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// This file is part of lenstoolHPC
// authors:
#include "delense_CPU_utils.hpp"
#include "delense_GPU_utils.cuh"
#include "structure_hpc.hpp"
#include "cudafunctions.cuh"
#ifdef __WITH_MPI
#include <mpi.h>
extern double myseconds();
#define BLOCK_SIZE_X 16
#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y 32
#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
moveToGPU(void** d_mem, void* h_mem, int size)
#ifdef __WITH_UM
cudasafe(cudaMallocManaged((void**) d_mem, size), "memory allocation (UM)");
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(*d_mem, h_mem, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice), "H2D memory copy (UM)");
cudasafe(cudaMalloc((void**) d_mem, size), "memory allocation");
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(*d_mem, h_mem, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice), "H2D memory copy");
moveFromGPU(void* h_mem, void* d_mem, int size)
#ifdef __WITH_UM
//cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(h_mem, d_mem, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost), "D2H memory copy (UM)");
memcpy(h_mem, d_mem, size);
cudasafe(cudaMemcpy(h_mem, d_mem, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice), "D2H memory copy");
#if 1
delense_GPU(struct point* image_pos, int MAXIMPERSOURCE, const runmode_param *runmode, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct galaxy* sources, const int y_pos_loc, const int y_bound, const int source_id, double* grid_gradient_x, double* grid_gradient_y, int* img_pos)
#define INDEX2D_BAR(y, x) (MAXIMPERSOURCE*y + x)
int nbgridcells_x = runmode->nbgridcells;
int nbgridcells_y = runmode->nbgridcells;
int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (col > nbgridcells_x - 2) return;
int num_blocks_y = blockDim.y;
int row_y = threadIdx.y;
int block_size_y = y_bound/num_blocks_y;
const double dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(runmode->nbgridcells - 1);
const double dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(runmode->nbgridcells - 1);
int row_s = (row_y + 0)*block_size_y;
int row_e = MIN((row_y + 1)*block_size_y, nbgridcells_y);
if (row_y == BLOCK_SIZE_Y - 1)
block_size_y = y_bound - row_y*block_size_y - 1;
row_e = nbgridcells_y;
//for (int row = y_pos_loc; row < y_pos_loc + y_bound - 1; ++row)
int yp = y_pos_loc + row_s;
for (int row = 0; row < block_size_y; ++row)
int y_id = row;
int x_id = col;
// int images_total;
double x_pos = frame->xmin + ( x_id + 0 )*dx;
double y_pos = frame->ymin + ( y_id + yp )*dy;
// Define the upper + lower triangle, both together = square = pixel
struct triplet Tsup, Tinf;
Tsup.a.x = x_pos;
Tsup.b.x = x_pos;
Tsup.c.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.a.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.b.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.c.x = x_pos;
Tsup.a.y = y_pos;
Tsup.b.y = y_pos + dy;
Tsup.c.y = y_pos;
Tinf.a.y = y_pos + dy;
Tinf.b.y = y_pos;
Tinf.c.y = y_pos + dy;
// Lens to Sourceplane conversion of triangles
// double time = -myseconds();
struct triplet Timage;
struct triplet Tsource;
int g_loc = (y_id + row_s)*nbgridcells_x + x_id;
mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_upper_GPU(&Tsup, sources[source_id].dr, &Tsource, grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, g_loc, nbgridcells_x);
//int thread_found_image = 0;
#if 1
if (mychi_insideborder_GPU(&sources[source_id].center, &Tsource) == 1)
image_pos[atomicAdd(img_pos,1)] = mychi_barycenter_GPU(&Tsup);
#if 1
mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_lower_GPU(&Tinf, sources[source_id].dr, &Tsource, grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, g_loc, nbgridcells_x);
if (mychi_inside_GPU(&sources[source_id].center, &Tsource) == 1)
image_pos[atomicAdd(img_pos,1 )] = mychi_barycenter_GPU(&Tinf);
delense_GPU_v2(struct point* image_pos, int MAXIMPERSOURCE, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame, const struct galaxy* sources, const int y_pos_loc, const int y_bound, const int source_id, double* grid_gradient_x, double* grid_gradient_y, int* img_pos, int nbgridcells)
#define INDEX2D_BAR(y, x) (MAXIMPERSOURCE*y + x)
int nbgridcells_x = nbgridcells;
int nbgridcells_y = nbgridcells;
int col = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (col > nbgridcells_x - 2) return;
int row = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
//if (row + y_pos_loc > nbgridcells_y - 2) return;
if (row > y_bound - 2) return;
//if (!row) printf("y_bound = %d\n", y_bound);
const double dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
const double dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
int num_blocks_y = blockDim.y;
int row_y = threadIdx.y;
int block_size_y = y_bound/num_blocks_y;
int row_s = (row_y + 0)*block_size_y;
int row_e = MIN((row_y + 1)*block_size_y, nbgridcells_y);
if (row_y == BLOCK_SIZE_Y - 1)
block_size_y = y_bound - row_y*block_size_y - 1;
row_e = nbgridcells_y;
//for (int row = y_pos_loc; row < y_pos_loc + y_bound - 1; ++row)
int yp = y_pos_loc;// + 0*row_s;
//for (int row = 0; row < block_size_y; ++row)
int y_id = row;
int x_id = col;
// int images_total;
double x_pos = frame->xmin + ( x_id + 0 )*dx;
double y_pos = frame->ymin + ( y_id + yp )*dy;
// Define the upper + lower triangle, both together = square = pixel
struct triplet Tsup, Tinf;
Tsup.a.x = x_pos;
Tsup.b.x = x_pos;
Tsup.c.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.a.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.b.x = x_pos + dx;
Tinf.c.x = x_pos;
Tsup.a.y = y_pos;
Tsup.b.y = y_pos + dy;
Tsup.c.y = y_pos;
Tinf.a.y = y_pos + dy;
Tinf.b.y = y_pos;
Tinf.c.y = y_pos + dy;
// Lens to Sourceplane conversion of triangles
// double time = -myseconds();
struct triplet Timage;
struct triplet Tsource;
int g_loc = (y_id /*+ row_s*/)*nbgridcells_x + x_id;
mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_upper_GPU(&Tsup, sources[source_id].dr, &Tsource, grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, g_loc, nbgridcells_x);
//int thread_found_image = 0;
if (mychi_insideborder_GPU(&sources[source_id].center, &Tsource) == 1)
//printf(" (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f) -> (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f), c = (%f %f)\n", Tinf.a.x, Tinf.a.y, Tinf.b.x, Tinf.b.y, Tinf.c.x, Tinf.c.y, Tsource.a.x, Tsource.a.y, Tsource.b.x, Tsource.b.y, Tsource.c.x, Tsource.c.y, sources[source_id].center.x, sources[source_id].center.y);
image_pos[atomicAdd(img_pos,1)] = mychi_barycenter_GPU(&Tsup);
mychi_transformtriangleImageToSourcePlane_SOA_grid_gradient_lower_GPU(&Tinf, sources[source_id].dr, &Tsource, grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, g_loc, nbgridcells_x);
if (mychi_inside_GPU(&sources[source_id].center, &Tsource) == 1)
//printf(" (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f) -> (%f %f) (%f %f) (%f %f), c = (%f %f)\n", Tsup.a.x, Tsup.a.y, Tsup.b.x, Tsup.b.y, Tsup.c.x, Tsup.c.y, Tsource.a.x, Tsource.a.y, Tsource.b.x, Tsource.b.y, Tsource.c.x, Tsource.c.y, sources[source_id].center.x, sources[source_id].center.y);
image_pos[atomicAdd(img_pos,1 )] = mychi_barycenter_GPU(&Tinf);
void delense_barycenter_GPU(struct point* image_pos, int MAXIMPERSOURCE, int* locimagesfound, int* numimg, const runmode_param *runmode, const struct Potential_SOA *lens, const struct grid_param *frame, const int *nimages_strongLensing, const struct galaxy* sources, double* grid_gradient_x, double* grid_gradient_y, const int y_pos_loc, const int y_bound)
#define INDEX2D_BAR(y, x) (MAXIMPERSOURCE*y + x)
int world_size = 1;
int world_rank = 0;
#ifdef __WITH_MPI
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
//const unsigned int nimagestot = runmode->nimagestot;
const unsigned int nsets = runmode->nsets;
const unsigned int nbgridcells = runmode->nbgridcells;
const unsigned int nbgridcells_x = runmode->nbgridcells;
const unsigned int nbgridcells_y = runmode->nbgridcells;
const int grid_size = nbgridcells;
const double dx = (frame->xmax - frame->xmin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
const double dy = (frame->ymax - frame->ymin)/(nbgridcells - 1);
int images_total = 0;
int index = 0;
int block_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE_X;
int block_size_y = BLOCK_SIZE_Y;
int GRID_SIZE_X = (nbgridcells_x + block_size_x - 1)/block_size_x; // number of blocks
int GRID_SIZE_Y = (y_bound + block_size_y - 1)/block_size_y;
printf("%d: y_loc_pos = %d, y_bound = %d\n", world_rank, y_pos_loc, y_bound);
//cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "before allocation ");
//int GRID_SIZE_Y = 1;
dim3 threads(block_size_x, block_size_y);
dim3 grid (GRID_SIZE_X , GRID_SIZE_Y);
double alloc_time = -myseconds();
struct point* image_pos_gpu;
cudaMallocManaged((void**) &image_pos_gpu, grid_size*MAXIMPERSOURCE*sizeof(struct point));
int* img_pos;
cudaMallocManaged((void**) &img_pos, sizeof(int));
memset(locimagesfound, 0, nsets*sizeof(int));
cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "before image_pos_gpu allocation ");
alloc_time += myseconds();
double time_gpu, time_cpu;
time_gpu = 0.;
time_cpu = 0.;
for( int source_id = 0; source_id < nsets; source_id ++)
*img_pos = 0;
//that slows down everything on P100s unfortunately
//cudaMemPrefetchAsync(image_pos_gpu, grid_size*block_size_y*MAXIMPERSOURCE*sizeof(struct point), 0);
int loc_images_found = 0;
int x_pos_loc = 0;
time_gpu -= myseconds();
delense_GPU_v2<<<grid, threads>>> (image_pos_gpu, MAXIMPERSOURCE, lens, frame, sources, y_pos_loc, y_bound, source_id, grid_gradient_x, grid_gradient_y, img_pos, nbgridcells);
cudasafe(cudaGetLastError(), "delense_GPU");
time_gpu += myseconds();
time_cpu -= myseconds();
memcpy(&image_pos[source_id*MAXIMPERSOURCE], image_pos_gpu, MAXIMPERSOURCE*sizeof(struct point));
memset(image_pos_gpu, 0, MAXIMPERSOURCE*sizeof(struct point));
locimagesfound[source_id] = *img_pos;
*numimg = *numimg + *img_pos;
time_cpu += myseconds();
printf("%d: num img found = %d, gpu time = %f, cpu time = %f\n", world_rank, *numimg, time_gpu, time_cpu);

Event Timeline