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Sat, Mar 15, 09:30
#include "lt.h"
static void medstat(double *data, int ndata, double *med, double *q, double *tq);
static void st_ez( int mode, struct galaxie imas[NASMAX], int nima,
double *z, double *drz, double ts[NASMAX][200], double theta[NASMAX][200],
double amp[NASMAX][200],
double pz[NASMAX][200], double ipz[NASMAX][200],
double kappa[NASMAX], double gam[NASMAX], double thetap[NASMAX],
double sumpz[NASMAX], double tauix[NASMAX],
double tauiy[NASMAX], int jmax );
static void sp_dx(double *xx, double *yy, double *yy2, int nn, double *dydx);
/* nom: study */
/* auteur: Jean-Paul Kneib */
/* date: 10/02/92 */
/* place: Toulouse */
void study_pg(int type, double seeing, char studyfile[], int fake)
extern struct g_mode M;
extern struct pot lens[];
//extern double z_dlsds;
struct galaxie study[NASMAX]; //source,
//struct ellipse ampli;
register int i, j, k;
int l, nst = 0, jmax;
double z[200], drz[200];
double ts[NASMAX][200], theta[NASMAX][200];
double amp[NASMAX][200], pz[NASMAX][200], ipz[NASMAX][200];
double zpm[NASMAX], nmag[NASMAX];
double zpmf[NASMAX], nmagf[NASMAX];
double gam[NASMAX], kappa[NASMAX], thetap[NASMAX], tauix[NASMAX], tauiy[NASMAX];
double sumpz[NASMAX];
double mo, **zmag;
double magbin[15];
int nz[15], nzc[15];
double meanz[15], dispz[15];
int nzf[15];
double meanzf[15], dispzf[15];
double datmed[15][100];
double median[15], quart[15], tquart[15];
int nbinm = 6;
double sizebinm = 1;
double zccor = 0.3;
double dzz, zzmin, zzmax;
double mzmin = .25, mzmax = 4.5;
NPRINTF(stderr, "START\n");
jmax = 200;
* ALLOC: areas
NPRINTF(stderr, "ALLOC: areas \n");
zmag = (double **) alloc_square_double(15, jmax);
* read arclet catalogue
if (type == 1)
f_shape((long int*)&nst, study, studyfile,0);
else if (type == 2)
f_shape2((long int*)&nst, study, studyfile);
else if (type == 3)
f_shape3((long int*)&nst, study, studyfile);
else if (type == 4)
f_shape4((long int*)&nst, study, studyfile);
NPRINTF(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognize study type %d\n", type);
* do a seeing correction if necessary
if (seeing > 0.)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: seeing correction %lf\n", seeing);
cor_seeing(nst, study, seeing);
/* definition of redshift intervals for inversion */
/* do a linear scale in redshift */
dzz = 0.05;
zzmin = lens[0].z + dzz;
zzmax = 5.;
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: D ratio \n");
z[0] = zzmin;
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] <= zzmax); j++)
z[j] = zzmin + dzz * j;
drz[j] = dratio(lens[0].z, z[j]);
* Compute the ellipticity variation with redshift
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: compute variation of ellipticities with redshift\n");
st_ez(0, study, nst, z, drz, ts, theta, amp, pz, ipz, kappa, gam, thetap, sumpz, tauix, tauiy, jmax);
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: done ...\n");
* Automatic search of the most probable redshift using the z-probability
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: determination of the most probable redshift\n");
st_opt(0, study, nst, z, ts, pz, ipz, amp, kappa, gam, thetap, sumpz, tauix, tauiy, jmax, zpm, nmag);
/* compute mean/median and dispersion of the redshift distribution
versus magnitude */
/* initialize variables*/
for (i = 0; i < nbinm; i++)
magbin[i] = 21. + i * sizebinm;
meanz[i] = dispz[i] = 0.;
nz[i] = nzc[i] = 0;
/* get z and mag and put them into zmag array */
for (k = 0; k < nst; k++)
if ((sumpz[k] > 0.) && (zpm[k] > mzmin) && (zpm[k] < mzmax))
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] <= mzmax); j++)
for (i = 0; (i < nbinm); i++)
if (amp[k][j] > 0.)
mo = study[k].mag - 2.5 * log10(amp[k][j]);
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARNING: log10: Domain error in study.c");
mo = study[k].mag;
if ((mo >= magbin[i]) && (mo < magbin[i] + 1.))
zmag[i][j] += pz[k][j];
OUT = fopen("zmag.dat", "w");
fprintf(OUT, "#i n magbin meanz mean+1s mean-1s median quart tquart\n");
/* get z and mag and compute the mean-median and the dispersion */
for (i = 0; i < nbinm; i++)
l = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++)
datmed[i][j] = 0.;
for (j = 0; j < nst; j++)
if ((nmag[j] > magbin[i] - .5) && (nmag[j] <= magbin[i+1] + .5) && (zpm[j] > mzmin) && (zpm[j] < mzmax))
printf("%d %lf %lf\n", i, nmag[j], zpm[j]);
datmed[i][l++] = zpm[j];
meanz[i] += zpm[j];
dispz[i] += zpm[j] * zpm[j];
if (zpm[j] < zccor)
medstat(datmed[i], l, &median[i], &quart[i], &tquart[i]);
if (nz[i] != 0)
meanz[i] /= nz[i];
dispz[i] /= nz[i];
dispz[i] -= meanz[i] * meanz[i];
dispz[i] = sqrt(dispz[i]);
printf("%d %d %lf %lf %lf\n", i, nz[i], meanz[i], dispz[i], median[i]);
fprintf(OUT, "%d %d %.1lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
i, nz[i], magbin[i] + 0.5*sizebinm, meanz[i], meanz[i] + dispz[i], meanz[i] - dispz[i],
median[i], quart[i], tquart[i]);
* do the same for the fake one if necessary
if (fake == 1)
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: compute variation of ellipticities with redshift\n");
st_ez(1, study, nst, z, drz, ts, theta, amp, pz, ipz, kappa, gam, thetap, sumpz, tauix, tauiy, jmax);
NPRINTF(stderr, "COMP: determination of the most probable redshift\n");
st_opt(1, study, nst, z, ts, pz, ipz, amp, kappa, gam, thetap, sumpz, tauix, tauiy, jmax, zpmf, nmagf);
for (i = 0; i < nbinm; i++)
magbin[i] = 21. + i * sizebinm;
meanzf[i] = dispzf[i] = 0.;
nzf[i] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < nst; k++)
if ((sumpz[k] > 0.) && (zpm[k] > mzmin) && (zpm[k] < mzmax))
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] < mzmax); j++)
for (i = 0; (i < nbinm); i++)
if (amp[k][j] > 0.)
mo = study[k].mag - 2.5 * log10(amp[k][j]);
NPRINTF(stderr, "WARNING: log10: Domain error in study.c");
mo = study[k].mag;
if ((mo >= magbin[i]) && (mo < magbin[i] + 1.))
zmag[i][j] -= pz[k][j];
wrf_fits("zmag.fits", zmag, 15, jmax, z[0], z[jmax-1], 22., 30.);
OUT = fopen("zmagf.dat", "w");
fprintf(OUT, "#i n magbin meanz mean+1s mean-1s\n");
for (i = 0; i < nbinm; i++)
for (j = 0; j < nst; j++)
if ((nmagf[j] > magbin[i] - .5) && (nmagf[j] <= magbin[i+1] + .5) && (zpmf[j] > mzmin) && (zpmf[j] < zccor))
meanzf[i] += zpmf[j];
dispzf[i] += zpmf[j] * zpmf[j];
nzf[i] += 1;
if (nzf[i] != 0)
meanzf[i] /= nzf[i];
dispzf[i] /= nzf[i];
dispzf[i] -= meanzf[i] * meanzf[i];
dispzf[i] = sqrt(dispzf[i]);
fprintf(OUT, "%d %d %.1lf %.4lf %.4lf %.4lf\n", i, nzf[i], magbin[i] + 0.5*sizebinm, meanzf[i],
meanzf[i] + dispzf[i], meanzf[i] - dispzf[i]);
OUT = fopen("zcor.dat", "w");
fprintf(OUT, "#bin ncor ntrue-nfake mag zmeancor zmedf(-0+) zmedc(-0+)\n");
for (i = 0; i < nbinm; i++)
if (nz[i] - nzc[i] > 0)
fprintf(OUT, "%d %d %d %.1lf %.4lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
i, nz[i] - nzc[i], nz[i] - nzf[i], magbin[i] + 0.5*sizebinm,
(nz[i]*meanz[i] - nzc[i]*meanzf[i]) / (nz[i] - nzc[i]),
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzf[i])*.5) + nzf[i])],
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzf[i])*.25) + nzf[i])],
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzf[i])*.75) + nzf[i])],
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzc[i])*.5) + nzc[i])],
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzc[i])*.25) + nzc[i])],
datmed[i][((int) ((nz[i] - nzc[i])*.75) + nzc[i])]
static void medstat(double *data, int ndata, double *med, double *q, double *tq)
sortf(ndata, data, comp_asc);
*med = data[((int) (ndata*.5))];
*q = data[((int) (ndata*.4))];
*tq = data[((int) (ndata*.6))];
static void st_ez( int mode, struct galaxie imas[NASMAX], int nima,
double *z, double *drz, double ts[NASMAX][200], double theta[NASMAX][200],
double amp[NASMAX][200],
double pz[NASMAX][200], double ipz[NASMAX][200],
double kappa[NASMAX], double gam[NASMAX], double thetap[NASMAX],
double sumpz[NASMAX], double tauix[NASMAX],
double tauiy[NASMAX], int jmax )
extern struct g_mode M;
extern double z_dlsds;
register int i, j, k;
double dzz = 0.05, zzmax = 5.;
double qi, tp, dp, ds;
double di, taui2, taui, tausx[200], tausy;
double ga1, ga2, gg, g2;
double signa;
double sum_pz, sumpznj[NASMAX];
double tausx2[200]; //,jacsp[200];
double **pznj;
double **jacn;
struct matrix MA;
char name[20];
pznj = (double **) alloc_square_double(NASMAX, jmax);
jacn = (double **) alloc_square_double(NASMAX, jmax);
/* if fake sample rotate it by Pi/2 */
if (mode == 1)
for (i = 0; i < nima; i++)
imas[i].E.theta += M_PI / 2.;
/* computing kappa gamma thetap tauix tauiy for each arclet */
for (i = 0; i < nima; i++)
z_dlsds = 0.3;
MA = e_grad2_gal(&imas[i], NULL);
MA.a *= z_dlsds;
MA.b *= z_dlsds;
MA.c *= z_dlsds;
MA.d *= z_dlsds;
kappa[i] = (MA.a + MA.c) / 2. / z_dlsds;
ga1 = (MA.a - MA.c) / 2. / z_dlsds;
ga2 = MA.b / z_dlsds;
gam[i] = sqrt(ga1 * ga1 + ga2 * ga2);
thetap[i] = 0.5 * atan2(ga2, ga1);
qi = imas[i].E.b / imas[i].E.a;
taui = (1. - qi * qi) / 2. / qi;
tauix[i] = taui * cos(2.*(imas[i].E.theta - thetap[i]));
tauiy[i] = taui * sin(2.*(imas[i].E.theta - thetap[i]));
taui2 = tauix[i] * tauix[i] + tauiy[i] * tauiy[i];
di = sqrt(1. + taui2);
/* computing p(z) */
sumpz[i] = 0.;
sumpznj[i] = 0.;
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] <= zzmax); j++)
z_dlsds = drz[j];
gg = z_dlsds * gam[i] / (1. - z_dlsds * kappa[i]);
g2 = gg * gg;
signa = sgn(1 - g2);
tp = 2 * gg / (1 - g2);
dp = sqrt(1 + tp * tp);
amp[i][j] = fabs( (1. - z_dlsds * kappa[i]) * (1. - z_dlsds * kappa[i]) -
z_dlsds * gam[i] * z_dlsds * gam[i] );
tausy = signa * tauiy[i];
tausx[j] = signa * tauix[i] * dp - tp * di;
ts[i][j] = sqrt(tausx[j] * tausx[j] + tausy * tausy);
ds = sqrt(1. + tausx[j] * tausx[j] + tausy * tausy);
theta[i][j] = RTD * (thetap[i] + .5 * atan2(tausy, tausx[j]));
pznj[i][j] = ptau(tausx[j], tausy) / ptau(0, tausy);
if (j != 0)
sumpznj[i] += (pznj[i][j] + pznj[i][j-1]) / 2.*dzz;
/* compute the jacobian (with a spline fit) and the integral of the
probability, in order to normalize it
spline(z, tausx, j, 1e30, 1e30, tausx2);
sp_dx(z, tausx, tausx2, j, jacn[i]);
ipz[i][0] = 0.;
for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
pz[i][k] = pznj[i][k] * fabs(jacn[i][k]);
if (k != 0)
ipz[i][k] = ipz[i][k-1] +
(pz[i][k] + pz[i][k-1]) / 2.*dzz; /* trapez integration */
sumpz[i] = ipz[i][j-1];
}; /* end of loop over the images */
/* Normalizing probability and writing files if nima<50 */
for (i = 0; i < nima; i++)
if (nima < 50)
NPRINTF(stderr, "WRITE: sz%s.dat\n", imas[i].n);
sprintf(name, "sz%s.dat", imas[i].n);
OUT = fopen(name, "w");
fprintf(OUT, "#id z tau_s(z) Dmag(z) p(z) oldp(z) dtauIx/dz Ip(z)\n");
sum_pz = 0.;
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] <= zzmax); j++)
pz[i][j] /= sumpz[i];
pznj[i][j] /= sumpznj[i];
ipz[i][j] /= sumpz[i];
fprintf(OUT, "%s %.3lf %.3lf %.2lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n",
imas[i].n, z[j], ts[i][j], -2.5*log10(amp[i][j]),
pz[i][j], pznj[i][j], jacn[i][j], ipz[i][j]);
sum_pz = 0.;
for (j = 0; (j < jmax) && (z[j] <= zzmax); j++)
pz[i][j] /= sumpz[i];
pznj[i][j] /= sumpznj[i];
ipz[i][j] /= sumpz[i];
free_square_double(pznj, jmax);
free_square_double(jacn, jmax);
} /* end of st_ez */
static void sp_dx(double *xx, double *yy, double *yy2, int nn, double *dydx)
int k;
double deltax, deltay;
deltax = deltay = 0;
for (k = 0; k < nn - 1; k++)
deltax = xx[k+1] - xx[k];
deltay = yy[k+1] - yy[k];
dydx[k] = deltay / deltax - deltax / 3.*(yy2[k] + yy2[k+1] / 2.);
dydx[nn-1] = deltay / deltax + deltax / 3.*(yy2[nn-2] / 2. + yy2[nn-1]);

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