil") || // Get profile
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "profile") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "SIE") ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "5") )
Nsis += 1;
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "8") )
Npiemd += 1;
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "z_lens")) // Get redshift
else if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "limit", 5)) // same for the limit of the potential
else if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "cline", 5))
runmode->cline = 1;
else if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "potfile", 7))
runmode->potfile = 1;
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third >> fourth; // Read in 4 words
while (strncmp(second.c_str(), "end", 3)) // Read until we reach end
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "filein") )
runmode->potfilename = fourth;
//std::cout<< line2 << runmode->potfilename;
// Read the next line
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
// read the next line
std::istringstream read1(line1);
read1 >> first;
//if(numberLimits!=numberPotentials) printf("Warning : Number of clumps different than number of limits in %s\n", infile.c_str()); // must be limits for each halo
if(Nsis+Npiemd != numberPotentials){
printf( "Problem NSIS %d NPIEMD %d nhalos %d", runmode->Nlens[0],runmode->Nlens[1],numberPotentials);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", infile.c_str());
/******************************** read nset and nimagestot from imfile_name **********************/
/* the images file must contain
1 x_center y_center a b theta redshift
1 . . . . . .
So here we have 3 images in the first set of images, 5 in the second, and 8 images in total
/*TODO ImageFile_name is a crude method of getting the image information. Rethink it.*/
if (runmode->image == 1 or runmode->inverse == 1 or runmode->time >= 1){
imageFile_name = runmode->imagefile;
//printf("Image to source mode activated\n");
std::ifstream IM(imageFile_name.c_str(), std::ios::in);
//printf(" Booo says hello again \n");
if ( IM )
while( std::getline(IM,line2) ) // Read every line
if(j> runmode->nsets){ // If we move on to a new set images, we pick the new index as reference
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", imageFile_name.c_str());
if (runmode->source == 1){
imageFile_name = runmode->sourfile;
//printf("Source to image mode activated\n");
std::ifstream IM(imageFile_name.c_str(), std::ios::in);
//printf(" Booo says hello again \n");
if ( IM ){
int i = 0;
while( std::getline(IM,line1) ){ // Read until we reach the end
runmode->nsets = i ;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", imageFile_name.c_str());
runmode->nimagestot=imageIndex; // Important
if (runmode->potfile == 1){
imageFile_name = runmode->potfilename;
std::ifstream IM(imageFile_name.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IM ){
int i = 0;
while( std::getline(IM,line1) ){ // Read until we reach the end
if ( line1[0] == '#' ){
runmode->npotfile = i ;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", imageFile_name.c_str());
printf(" nsets %d , nhalos %d , nimagestot %d npotfile %d \n", runmode->nsets, runmode->nhalos, runmode->nimagestot,runmode->npotfile);
/*********** read narclets from arclets_filename ***************/
/* the arclets file must contain
id x_center y_center a b theta redshift
line : 1 . . . . . . .
std::ifstream IM_arclets(arclets_filename.c_str(), std::ios::in); // Open file
if ( IM_arclets )
while( std::getline(IM_arclets,line2) ) // Read every line
printf("Error : file %s not found\n",arclets_filename.c_str());
// Read the number of sources in the cleanlens file
if (cleanlensMode != 0)
std::ifstream IM_cleanlens(cleanlensFile.c_str(), std::ios::in); // Open file
if ( IM_cleanlens )
while( std::getline(IM_cleanlens,line2) ) // Read every line
printf("Error : file %s not found\n",cleanlensFile.c_str());
numbercleanlens = 0;
* */
/** @brief read the positions, redshifts and numbers of multiple images from the images file
* This module function reads in the strong lensing images
* Output: image coordinates, image shapes (semi-minor, semi-major of ellipse and orientation angle), source redshifts, number of images per set
** the images file must contain
1 x_center y_center major axis minor axis ellipticity angle redshift
1 . . . . . .
1 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
nsetofimages . . . . . .
At each line we store in j the index of the set of images to store the redshifts and the number of images of each set
At each line we add an images in the position of images' array
* @param runmode runmode parameter
* @param image array where images will be stored
* @param nImagesSet array where the number of images per Set will be stored
/// read the positions, redshifts and numbers of multiple images from the images file
void module_readParameters_readImages(const struct runmode_param *runmode, struct galaxy image[], int nImagesSet[])
std::string second, line1;
int imageIndex=0;
int j=0;
for(int i=0; i<runmode->nsets; i++){
/*********initialisation of nimages array*********/
for(int i=0; i<runmode->nimagestot; i++){
/* Initialise here the variables of the images*/
image[i].center.x = image[i].center.y = 0;
image[i].shape.a = image[i].shape.b = image[i].shape.theta = 0;
image[i].redshift = 0;
//printf("imagefile :%d \n", runmode->imagefile.c_str
// Read in images
std::ifstream IM(runmode->imagefile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
if ( IM )
int i = 0;
while( std::getline(IM,line1) ) // Read until we reach the end
// Read in the parameters, * means we read in a parameter but do not store it
sscanf(line1.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &j, &image[i].center.x, &image[i].center.y, &image[i].shape.a, &image[i].shape.b, &image[i].shape.theta, &image[i].redshift, &image[i].mag );
nImagesSet[j-1]++; // Increase the counter of the number of system for system with number j-1 by 1
std::cout << "Error : file " << runmode->imagefile << " not found" << std::endl;
/** @brief read the positions, redshifts and numbers of multiple sources from the sources file
* This module function reads in the strong lensing sources
* Output: sources coordinates, sources shapes (semi-minor, semi-major of ellipse and orientation angle), source redshifts
* the images file must contain
x_center y_center major axis minor axis ellipticity angle redshift
1 . . . . . .
2 . . . . . .
3 . . . . . .
* @param runmode runmode parameter
* @param source array where sources will be stored
/// read the positions, redshifts and numbers of multiple images from the images file
void module_readParameters_readSources(struct runmode_param *runmode, struct galaxy source[])
std::string second, line1;
int j=0;
//Calculating nset
std::ifstream IM(runmode->sourfile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
if ( IM ){
int i = 0;
while( std::getline(IM,line1) ){ // Read until we reach the end
runmode->nsets = i ;
std::cout << "Error : file " << runmode->sourfile << " not found" << std::endl;
/*********initialisation of nimages array*********/
for(int i=0; i<runmode->nsets; i++){
/* Initialise here the variables of the images*/
source[i].center.x = source[i].center.y = 0;
source[i].shape.a = source[i].shape.b = source[i].shape.theta = 0;
source[i].redshift = 0;
source[i].mag = 0;
std::ifstream IM2(runmode->sourfile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
// Read in images
if ( IM2 )
int i = 0;
while( std::getline(IM2,line1) ) // Read until we reach the end
// Read in the parameters, * means we read in a parameter but do not store it
sscanf(line1.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &j, &source[i].center.x, &source[i].center.y, &source[i].shape.a, &source[i].shape.b, &source[i].shape.theta, &source[i].redshift , &source[i].mag);
std::cout << "Error : file " << runmode->sourfile << " not found" << std::endl;
/** @brief This module function reads the critical and caustic line information
*@param infile path to file
* @param cline cline parameter variable
void module_readParameters_CriticCaustic(std::string infile, cline_param *cline){
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
//Default value initialiasation
cline->nplan = 0;
for(int i =0; i < NPZMAX; ++i){
cline->cz[i] = 0;
cline->dos[i] = 0;
cline->dls[i] = 0;
cline->dlsds[i] = 0;
cline->limitLow = 1;
cline->dmax = 1;
cline->limitHigh = 10;
cline->nbgridcells = 1000;
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN ){
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first;
if ( strncmp(first.c_str(), "cline", 5) == 0){ // Read in runmode information
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third; // Read in 4 words
while (strncmp(second.c_str(), "end", 3)) // Read until we reach end
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "nplan") ){
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%d", &cline->nplan);
if ( cline->nplan > NPZMAX ){
cline->nplan = NPZMAX;
int j = 0;
while ( read2 >> third )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &cline->cz[j]);
//printf(" zf %f \n",cline->cz[j]);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "dmax") )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &cline->dmax);
cline->xmax = cline->dmax;
cline->xmin = -cline->dmax;
cline->ymax = cline->dmax;
cline->ymin = -cline->dmax;
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "pas") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "step") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "limitLow") )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &cline->limitLow);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "limitHigh") )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &cline->limitHigh);
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "nbgridcells") )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%d", &cline->nbgridcells);
//std::cout << third << std::endl;
//printf("cline->nbgridcells %d", cline->nbgridcells);
// Read the next line
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
} // closes while loop
} // closes if(IN)
/** @brief This module function reads the potfile information
*@param infile path to file
* @param potfile_param potfile parameter variable
void module_readParameters_readpotfiles_param(std::string infile, potfile_param *potfile){
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
//Default value potfile initialiasation
potfile->potid = 0;
potfile->ftype = 1;
potfile->type = 0;
potfile->zlens = 0;
potfile->mag0 = 0;
potfile->sigma = 0;
potfile->core = 0;
potfile->corekpc = 0;
potfile->ircut = 0;
potfile->cut1 = 0;
potfile->cut2 = 0;
potfile->cutkpc1 = 0;
potfile->cutkpc2 = 0;
potfile->islope = 0;
potfile->slope1 = 0;
potfile->slope2 = 0;
potfile->npotfile = 0;
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN ){
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first;
if ( strncmp(first.c_str(), "potfile", 7) == 0){ // Read in potfile information
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third; // Read in 4 words
while (strncmp(second.c_str(), "end", 3)) // Read until we reach end
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "filein") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d %s ", &potfile->ftype, potfile->potfile);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "type") )
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%d", &potfile->type);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "zlens") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "z_lens"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &potfile->zlens);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "mag0") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "r200"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &potfile->mag0);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "select"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%d", &potfile->select);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "core"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &potfile->core);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "corekpc"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &potfile->corekpc);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "cut"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ircut, &potfile->cut1, &potfile->cut2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "cutkpc"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ircut, &potfile->cutkpc1, &potfile->cutkpc2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "slope") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "m200slope"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->islope, &potfile->slope1, &potfile->slope2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "sigma"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->isigma, &potfile->sigma1, &potfile->sigma2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "vdslope") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "c200slope"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ivdslope, &potfile->vdslope1, &potfile->vdslope2);
else if (!strncmp(second.c_str(), "vdscat", 6))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ivdscat, &potfile->vdscat1, &potfile->vdscat2);
else if (!strncmp(second.c_str(), "rcutscat", 8))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ircutscat, &potfile->rcutscat1, &potfile->rcutscat2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "a") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "m200"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ia, &potfile->a1, &potfile->a2);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "b") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "c200"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), " %*s %d%lf%lf", &potfile->ib, &potfile->b1, &potfile->b2);
// Read the next line
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
} // closes while loop
} // closes if(IN)
/** @brief This module function loads the potential from the potfile into a lens
*@param infile path to file
* @param cline cline parameter variable
void module_readParameters_readpotfiles(const runmode_param *runmode, potfile_param *potfile, Potential *lens){
std::string second, line1;
double aa,bb;
// Read in potentials
std::ifstream IM(potfile->potfile,std::ios::in);
if ( IM )
int i = runmode->nhalos;
while( std::getline(IM,line1) ) // Read until we reach the end
// Skip commented lines with #
if ( line1[0] == '#' )
// Default initialisation of clump
lens[i].type = potfile->type;
lens[i].z = potfile->zlens;
lens[i].ellipticity_potential = lens[i].ellipticity = 0.;
lens[i].alpha = 0.;
lens[i].rcut = 0.;
lens[i].rcore = 0.;
lens[i].rscale = 0.;
lens[i].mag = 0.;
lens[i].lum = 0.;
lens[i].vdisp = 0.;
lens[i].position.x = lens[i].position.y = 0.;
lens[i].ellipticity_angle = 0.;
lens[i].weight = 0;
lens[i].exponent = 0;
lens[i].einasto_kappacritic = 0;
// Read a line of the catalog
if ( potfile->ftype == 1 )
sscanf( line1.c_str(), "%s%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf",
&lens[i].name, &lens[i].position.x, &lens[i].position.y,
&aa, &bb, &lens[i].theta, &lens[i].mag, &lens[i].lum);
lens[i].ellipticity = (aa*aa-bb*bb)/(aa*aa+bb*bb);
if ( lens[i].ellipticity < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: The potfile clump %s has a negative ellipticity.\n", lens[i].name );
//goto NEXT;
std::cout << "Error : file " << potfile->potfile << " not found" << std::endl;
/** @brief read the information about arclets
* !Not used! Will be reworked
* This module function reads in the arclet images for weak lensing
* @param Arclet file
void module_readParameters_arclets(std::string arclets_filename, point arclets_position[], ellipse arclets_shape[], double arclets_redshift[])
std::string second, line1;
int j=0;
/******************** read the arclets file *******************/
/* the arclets file must contain
id x_center y_center a b theta redshift
line : 1 . . . . . . .
std::ifstream IM(arclets_filename.c_str(),std::ios::in);
if ( IM )
while( std::getline(IM,line1)) // Read every line
{ // Read in parameters, * means we read the parameter but don't store it (*s)
sscanf(line1.c_str(), "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &arclets_position[j].x, &arclets_position[j].y, &arclets_shape[j].a, &arclets_shape[j].b, &arclets_shape[j].theta, &arclets_redshift[j]);
printf("Error : file %s not found\n",arclets_filename.c_str());
/** @brief This module function reads in if a parameter will be optimized by the MCMC or stay fixed.
* This module function reads in if a parameter will be optimized by the MCMC or stay fixed.
* If it will be optimized, it specifies its minimum and maximum allowed values. Unless declared otherwise by the user, input values are fixed and won't be optimized.
* read an infile :
| .
| .
| x_center x x x x <--- these values contains : block min max accuracy
| y_center x x x x if block=1 this is a free parameter, otherwise not
| . . . . . min and max define the extremal value of this parameter
| . . . . . accuracy is a criterium of convergence for the MCMC
| end
| .
| .
| x_center x x x x
| y_center x x x x
| . . . . .
| . . . . .
| end
| .
| .
and fills the variables with these values
* @param infile path to input file
* @param host_potentialoptimization array where limits will be stored
* @param nhalos number of mass distributions
void module_readParameters_limit(std::string infile, struct potentialoptimization host_potentialoptimization[], int nhalos )
std::string first, second, line1, line2;
int i=0;
double DTR=acos(-1.)/180.; /* 1 deg in rad = pi/180 */
/*** initialize the block variables to zero (= not to be optimized) ***/
for(int index=0; index<nhalos; index++)
// Read in
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN )
std::istringstream read1(line1);
read1 >> first;
if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "limit", 5)) // Read the limits
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second; // Read in 1 word
if (strcmp(second.c_str(), "end") == 0) break; // stop reading at "end" and move to next potential limit section
if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "x_centre") || // Read in for x center
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "x_center") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s %d %lf %lf %lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.x.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].position.x.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.x.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.x.sigma);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "y_centre") || // Read in for y center
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "y_center") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.y.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].position.y.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.y.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].position.y.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "v_disp") ) // Read in for ellipticity
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].vdisp.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].vdisp.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].vdisp.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].vdisp.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellip_pot") ) // Read in for ellipticity
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_potential.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_potential.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_potential.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_potential.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticitymass") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticity") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticite") ) // Read in for ellipticity
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity.sigma);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticity_angle") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "angle_pos")) // Read in for ellipticity angle
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.sigma);
host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.min *= DTR;
host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.max *= DTR;
host_potentialoptimization[i].ellipticity_angle.sigma *= DTR;
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "rcut") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "cut_radius")) // Read in for r cut
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcut.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].rcut.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcut.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcut.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "rcore") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "core_radius")) // Read in for core radius
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcore.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].rcore.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcore.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rcore.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "NFW_rs") || // Read in for NFW scale radius
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "rscale") )
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].rscale.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].rscale.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rscale.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].rscale.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "exponent") ) // Read in for exponent
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].exponent.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].exponent.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].exponent.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].exponent.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "alpha") ) // Read in for alpha
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].alpha.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].alpha.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].alpha.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].alpha.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "einasto_kappacritic") ) // Read in for critical kappa
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].einasto_kappacritic.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].einasto_kappacritic.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].einasto_kappacritic.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].einasto_kappacritic.sigma);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "virial_mass") || // Read in for virial mass
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "masse") ||
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "m200") ||
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "mass"))
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].weight.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].weight.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].weight.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].weight.sigma);
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "z_lens") ) // Read in for redshift
sscanf(line2.c_str(), "%*s%d%lf%lf%lf", &host_potentialoptimization[i].z.block,
&host_potentialoptimization[i].z.min, &host_potentialoptimization[i].z.max, &host_potentialoptimization[i].z.sigma);
} // end of inner while loop
i++; // Move to next potential
/** @brief This module function reads in the potential form and its parameters (e.g. NFW).
* @param infile path to input file
* @param lens array where mass distributions will be stored
* @param nhalos number of mass distributions
void module_readParameters_Potential(std::string infile, Potential lens[], int nhalos)
double DTR=acos(-1.)/180.; /* 1 deg in rad = pi/180 */
Potential *ilens;
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
int i=0;
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN )
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first;
if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "potent", 6)) // Read in potential
ilens = &lens[i];
ilens->position.x = ilens->position.y = 0.;
ilens->ellipticity = 0;
ilens->ellipticity_potential = 0.;
ilens->ellipticity_angle = 0.;
ilens->rcut = 0.;
ilens->rcore = 0;
ilens->weight = 0;
ilens->rscale = 0;
ilens->exponent = 0;
ilens->alpha = 0.;
ilens->einasto_kappacritic = 0;
ilens->z = 0;
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
if (strcmp(second.c_str(), "end") == 0) // Move to next potential and initialize it
if ( ilens->z == 0. ) // Check if redshift from current halo was initialized
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No redshift defined for potential %d\n", i);
break; // Break while loop and move to next potential
// Read in values
if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "profil") || // Get profile
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "profile") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "PIEMD") ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "1") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "NFW") ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "2") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "SIES") ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "3") )
if(!strncmp(third.c_str(), "point", 5) ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "4") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "SIE") ||
!strcmp(third.c_str(), "5") )
if(!strcmp(third.c_str(), "8") )
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "name")) // Get name of lens
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "x_centre") || // Get x center
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "x_center") )
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "y_centre") || // Get y center
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "y_center") )
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticitymass") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticity") ) // Get ellipticity
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "ellipticity_angle") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "angle_pos")) // Get ellipticity angle
ilens->ellipticity_angle *= DTR;
else if ( !strcmp(second.c_str(), "rcore") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "core_radius")) // Get core radius
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "rcut") || !strcmp(second.c_str(), "cut_radius")) // Get cut radius
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "NFW_rs") || // Get scale radius of NFW
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "rscale"))
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "exponent") ) // Get exponent
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "alpha") ) // Get alpha
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "einasto_kappacritic") || // Get critical kappa
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "kappacritic"))
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "z_lens")) // Get redshift
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "v_disp")) // Get Dispersion velocity
else if ( !strncmp(second.c_str(), "virial_mass", 6) || // Get virial mass
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "masse") ||
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "m200") ||
!strcmp(second.c_str(), "mass") )
} // closes inner while loop
//Calculate parameters like b0, potential ellipticity and anyother parameter depending on the profile
i++; // Set counter to next potential
} // closes if loop
} // closes while loop
printf("Parameter “potential” not found in the file %s",infile.c_str());
for(int j=1; j<i; j++)
if(lens[j].z!=lens[j-1].z) printf("Warning : Some halos have different redshifts ! They should be in the same plane (same redshift) !\n");
} // closes if(IN)
/** @brief This module function converts potentials to potentieal_SOA (AOS to SOA conversion)
void module_readParameters_PotentialSOA(std::string infile, Potential *lens, Potential_SOA *lens_SOA, int Nset[]){
double DTR=acos(-1.)/180.; /* 1 deg in rad = pi/180 */
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
int nhalos(0);
int iterator[NTYPES];
Potential_SOA lensespiemd;
Potential_SOA lensessis;
Potential_SOA *ilenses;
for(int i(0); i < NTYPES;++i){
iterator[i] = 0;
nhalos+= Nset[i];
ilenses = &lens_SOA[i];
ilenses->type = new int[Nset[i]];
ilenses->position_x = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->position_y = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->b0 = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->ellipticity_angle = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->ellipticity = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->ellipticity_potential = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->rcore = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->rcut = new double[Nset[i]];
ilenses->z = new double[Nset[i]];
int i_sis(0), i_piemd(0);
int *i_point;
i_point = &i_sis;
for (int i = 0; i <nhalos; ++i){
//std::cerr << i_sis << " " << i_piemd << " " << *i_point << " " << nhalos << " " << lens[i].type << std::endl;
if (lens[i].type == 5){
ilenses = &lens_SOA[0];
i_point = &i_sis;
else if (lens[i].type == 8){
ilenses = &lens_SOA[1];
i_point = &i_piemd;
ilenses->position_x[*i_point] = lens[i].position.x;
//std::cerr << lens_SOA[1].position_x[*i_point] << " " << lens[i].position.x << std::endl;
ilenses->position_y[*i_point] = lens[i].position.y;
ilenses->b0[*i_point] = lens[i].b0;
ilenses->ellipticity_angle[*i_point] = lens[i].ellipticity_angle;
ilenses->ellipticity[*i_point] = lens[i].ellipticity;
ilenses->ellipticity_potential[*i_point] = lens[i].ellipticity_potential;
ilenses->rcore[*i_point] = lens[i].rcore;
ilenses->rcut[*i_point] = lens[i].rcut;
ilenses->z[*i_point] = lens[i].z;
if (lens[i].type == 5){
i_sis +=1;
i_piemd +=1;
if (i_sis != Nset[0] or i_piemd != Nset[1]){
printf("Problem converting Potentials to SOA");
/** @brief This module function calculates profile depended information like the impactparameter b0 and the potential ellipticity epot
* @param lens: mass distribution for which to calculate parameters
void module_readParameters_calculatePotentialparameter(Potential *lens){
switch (lens->type)
case(5): /*Elliptical Isothermal Sphere*/
//impact parameter b0
lens->b0 = 4* pi_c2 * lens->vdisp * lens->vdisp ;
lens->ellipticity_potential = lens->ellipticity/3 ;
case(8): /* PIEMD */
//impact parameter b0
lens->b0 = 6.*pi_c2 * lens->vdisp * lens->vdisp;
if ( lens->ellipticity == 0. && lens->ellipticity_potential != 0. ){
// emass is (a2-b2)/(a2+b2)
lens->ellipticity = 2.*lens->ellipticity_potential / (1. + lens->ellipticity_potential * lens->ellipticity_potential);
printf("1 : %f %f \n",lens->ellipticity,lens->ellipticity_potential);
else if ( lens->ellipticity == 0. && lens->ellipticity_potential == 0. ){
lens->ellipticity_potential = 0.00001;
printf("2 : %f %f \n",lens->ellipticity,lens->ellipticity_potential);
// epot is (a-b)/(a+b)
lens->ellipticity_potential = (1. - sqrt(1 - lens->ellipticity * lens->ellipticity)) / lens->ellipticity;
printf("3 : %f %f \n",lens->ellipticity,lens->ellipticity_potential);
printf( "ERROR: LENSPARA profil type of clump %s unknown : %d\n",lens->name, lens->type);
/** @brief This module function reads the grid information
* @param infile path to input file
* @param grid array where grid information will be stored
void module_readParameters_Grid(std::string infile, grid_param *grid)
std::string first, second, third, line1, line2;
double dmax ;
std::ifstream IN(infile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if ( IN )
std::istringstream read1(line1); // create a stream for the line
read1 >> first;
if (!strncmp(first.c_str(), "grille", 7) || !strncmp(first.c_str(), "frame", 5) ) // Read in potential
std::istringstream read2(line2);
read2 >> second >> third;
if (strcmp(second.c_str(), "end") == 0) // Move to next potential and initialize it
break; // Break while loop and move to next potential
// Read in values
if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "dmax"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &dmax);
//printf( "\t%s\t%lf\n", second.c_str(), dmax);
grid->xmin = -dmax;
grid->xmax = dmax;
grid->ymin = -dmax;
grid->ymax = dmax;
grid->rmax = dmax * sqrt(2.);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "xmin"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &grid->xmin);
//printf("\t%s\t%lf\n", second.c_str(), grid->xmin);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "xmax"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &grid->xmax);
//printf("\t%s\t%lf\n", second.c_str(), grid->xmax);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "ymin"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &grid->ymin);
//printf( "\t%s\t%lf\n", second.c_str(), grid->ymin);
else if (!strcmp(second.c_str(), "ymax"))
sscanf(third.c_str(), "%lf", &grid->ymax);
//printf( "\t%s\t%lf\n", second.c_str(), grid->ymax);
} // closes if loop
} // closes while loop
} // closes if(IN)
/* @brief Get number of sets for cleanlens mode
* !!Not used. Will be reworked!!
* This module function reads in the "clean lens" mode sources: These sources are read in and lensed only once assuming a fixed mass model
// Then we can see the predicted location of the images and compare with their real positions
* @param clean lens file, number of clean lens images
* @return coordinates for each image, shape of each image, redshifts, number of sets, number of images per set
// Get number of sets for cleanlens mode
void module_readParameters_SingleLensingSourcesNumberSets(std::string infile, int &nsetofimages_cleanlens )
std::string line1;
int setNumber=0;
// Get number of sets of images
std::ifstream IM(infile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
if ( IM )
while( std::getline(IM,line1))
// Read in parameters
sscanf(line1.c_str(), "%d", &setNumber);
if(setNumber > nsetofimages_cleanlens) nsetofimages_cleanlens = setNumber;
/* @brief Read in the position of sources that are just once lensed to see where their images lensed back into the image plane appear and what their shape looks like ("cleanlens", no MCMC)
* !!Not used. Will be reworked!!
* Read in the position of sources that are just once lensed to see where their images lensed back into the image plane appear and what their shape looks like ("cleanlens", no MCMC)
* @param clean lens file, number of clean lens images
* @return coordinates for each image, shape of each image, redshifts, number of sets, number of images per set
void module_readParameters_SingleLensingSources(std::string infile, point sources[], ellipse sources_shape[], double redshift[], int nimages_cleanlens[], int nsetofimages_cleanlens )
std::string line1;
int index=0;
int setNumber=0;
/*********initialisation of nimages_cleanlens array*********/
// Get number of images per set
for(int i=0; i<nsetofimages_cleanlens; i++){
// Get number of sets of images
std::ifstream IM(infile.c_str(),std::ios::in);
if ( IM )
while( std::getline(IM,line1))
// Read in parameters
sscanf(line1.c_str(), "%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &setNumber, &sources[index].x, &sources[index].y, &sources_shape[index].a, &sources_shape[index].b, &sources_shape[index].theta, &redshift[index]);
nimages_cleanlens[setNumber-1]++; // We increase the number of images for set with number "setNumber-1" by 1 (we start with the 0th set)
/** @brief Prints out cosmology
void module_readParameters_debug_cosmology(int DEBUG, cosmo_param cosmology)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
printf("\n\n####################### Summary of Input Parameters #######################\n");
printf("Cosmology: Cosmology model = %d, omegaM = %lf, omegaX = %lf, curvature = %lf, wX = %lf, wa = %lf, H0 = %lf, h = %lf\n", cosmology.model, cosmology.omegaM, cosmology.omegaX, cosmology.curvature, cosmology.wX, cosmology.wa, cosmology.H0, cosmology.h);
/** @brief Prints out runmode
void module_readParameters_debug_runmode(int DEBUG, runmode_param runmode)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
printf("Runmode: nhalos = %d, nsets = %d, nimagestot = %d, source = %d, image = %d, arclet = %d, cline = %d, inverse= %d, DEBUG = %d\n", runmode.nhalos, runmode.nsets, runmode.nimagestot, runmode.source, runmode.image, runmode.arclet, runmode.cline, runmode.inverse, runmode.debug);
/** @brief Prints out images
void module_readParameters_debug_image(int DEBUG, galaxy image[], int nImagesSet[], int nsets)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
int index = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nsets; ++i){
for( int j = 0; j < nImagesSet[i]; ++j){
printf("Image [%d]: x = %lf, y = %lf, shape: a = %f, b = %f, theta = %lf, redshift = %lf, nImagesSet = %d,\n",index , image[index].center.x, image[index].center.y, image[index].shape.a, image[index].shape.b, image[index].shape.theta, image[index].redshift, nImagesSet[i]);
index +=1;
//printf( "%d \n", index );
/** @brief Prints out source
void module_readParameters_debug_source(int DEBUG, galaxy source[], int nsets)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
for ( int i = 0; i < nsets; ++i){
printf("Source[%d]: x = %lf, y = %lf, shape: a = %f, b = %f, theta = %lf, redshift = %lf. \n\n", i, source[i].center.x, source[i].center.y, source[i].shape.a, source[i].shape.b, source[i].shape.theta, source[i].redshift);
/** @brief Prints out massdistributions
void module_readParameters_debug_potential(int DEBUG, Potential lenses[], int nhalos)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
for ( int i = 0; i < nhalos; ++i){
printf("Potential[%d]: x = %f, y = %f, vdisp = %f, type = %d, type_name = %s, name = %s,\n \t ellipticity = %f, ellipticity_pot = %f, ellipticity angle (radians) = %f, rcore = %f, rcut = %f,\n \t rscale = %f, exponent = %f, alpha = %f, einasto kappa critical = %f, z = %f\n", i,lenses[i].position.x, lenses[i].position.y, lenses[i].vdisp, lenses[i].type, lenses[i].type_name, lenses[i].name, lenses[i].ellipticity, lenses[i].ellipticity_potential, lenses[i].ellipticity_angle, lenses[i].rcore, lenses[i].rcut, lenses[i].rscale, lenses[i].exponent, lenses[i].alpha, lenses[i].einasto_kappacritic, lenses[i].z);
/** @brief Prints out potfile_param
void module_readParameters_debug_potfileparam(int DEBUG, potfile_param *potfile)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
printf("Potfile: potid = %d, filename = %s, ftype = %d, type = %d, zlens = %f, mag0 = %f, sigma = %f,\n \t core = %f, corekpc = %f, ircut = %d, cut1 = %f, cut2 = %f,\n \t cutkpc1 = %f, cutkpc2 = %f, islope = %d, slope1 = %f, slope2 = %f\n", potfile->potid,potfile->potfile,potfile->ftype,potfile->type,potfile->zlens,potfile->mag0,potfile->sigma,potfile->core,potfile->corekpc,potfile->ircut,potfile->cut1,potfile->cut2,potfile->cutkpc1,potfile->cutkpc2,potfile->islope,potfile->slope1,potfile->slope2);
/** @brief Prints out cline
void module_readParameters_debug_criticcaustic(int DEBUG, cline_param cline)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
printf("Cline: Number of planes = %d ", cline.nplan);
for( int i=0; i < cline.nplan; ++i){
printf(" z[%d] = %f, ",i ,[i]);
printf(" dmax = %f, Low = %f, High= %f, Nb of gridcells %d \n", cline.dmax , cline.limitLow ,cline.limitHigh, cline.nbgridcells);
/** @brief Prints out limits
void module_readParameters_debug_limit(int DEBUG, struct potentialoptimization host_potentialoptimization)
if (DEBUG == 1) // If we are in debug mode
printf("DEBUG: Center.x B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.position.x.block, host_potentialoptimization.position.x.min, host_potentialoptimization.position.x.max, host_potentialoptimization.position.x.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: Center.y B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.position.y.block, host_potentialoptimization.position.y.min, host_potentialoptimization.position.y.max, host_potentialoptimization.position.y.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: weight.y B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.weight.block, host_potentialoptimization.weight.min, host_potentialoptimization.weight.max, host_potentialoptimization.weight.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: ellipticity_angle B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_angle.block, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_angle.min, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_angle.max, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_angle.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: ellipticity B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity.block, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity.min, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity.max, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: ellipticity_potential B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_potential.block, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_potential.min, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_potential.max, host_potentialoptimization.ellipticity_potential.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: rcore B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.rcore.block, host_potentialoptimization.rcore.min, host_potentialoptimization.rcore.max, host_potentialoptimization.rcore.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: rcut B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.rcut.block, host_potentialoptimization.rcut.min, host_potentialoptimization.rcut.max, host_potentialoptimization.rcut.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: rscale B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.rscale.block, host_potentialoptimization.rscale.min, host_potentialoptimization.rscale.max, host_potentialoptimization.rscale.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: exponent B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.exponent.block, host_potentialoptimization.exponent.min, host_potentialoptimization.exponent.max, host_potentialoptimization.exponent.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: vdisp B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.vdisp.block, host_potentialoptimization.vdisp.min, host_potentialoptimization.vdisp.max, host_potentialoptimization.vdisp.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: alpha B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.alpha.block, host_potentialoptimization.alpha.min, host_potentialoptimization.alpha.max, host_potentialoptimization.alpha.sigma);
printf("DEBUG: z B = %d, min = %f, max = %f, sigma = %f \n", host_potentialoptimization.z.block, host_potentialoptimization.z.min, host_potentialoptimization.z.max, host_potentialoptimization.z.sigma);

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