Y(e^{j\omega})=\frac{1}{2} \left[X \left( e^{j(\omega-\omega_c)} \right)+ X \left( e^{j(\omega+\omega_c)} \right)\right].
\item The baseband signal has spectral support $[\frac{-\omega_b}{2},\frac{\omega_b}{2}]$. First note that the maximum frequency of the modulated signal is $\omega_c +\frac{\omega_b}{2}$. To avoid overlap with the first repetition of the spectrum, we must guarantee that:
\omega_c +\frac{\omega_b}{2} < \pi,
which limit the maximum carrier frequency to: $\omega_c < \pi-\frac{\omega_b}{2}$
\item The sampling frequency is $F_s=48000$ Hz and the signal bandwidth is 8~KHz and therefore