SCITAS Application Benchmark suite
This directory contains the benchmarks that SCITAS uses to evaluate new architectures. It includes
- users applications benchmarks
How to use
Files to modify for the whole setup
- clusters/cores.txt contains the number of cores on which the tests must run.
- clusters/cluster.job is a link to an appropriate file in local-configs. We suggest you create your own and link it. It contains specific configurations to the setup that is used by all the runs, when submitted to a SLURM scheduler. For example, modules to be loaded, varables to be set, or specific partition/QOS setting.
For more information
More configuration has to be done at the application level. Please read the clusters/user/Readme.md file for more information.
Unless otherwise stated:
- source code (including bash and R scripts) is licensed under the GPLv2
- the documentation is licensed under the GFDL 1.3
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