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#include "kitemath.h"
using namespace casadi;
namespace kmath
SX quat_multiply(const SX &q1, const SX &q2)
SX s1 = q1[0];
SX v1 = q1(Slice(1,4),0);
SX s2 = q2[0];
SX v2 = q2(Slice(1,4),0);
SX s = (s1 * s2) - SX::dot(v1, v2);
SX v = SX::cross(v1, v2) + (s1 * v2) + (s2 * v1);
SXVector tmp{s,v};
return SX::vertcat(tmp);
SX quat_inverse(const SX &q)
SXVector tmp{q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3]};
return SX::vertcat(tmp);
SX heaviside(const SX &x, const double K)
return K / (1 + exp(-4 * x));
SX rk4_symbolic(const SX &x,
const SX &u,
Function &func,
const SX &h)
SXVector res = func(SXVector{x, u});
SX k1 = res[0];
res = func(SXVector{x + 0.5 * h * k1, u});
SX k2 = res[0];
res = func(SXVector{x + 0.5 * h * k2, u});
SX k3 = res[0];
res = func(SXVector{x + h * k3, u});
SX k4 = res[0];
return x + (h/6) * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
void cheb(DM &CollocPoints, DM &DiffMatrix, const unsigned &N,
const std::pair<double, double> interval = std::make_pair(0,1))
/** Chebyshev collocation points for the interval [-1, 1]*/
auto grid_int = range(0, N+1);
/** cast grid to Casadi type */
DMVector DMgrid(grid_int.begin(), grid_int.end());
DM grid = DM::vertcat(DMgrid);
DM X = cos(grid * (M_PI / N));
/** shift and scale points */
CollocPoints = (X + interval.first + 1) * ((interval.second - interval.first) / 2);
/** Compute Differentiation matrix */
DM c = DM::vertcat({2, DM::ones(N-1,1), 2});
c = SX::mtimes(SX::diag( pow(-1, grid)), c);
DM XM = DM::repmat(CollocPoints, 1, N+1);
DM dX = XM - XM.T();
DM Dn = DM::mtimes(c, (1 / c).T() ) / (dX + (DM::eye(N+1))); /** off-diagonal entries */
DiffMatrix = Dn - DM::diag( DM::sumRows(Dn.T() )); /** diagonal entries */
SX mat_func(const SX &matrix_in, Function &func)
SXVector columns = SX::horzsplit(matrix_in, 1);
/** evaluate fnuction for each column and stack in a single vector*/
SX output_vec;
for(auto it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it)
SX res = SX::vertcat(func(*it));
/** append to resulting vector*/
output_vec = SX::vertcat(SXVector{output_vec, res});
return output_vec;
SX mat_dynamics(const SX &arg_x, const SX &arg_u, Function &func)
SXVector xdot;
SXVector x = SX::horzsplit(arg_x, 1);
SXVector u = SX::horzsplit(arg_u, 1);
for(uint i = 0; i < u.size(); ++i)
SXVector eval = func(SXVector{x[i], u[i]});
/** discard the initial state */
return SX::vertcat(xdot);
namespace oc {
/** Lyapunov equation */
Eigen::MatrixXd lyapunov(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::MatrixXd &Q)
int m = Q.rows();
/** compute Schur decomposition of A */
Eigen::RealSchur<Eigen::MatrixXd> schur(A);
Eigen::MatrixXd T = schur.matrixT();
Eigen::MatrixXd U = schur.matrixU();
Eigen::MatrixXd Q1 = (U.transpose() * Q) * U;
Eigen::MatrixXd X = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(m, m);
Eigen::MatrixXd E = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(m,m);
X.col(m-1) = (T + T(m-1,m-1) * E).partialPivLu().solve(Q1.col(m-1));
for(int i = m-2; i >= 0; --i)
Eigen::VectorXd v = Q1.col(i) - X.block(0, i+1, m, m-(i+1)) * T.block(i, i+1, 1, m-(i+1)).transpose();
X.col(i) = (T + T(i,i) * E).partialPivLu().solve(v);
X = (U * X) * U.transpose();
return X;
/** CARE Newton iteration */
Eigen::MatrixXd newton_ls_care(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::MatrixXd &B,
const Eigen::MatrixXd &C, const Eigen::MatrixXd &X0)
/** initial guess */
Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> eig(A - B * X0);
double tol = 1e-6;
int kmax = 30;
Eigen::MatrixXd X = X0;
double err = 1;
int k = 0;
Eigen::MatrixXd RX, H, V;
/** temporary */
double tk = 1;
while( (err > tol) && (k < kmax) )
RX = C + X * A + A.transpose() * X - (X * B) * X;
/** newton update */
H = lyapunov((A - B * X), -RX);
/** exact line search */
V = H * B * H;
double a = (RX * RX).trace();
double b = (RX * V).trace();
double c = (V * V).trace();
tk = line_search_care(a,b,c);
X = X + tk * H;
err = tk * (H.lpNorm<1>() / X.lpNorm<1>());
//std::cout << "err " << err << " step " << tk << "\n";
/** may be defect correction algorithm? */
std::cout << "CARE solve took " << k << " iterations. \n";
if(k == kmax)
std::cerr << "CARE cannot be solved to specified precision :" << err << " max number of iteration exceeded! \n ";
return X;
Eigen::MatrixXd init_newton_care(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::MatrixXd &B)
int n = A.rows();
double tolerance = 1e-12;
/** compute Schur decomposition of A */
Eigen::RealSchur<Eigen::MatrixXd> schur(A);
Eigen::MatrixXd TA = schur.matrixT();
Eigen::MatrixXd U = schur.matrixU();
Eigen::MatrixXd TD = U.transpose() * B;
Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> es;
es.compute(TA, false);
Eigen::VectorXd eig_r = es.eigenvalues().real();
double b = -eig_r.minCoeff();
b = std::fmax(b, 0.0) + 0.5;
Eigen::MatrixXd E = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n, n);
Eigen::MatrixXd Z = lyapunov(TA + b * E, 2 * TD * TD);
Eigen::MatrixXd X = (TD.transpose() * pinv(Z)) * U.transpose();
if( (X - X.transpose()).norm() < tolerance)
Eigen::MatrixXd M = (X.transpose() * B) * X + 0.5 * Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(n ,n);
X = lyapunov((A - B*X).transpose(), -M);
return X;
/** Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse */
Eigen::MatrixXd pinv(const Eigen::MatrixXd &mat)
/** compute SVD */
Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(mat, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
double pinvtol = 1e-6;
Eigen::VectorXd singular_values = svd.singularValues();
/** make a copy */
Eigen::VectorXd singular_values_inv = singular_values;
for ( int i = 0; i < mat.cols(); ++i)
if ( singular_values(i) > pinvtol )
singular_values_inv(i) = 1.0 / singular_values(i);
else singular_values_inv(i) = 0;
return (svd.matrixV() * singular_values_inv.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().transpose());
Eigen::MatrixXd care(const Eigen::MatrixXd &A, const Eigen::MatrixXd &B, const Eigen::MatrixXd &C)
Eigen::MatrixXd X0 = init_newton_care(A, B);
return newton_ls_care(A, B, C, X0);
double line_search_care(const double &a, const double &b, const double &c)
Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 1> poly;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1> poly_derivative;
poly_derivative << -2*a, 2*(a-2*b), 6*b, 4*c;
poly << a, -2*a, a-2*b, 2*b, c;
poly_derivative = (1.0/(4*c)) * poly_derivative;
poly = (1.0/c) * poly;
/** find extremums */
Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, 3> root_finder;
/** compute values on the bounds */
double lb_value = Eigen::poly_eval(poly, 1e-5);
double ub_value = Eigen::poly_eval(poly, 2);
double argmin = lb_value < ub_value ? 1e-5 : 2;
/** check critical points : redo with visitor! */
double minimum = Eigen::poly_eval(poly, argmin);
for (int i = 0; i < root_finder.roots().size(); ++i)
double root = root_finder.roots()(i).real();
if((root >= 1e-5) && (root <= 2))
double candidate = Eigen::poly_eval(poly, root);
if(candidate < minimum)
argmin = root;
minimum = Eigen::poly_eval(poly, argmin);
return argmin;
/**oc bracket */
/**kmath bracket */

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