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\usepackage{../styles/defsDSPcourse} %check this file for the definitions of sets, abbreviations, parenthesis, environments etc.
\title{COM-303 - Signal Processing for Communications}
\author{Homework \#5}
\date{Assigned on March 16, 2015}
\begin{exercise}{Transfer functions, zeros and poles}
Figure~\ref{zpplots} shows the zeros and poles of three different
filters with the unit circle for reference. Each zero is
represented with a 'o' and each pole with a 'x' on the plot.
Multiple zeros and poles are indicated by the multiplicity number
shown to the upper right of the zero or pole.
Sketch the magnitude of each frequency response and determine the
type of filter.
\begin{exercise}{Discrete-time systems and stability}
Consider the system in the picture below. Assume a causal input ($x[n] = 0 $ for $n < 0$) and zero initial conditions.
\item Find the constant-coefficients difference equations linking $y_0[n]$,$y_1[n]$
and $y[n]$ to the input $x[n]$.
\item Find $H_0(z)$, $H_1(z)$ and $H(z)$, the transfer functions relating the input
$x[n]$ to the signals $y_0[n]$, $y_1[n]$ and $y[n]$, respectively.
\item Consider the relationship between the input and the output; is the
system BIBO stable?
\item Is the system stable internally? (i.e. are the subsystems described by
$H_0(z)$ and $H_1(z)$ stable?)
\item Consider the input $x[n] = u[n]$, where, as usual, $u[n] = 1$ for $n \geq 0$ and $u[n]=0$ for $n <0$. How do $y_0[n]$,$y_1[n]$ and $y[n]$ evolve over time? Sketch their values.
\begin{exercise}{Filter properties I}
Assume G is a stable, causal IIR filter with impulse response $g[n]$ and transfer function $G(z)$. Which of the following statements is/are true for any choice of $G(z)$?
\item The inverse filter, $1/G(z)$ ,is stable.
\item The inverse filter is FIR.
\item The DTFT of $g[n]$ exists.
\item The cascade $G(z)G(z)$ is stable.
\begin{exercise}{Filter properties II}
Consider $G(z)$, the transfer function of a causal stable LTI system. Which of the following statements is/are true for any such $G(z)$?
\item The zeros of $G(z)$ are inside the unit circle.
\item The ROC of $G(z)$ includes the curve $|z|=0.5$.
\item The system $H(z)=(1-3z^{-1})G(z)$ is stable.
\item The system is an IIR filter.
\begin{exercise}{FIR Filters}
Consider the following set of complex numbers
z_k = e^{j\pi(1 - 2^{-k})} \qquad k = 1, 2, \ldots, M
For $M = 4$,
\item Plot $z_k$, $k = 1, 2, 3, 4$, on the complex plane. \item
Consider an FIR whose transfer function $H(z)$ has the following
\{z_1, z_2, z^*_1, z^*_2, -1\}
and write out explicitly the expression for $H(z)$. \item How many
nonzero taps will the impulse response $h[n]$ have at most? \item
Sketch the magnitude of $H(e^{j\omega})$. \item What can you say
about this filter:
\item What FIR type is it? (I, II, etc.) \item Is it lowpass,
bandpass, highpass? \item Is it equiripple?
\item Is this a
``good'' filter? (By ``good'' we mean a filter which is close to 1
in the passband, close to zero in the stopband and which has a
narrow transition band).
\begin{exercise}{Linear Phase FIR Filters}
The equation that describes an FIR system is:
\[ y[n]=\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}b_kx[n-k], \]
where the coefficients $b_k$ represent the impulse response of the
FIR system, namely,
h[n]= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} b_n, & 0\leq n \leq M-1 \\
0,& \mbox{otherwise.} \end{array} \right .
Therefore, the previous equation can be written in the following
\[y[n]=\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}h[k]x[n-k], \]
while in the frequency domain the frequency response of the FIR
filter can be written as:
\[ H(e^{j\omega})=\sum_{n=0}^{M-1}h[n]e^{-jn\omega}=|H(e^{j\omega})|e^{j\mbox{\footnotesize{arg}}[H(e^{j\omega})]}=M(\omega)e^{j\phi(\omega)}. \]
\item Define phase and group delay.
\item What is the condition for the linearity of the phase
$\phi(\omega)$ if the phase and group delays are constant?
\item Verify that the FIR system can have constant phase and group
delay if it has symmetric impulse response $h[n]=h[M-1-n]$ for
$n=0,\ldots, M-1$.
\emph{Hint:} look at $\mbox{arg}[H(e^{j\omega})]$.

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