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\title{COM-303 - Signal Processing for Communications}
\author{Homework \#8}
\begin{exercise}{Autocorrelation function of a random process}
Consider the following real-valued random process
x[n] = A\cos(\omega_{0}n) + w[n]
where $A$ is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance $\sigma_{A}^{2}$ and where $w[n]$ is a zero-mean white noise process, independent of $A$, with variance $\sigma_{w}^{2}$.
\item What is the autocorrelation of $x[n]$?
\item Can we define the power spectral density of the process?
\item Repeat (a) and (b) in the case when the cosine starts with a random phase offset, uniformly distributed over $[-\pi, \pi]$ and independent of all the other random variables.
\begin{exercise}{More white noise}
A real-valued random process is defined by
x[n] = s[n] + w_{0}[n]
where $w_{0}[n]$ is a unit-variance, zero-mean white noise process and where $s[n]$ is defined as
s[n] = as[n-1] + w_{1}[n]
with $a\in\mathbb{R}$ and $w_{1}[n]$ a unit variance, zero-mean white noise process independent of $w_{0}[n]$.
\item Determine the autocorrelation $r_{x}[k]$.
\item Determine the power spectral density function $P_{x}(e^{j\omega})$.
\begin{exercise}{Filtering a Sequence of Independent Random Variables in Python}
Let $x[n]$ be a real-valued white Gaussian random process, with zero mean and variance $\sigma_x^2=3$. We filter the process with the FIR filter $h[n]$ where
h[1]=1/2, \quad h[2]=1/4, \quad h[3]=1/4, \quad
h[n]=0~\forall~n\neq 1,2,3
Moreover, at the output of the filter, we add white Gaussian noise $z[n]$ with unit variance. The system is shown in the
following diagram:
& & $z[n]$ \\
$x[n]$~~ & \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & \BDadd & $~~y[n]$
\item Write a routine in Python to generate $N$ samples of the input process, $N$ samples of the additive Gaussian noise and compute the output of the system.
\item write a routine to estimate the power spectral density of the output
\item compare the numerical estimation of the PSD with its theoretical value
\begin{exercise}{Analytic Signals \& Modulation.}
In this exercise we will explore a modulation-demodulation scheme
commonly used in data transmission systems. Consider two real
sequences $x[n]$ and $y[n]$, which represent \emph{two} data
streams we want to transmit. Assume that their spectrum is of
lowpass type, i.e.\ $X(e^{j\omega}) = Y(e^{j\omega}) = 0$ for
$|\omega| > \omega_c$. Consider further the following derived
c[n] = x[n] + jy[n]
and the modulated signal:
r[n] = c[n]e^{j\omega_0 n}, \quad \omega_c < \omega_0 < \pi - \omega_c
\item Set $\omega_c = \pi/6$, $\omega_0 = \pi/2$ and sketch
$|R(e^{j\omega})|$ for whatever shapes you choose for
$X(e^{j\omega}), Y(e^{j\omega})$. Verify from your plot that
$r[n]$ is an analytic signal.
The signal $r[n]$ is called a \emph{complex passband signal}. Of
course it cannot be transmitted as such, since it is complex. The
transmitted signal is, instead,
s[n] = \Re\{r[n]\}.
This modulated signal is an example of Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation (QAM).
\setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Write out the expression for $s[n]$ in
terms of $x[n], y[n]$. Now you can see the reason behind the term
QAM, since we are modulating with two carriers in quadrature
(i.e.\ out of phase by 90 degrees).
Now we want to recover $x[n]$ and $y[n]$ from $s[n]$. To do so,
follow these steps:
\setcounter{enumi}{2} \item Show that $s[n] + j(h[n] \ast s[n]) =
r[n]$, where $h[n]$ is the Hilbert filter. In other words, we have
recovered the analytic signal $r[n]$ from its real part only.
\item Once you have $r[n]$, show how to extract $x[n]$ and $y[n]$.

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