\item impulse response has finite support: \textbf{FIR filter}
\item smoothing effect proportional to $M$
\item number of operations and storage also proportional to $M$
\frametitle{The Leaky Integrator}
\item$y[n]=\lambda y[n-1]+(1-\lambda) x[n]$
\item filter is \textit{recursive}, since it uses its previous output value
\frametitle{Impulse response}
\[ h[n]=(1-\lambda)\lambda^n\,u[n]\]
\dspSignal{x 0 ge {1 0.9 sub 0.9 x exp mul}{0} ifelse}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=y]{0.1 $1-\lambda$}
\def\pole{0.9 }
\def\lifr#1{#1 1 sub dup mul 1 #1 #1 mul add x 180 mul cos 2 mul #1 mul sub div abs sqrt }
\def\lipr#1{x 0 gt {#1 x 180 mul sin mul 1 #1 x 180 mul cos mul sub atan 180 div -1 mul 3.14 mul}{#1 x 180 mul sin mul -1 mul 1 #1 x 180 mul cos mul sub atan 180 div 3.14 mul} ifelse }
\def\lifr#1{#1 1 sub dup mul 1 #1 #1 mul add x 180 mul cos 2 mul #1 mul sub div abs sqrt }
\def\lipr#1{x 0 gt {#1 x 180 mul sin mul 1 #1 x 180 mul cos mul sub atan 180 div -1 mul 3.14 mul}{#1 x 180 mul sin mul -1 mul 1 #1 x 180 mul cos mul sub atan 180 div 3.14 mul} ifelse }