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\intertitle{Let's play with LEGO!}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Overview:}
\item DSP as Lego: The fundamental building blocks
\item Averages and moving averages
\item Recursion: Revisiting your bank account
\item Building a simple recursive synthesizer
\item Examples of sounds
% Outline slide
% TEXT: [speech]
% Today 's menu is the following
% Menu: Build and Understand a Simple Synthesizer}
% DSP as Lego: The fundamental building blocks
% Averages and moving averages
% Recursion: Revisiting your bank account
% Building a simple recursive synthesizer
% Examples of sounds
\begin{frame} \frametitle{DSP as Lego}
$x[n]$ & \BDsplit & \BDadd & & \BDsplit & & \BDadd & $y[n]$\\
& & & \BDdelay & & & & \\
& & \BDadd & & \BDsplit & \BDdelayN{3} & \\
& & & \BDdelay & & & & \\
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,3} \ncline{1,3}{1,5}\taput{$a$}
\ncline{1,2}{3,2} \ncline{->}{2,3}{1,3}
\ncline{->}{4,3}{3,3} \ncline{4,5}{3,5} \ncline{->}{3,7}{1,7}\trput{$-1$}
\ncline{->}{3,2}{3,3} \ncline{3,3}{3,5}\taput{$c$}
% TEXT: Obvious
\def\sigA{dup 0 ge {10 div 1 exch sub} {pop 0} ifelse }
\def\sigB{dup 0 ge {10 div} {pop 0} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Building Blocks: Adder}
$x[n]~~$ & & \\
& \BDadd & $~~x[n] + y[n]$ \\
$y[n]~~$ & & \\
{\footnotesize $x[n] = (1 - n/10)\,u[n]$}
\dspSignal{x \sigA }
{\footnotesize $x[n] = (n/10)\, u[n]$}
\dspSignal{x \sigB }
{\footnotesize $x[n] + y[n] = u[n]$}
\dspSignal{x \sigA x \sigB add }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Building Blocks: Multiplier}
$x[n]~~$ & & $~~\alpha x[n]$ \\
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.7cm,xticks=2,xlabel={\hphantom{$\alpha = 0.5$}}]{-2,8}{0,1.1}
\dspSignal{x \sigA }
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.7cm,xticks=2,xlabel={$\alpha = 0.5$}]{-2,8}{0,1.1}
\dspSignal{x \sigA 0.5 mul}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Building Blocks: Unit Delay}
$x[n]~~$ & \BDdelay & $~~x[n-1]$ \\
\dspSignal{x \sigA }
\dspSignal{x 1 sub \sigA }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Building Blocks: Arbitrary Delay}
$x[n]~~$ & \BDdelayN{N} & $~~x[n-N]$ \\
\dspSignal{x \sigA }
\dspSignal{x 4 sub \sigA }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{The 2-point Moving Average}
\item simple average:
m = \frac{a+b}{2}
\item moving average: take a ``local'' average
y[n] = \frac{x[n]+x[n-1]}{2}
\note<1>{Averages are very common operations. For example, in Switzerland, the average number of children per woman is 1.42!
You probably had to worry about the famous/infamous GPA.
Here, we are concerned about ``moving averages'', that is we compute a local average of a sequence as we go along.
The simplest case is the 2-point moving average}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{The 2-point Moving Average Using Lego}
% 1 2 3 4 5
$x[n]~~$ & \BDsplit & & \BDadd & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelay & &
% macro to plot a signal and its two-point average. Define \avgSig prior to use
\dspSignal{x \avgSig }
\dspSignal{x \avgSig x 1 sub \avgSig add 0.5 mul }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
$x[n] = \delta[n]$
\def\avgSig{ 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
$x[n] = u[n]$
\def\avgSig{ 0 ge {1} {0} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
$x[n] = \cos(\omega n), \quad \omega=\pi/10$
\def\avgSig{ 18 mul cos }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
\cos(A) + \cos(B) = 2\cos(\frac{A+B}{2})\cos(\frac{A-B}{2})
\frac{\cos(\omega n) + \cos(\omega(n-1))}{2} &= \cos\frac{\omega n + \omega n - \omega}{2}\cos\frac{\omega n - \omega n + \omega}{2} \\
&= \cos(\omega/2)\cos(\omega n - \omega/2)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Don't remember the trigonometry? No problem}
\frac{\cos(\omega n) + \cos(\omega(n-1))}{2} &= \frac{1}{2}\Real\{e^{j\omega n} + e^{j\omega(n-1)}\} \\
&= \frac{1}{2}\Real\{e^{j\omega(n - \frac{1}{2})}(e^{j\omega/2} + e^{-j\omega/2})\} \\
&= \cos(\omega/2)\Real\{e^{j\omega(n - \frac{1}{2})}\} \\
&= \cos(\omega/2)\cos(\omega n - \omega/2)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Useful thing to remember}
any linear combination of trigonometric functions at frequency $\omega_0$ produces a sinusoid at the same frequency; linear combinations only alter the magnitude and phase
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
$x[n] = (-1)^n$ %\cos(\omega n), \quad \omega=\pi$
\def\avgSig{ 180 mul cos }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Let's average...}
$x[n] = \cos(\omega n), \quad \omega=\pi$
\def\avgSig{ 180 mul cos }
%% 1 slides on M-point MA, just with examples, M=7 for example
% \frametitle{The M-point moving average }
% Obvious generalization: $y_n = \frac{1}{M} (x_n + x_{n-1} + ... + x_{n-M+1})$
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Dirac
% \item Constant
% \item Step
% \item Sinusoid (low frequency)
% \item Sinusoid (max frequency)
% \item Random signal
% \end{itemize}
%% TEXT: Obvious
\begin{frame} \frametitle{What if we reverse the loop?}
\note<1>{Introducing first order recursion by reversing the MA loop}
% 1 2 3 4 5
$x[n]~~$ & \BDsplit & & \BDadd & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelay & &
% 1 2 3 4 5
$x[n]~~$ & \BDadd & & \BDsplit & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelay & &
\only<3->{$ y[n] = x[n] + \alpha y[n-1]$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{A powerful concept: recursion}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{How we solve the chicken-and-egg problem}
\textbf{Zero Initial Conditions}
\item set a start time (usually $n_0=0$)
\item assume input and output are zero for \textit{all time} before $n_0$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{A simple model for banking}
\note<1>{Let's revisit your bank account: Assume a constant interest and borrowing rate of 5\% per year. Assume you put or take money only once a year, on Jan. 1. Interests (for positive balance) or charges (for negative balance) are calculated on Dec 31. They are added Jan 1 of the following year. Call $x_n$ the input (adding or subtracting from the account) on Jan. 1 of year $n$. Call $y_n$ the content of your account ) on Dec. 31 of year $n$. Then: $y_n = 1.05 y_{n-1} + x_n$}
A simple equation to describe compound interest:
\item constant interest/borrowing rate of 5\% per year
\item interest accrues on Dec 31
\item deposits/withdrawals during year $n$: $x[n]$
\item balance at year $n$:
y[n] = 1.05\,y[n-1] + x[n]
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Accumulation of interest: first-order recursion}
% 1 2 3 4 5
$x[n]~~$ & \BDadd & & \BDsplit & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelay & &
y[n] = 1.05\,y[n-1] + x[n]
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example: the one-time investment}
\onslide<1->{$x[n] = 100\,\delta[n]$}
\item<2-> $y[0] = 100$
\item<3-> $y[1] = 105$
\item<4-> $y[2] = 110.25$, $y[3] = 115.7625$ etc.
\item<5-> In general: $y[n] = (1.05)^n 100\,u[n]$
\dspSignal{x 0 eq {100} {0} ifelse }
\dspSignal{x 0 lt {0} {100 1.05 x exp mul} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example: the saver}
\onslide<1->{$x[n] = 100\,u[n]$}
\note<1>{Solution to the difference equation is not obvious but say that we will know how to do that by mid-course}
\item<2-> $y[0] = 100$
\item<3-> $y[1] = 205$
\item<4-> $y[2] = 315.25$, $y[3] = 431.0125$ etc.
\item<5-> In general: $y[n] = 2000\,((1.05)^{n+1} -1)\,u[n]$
\dspSignal{x 0 ge {100} {0} ifelse }
\dspSignal{x 0 lt {0} {2000 1.05 x 1 add exp 1 sub mul} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Aside: is it worth it to save?}
\frac{y_{\mbox{saver}}[n]}{y_{\mbox{one-time}}[n]} = \frac{1 - \alpha^{n+1}}{(1 - \alpha)\alpha^n} \longrightarrow \frac{\alpha}{\alpha - 1}
\def\sns#1{ #1 exch exp dup #1 mul 1 sub #1 1 sub div exch div }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Aside: is it worth it to save?}
\dspFunc[linecolor=blue!50]{x \sns{1.02 }}
\dspFunc[linecolor=green!50]{x \sns{1.05 }}
\dspFunc[linecolor=orange!50]{x \sns{1.1 }}
\dspFunc[linecolor=red!50]{x \sns{1.2 }}
\dspLegend(2,33){blue!50 {2\% APR} green!50 {5\% APR} orange!50 {10\% APR} red!50 {20\% APR}}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example: living off the interest}
\onslide<1->{$x[n] = 100\,\delta[n] - 5\,u[n-1]$}
\note<1>{Withdrawn amount drawn not to scale to emphasize negativity}
\item<2-> $y[0] = 100$
\item<3-> $y[1] = 100$
\item<4-> $y[2] = 100$, $y[3] = 100$ etc.
\item<5-> In general: $y[n] = 100\,u[n]$
\dspSignal{x 0 eq {100} {x 1 ge {-20} {0} ifelse} ifelse }
\dspSignal{x 0 lt {0} {100} ifelse }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{An interesting generalization}
% 1 2 3 4 5
$x[n]~~$ & \BDadd & & \BDsplit & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelayN{M} & &
y[n] = \alpha\,y[n-M] + x[n]
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Creating loops}
\note<1>{Consider the recursion but with delay $M$ (instead of 1) and feedback factor $\alpha$.
As engineers (and not economists) we like to choose $\alpha \leq 1$.}
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 6
$\bar{x}[n]~~$ & \BDadd & & & & \BDsplit & $~~y[n]$ \\
& & \BDdelay & \BDdelay & \BDdelay & &
y[n] = \alpha y[n-3] + \bar{x}[n]
\onslide<1->{$M=3$, $\alpha = 0.7$, $x[n] = \delta[n]$}
\item<2-> $y[0] = 1$, $y[1] = 0$, $y[2] = 0$
\item<3-> $y[3] = 0.7$, $y[4] = 0$, $y[5] = 0$
\item<4-> $y[6] = 0.7^2$, $y[7] = 0$, $y[8] = 0$, etc.
\dspSignal{x 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse }
\dspSignal{x cvi 3 mod 0 eq {0.7 x cvi 3 idiv exp} {0} ifelse }
\onslide<1->{$M=3$, $\alpha = 1$, $x[n] = \delta[n] + 2\,\delta[n-1] + 3\,\delta[n-2]$}
\item<2-> $y[0] = 1$, $y[1] = 2$, $y[2] = 3$
\item<3-> $y[3] = 1$, $y[4] = 2$, $y[5] = 3$
\item<4-> $y[6] = 1$, $y[7] = 2$, $y[8] = 3$, etc.
\dspSignal{x 0 lt {0} {x 2 gt {0} {x 1 add} ifelse} ifelse }
\dspSignal{x 0 lt {0} {x cvi 3 mod 1 add} ifelse }
\frametitle{We can make music with that!}
\item build a recursion loop with a delay of $M$
\item choose a signal $\bar{x}[n]$ that is nonzero only for $0 \leq n < M$
\item choose a decay factor
\item input $\bar{x}[n]$ to the system
\item play the output
\frametitle{How do we ``play'' it, really?}
\note<1>{``periodicity'' in quotes because of decay''
This slide must refer to previous lecture on basic discrete to continuous time transitions. We need to do that lecture first ;) }
\item $M$-tap delay $\longrightarrow$ $M$-sample ``periodicity''
\item associate time $T$ to sample interval
\item periodic signal of frequency
f = \frac{1}{MT} \mbox{Hz}
\item example: $T = 22.7\mu s$, $M=100$
f \approx 440 \mbox{Hz}
\frametitle{Playing a sine wave}
\onslide<1->{$M=100$, $\alpha = 1$, $\bar{x}[n] = \sin(2\pi\,n/100)$ for $0 \leq n < 100$ and zero elsewhere}
\dspSignal{x 3.6 mul sin }
\dspFunc{x 3.6 mul sin }
\frametitle{Introducing some realism}
\note<1>{To imitate a violin, we need to go beyond a single sine wave.\\
A crude approximation is a sawtooth wave, \\
which simulates the ``grip-and-release'' action of the\\
bow against the strings. \\
We can change the pitch by changing $M$. We can simulate a decay by choosing $\alpha < 1$.}
\item $M$ controls frequency (pitch)
\item $\alpha$ controls envelope (decay)
\item $\bar{x}[n]$ controls color (timbre)
\frametitle{A proto-violin}
\onslide<1->{$M=100$, $\alpha = 0.95$, $\bar{x}[n]$: zero-mean sawtooth wave between $0$ and $99$, zero elsewhere}
\def\N{50 }
\dspSignal{x \N sub \N div }
\dspFunc{x cvi \N 2 mul mod \N sub \N div}
\frametitle{The Karplus-Strong Algorithm}
\note<1>{To imitate a guitar, Karplus and Strong suggested the ''plucked-string algorithm'' that bears their name. Similar to previous violin simulation, except initialized with random numbers!
Change the pitch by changing $M$.
As it is a plucked string, decay is faster, with a smaller $\alpha$.}
\onslide<1->{$M=100$, $\alpha = 0.9$, $\bar{x}[n]$: 100 random values between $0$ and $99$, zero elsewhere}
\def\N{25 }
\dspSignalOpt{/I [ 100 {\dspRand } repeat ] def}{I x cvi 100 mod get}
\dspSignalOpt{/I [ 100 {\dspRand } repeat ] def}%
{I x cvi 100 mod get
x cvi \N 4 mul idiv 0.9 exch exp mul}
\item We have seen basic elements:
\item adders
\item multipliers
\item delays
\item We have seen two systems
\item moving averages
\item recursive systems
\item We were able to build simple systems with interesting properties
\item to understand all of this in more details we need a mathematical framework!
% TEXT: Obvious

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