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\begin{frame} \frametitle{FIR: optimal minimax design}
FIR filters are a digital signal processing ``exclusivity''. \\
In the 1970s Parks and McClellan developed an algorithm to design optimal FIR filters:
\item<2-> linear phase
\item<3-> equiripple error in passband and stopband
\uncover<4->{algorithm proceeds by \textbf{mini}mizing the \textbf{max}imum error in passband and stopband}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase in FIRs}
Symmetric or antisymmetric impulse responses have linear phase
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type I}]{-2,2}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{-1 1 0 2.2 1 1}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type II}]{-1.5,2.5}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{0 2 1 2}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type III}]{-2,2}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{-1 -1 0 0 1 1}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type IV}]{-1.5,2.5}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{0 1 1 -1}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase (Type I)}
filter length is \textbf{odd}: $M = 2L+1$
h[L+n] = h[L-n]
zero-centered filter:
h_d[n] &= h[n+L] \\
h_d[n] &= h_d[-n]
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase (Type I)}
\dspTapsAt{-5}{0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 3 -2 1 0}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 2 $L$ 4 $M-1$}}
\dspTapsAt{-5}{0 0 0 1 -2 3 -2 1 0 0 0}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{-2 $-L$ 0 0 2 $L$}}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase (Type I)}
H_d(z) &= \sum_{n = -L}^{L} h_d[n] z^{-n} \\ \pause
&= h_d[0] + \sum_{n = 1}^{L} h_d[n] (z^{n}+z^{-n})
H_d(e^{j\omega}) &= h_d[0] + \sum_{n = 1}^{L} h_d[n] (e^{j\omega n}+e^{-j\omega n}) \\ \pause
&= h_d[0] + 2\sum_{n = 1}^{L} h_d[n] \cos \omega n \quad \in \mathbb{R}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase (Type I)}
H(z) = z^{-L}H_d(z)
H(e^{j\omega}) = \left[h[L] + 2 \sum_{n=1}^{L}h[n+L]\cos n\omega\right] e^{-j\omega L}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear Phase FIR Filters}
\item $L$: number of points with a ``companion''
\item even-length FIRs: $M = 2L$ taps
\item odd-length FIRs: $M = 2L+1$ taps
\item delay equal to half-length: $C = (M-1)/2$
\item delay is non-integer for even-length filters!
\begin{frame} \frametitle{FIR types ($L=1$)}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type I}]{-2,2}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{-1 1 0 2.2 1 1}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type II}]{-1.5,2.5}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{0 2 1 2}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type III}]{-2,2}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{-1 -1 0 0 1 1}
\begin{dspPlot}[width=5cm,height=2.5cm,xticks=none,yticks=none,ylabel={Type IV}]{-1.5,2.5}{-2,3}
\moocStyle \dspTaps{0 1 1 -1}
$M=2L+1 = 3$ & $M=2L = 2$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Linear phase (Type II)}
filter length is \textbf{even}: $M = 2L$
h[n] = h[2L-1-n]
\frametitle{Linear phase (Type II)}
\dspTapsAt{-5}{0 0 0 0 0 3 -2 -2 3 0 0}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 1 $L-1$ 2 $L$ 3 $M-1$}
\frametitle{Linear phase (Type II)}
H(z) = & h[0] &+& h[1]z^{-1} &+& \ldots &+& h[L-1]z^{-L+1} + \\
& h[2L-1]z^{-2L+1} &+& h[2L-2]z^{-2L+2} &+& \ldots &+& h[L]z^{-L} \\ \pause
= & h[0] &+& h[1]z^{-1} &+& \ldots &+& h[L-1]z^{-L+1} + \\
& h[0]z^{-2L+1} &+& h[1]z^{-2L+2} &+& \ldots &+& h[L-1]z^{-L} \\ \pause
=& \sum_{n=0}^{L-1} h[n] (z^{-n}+z^{-2L+1+n})
\frametitle{Linear phase (Type II)}
C = (M-1)/2 = (2L-1)/2 = L - 1/2 \quad \mbox{(non-integer!)}
H(z) &= \sum_{n=0}^{L-1} h[n] (z^{-n}+z^{-2C+n}) \\ \pause
&= z^{-C}\sum_{n=0}^{L-1} h[n] (z^{(C-n)}+z^{-(C-n)})
\frametitle{Linear phase (Type II)}
H(e^{j\omega}) = \left[2 \sum_{n=0}^{L-1}h[n]\cos(\omega(C-n)) \right] e^{-j\omega C}
C = L - \frac{1}{2}
\frametitle{Linear Phase FIR Filters}
\bf type & \bf length & \bf sym. & \bf delay & \bf zeros & \\ \hline\hline
I & odd & S & integer & & \fex{-2}{2}{2 -3 3 -3 2} \\ \hline
II & even & S & non-int. & & \fex{0}{3}{-2 3 3 -2} \\ \hline
III & odd & A & integer & & \fex{-2}{2}{2 -3 0 3 -2} \\ \hline
IV & even & A & non-int. & & \fex{-1}{2}{2 -3 3 -2} \\ \hline
\frametitle{Zero locations (all types)}
\item FIRs have only zeros
\item $h[n] \in \mathbb{R} \Rightarrow$ if $z_0$ is a zero, so is $z_0^*$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Zero locations (Type I)}
H(z) &= z^{-L}\left[ h[0] + \sum_n h_d[n] (z^{n}+z^{-n})\right] \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= z^{L}\left[ h[0] + \sum_n h_d[n] (z^{n}+z^{-n})\right] \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= z^{2L}H(z)
if $z_0$ is a zero, so is $1/z_0$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Zero locations}
if $z_0$ is a zero, so is $1/z_0$
this is valid for all FIR types (easy to prove)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Zero locations (all types)}
\item if $z_0$ is a zero, so is $z_0^*$
\item if $z_0$ is a zero, so is $1/z_0$
\item if $z_0 = \rho e^{j\theta}$ is a zero so are:
\item $\rho e^{j\theta}$
\item $(1/\rho) e^{j\theta}$
\item $\rho e^{-j\theta}$
\item $(1/\rho) e^{-j\theta}$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Typical zero plot for linear-phase FIR}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none]{-0.9581, 0.2864}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none]{-0.9581, -0.2864}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=red!50]{-0.6424, 0.7664}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=red!50]{-0.6424, -0.7664}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=red!30]{-0.1394, 0.9902}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=red!30]{-0.1394, -0.9902}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=darkgreen]{ 0.4319, 0}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=darkgreen]{2.3152, 0}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=blue!60]{1.3357, 1.3008}}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=blue!60]{1.3357, -1.3008}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=blue!60]{ 0.3842, 0.3742}
\dspPZ[type=zero,label=none,linecolor=blue!60]{ 0.3842, -0.3742}}
\frametitle{Zero locations (Type II)}
H(z) &= z^{-C} \sum_{n=0}^{L-1} h[n] (z^{(C-n)}+z^{-(C-n)}) \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= z^{C} \sum_{n=0}^{L-1} h[n] (z^{(C-n)}+z^{-(C-n)}) \\ \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= z^{2C}H(z)
\frametitle{Zero locations (Type II)}
C &= L-1/2 \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= z^{2C}H(z) \\
&= z^{2L-1}H(z) \\ \\ \pause
H(-1) &= (-1)^{2L-1}H(-1) = -H(-1) \\ \pause
H(-1) &= 0
\frametitle{Zero locations (Type II)}
type-II FIRs always have a zero at $\omega = \pi$
\frametitle{Zero locations (Type III)}
H(z) &= z^{-L}\left[ \sum_n h_d[n] (z^{n}-z^{-n})\right] \\ \pause
H(z^{-1}) &= -z^{2L}H(z) \\ \\ \pause
H(1) &= -H(1) \quad \Longrightarrow \quad H(1) = 0 \\ \pause
H(-1) &= -H(-1) \quad \Longrightarrow \quad H(-1) = 0
\frametitle{Zero locations (Type III)}
type-III FIRs always have a zero at $\omega = 0$ and $\omega = \pi$
\frametitle{Zero locations}
\bf Filter Type & \bf Relation & \bf Constraint on Zeros \\
\bf Type I & $H(z^{-1}) = z^{M-1}H(z)$ & No constraints \\
\bf Type II & $H(z^{-1}) = z^{M-1}H(z)$ & Zero at $z = -1$ (i.e.\ $\omega = \pi$) \\
\bf Type III & $H(z^{-1}) = -z^{M-1}H(z)$ & Zeros at $z = \pm 1$ (i.e.\ at $\omega = \pi$ , $\omega = 0$) \\
\bf Type IV & $H(z^{-1}) = -z^{M-1}H(z)$ & Zero at $z = 1$ (i.e.\ $\omega = 0$) \\
\frametitle{Linear Phase FIR Filters}
\bf type & \bf length & \bf sym. & \bf delay & \bf zeros & \\ \hline\hline
I & odd & S & integer & & \fex{-2}{2}{2 -3 3 -3 2} \\ \hline
II & even & S & non-int. & $\pm\pi$ & \fex{0}{3}{-2 3 3 -2} \\ \hline
III & odd & A & integer & $0, \pm\pi$ & \fex{-2}{2}{2 -3 0 3 -2} \\ \hline
IV & even & A & non-int. & $0$ & \fex{-1}{2}{2 -3 3 -2} \\ \hline
\intertitle{optimal FIR filter design}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{How do we design linear-phase FIRs?}
answer: with the Parks-McClellan algorithm
let's work with an example:
\item type I
\item zero phase (work with $H_d(z)$)
\item lowpass characteristc
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Remember the realistic specs}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 0.4 $\omega_p$ 0.6 $\omega_s$ 1 $\pi$}
\rput[b](0.5,1.3){\vphantom{p} transition band}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Setting up the problem}
Intuition \#1: $z$-transform a finite-degree polynomial in $z$
H_d(z) = h_d[0] + \sum_{n = 1}^{L} h_d[n] (z^{n}+z^{-n}) = Q_M(z)
Intuition \#2: Fourier transform also a finite-degree polynomial
H_d(e^{j\omega}) = P_L(x) \qquad x = \cos\omega
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Setting up the problem}
Intuition \#3: we want
P_L(x) \approx D(x)
filter design becomes polynomial fitting!
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Finding the polynomial}
H_d(e^{j\omega}) = h_d[0] + 2\sum_{n = 1}^{L} h_d[n] \cos \omega n
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 1: Chebyshev polynomials}
T_0(x) & = 1 \\
T_1(x) & = x \\
T_2(x) & = 2x^2-1 \\
\ldots & \\ \\
T_n(x) &= 2xT_{n-1}(x) - T_{n-2}(x)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 1: Chebyshev polynomials}
fundamental property:
T_n(\cos\omega) = \cos n\omega
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 1: Chebyshev polynomials}
H_d(e^{j\omega}) = h_d[0] + \sum_{n = 1}^{L} 2h_d[n]\cos n\omega
P(x) = h_d[0] + \sum_{n = 1}^{L} 2h_d[n]T_n(x)\big|_{x =\cos\omega}
H_d(e^{j\omega}) = P(x)\big|_{x =\cos\omega}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example for a 7-tap filter}
H_d(e^{j\omega}) &= a + 2b\cos \omega + 2c\cos 2\omega+ 2 d\cos 3\omega \\ \\ \pause
&= a\,T_0(\cos \omega) + 2b\,T_1(\cos \omega) + 2c\,T_2(\cos \omega) + 2d\,T_3(\cos \omega) \\ \pause
&= a + 2b\cos \omega + 2c(2\cos^2\omega - 1) + 2d(4\cos^3\omega - 3\cos \omega) \\ \pause
&= (a- 2c) + (2b-6d)\cos\omega + 4c\cos^2\omega + 8d\cos^3\omega \\ \\
&= [(a- 2c) + (2b-6d)x + 4c\,x^2 + 8d\,x^3]_{x =\cos\omega}
\def\wp{0.3 }
\def\sp{ }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 2: Convert the specs}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 {\ws} $\omega_s$ {\wp} $\omega_p$ 1 $\pi$}
\only<2->{\dspFunc{x 180 mul cos}
\psline[linewidth=0.1pt,linestyle=dashed](\wp,0)(! \wp\sp \wp\sp 180 mul cos)(! 0 \wp\sp 180 mul cos)
\psline[linewidth=0.1pt,linestyle=dashed](\ws,0)(! \ws\sp \ws\sp 180 mul cos)(! 0 \ws\sp 180 mul cos)
\psline[linewidth=4pt,linecolor=green](0, 1)(! 0 \wp\sp 180 mul cos)
\psline[linewidth=4pt,linecolor=red](! 0 \ws\sp 180 mul cos)(0, -1)}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 2: Convert the specs}
If $x = \cos\omega$
I_p = [0, \, \omega_p] \rightarrow I'_p = [\cos\omega_p, \, 1]
I_s = [\omega_p, \, \pi] \rightarrow I'_s = [-1, \, \cos\omega_s]
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 2: Convert the specs}
We want
P(x) \approx 1 & \quad\mbox{for $x \in I'_p$} \\
P(x) \approx 0 & \quad\mbox{for $x \in I'_s$} \\
Global error function
E(x) = P(x) - D(x)
D(x) = \begin{cases}
1 &\mbox{for $x \in I'_p$} \\
0 &\mbox{for $x \in I'_s$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{We could try this...}
standard fitting of a degree-$L$ polynomial:
\item pick $L+1$ points over the two intervals
\item build the Vandermode matrix
\mathbf{A} = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & x_0 & x_0^2 & \ldots & x_0^L \\
1 & x_1 & x_1^2 & \ldots & x_1^L \\
\vdots \\
1 & x_L & x_L^2 & \ldots & x_L^L
\item solve the interpolation problem
\mathbf{Ap} = \begin{bmatrix}
1 \\ 1 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ 0
\begin{frame} \frametitle{... but it wouldn't work}
\item (direct methods numerically unstable)
\item interpolation minimizes the MSE but not the maximum error
\begin{frame} \frametitle{max error vs MSE}
\begin{dspPlot}[yticks=1,xticks=custom,xout=true,sidegap=0]{-1,1}{-.3, 1.3}
\dspFuncOpt[plotpoints=5000]{/P [
9.27206757e-01 1.60659180e+00 -1.13098043e+01 1.84716385e+01
1.05622032e+02 -3.66035580e+02 -3.91399174e+02 2.58803536e+03
2.36736685e+01 -9.64472032e+03 4.35198619e+03 2.05879648e+04
-1.43794542e+04 -2.51794803e+04 2.13141755e+04 1.63510441e+04
-1.53917713e+04 -4.35638640e+03 4.37804987e+03] def}{
x 1 0 P { % x x^n s_n-1 p_n
2 index % x x^n s_n-1 p_n x^n
mul add % x x^n s_n
3 1 roll % s_n x x^n
1 index mul % s_n x x^n+1
3 2 roll % x x^n+1 s_n
} forall
3 1 roll
pop pop}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Brilliant idea: minimize max error}
E = \min_{P(x)} \max_{x \in I'_p \cup I'_s}\{| P(x) - D(x) | \}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Alternation Theorem}
$P(x)$ is the minimax approximation to $D(x)$ if and only if $P(x) - D(x)$ alternates $L+2$ times between $+E$ and $-E$ in $I'_p \cup I'_s$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Why Alternation Theorem is key}
\item check candidates: if $P(x)$ satisfies the AT, we're done
\item leads to a numerical algorithm to find $P(x)$: the Remez Exchange
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 3: the Remez Algorithm}
suppose we {\em knew} the positions of the alternations; then we could solve
1 & x_0 & x_0^2 & \ldots & x_0^L & \epsilon\\
1 & x_1 & x_1^2 & \ldots & x_1^L & -\epsilon\\
& & & \vdots \\
1 & x_L & x_L^2 & \ldots & x_L^L & (-1)^L\epsilon
\end{bmatrix} \mathbf{p}
0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 1
and find both the polynomial coefficients and $E$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 3: the Remez Algorithm}
obviously we don't know the positions of the alternations; but we can start with a guess
\item solve the system of equation for the guessed $x_i$
\item check if the solution satisfies the alternation theorem; if so, we're done
\item otherwise, find the extrema of the error and use the locations as new guess; repeat
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example}
\item $M=9$ ($L=4$)
\item $\omega_p=0.4\pi$
\item $\omega_s=0.6\pi$
\item we need at least $L+2 = 6$ alternations
\item 2 alternations always at band edges (otherwise specs not fulfilled)
\item guess the other 4 and apply remez
\def\FIRnA{180 x RadtoDeg sub %
dup cos 0.31357 mul exch %
dup 2 mul cos 0.025065 mul exch %
dup 3 mul cos -0.1155 mul exch %
4 mul cos -0.06632 mul %
add add add %
2 mul 0.47745987 add }
\def\FIRnn{180 x RadtoDeg sub %
dup cos 0.31357 mul exch %
dup 2 mul cos 0.021065 mul exch %
dup 3 mul cos -0.1155 mul exch %
4 mul cos -0.06632 mul %
add add add %
2 mul 0.47745987 add }
\frametitle{Remez exchange algorithm}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 $-1$ 1.255 $\cos(0.6\pi)$}
\dspFunc{\FIRnA -10 mul }}
\dspFunc{\FIRnn -10 mul }}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{1.885 $\cos(0.4\pi)$ 3.14 $1$}
\dspFunc{1 \FIRnA sub }}
\dspFunc{1 \FIRnn sub }}
\frametitle{Passband and Stopband Error}
\dspFunc{\FIRnn -10 mul }
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 $-1$ 1.255 $\cos(0.6\pi)$}
\qdisk(.33,\FIRerr){3pt} \uput[d](.33,\FIRerr){2}
\qdisk(0.4,-\FIRerr){3pt} \uput[ul](0.4,-\FIRerr){3}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{1.885 $\cos(0.4\pi)$ 3.14 $1$}
\dspFunc{1 \FIRnn sub }
\qdisk(0.6,\FIRerr){3pt} \uput{6pt}[dr](0.6,\FIRerr){4}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Tuning the error}
generally, we want to pay more attention to the error in stopband or passband
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 -1 1 $\cos(\omega_s)$}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=y]{-1 $-\delta_s$ 1 $\delta_s$ 0 0}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 $\cos(\omega_p)$ 1 1}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=y]{-1 $-\delta_p$ 1 $\delta_p$ 0 0}
Goal: fit $E(x)$ within the boxes.
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Tuning the error}
The Alternation Theorem works also with a weighting function:
W(x) = \begin{cases}
1 &\mbox{for $x \in I'_p$} \\
\delta_p/\delta_s &\mbox{for $x \in I'_s$}
The updated minimization problem:
\min \max_{x \in I'_p \cup I'_s}\{| W(x)[P(x) - D(x)] | \}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Parks-McClellan Algorithm; the full recipe for lowpass}
\uncover<1->{User data:}
\item<2-> filter length $M = 2L+1$
\item<3-> $\omega_p$ and $\omega_s$
\item<4-> stopband -to-passband tolerance ratio $\delta_s/\delta_p$
\uncover<5->{Run Parks-McClellan algorithm; obtain:}
\item<5-> $M$ filter coefficients
\item<6-> stopband and passband tolerances $\delta_s$ and $\delta_p$
\item<7-> {\color{red}If error too big, increase $M$ and retry.}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example revisited}
\item $M=9$ ($L=4$)
\item $\omega_p=0.4\pi$
\item $\omega_s=0.6\pi$
\item $\delta_s/\delta_p = 1/10$
\frametitle{Final Result}
\dspFunc{x \dspFIRI{0.47745987 0.31357 0.021065 -0.1155 -0.06632}}
\dspFunc[linewidth=0.5pt,linecolor=red]{x \dspRect{0}{0.8}}
\frametitle{Final Result (stopband)}
\dspFunc{x \dspFIRI{0.47745987 0.31357 0.021065 -0.1155 -0.06632}}
\dspFunc[linewidth=0.5pt,linecolor=red]{x \dspRect{0}{0.8}}
\frametitle{Final Result (Impulse Response)}
\dspTaps{-4 -0.06632 -3 -0.1155 -2 0.021065 -1 0.31357 0 0.47745987 1 0.31357 2 0.021065 3 -0.1155 4 -0.06632}
\item Max number of alternations is $L+3$:
\item polynomial degree $L$ has $L-1$ local extrema
\item $\omega_p$ and $\omega_s$ are always alternations
\item sometimes $\omega=0$
\item sometimes $\omega=\pi$
\item look at the {\em in band} alternations, that gives you $L-1$
\frametitle{Minimax lowpass filter (recap)}
Magnitude response:
\item equiripple in passband \\ and stopband
Design parameters:
\item order $N$ (number of taps)
\item passband edge $\omega_p$
\item stopband edge $\omega_s$
\item ratio of passband to \\
stopband error $\delta_p/\delta_s$
Design test criterion:
\item passband max error
\item stopband max error
\frametitle{Minimax lowpass example}
$N=9, \omega_p = 0.2\pi, \omega_s = 0.3\pi, \delta_p/\delta_s = 10$
% coeffs: firpm(8, [0 0.2 0.3 1], [1 1 0 0], [10,1])
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{ -0.175712354496923 0.129288676913797 0.180455858400540 0.234878415331652
0.257936004460746 0.234878415331652 0.180455858400540 0.129288676913797 -0.175712354496923}{1}}
\frametitle{Minimax lowpass example}
$N=19, \omega_p = 0.2\pi, \omega_s = 0.3\pi, \delta_p/\delta_s = 10$
% coeffs: firpm(18, [0 0.2 0.3 1], [1 1 0 0], [10,1])
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{-0.001120184908392 0.085181123373292 -0.044324201033833 -0.055598029320939
-0.049803997774758 -0.010060733381839 0.065431562208223 0.157228546785209
0.232649571862615 0.261795906445800 0.232649571862615 0.157228546785209
0.065431562208223 -0.010060733381839 -0.049803997774758 -0.055598029320939
-0.044324201033833 0.085181123373292 -0.001120184908392}{1}}
\frametitle{Minimax lowpass example}
$N=51, \omega_p = 0.2\pi, \omega_s = 0.3\pi, \delta_p/\delta_s = 1$
% coeffs: firpm(50, [0 0.2 0.3 1], [1 1 0 0], [1,1])
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{ 0.002184751913328 -0.000636387168042 -0.002321266010324 -0.003684703237659
-0.003201460277371 -0.000229555810906 0.004114295334440 0.007138532599280
0.006070713198253 0.000144041476633 -0.008099980593059 -0.013521817362168
-0.011237343036912 -0.000197270611214 0.014813892101174 0.024611303196966
0.020483272658574 0.000222340867578 -0.028240467793545 -0.048446158085879
-0.042440020759802 -0.000240423842876 0.073179747484826 0.157573555887813
0.224693865780418 0.250248677252314 0.224693865780418 0.157573555887813
0.073179747484826 -0.000240423842876 -0.042440020759802 -0.048446158085879
-0.028240467793545 0.000222340867578 0.020483272658574 0.024611303196966
0.014813892101174 -0.000197270611214 -0.011237343036912 -0.013521817362168
-0.008099980593059 0.000144041476633 0.006070713198253 0.007138532599280
0.004114295334440 -0.000229555810906 -0.003201460277371 -0.003684703237659
-0.002321266010324 -0.000636387168042 0.002184751913328}{1}}
\frametitle{Magnitude response in decibels}
\item filter max passband magnitude $G$
\item filter attenuation expressed in decibels as:
A_{\mbox{dB}} = 20 \log_{10}(|H(e^{j\omega})|/G)
\item useful to compare attenuations between filters
\frametitle{4th-order elliptic lowpass, $\omega_c=\pi/4$, log scale}
\begin{dspPlot}[xtype=freq,xticks=4,yticks=20,ylabel={$A(e^{j\omega})$ (dB)},xout=true]{-1,1}{-100,0}
% coeffs: [b a]=ellip(4,0.5,15,0.25)
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{0.1866 -0.3248 0.4782 -0.3248 0.1866}{1.0000 -2.4512 2.8891 -1.6623 0.4380} log 20 mul}
\frametitle{9-tap minimax lowpass, $\omega_c=\pi/4$, log scale}
\begin{dspPlot}[xtype=freq,xticks=4,yticks=20,ylabel={$A(e^{j\omega})$ (dB)},xout=true]{-1,1}{-100,0}
% coeffs: firpm(51, [0 0.4 0.6 1], [1 1 0 0],[10 1])
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspTFM{0.1866 -0.3248 0.4782 -0.3248 0.1866}{1.0000 -2.4512 2.8891 -1.6623 0.4380} log 20 mul}
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{ -0.175712354496923 0.129288676913797 0.180455858400540 0.234878415331652 0.257936004460746 0.234878415331652 0.180455858400540 0.129288676913797 -0.175712354496923}{1} log 20 mul}
\frametitle{19-tap minimax lowpass, $\omega_c=\pi/4$, log scale}
\begin{dspPlot}[xtype=freq,xticks=4,yticks=20,ylabel={$A(e^{j\omega})$ (dB)},xout=true]{-1,1}{-100,0}
% coeffs: firpm(51, [0 0.4 0.6 1], [1 1 0 0],[10 1])
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspTFM{0.1866 -0.3248 0.4782 -0.3248 0.1866}{1.0000 -2.4512 2.8891 -1.6623 0.4380} log 20 mul}
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{-0.001120184908392 0.085181123373292 -0.044324201033833 -0.055598029320939
-0.049803997774758 -0.010060733381839 0.065431562208223 0.157228546785209
0.232649571862615 0.261795906445800 0.232649571862615 0.157228546785209
0.065431562208223 -0.010060733381839 -0.049803997774758 -0.055598029320939
-0.044324201033833 0.085181123373292 -0.001120184908392}{1} log 20 mul}
\frametitle{51-tap minimax lowpass, $\omega_c=\pi/4$, log scale}
\begin{dspPlot}[xtype=freq,xticks=4,yticks=40,ylabel={$|H(e^{j\omega})|$ (dB)},xout=true]{-1,1}{-200,0}
% coeffs: firpm(51, [0 0.4 0.6 1], [1 1 0 0],[10 1])
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspTFM{0.1866 -0.3248 0.4782 -0.3248 0.1866}{1.0000 -2.4512 2.8891 -1.6623 0.4380} log 20 mul}
\dspFunc{x \dspTFM{0.002184751913328 -0.000636387168042 -0.002321266010324 -0.003684703237659
-0.003201460277371 -0.000229555810906 0.004114295334440 0.007138532599280
0.006070713198253 0.000144041476633 -0.008099980593059 -0.013521817362168
-0.011237343036912 -0.000197270611214 0.014813892101174 0.024611303196966
0.020483272658574 0.000222340867578 -0.028240467793545 -0.048446158085879
-0.042440020759802 -0.000240423842876 0.073179747484826 0.157573555887813
0.224693865780418 0.250248677252314 0.224693865780418 0.157573555887813
0.073179747484826 -0.000240423842876 -0.042440020759802 -0.048446158085879
-0.028240467793545 0.000222340867578 0.020483272658574 0.024611303196966
0.014813892101174 -0.000197270611214 -0.011237343036912 -0.013521817362168
-0.008099980593059 0.000144041476633 0.006070713198253 0.007138532599280
0.004114295334440 -0.000229555810906 -0.003201460277371 -0.003684703237659
-0.002321266010324 -0.000636387168042 0.002184751913328}{1} log 20 mul}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Life beyond lowpass}
The IIR and FIR methods we just described can be used to design more general filter types than lowpass, with only minor modifications
\item IIR bandpass and highpass can be obtain by modulating the lowpass response
\item optimal FIR bandpass and highpass can be designed by the Parks-McClellan algorithm
\item optimal FIR can also be designed with piecewise linear magnitude response
\item the literature on filter design is vast: this is just the tip of the iceberg!
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Play with the demo!}
Play with the interactive minimax filter design demo
\frametitle{Type-I Lowpass Minimax Design}
\item design zero-centered filter $H_d(z)$ (zero phase)
\item frequency response will be real-valued
\item design technique works for other types with minor modifications
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Step 2: Convert the specs}
We want
|P(x) - 1| < \delta_p & \quad\mbox{for $x \in I'_p$} \\
|P(x)| < \delta_s & \quad\mbox{for $x \in I'_s$} \\
Global error function
E(x) = P(x) - D(x)
D(x) = \begin{cases}
1 &\mbox{for $x \in I'_p$} \\
0 &\mbox{for $x \in I'_s$}
\frametitle{Type-I Lowpass Minimax Design: Specs}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 0.4 $\omega_p$ 0.6 $\omega_s$ 1 $\pi$}
\rput[b](0.5,1.3){\vphantom{p} transition band}
\frametitle{Parks-McClellan Algorithm}
\uncover<1->{User data:}
\item<2-> filter length $M = 2L+1$
\item<3-> $\omega_p$ and $\omega_s$
\item<4-> stopband -to-passband tolerance ratio $\delta_s/\delta_p$
\uncover<5->{Run Parks-McClellan algorithm; obtain:}
\item<5-> $M$ filter coefficients
\item<6-> stopband and passband tolerances $\delta_s$ and $\delta_p$
\uncover<7->{If error too big, increase $M$ and retry.}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 1 $\omega_p$}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=y]{0 $1-\delta_p$ 1 $1+\delta_p$ 0.5 1}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 $\omega_s$ 1 $\pi$}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=y]{-1 $-\delta_s$ 1 $\delta_s$}
Goal: fit $H_d(e^{j\omega})$ within the boxes.
\frametitle{How does it work?}
\item use Chebyshev polynomials to transform $H_d(e^{j\omega})$ into $P(x)$
\item rewrite specifications to obtain global error function $E(x)$ over passband + stopband
\item iteratively adjust extrema of the error function
\item use alternation theorem as stopping condition
\item verify stopband and passband error; increase $M$ and repeat if necessary
\frametitle{Alternation Theorem}
\item $\{I_k \}$ set of disjoint intervals on the real line, $I = \bigcup_k I_k$
\item $P(x)$ polynomial of degree $L$,
\item $D(x)$ target function
\item $W(x)$ positive weighting function
\item $E(x) = W(x)[D(x) - P(x)]$ approximation error function
\item $E_{\max} = \max_{x \in I} \{|E(x)|\}$
$P(x)$ is the \emph{unique} order-$L$ polynomial which minimizes $E_{\max}$ if and only if there exist \emph{at least} $L+2$ successive values $x_i$ in $I$ such that $|E(x_i)| = E_{\max}$ and $E(x_i) = -E(x_{i+1})$.

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