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Fri, Oct 18, 14:14
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "allvars.h"
#include "proto.h"
/*! \file peano.c
* \brief Routines to compute a Peano-Hilbert order
* This file contains routines to compute Peano-Hilbert keys, and to put the
* particle data into the order of these keys, i.e. into the order of a
* space-filling fractal curve.
static struct peano_hilbert_data
peanokey key;
int index;
static int *Id;
/*! This function puts the particles into Peano-Hilbert order by sorting them
* according to their keys. The latter half already been computed in the
* domain decomposition. Since gas particles need to stay at the beginning of
* the particle list, they are sorted as a separate block.
void peano_hilbert_order(void)
int i;
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("begin Peano-Hilbert order...\n");
mp = malloc(sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data) * N_gas);
Id = malloc(sizeof(int) * N_gas);
for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
mp[i].index = i;
mp[i].key = Key[i];
qsort(mp, N_gas, sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data), compare_key);
for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
Id[mp[i].index] = i;
mp = malloc(sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data) * (N_stars));
mp -= (N_gas);
Id = malloc(sizeof(int) * (N_stars));
Id -= (N_gas);
for(i = N_gas; i < N_gas+N_stars; i++)
mp[i].index = i;
mp[i].key = Key[i];
qsort(mp + N_gas, N_stars, sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data), compare_key);
for(i = N_gas; i < N_gas+N_stars; i++)
Id[mp[i].index] = i;
Id += N_gas;
mp += N_gas;
if(NumPart - N_gas - N_stars > 0)
mp = malloc(sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data) * (NumPart - N_gas - N_stars));
mp -= (N_gas+N_stars);
Id = malloc(sizeof(int) * (NumPart - N_gas - N_stars));
Id -= (N_gas+N_stars);
for(i = N_gas+N_stars; i < NumPart; i++)
mp[i].index = i;
mp[i].key = Key[i];
qsort(mp + N_gas+N_stars, NumPart - N_gas - N_stars, sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data), compare_key);
for(i = N_gas+N_stars; i < NumPart; i++)
Id[mp[i].index] = i;
Id += N_gas+N_stars;
mp += N_gas+N_stars;
/* now, do StP */
Id = malloc(sizeof(int) * (N_stars));
for(i = N_gas; i < N_gas+N_stars; i++)
Id[P[i].StPIdx] = i - N_gas;
if(NumPart - N_gas > 0)
mp = malloc(sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data) * (NumPart - N_gas));
mp -= (N_gas);
Id = malloc(sizeof(int) * (NumPart - N_gas));
Id -= (N_gas);
for(i = N_gas; i < NumPart; i++)
mp[i].index = i;
mp[i].key = Key[i];
qsort(mp + N_gas, NumPart - N_gas, sizeof(struct peano_hilbert_data), compare_key);
for(i = N_gas; i < NumPart; i++)
Id[mp[i].index] = i;
Id += N_gas;
mp += N_gas;
if (ThisTask==0)
printf("Check id correspondence after peano-hilbert order...\n");
for(i = N_gas; i < N_gas+N_stars; i++)
//printf("-> i=%d ID=%d P[i].StPIdx=%d StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx=%d\n",i,P[i].ID,P[i].StPIdx,StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx);
if(P[i].ID != StP[i-N_gas].ID)
printf("\nP/StP ID correspondance error\n");
printf("(%d) (in peano-hilbert) N_stars=%d N_gas=%d i=%d id=%d P[i].StPIdx=%d StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx=%d StP[P[i].StPIdx].ID=%d\n\n",ThisTask,N_stars,N_gas,i,P[i].ID,P[i].StPIdx,StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx,StP[P[i].StPIdx].ID);
if( StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx != i )
printf("\nP/StP correspondance error\n");
printf("(%d) (in peano-hilbert) N_stars=%d N_gas=%d i=%d id=%d P[i].StPIdx=%d StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx=%d\n\n",ThisTask,N_stars,N_gas,i,P[i].ID,P[i].StPIdx,StP[P[i].StPIdx].PIdx);
if(StP[P[i].StPIdx].ID != P[i].ID)
printf("\nP/StP correspondance error\n");
printf("(%d) (in peano-hilbert) N_gas=%d N_stars=%d i=%d Type=%d P.Id=%d P[i].StPIdx=%d StP[P[i].StPIdx].ID=%d \n\n",ThisTask,N_gas,N_stars,i,P[i].Type,P[i].ID, P[i].StPIdx, StP[P[i].StPIdx].ID);
if (ThisTask==0)
printf("Check id correspondence after peano-hilbert order...\n");
if(ThisTask == 0)
printf("Peano-Hilbert done.\n");
/*! This function is a comparison kernel for sorting the Peano-Hilbert keys.
int compare_key(const void *a, const void *b)
if(((struct peano_hilbert_data *) a)->key < (((struct peano_hilbert_data *) b)->key))
return -1;
if(((struct peano_hilbert_data *) a)->key > (((struct peano_hilbert_data *) b)->key))
return +1;
return 0;
/*! This function brings the gas particles into the same order as the sorted
* keys. (The sort is first done only on the keys themselves and done
* directly on the gas particles in order to reduce the amount of data that
* needs to be moved in memory. Only once the order is established, the gas
* particles are rearranged, such that each particle has to be moved at most
* once.)
void reorder_gas(void)
int i;
struct particle_data Psave, Psource;
struct sph_particle_data SphPsave, SphPsource;
int idsource, idsave, dest;
for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
if(Id[i] != i)
Psource = P[i];
SphPsource = SphP[i];
idsource = Id[i];
dest = Id[i];
Psave = P[dest];
SphPsave = SphP[dest];
idsave = Id[dest];
P[dest] = Psource;
SphP[dest] = SphPsource;
Id[dest] = idsource;
if(dest == i)
Psource = Psave;
SphPsource = SphPsave;
idsource = idsave;
dest = idsource;
/*! This function brings the stars into the same order as
* the sorted keys. (The sort is first done only on the keys themselves and
* done directly on the particles in order to reduce the amount of data that
* needs to be moved in memory. Only once the order is established, the
* particles are rearranged, such that each particle has to be moved at most
* once.)
void reorder_stars(void)
int i;
struct particle_data Psave, Psource;
int idsource, idsave, dest;
for(i = N_gas; i < N_gas+N_stars; i++)
if(Id[i] != i)
Psource = P[i];
idsource = Id[i];
dest = Id[i];
Psave = P[dest];
idsave = Id[dest];
P[dest] = Psource;
Id[dest] = idsource;
/* restore the link with Stp */
StP[ P[dest].StPIdx ].PIdx = dest;
if(dest == i)
Psource = Psave;
idsource = idsave;
dest = idsource;
void reorder_st(void)
int i;
struct st_particle_data StPsave, StPsource;
int idsource, idsave, dest;
for(i = 0; i < N_stars; i++)
if(Id[i] != i)
StPsource = StP[i];
idsource = Id[i];
dest = Id[i];
StPsave = StP[dest];
idsave = Id[dest];
StP[dest] = StPsource;
Id[dest] = idsource;
/* restore the link with P */
P[ StP[dest].PIdx ].StPIdx = dest;
if(dest == i)
StPsource = StPsave;
idsource = idsave;
dest = idsource;
/*! This function brings the collisionless particles into the same order as
* the sorted keys. (The sort is first done only on the keys themselves and
* done directly on the particles in order to reduce the amount of data that
* needs to be moved in memory. Only once the order is established, the
* particles are rearranged, such that each particle has to be moved at most
* once.)
void reorder_particles(void)
int i;
struct particle_data Psave, Psource;
int idsource, idsave, dest;
for(i = N_gas+N_stars; i < NumPart; i++)
for(i = N_gas; i < NumPart; i++)
if(Id[i] != i)
Psource = P[i];
idsource = Id[i];
dest = Id[i];
Psave = P[dest];
idsave = Id[dest];
P[dest] = Psource;
Id[dest] = idsource;
if(dest == i)
Psource = Psave;
idsource = idsave;
dest = idsource;
static int quadrants[24][2][2][2] = {
/* rotx=0, roty=0-3 */
{{{0, 7}, {1, 6}}, {{3, 4}, {2, 5}}},
{{{7, 4}, {6, 5}}, {{0, 3}, {1, 2}}},
{{{4, 3}, {5, 2}}, {{7, 0}, {6, 1}}},
{{{3, 0}, {2, 1}}, {{4, 7}, {5, 6}}},
/* rotx=1, roty=0-3 */
{{{1, 0}, {6, 7}}, {{2, 3}, {5, 4}}},
{{{0, 3}, {7, 4}}, {{1, 2}, {6, 5}}},
{{{3, 2}, {4, 5}}, {{0, 1}, {7, 6}}},
{{{2, 1}, {5, 6}}, {{3, 0}, {4, 7}}},
/* rotx=2, roty=0-3 */
{{{6, 1}, {7, 0}}, {{5, 2}, {4, 3}}},
{{{1, 2}, {0, 3}}, {{6, 5}, {7, 4}}},
{{{2, 5}, {3, 4}}, {{1, 6}, {0, 7}}},
{{{5, 6}, {4, 7}}, {{2, 1}, {3, 0}}},
/* rotx=3, roty=0-3 */
{{{7, 6}, {0, 1}}, {{4, 5}, {3, 2}}},
{{{6, 5}, {1, 2}}, {{7, 4}, {0, 3}}},
{{{5, 4}, {2, 3}}, {{6, 7}, {1, 0}}},
{{{4, 7}, {3, 0}}, {{5, 6}, {2, 1}}},
/* rotx=4, roty=0-3 */
{{{6, 7}, {5, 4}}, {{1, 0}, {2, 3}}},
{{{7, 0}, {4, 3}}, {{6, 1}, {5, 2}}},
{{{0, 1}, {3, 2}}, {{7, 6}, {4, 5}}},
{{{1, 6}, {2, 5}}, {{0, 7}, {3, 4}}},
/* rotx=5, roty=0-3 */
{{{2, 3}, {1, 0}}, {{5, 4}, {6, 7}}},
{{{3, 4}, {0, 7}}, {{2, 5}, {1, 6}}},
{{{4, 5}, {7, 6}}, {{3, 2}, {0, 1}}},
{{{5, 2}, {6, 1}}, {{4, 3}, {7, 0}}}
static int rotxmap_table[24] = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 17, 18, 19, 16, 23, 20, 21, 22
static int rotymap_table[24] = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 16, 17, 18, 19,
11, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 20, 21, 14, 15, 12, 13, 4, 5, 6, 7
static int rotx_table[8] = { 3, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1 };
static int roty_table[8] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0 };
static int sense_table[8] = { -1, -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1, -1 };
static int flag_quadrants_inverse = 1;
static char quadrants_inverse_x[24][8];
static char quadrants_inverse_y[24][8];
static char quadrants_inverse_z[24][8];
/*! This function computes a Peano-Hilbert key for an integer triplet (x,y,z),
* with x,y,z in the range between 0 and 2^bits-1.
peanokey peano_hilbert_key(int x, int y, int z, int bits)
int i, quad, bitx, bity, bitz;
int mask, rotation, rotx, roty, sense;
peanokey key;
mask = 1 << (bits - 1);
key = 0;
rotation = 0;
sense = 1;
for(i = 0; i < bits; i++, mask >>= 1)
bitx = (x & mask) ? 1 : 0;
bity = (y & mask) ? 1 : 0;
bitz = (z & mask) ? 1 : 0;
quad = quadrants[rotation][bitx][bity][bitz];
key <<= 3;
key += (sense == 1) ? (quad) : (7 - quad);
rotx = rotx_table[quad];
roty = roty_table[quad];
sense *= sense_table[quad];
while(rotx > 0)
rotation = rotxmap_table[rotation];
while(roty > 0)
rotation = rotymap_table[rotation];
return key;
/*! This function computes for a given Peano-Hilbert key, the inverse,
* i.e. the integer triplet (x,y,z) with a Peano-Hilbert key equal to the
* input key. (This functionality is actually not needed in the present
* code.)
void peano_hilbert_key_inverse(peanokey key, int bits, int *x, int *y, int *z)
int i, keypart, bitx, bity, bitz, mask, quad, rotation, shift;
char sense, rotx, roty;
flag_quadrants_inverse = 0;
for(rotation = 0; rotation < 24; rotation++)
for(bitx = 0; bitx < 2; bitx++)
for(bity = 0; bity < 2; bity++)
for(bitz = 0; bitz < 2; bitz++)
quad = quadrants[rotation][bitx][bity][bitz];
quadrants_inverse_x[rotation][quad] = bitx;
quadrants_inverse_y[rotation][quad] = bity;
quadrants_inverse_z[rotation][quad] = bitz;
shift = 3 * (bits - 1);
mask = 7 << shift;
rotation = 0;
sense = 1;
*x = *y = *z = 0;
for(i = 0; i < bits; i++, mask >>= 3, shift -= 3)
keypart = (key & mask) >> shift;
quad = (sense == 1) ? (keypart) : (7 - keypart);
*x = (*x << 1) + quadrants_inverse_x[rotation][quad];
*y = (*y << 1) + quadrants_inverse_y[rotation][quad];
*z = (*z << 1) + quadrants_inverse_z[rotation][quad];
rotx = rotx_table[quad];
roty = roty_table[quad];
sense *= sense_table[quad];
while(rotx > 0)
rotation = rotxmap_table[rotation];
while(roty > 0)
rotation = rotymap_table[rotation];

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