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* s_sourcebox - lens-tool
* JP Kneib
* IoA Cambridge
* oct 1994
* define the source box to have as center
* the barycentre of the center_images file
* Global variables used :
* - M
* - in e_dpl() : G, lens, lens_table
void s_sourcebox(struct g_pixel *ps, const char *centerfile, double dlsds)
const extern struct g_mode M;
char line[128];
char n[10];
int np;
double dmax = 0.;
struct point A, B, C;
double crval1, crval2;
open the center images file
IN = fopen(centerfile, "r");
if ( IN != NULL )
* read the center image file; compute the sources and the barycenter
np = 0;
while (fscanf(IN, "%s%lf%lf", n, &A.x, &A.y) != -1)
flire(IN, line); /* read the end of the line */
if (np == 1)
e_dpl(&A, dlsds, &B);
e_dpl(&A, dlsds, &C);
B = wcenter(B, ((double) np), C, 1.);
dmax = Max(dmax, dist(B, C));
//printf("(B.x, B.y) = (%lf, %lf) dmax = %lf\n", B.x, B.y, dmax);
* check the size of the box
if (dmax / 2. > ps->pixelx*ps->nx || dmax / 2. > ps->pixely*ps->ny)
"\nWARNING: The size of the Source Box is probably too small !!!\n");
* compute the actual dimension of the box
* Hypothesis : positions in source plane are relative to [B.x, B.y]
ps->xmin = B.x - ps->pixelx * (ps->nx - 1) / 2.;
ps->ymin = B.y - ps->pixely * (ps->ny - 1) / 2.;
ps->xmax = ps->xmin + ps->pixelx * (ps->nx - 1);
ps->ymax = ps->ymin + ps->pixely * (ps->ny - 1);
/*NPRINTF(stderr, "INFO: Source box relative bounds (%.3lf:%.3lf %.3lf:%.3lf)\n",
ps->xmin, ps->xmax, ps->ymin, ps->ymax); */
* Create a mapping from wcs coordinates to pixel... new ra/dec in source plane : [B.x,B.y]
strcpy(n, "RA---TAN");
strcpy(line, "DEC--TAN");
crval1 = -B.x / 3600. / cos(M.ref_dec * DTR) + M.ref_ra;
crval2 = B.y / 3600. + M.ref_dec;
ps->wcsinfo = wcskinit(ps->nx, ps->ny, n, line, ps->nx / 2., ps->ny / 2., crval1, crval2,
NULL, ps->pixelx / 3600., ps->pixely / 3600., 0., 2000, 0.);
* file not found, quit.
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file %s not found\n", centerfile);

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