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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
" Module used to produces a GraphViz (.dot) file "
import argparse
import subprocess
import os
from class_dumper import ClassDumper
def _protect_str(string):
return string.replace('<', r'\<').replace('>', r'\>')
class ClassDumperDOT(ClassDumper):
def __init__(self, output_file,
if not isinstance(output_file, str):
raise Exception('invalid filename: {0}'.format(output_file))
self.encaps_symbol = {'public': '+', 'private': '-', 'protected': '#'}
self.inheritance_flag = inheritance_flag
self.colaboration_flag = colaboration_flag
self.output_file = output_file
def dump_classes(self, classes, **kwargs):
fout = open(self.output_file, 'w')
sstr = 'digraph "test"\n{'
sstr += """
edge [fontname="Helvetica",fontsize="10",
labelfontname="Helvetica", labelfontsize="10"];
node [fontname="Helvetica",fontsize="10",shape=record];
for _class in classes:
self.dump_class(_class, fout)
def dump_class(self, _class, _file):
" dumps a class into the provided file "
sstr = self._format_class_declaration(_class)
sstr += self._format_constructors(_class)
sstr += self._format_methods(_class)
sstr += self._format_members(_class)
sstr += '}"];\n'
if self.inheritance_flag:
sstr += self._format_inheritance(_class)
if self.colaboration_flag:
sstr += self._format_compositions(_class)
sstr += self._format_types(_class)
return sstr
def _format_class_declaration(cls, _class):
sstr = '"{0}" '.format(
sstr += '[label="{' + format( + "\\n"
return sstr
def _format_inheritance(cls, _class):
if _class.inheritance is not None:
sstr = ""
for mother in _class.inheritance:
sstr += ('"{0}" '.format(mother) + " -> "
'"{0}" '.format(
sstr += ('[style="solid",color="midnightblue",'
return sstr
return ""
def _format_constructors(self, _class):
sstr = ""
for encaps in ['public', 'private', 'protected']:
meths = _class.get_methods(encaps)
if in meths:
if sstr == "":
sstr = "|"
sstr += self.encaps_symbol[encaps] + " "
for cons in meths[]:
sstr += self._format_method(_class, cons)
sstr += "\\l"
if '~' + in meths:
if sstr == "":
sstr = "|"
sstr += self.encaps_symbol[encaps] + " "
for cons in meths['~' +]:
sstr += self.formatMethod(_class, cons)
sstr += "\\l"
return sstr
def _format_methods(self, _class):
sstr = ""
for encaps in ['public', 'private', 'protected']:
meths = _class.get_methods(encaps)
meths_names = set(meths.keys()) - set([, '~'
meths_names = list(meths_names)
if len(meths_names) is not 0:
for _name in meths_names:
for meth in meths[_name]:
if sstr == "":
sstr = "|"
sstr += self.encaps_symbol[encaps] + " "
sstr += self._format_method(_class, meth)
sstr += "\\l"
return sstr
def _format_members(self, _class):
sstr = ""
for encaps in ['public', 'private', 'protected']:
membs = _class.get_members(encaps)
if len(membs) is not 0:
for dummy_name, memb in membs.iteritems():
if sstr == "":
sstr = "|"
sstr += self.encaps_symbol[encaps] + " "
sstr += self._format_member(_class, memb)
sstr += "\\l"
return sstr
def _format_compositions(self, _class):
composition_set = set()
for encaps in ['public', 'private', 'protected']:
membs = _class.get_members(encaps)
if len(membs) is not 0:
for _name, memb in membs.iteritems():
if memb.type in self.base_types:
sstr = ""
for t in composition_set:
sstr += '"{0}" '.format(t) + " -> " + '"{0}" '.format(
sstr += ('[style="dashed",color="midnightblue",'
return sstr
def _format_types(self, _class):
sstr = ""
for encaps in ['public', 'private', 'protected']:
if _class.types[encaps] is not None:
for t in _class.types[encaps]:
if t in self.base_types:
sstr += '"{0}" '.format( + " -> "
+ '"{0}" '.format(t)
sstr += ('[style="solid",color="black",'
return sstr
return ""
def _format_method(self, _class, meth):
arg_types = list(meth.args.iteritems())
arg_types = [_protect_str(a) for b, a in arg_types]
sstr = ""
if meth.static:
sstr += meth.static + " "
if meth.ret:
sstr += _protect_str(meth.ret) + " "
sstr += + "(" + ",".join(arg_types) + ")"
if meth.virtual == 'pure virtual':
sstr += "=0"
return sstr
def _format_member(self, _class, memb):
sstr = ""
if memb.static == 'static':
sstr += 'static '
return sstr + _protect_str(memb.type) + " " +
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='DOT graph producer for class representation')
parser.add_argument('--class_file', '-c',
help='The class file to process', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--format', '-f', default="pdf",
help='The format of the produced graph file')
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o',
help='The file to be produced')
parser.add_argument('--colaboration_no', action='store_false',
help='Disable the collaboration output')
parser.add_argument('--inheritance_no', action='store_false',
help='Disable the inheritance output')
parser.add_argument('--class_filter', type=str,
help='The classes to output')
args = parser.parse_args()
args = vars(args)
if args["output"] is None:
args['output'] = os.path.splitext(args['class_file'])[0] +\
"." + args['format']
if args["class_filter"] is not None:
args["class_filter"] = args["class_filter"].split(',')
inheritance_flag = True
colaboration_flag = True
if not args['inheritance_no']:
inheritance_flag = False
if not args['colaboration_no']:
colaboration_flag = False
class_file = args['class_file']
del args['class_file']
dot_file = os.path.splitext(class_file)[0] + ".dot"
dumper_class = ClassDumperDOT(dot_file, inheritance_flag,
dumper_class.dump(class_file, **args)
exe = ['dot']
option_format = ['-T'+args['format']]
option_output = ['-o', args['output']]
option_input = [dot_file]
if __name__ == '__main__':

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