README for the `langcode' package Adjust Language-Dependent Settings by Language Code (C) Uwe Lueck 2012/09/20
`langcode.sty' in the first instance provides a command
to adjust language-dependent settings, such as key words, typographical conventions, and language codes (ISO-639-1). An author frequently writing documents in two or more languages can use the same commands independently of the language, provided they are gathered in a list macro to be used by the dowith' package. If \<cmd>' is in the list, it is set to work like \<chars><cmd>', and a macro \langcode' will expand to <chars> (the respective tokens), usable in URLs.
The package is `generic," based on plainpkg'. The code has been used with morehype' and catchdq' (`catcodes'), but may be useful more generally.
REQUIRED PACKAGES: plainpkg, stackrel, dowith
RELATED PACKAGES: babel, polyglossia;
morehype, catchdq (catcodes)
KEYWORDs: language support; German, macro programming
(programming structures), hypertext
The package file `langcode.sty' and the documentation files langcode.pdf' and langcode.tex' can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see
We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
The `langcode' package is author-maintained in the sense of this license.
The latest public version of the package is available at
A TDS version of the package is available as
Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via