Suppose by contradiction that the vector $\mathbf{z}\in S$ admits two distinct representations in the basis $\{\mathbf{x}^{(k)}\}_{k=0,\ldots,N-1}$. In other words, suppose that there exist two set of scalars $\alpha_0,\ldots,\alpha_{N-1}$ and $\beta_0,\ldots,\beta_{N-1}$, with $\alpha_i \neq\beta_i$ for all $i$, such that
The above expression is a linear combination of basis vectors that is equal to zero. Because of the linear independence of a set of basis vector, the only set of coefficients that satisfies the above equation is a set of null coefficients so that it must be $\alpha_i \neq\beta_i$ for all $i$, in contradiction with the hypothesis.
\item Note that, if we consider signals as vectors in $\mathbb{C}^N$, the formula is just the inner product between the vectors. If $x[n]=y[n]$, then $\langle x[n], x[n]\rangle$ corresponds to the energy of the signal in the time domain while $\langle X[k], X[k]\rangle/N$ corresponds to the energy of the signal in the frequency domain. In this case, the Plancherel-Parseval equality illustrates the energy conservation property from the time domain to the frequency domain. This property is also known as the \emph{Parseval theorem}. Note that, because we choose not to normalize the Fourier basis vectors, the energy is conserved up to a scaling factor $N$.
The signal $\mathbf{x_2}$ is the sum of $\mathbf{y}$ and of $\mathbf{y}$ circularly shifted by one. Since the circular shift in time corresponds to multiplication by a phase term $e^{-j\frac{2\pi}{2N}k}$ in frequency, we have
%\begin{solution}{DFT \& Matlab}
%\item The signal after DFT should only have two peaks, which corresponds the $21$-st DFT coefficient and the $107$-th DFT coefficient.
%The spectrum of the signal $x[n]$, for both frequencies, is given
%in the following figure that is obtained using the Matlab commands
%given below.
% >> N=128;fo1=21/128;fo2=21/127;
% >> n=0:N-1;
% >> x1=cos(2*pi*fo1*n);x2=cos(2*pi*fo2*n);
% >> X1=fft(x1);X2=fft(x2);
% >> subplot(223),stem(n-N/2,fftshift(abs(X1)))
% >> subplot(224),stem(n-N/2,fftshift(abs(X2)))
%Since we take the cosine wave example, we expect to see just one
%sample at the frequency of the signal. This is the case in the
%left figure, where we have the DFT signal spectrum for the signal
%with $f_0=21/128$, and the $21$st DFT coefficient represents the
%exact signal frequency. However, in the right figure, the
%frequency of the signal $f_0=21/127$ does not coincide with any
%DFT frequency component. The signal energy is spread over each of
%the DFT components. This is called frequency leakage. Therefore,
%we can conclude that if the signal period exactly fits the
%measurement time (number of samples), the frequency spectrum is
%correct, while if the period does not match the measurement time,
%the frequency spectrum is incorrect - it is broadened.
%We can achieve the same results using the \textit{dftmtx} function instead, as
%illustrated below.
% >> W=dftmtx(N);
% >> X3=W*x1;X4=W*x2;
% >> norm(X1-X3)
% >> norm(X2-X4)
% >> subplot(223),stem(n-N/2,fftshift(abs(X3)))
% >> subplot(224),stem(n-N/2,fftshift(abs(X4)))
%In practice, however, the discrete Fourier transform is computed more
%efficiently and uses less memory with an FFT algorithm than by using the Fourier transform matrix.