\item Show that $x[n]$ can be express as the convolution of a sequences $t[n]$ with itself. Check your result numerically (using Python or any other numerical package) for $M=11$. %
\item Using the results found in (a), compute the DTFT of $x[n]$.
For the systems whose input-output relationship is described below, say whether the system is linear, time-invariant, BIBO stable, causal; when applicable, find the impulse response.
\item$y[n]=e^{-j\omega n} x[n]$
\item$y[n]=ny[n-1]+x[n]$, so that if $x[n]=0$ for $n<n_0$, then $y[n]=0$ for $n<n_0$. \\
(\emph{Hint}: Since the system is causal and satisfies initial-rest conditions, we can recursively find the response to any input as, for instance, $\delta[n]$.)
(as per usual, $G(e^{j\omega})$ is $2\pi$-periodic (i.e. prolonged by periodicity outside of $[-\pi, \pi]$)). The output of the cascade is therefore $y[n]=\mathcal{G} \lbrace\mathcal{H} \lbrace x[n]\rbrace\rbrace$.
\item Compute $y[n]$ when $x[n]=\cos(\omega_0 n)$ for $\omega_0=3\pi/8$. How would you describe the transformation operated by the cascade on the input?
\item Compute $y[n]$ as before, with now $\omega_0=7\pi/8$.
In this exercise you will verify by yourself the existence of the Gibbs phenomenon using Python (or any other numerical package). The idea is to plot a zoomed-in version of the
frequency response of a truncated ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency $\pi/2$:
where we are interested in plotting the transform over a small interval around the cutoff frequency.
\item Plot $\hat H(e^{j\omega})$ over 2000 points in the interval $1.4\leq\omega\leq1.7$ for $N =20$.
\item Repeat the above point for $N =100$ and $N=200$ and verify that the peak of the magnitude is still approximately $9\%$ of the value of the discontinuity.