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\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sinc Sampling}
\vphantom{\sinc\left(\frac{t-nT_s}{T_s}\right) \rangle}
x[n] = \only<1>{\langle \sinc\left(\frac{t-nT_s}{T_s}\right), x(t) \rangle}
\only<2->{(\sinc_{T_s} \ast x )(nT_s)}
$x(t)$~ & \BDlowpass & &
& $x[n]$ \\
& $F_s$ & & $T_s$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sinc Sampling for $F_s$-BL signals}
x[n] = (\sinc_{T_s} \ast x )(nT_s) = T_s\,x(nT_s)
\center %\small
$x(t)$~ & & &
& $x[n]$ \\
& & & $T_s$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{``Raw'' sampling - can we always do that?}
x[n] = x(nT_s)
\center %\small
$x(t)$~~ & \BDsampler & ~~$x[n]$ \\
& $T_s$ &
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Remember the wagonwheel effect?}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{The continuous-time complex exponential}
x(t) = e^{j2\pi f_0 t}
\item always periodic, period $t_0 = 1/f_0$
\item all angular speeds are allowed
\item $\FT{e^{j2\pi f_0 t}} = \delta(f-f_0)$
\item highest (and only) frequency is $f_0$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{The continuous-time complex exponential}
\dspCPCirclePoint[linecolor=darkred,toorg=true]{1}{30}{$e^{j2\pi f_0 t}$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Raw samples of the continuous-time complex exponential}
x[n] = e^{j2\pi f_0 n T_s}
\item raw samples are snapshots at regular intervals of the rotating point
\item resulting digital frequency is $\omega_0 = 2\pi f_0 T_s = 2\pi (f_0/F_s)$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Easy: $f_0 < F_s/2 \quad \Rightarrow \quad \omega_0<\pi$}
\FPupn\anp{\n{} \a{} * clip}%
\FPupn\ann{\anp{} \a{} + clip}%
\FPupn\anp{\s{} \a{} * clip}%
\FPupn\ann{\anp{} \a{} + clip}%
\def\ceStep#1{% define \a (freq) and \p (initial phase)
\FPupn\np{1 #1 - clip} \FPupn\anp{\np{} \a{} * \p{} + clip} \FPupn\anpp{\a{} \anp{} - clip}%
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Tricky: $F_s/2 < f_0 < F_s \quad \Rightarrow \quad \pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi$}
\FPupn\np{1 \N{} + clip}
\only<\np->{\FPupn\anp{\a{} 360 - \N{} * -1 * clip}
\def\ceStep#1{% define \a (freq) and \p (initial phase)
\FPupn\np{1 #1 - clip} \FPupn\anp{\np{} \a{} * \p{} + clip} \FPupn\anpp{\a{} \anp{} - clip }%
\def\psspace{ }
{\anpp}{\anp}{t \anpp \psspace
sub 360 div 0.05 mul 0.5 add dup t cos mul exch t sin mul}}}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Trouble: $f_0 > F_s \quad \Rightarrow \quad \omega_0 > 2\pi$}
\FPupn\np{1 \N{} + clip}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Aliasing}
\center %\small
$x(t)$~~ & \BDsampler & \BDfilter{interp} & ~~$\hat{x}(t)=?$ \\
& $T_s$ & $T_s$
pick $T_s$; $F_s = 1/T_s$
input: $x(t) = e^{j2\pi f_0 t}$
digital frequency: $\omega_0 = 2\pi f_0 / F_s$
& digital frequency & $\hat{x}(t)$ \\ \hline \\
{\color{green} $f_0 < F_s/2$} & $0 < \omega_0 < \pi$ & $e^{j2\pi f_0 t}$ \\
{\color{green} $f_0 = F_s/2$} & $\omega_0 = \pi$ & $e^{j2\pi f_0 t}$ \\
{\color{orange} $F_s/2 < f_0 < F_s$} & $\pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi$ & {\color{orange} $e^{j2\pi f_1 t}, \quad f_1 = f_0 - F_s < 0$}\\
{\color{red} $f_0 > F_s$} & $\omega_0 > 2\pi$ & {\color{red} $e^{j2\pi f_2 t}, \quad f_2 = f_0 \mod F_s$}
% \centering
% $x(t) = e^{j\Omega_0 t}$
% $\Omega_N = \pi/T_s$
% \vspace{2em}
% \begin{tabular}{lll}
% & digital frequency & $\hat{x}(t)$ \\ \hline \\
% {\color{green} $T_s < \pi/\Omega_0$} & $0 < \omega_0 < \pi$ & $e^{j\Omega_0 t}$ \\
% {\color{orange} $\pi/\Omega_0 < T_s < 2\pi/\Omega_0$} & $\pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi$ & {\color{orange} $e^{j\Omega_1 t}, \quad \Omega_1 = \Omega_0 - 2\pi/T_s$}\\
% {\color{red} $T_s > 2\pi/\Omega_0$} & $\omega_0 > 2\pi$ & {\color{red} $e^{j\Omega_2 t}, \quad \Omega_2 = \Omega_0 \mod (2\pi/T_s)$}
% \end{tabular}
%\begin{frame} \frametitle{Again, with a simple sinusoid and using Hertz}
% \begin{align*}
% x(t) &= \cos(2\pi F_0 t) \\
% x[n] &= x(nT_s) = \cos(\omega_0 n) \\ \\ \\
% F_s &= 1/T_s \\
% \omega_0 &= 2\pi (F_0/F_s) \\
% \end{align*}
\def\cfreq#1#2{\only<#1>{\dspDiracs{#2 1}}}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Aliasing of sinusoids: increasing the input frequency}
% original spectrum
\FPupn\f{\start{} \n{} - 0.25 *}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 1 $F_s/2$ -1 $-F_s/2$ 2 $F_s$ -2 $-F_s$ 3 ~ -3 ~ 4 $2F_s$ -4 $-2F_s$}
\FPupn\f{\start{} \n{} - 0.25 * 1 + copy -0.01 + 2 div 0 trunc 2 mul swap - 1 swap -}
\FPupn\f{\start{} \n{} - 0.25 * 1 + copy -0.01 + 2 div 0 trunc 2 mul swap - 1 swap -}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 1 $F_s/2$ -1 $-F_s/2$}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0 0 #2 $F_s/2$ -#2 $-F_s/2$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Aliasing of sinusoids: decreasing the sampling frequency}
% original spectrum
\dspDiracs{1 1}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{1 $f_0$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sampling a Sinusoid}
sampling frequency & digital frequency & interpolation \\ \hline \\
{\color{green} $F_s > 2f_0$} & $0 < \omega_0 < \pi$ & OK: $\hat{f}_0 = f_0$ \\
{\color{green} $F_s = 2f_0$} & $\omega_0 = \pi$ & OK (max frequency $\hat{f}_0 = F_s$)\\
{\color{orange} $f_0 < F_s < 2f_0$} & $\pi < \omega_0 < 2\pi$ & negative frequency: $\hat{f}_0 = f_0 - F_s$\\
{\color{red} $F_s < f_0$} & $\omega_0 > 2\pi$ & full aliasing: $\hat{f}_0 = f_0 \mod F_s$
\FPupn\ntaps{#1 \dspXmin{} \dspXmax{} - * 1 + 0 trunc}%
\FPupn\endx{\dspXmin{} #1 \ntaps{} -1 + / +}%
{\dspXmin}{\endx}{x 3 mul 360 mul cos}}
\dspFunc[linecolor=blue!50]{x 3 mul 360 mul cos}%
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Aliasing: Sampling a Sinusoid}
\note<1>{the aliased frequency in the end \\ is $F_0 \mod F_s = 0.1$Hz}
$x(t) = \cos(6\pi t) \qquad (f_0 = 3\mbox{Hz})$
\dspFunc[linecolor=blue!50]{x 3 mul 360 mul cos}

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