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\title{COM-303 - Signal Processing for Communications}
\author{Solutions for Homework \#8}
\def\expt#1{\mathrm{E}\left[ #1 \right]}
\begin{solution}{Autocorrelation function of a random process}
\item The autocorrelation $r_x[n,n-k]$ is
r_x[n,n-k] &= \expt{ x[n]x^{*}[n-k]} \\
&= \expt{A^2\cos(\omega_0 n)\cos(\omega_0(n-k))} + \expt{w[n]w[n-k]} + \\
& \qquad\qquad \expt{A\cos(\omega_0 n)w[n-k]} + \expt{A\cos(\omega_0 (n-k))w[n]} \\
&= \expt{A^2}\cos(\omega_0 n)\cos(\omega_0(n-k)) + \expt{w[n]w[n-k]} + \\
& \qquad\qquad \expt{A}\expt{w[n-k]}\cos(\omega_0 n) + \expt{A}\expt{w[n]}\cos(\omega_0 (n-k)) \\
&=\sigma_A^2\cos(\omega_0 n)\cos(\omega_0(n-k))+\sigma_w^2\delta[k]
% &=\frac{\sigma_A^2}{2}\left[ \cos(\omega_0 k) +\cos(\omega_0(2n- k)) \right] + \sigma_w^2\delta[k]
where we have used $\expt{A}=0$.
\item Since the autocorrelation does \textit{not} depend only on $k$ (i.e. the lag), the process is not wide-sense stationary process. Therefore, the power spectral density function can not be defined.
\item Let's introduce a random phase term $\theta\in\mathcal{U}[-\pi,\pi]$ in the signal, obtaining $x[n] = A\cos(\omega_0 n+\theta) + w[n]$; the random phase term causes the expectation of the cosine to be zero independently of the frequency (since the average value of a sinusoid is zero):
\expt{\cos(\omega_0 n + \theta)} = 0.
The autocorrelation now becomes
r_x[n,n-k] &= \expt{ x[n]x^{*}[n-k]} \\
&= \expt{A^2\cos(\omega_0 n + \theta)\cos(\omega_0(n-k) + \theta)} + \expt{w[n]w[n-k]} + \\
& \qquad\qquad \expt{A\cos(\omega_0 n + \theta)w[n-k]} + \expt{A\cos(\omega_0 (n-k) + \theta)w[n]} \\
&=\sigma_A^2\expt{\cos(\omega_0 n + \theta)\cos(\omega_0(n-k) + \theta)} + \sigma_w^2\delta[k] \\
&=(\sigma_A^2/2)\expt{\cos(\omega_0 k) + \cos(\omega_0(2n-k) + 2\theta)} + \sigma_w^2\delta[k] \\
&=(\sigma_A^2/2)\cos(\omega_0 k) + \sigma_w^2\delta[k]
where we have used the trigonometric identity $\cos(\alpha+\beta) = (1/2)(\cos(\alpha-\beta)+\cos(\alpha + \beta))$. Since the autocorrelation $r_x[n,n-k]$ now only depends on the lag $k$, the process is wide-sense stationary and the power spectral density function is:
P_x(e^{j\omega}) = \frac{\sigma_A^2}{4}\left[\delta(\omega-\omega_0)+\delta(\omega+\omega_0)\right]+\sigma_w^2.
\begin{solution}{More white noise}
\item First of all:
r_x[k] &=& \expt{x[n]x^{*}[n-k]} \\
&=& \expt{(s[n]+w_0[n])(s[n-k] + w_0[n-k])} \\
&=& r_s[k] + r_{w_0}[k]
where the cross-products disappear because the two processes are independent and zero-mean. To find the autocorrelation of $s[n]$ we exploit its recursivity:
r_s[k] &=& \expt{s[n]s^{*}[n-k]} \\
&=& \expt{(a s[n-1] + w_1[n])s[n-k]} \\
&=& a\,r_s[k-1].
We also have, for $k=0$,
r_s[0] &=& \expt{(a s[n-1] + w_1[n])^2} \\
&=& a^2\expt{s^2[n-1]} + 1 \\
&=& a^2\,r_s[0] + 1
so that
r_s[0] = \frac{1}{1-a^2}.
Then, by induction
r_s[1] &= ar_s[0] = \frac{a}{1-a^2} \\
r_s[2] &= ar_s[1] = \frac{a^2}{1-a^2} \\
& \ldots \\
r_s[k] &= \frac{a^k}{1-a^2} \\
and, similarly, for negative values of the index we have
r_s[k] = \frac{a^{|k|}}{1-a^2}.
In the end
r_x[k] = \frac{a^{|k|}}{1-a^2} + \delta[k].
P_x(e^{j\omega}) = \frac{1}{1+a^2-2a\cos \omega } +1
\begin{solution}{Filtering a sequence of independent random variables in Python}
Below is the code that computes realizations of the output and estimates the PSD. For a comparison with the theoretical value, we need to compute the exact PSD of the output process. Call $s[n]$ the signal coming out of the filter $H(z)$; then:
r_y[k] &= \expt{(s[n] + z[n])(s[n-k) + z[n-k]} \\
&= \expt{(s[n]s[n-k]} + \expt{z[n]z[n-k]} \\
&= r_s[k] + \delta[k]\\
&= h[n] \ast h[-n] \ast r_x[k] + \delta[k] \\
&= 3 \, h[n] \ast h[-n] + \delta[k]
so that the PSD is
P_y(e^{j\omega}) = 3\,|H(e^{j\omega})|^2 + 1
To compute $|H(e^{j\omega})|^2$:
|H(e^{j\omega})|^2 &= \left|(1/4)(2e^{-j\omega} + e^{-j2\omega} + e^{-j3\omega}) \right|^2 \\
&= (1/16)\left|e^{-2j\omega}\right|^2\, \left|2e^{j\omega} + 1 + e^{-j\omega} \right|^2 \\
&= (1/16)\left|1 + 3\cos\omega + j\sin\omega \right|^2 \\
&= (1/16)(6 + 6\cos\omega + 4\cos2\omega) \\
so that in the end:
P_y(e^{j\omega}) = \frac{17}{8} + \frac{9}{8}\cos\omega + \frac{3}{4}\cos 2\omega
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal
def compute_y(N):
h = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25])
# generate x[n]
x = np.sqrt(3) * np.random.randn(N)
# filter it with h[n]
x1 = np.concatenate((x[-3:], x, x[:3]))
y1 = sp.signal.lfilter(h, 1., x1)[3:N + 3]
# generate z[n]
z = np.random.randn(N)
# generate y[n]
y = y1 + z
return y
def estimate_psd(N, M):
:param N: the length of the input vector
:param M: the number of iterations
PSD = np.zeros(N, dtype=float)
for loop in range(M):
PSD += np.abs(np.fft.fft(compute_y(N))) ** 2 / N
return PSD / M
if __name__ == '__main__':
# compare the experimental PSD to the theoretical PSD
# for varying values of M
for M in [50, 500, 5000]:
PSD = estimate_psd(N, M)
omega = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=N)
PSD_theo = 17 / 8. + 9 / 8. * np.cos(omega) + 3 / 4. * np.cos(2 * omega)
plt.figure(num=count, figsize=(5, 3), dpi=90)
plt.plot(PSD, 'r--', label='estimate')
plt.plot(PSD_theo, 'b-', hold=True, label='theoretical')
\begin{solution}{Analytic Signals \& Modulation}
\item The modulation theorem tells us that $R(e^{j\omega})$ is the convolution of $C(e^{j\omega})$ with $\tilde\delta(\omega-\omega_0)$, i.e.\ $R(e^{j\omega}) = C(e^{j(\omega - \omega_0)})$. Since $C(e^{j\omega}) =
X(e^{j\omega})+jY(e^{j\omega})$ and both $X(e^{j\omega}), Y(e^{j\omega})$ live on the $[-\omega_c, \omega_c]$ interval, $R(e^{j\omega})$ lives on the $[\omega_0-\omega_c, \omega_0+\omega_c]$ interval. Since $\omega_c < \omega_0 < \pi - \omega_c$, this interval is entirely contained in the $[0, \pi]$ interval, thus $r[n]$ is analytic.
\item Clearly
r[n] = (x[n] + jy[n])(\cos(\omega_0 n) + j\sin(\omega_0 n))
so that
s[n] = x[n]\cos(\omega_0 n) - y[n]\sin(\omega_0 n).
\item Let $g[n] = s[n] + j(h[n] \ast s[n])$. We know from the derivation on page~118 in Chapter~5 that
G(e^{j \omega}) = \left\{
2S(e^{j \omega}) & \mbox{for $0 \leq \omega < \pi$} \\
0 & \mbox{for $-\pi \leq \omega < 0$} \\
so let us consider the positive-frequency part of $S(e^{j\omega})$. We can see from~(\ref{sn}) that this is the sum of $X(e^{j(\omega-\omega_0)})/2$ and $jY(e^{j(\omega-\omega_0)})/2$, both of which are shifted versions of $X(e^{j\omega})$ and
$Y(e^{j\omega})$ which live between $\omega_0-\omega_c$ and $\omega_0+\omega_c$, i.e.\ in the positive-frequency part of the
spectrum. We can therefore write:
G(e^{j \omega}) = (X(e^{j \omega}) + jY(e^{j \omega})) \ast \tilde\delta(\omega-\omega_0)
which, in the time domain becomes
g[n] = (x[n] +jy[n])e^{j\omega_0 n} = r[n].
\item $x[n] = \Re\{r[n] e^{-j\omega_0 n}\}$ and $y[n] = \Im\{r[n]e^{-j\omega_0 n}\}$.

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