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Thu, Mar 13, 17:09


% steepestdescent{a}{b}{x0}{y0}{step}{iterations}{view}{algo}:
% a, b: ellipsoid axes
% x0, y0, step, iterations: gradient descent initial position, learning step and iterations
% view: 3D or 2D (top view)
% type: LS (least squares) or LMS (stochastic gradient descent)
% cartesian ellipsoid z = f(x, y); expects to find [x y] on the stack
\def\ellipsoidCPS{#2 div dup mul exch #1 div dup mul add}
% parametric form (x, y, z) = f(theta, rho); expects [theta rho] on the stack
\def\ellipsoidP{/r exch def dup cos #1 r mul mul exch sin #2 r mul mul r r mul}
% x and y updates in steepest descent: x -= stepsize * dz/dx
\ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{LMS}}{\def\rndp{rand 2147483647 div 0.8 sub 0.4 mul}}{\def\rndp{0}}
\def\gradx{ pop dup -2 #5 mul mul #1 dup mul div add \rndp\space add}
\def\grady{exch pop dup -2 #5 mul mul #2 dup mul div add \rndp\space add}
% center plot in psbox according to view
% plot the level sets
\parametricplotThreeD[xPlotpoints=180,yPlotpoints=20,linecolor=red,linewidth=0.5pt](0,360)(0, 2){%
t u \ellipsoidP}
\parametricplotThreeD[xPlotpoints=180,yPlotpoints=17,linecolor=red,linewidth=0.5pt](0, 2)(0,360){%
u t \ellipsoidP}
% gradient descent
\pstVerb{/xx #3 def /yy #4 def /xn xx yy \gradx\space def /yn xx yy \grady\space def}
\pstThreeDLine[linecolor=blue,arrows=->](xx, yy, xx yy \ellipsoidCPS)(xn, yn, xn yn \ellipsoidCPS\space)%
\pstVerb{/xx xn def /yy yn def /xn xx yy \gradx\space def /yn xx yy \grady\space def}}
{\steepestdescent{1}{1}{-1.3}{1.3}{0.1}{15}{3D}{LMS}} &
\steepestdescent{1}{0.5}{-1.3}{0.8}{0.1}{15}{}{LMS} &
\steepestdescent{1}{0.5}{-1.3}{0.8}{0.23}{7}{}{} &
% arguments:
% a, b: ellipsoid axes
% x0, y0, stepsize, iterations: gradient descent initialization
% 2D: top view
% cartesian ellipsoid z = f(x, y); expects to find [x y] on the stack
\def\ellipsoidCPS{#2 div dup mul exch #1 div dup mul add}
% parametric form (x, y, z) = f(theta, rho); expects [theta rho] on the stack
\def\ellipsoidP{/r exch def dup cos #1 r mul mul exch sin #2 r mul mul r r mul}
% x and y updates in steepest descent: x -= a dz/dx
\def\gradx{ pop dup -2 #5 mul mul #1 dup mul div add}
\def\grady{exch pop dup -2 #5 mul mul #2 dup mul div add}
% center plot in psbox according to view
% plot the level sets
(0,360)(0, 2){t u \ellipsoidP}
(0, 2)(0,360){u t \ellipsoidP}
% gradient descent
\pstVerb{/xx #3 def /yy #4 def /xn xx yy \gradx\space def /yn xx yy \grady\space def}
(xx, yy, xx yy \ellipsoidCPS)(xn, yn, xn yn \ellipsoidCPS\space)%
\pstVerb{/xx xn def /yy yn def /xn xx yy \gradx\space def /yn xx yy \grady\space def}}
{\steepestdescent{1}{1}{-1.3}{1.3}{0.1}{15}{}} &
\steepestdescent{1}{0.5}{-1.3}{0.8}{0.1}{15}{} &
\steepestdescent{1}{0.5}{-1.3}{0.8}{0.23}{7}{} &

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