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Thu, Mar 13, 10:12


\begin{frame} \frametitle{QAM transmitter, final design}
\parbox{4ex}{\small \tt \bf ..01100\\ 01010...}\hspace{5ex} &
\BDfilter{Scrambler} & \BDfilter{Mapper} & [name=A,mnode=circle] $K \uparrow$ \\
& &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& [name=B] \BDlowpass[0.5em] & \BDmul & \BDfilter{Re} & \BDfilter{D/A} & $s(t)$ \\
& & $e^{j\omega_c n}$
\ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}^{$b[n]$} \ncline{->}{1,3}{1,4}^{$c[n]$}
\ncline{->}{1,4}{1,5}^{$s[n]$} \ncline{->}{1,5}{1,6} \ncline{->}{1,6}{1,7}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{It's a dirty job...}
but a receiver has to do it:
\item<1-> propagation delay \only<5->{$\rightarrow$ {\color{blue!70} handshake and delay estimation}}
\item<2-> channel effects \only<6->{$\rightarrow$ {\color{blue!70} adaptive equalization}}
\item<3-> interference \only<7->{$\rightarrow$ {\color{blue!70} line probing}}
\item<4-> clock drift \only<8->{$\rightarrow$ {\color{blue!70} timing recovery}}%
\begin{frame} \frametitle{A blast from the past}
\intro{play audio from a V.32 handshake}
\item a sound familiar to anyone who's used a modem or a fax machine
\item what's going on here?
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Remember the (simplified) receiver}
& & & [name=A1] \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & & $e^{-j\omega_c n}$ \\
$\hat{s}(t)$~~ & \BDsampler
& [name=A,mnode=dot,linewidth=2pt] &
& [name=B,mnode=circle] + & \BDmul & [name=C] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
[name=D,mnode=circle] $K \downarrow$ & \BDfilter{Slicer} &
\BDfilter{Descrambler} &
\hspace{1ex}\parbox{4ex}{\small \tt \bf ..01100\\ 01010...}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Pilot tones}
if $\hat{s}[n] = \cos((\omega_c + \omega_0)n)$ then $\hat{b}[n] = e^{j\omega_0 n} $
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Visually, in slow motion, plotting $b[n]$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{The main problems}
$s[n]~$ & \BDfilter{D/A} & \BDfilter{$D(f)$} & \BDadd & \BDfilter{A/D} & $~\hat{s}[n]$ \\
& $T_s$ & & AWGN & $T'_s$ &
\item noise
\item propagation delay
\item channel distortion $D(f)$
\item different clocks ($T'_s \neq T_s$)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Delay compensation}
\intro{it's important to compensate for delay in communication systems since signal onsets are important for detection}
Assume the channel is a simple delay: $\hat{s}(t)=s(t-d) \Rightarrow D(f) = e^{-j2\pi f d}$
\item channel introduces a delay of $d$ seconds
\item we can write $d = (L + \tau)T_s$ with $L\in\mathbb{N}$ and $|\tau|<1/2$
\item $L$ is called the {\em bulk delay}
\item $\tau$ is the fractional delay
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Estimating the bulk delay ($T_s=1$)}
\moocStyle \SpecialCoor
\dspSignal{x 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse}
\dspSignal[linecolor=lightgray]{x 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse}
\dspFunc{x \dspSinc{0}{1}}
\dspSignal[linecolor=lightgray]{x 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse}
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspSinc{0}{1}}
\dspFunc[linecolor=blue!60]{x \dspSinc{2.3}{1}}
\dspSignal[linecolor=lightgray]{x 0 eq {1} {0} ifelse}
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspSinc{0}{1}}
\dspFunc[linecolor=lightgray]{x \dspSinc{2.3}{1}}
\dspSignal[linecolor=blue!60]{x \dspSinc{2.3}{1}}
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{2.3 { } 2 $L$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Estimating the fractional delay}
\item transmit $b[n] = e^{j\omega_0 n}$ (i.e. $s[n] = \cos((\omega_c+\omega_0) n)$)
\item receive $\hat{s}[n] = \cos((\omega_c+\omega_0)(n - L - \tau))$
\item after demodulation and bulk delay offset:
\hat{b}[n] = e^{j\omega_0 (n - \tau)}
\item multiply by known frequency
\hat{b}[n]\,e^{-j\omega_0 n} = e^{-j\omega_0 \tau}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Compensating for the fractional delay}
\item $\hat{s}[n] = s((n - \tau)T_s)$ (after offsetting bulk delay)
\item we need to compute subsample values
\item in theory, compensate with a sinc fractional delay $h[n] = \sinc(n+\tau)$
\item in practice, use local Lagrange approximation
x_L(n; t) &= \sum_{k=-N}^{N} x[n + k] L_k^{(N)}(t) \\
L^{(N)}_k(t) &= \mathop{\prod_{i = -N}}_{i\neq n}^{N}\frac{t - i}{k - i} \qquad\qquad k = -N, \ldots, N
%% finite-length signal, 3 taps
\def\ta{.5 } \def\tb{2 } \def\tc{-1 }
%% the tap plotting string
\def\taps{-1 \ta 0 \tb 1 \tc }
%% Lagrange polynomials
dup -1 div exch %
-1 add -2 div %
mul }
dup 1 add -1 div exch %
-1 add %
mul }
dup exch %
1 add 2 div %
mul }
dup \lpa \ta mul exch %
dup \lpb \tb mul exch %
\lpc \tc mul %
add add}
\FPupn\n{#1 1 + 0 trunc}%
\dspTaps{#3 \csname t#4\endcsname}%
\dspFunc[linewidth=0.5pt]{x \csname lp#4\endcsname \csname t#4\endcsname mul}}%
\only<\n-#2>{\dspFunc[linewidth=0.5pt,linecolor=blue!50]{x \csname lp#4\endcsname \csname t#4\endcsname mul}}}%
\psline[linewidth=\dspStemWidth,#1](#2,0)(! #2 dup #3)
\psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=\dspDotSize,#1](! #2 dup #3)}
\dspFunc[linecolor=#2]{x \csname lp#3\endcsname}%
\dspText(0,1.3){\color{#2} $L_{#4}^{1}(t)$}}}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Compensating for the fractional delay: Lagrange interpolation ($N=1$)}
\only<6->{\dspFunc[linewidth=2pt,xmin=-2,xmax=2]{x \lagInterp}}%
\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{-1 $n-1$ 0 $n$ 1 $n+1$}%
\only<2->{\dspCustomTicks[axis=x]{0.3 $n+\tau$}}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Lagrange interpolation as an FIR}
\item $x(n + \tau) \approx x_L(n; \tau)$
\item $x_L(n; \tau) = \sum_{k=-N}^{N} x[n + k] L_k^{(N)}(\tau) = \sum_{k=-N}^{N} x[n - k] L_{-k}^{(N)}(\tau)$
\item define $d_{\tau}[k] = L_{-k}^{(N)}(\tau)$, $k = -N, \ldots, N$
\item $x_L(n; \tau) = \sum_{k=-N}^{N} x[n - k] d_{\tau}[k]$
\item $x_L(n; \tau) = (x \ast d_{\tau})[n]$
\item $d_{\tau}[k]$ is a $(2N+1)$-tap FIR (dependent on $\tau$)
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example ($N=1$, second order approximation)}
L_{-1}^{(1)}(t) &= t\frac{t-1}{2} \\
L_{0}^{(1)}(t) &= (1-t)(1+t) \\
L_{1}^{(1)}(t) &= t\frac{t+1}{2} \\
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Example ($N=1$, second order approximation)}
d_{0.2}[n] = \begin{cases} 0.12 & n=-1 \\ 0.96 & n = 0 \\ -0.08 & n = 1 \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Delay compensation algorithm}
\item estimate the delay $\tau$
\item compute the $2N+1$ Lagrangian coefficients
\item filter with the resulting FIR
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Compensating for the distortion}
$s[n]~$ & \BDfilter{D/A} & \BDfilter{$D(f)$} & \BDfilter{A/D} & $~\hat{s}[n]$ \\
% & $T_s$ & & $T'_s$ &
% \frametitle{Adaptive signal processing}
% \begin{itemize}[<+->]
% \item processing {\em adapts}\/ to the characteristics of a signal
% \item define an error measure between desired and actual performance
% \item use the error to drive the adaptation
% \vspace{1em}
% \item how? This will be the topic of your next online course!
% \end{itemize}
\frametitle{Compensating for the distortion}
$s[n]$~~~ & \BDfilter{$D(z)$} & ~~~$\hat{s}[n]$ \\
\frametitle{Example: adaptive equalization}
$s[n]$~~~ & \BDfilter{$D(z)$} & \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & ~~~$\hat{s}_e[n] = s[n]$ \\
\frametitle{Example: adaptive equalization}
\intro{use of training sequences is typical case in which we can marry SP techniques to more general algorithmic techniques in ways that were not even thinkable in analog processing}
\item in theory, $H(z) = 1/D(z)$
\item but we don't know $D(z)$ in advance
\item $D(z)$ may change over time
\frametitle{Adaptive equalization}
$\hat{s}[n]~$ & \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & \BDsplit & & & & \\
& & \BDsub & $s[n]$ &
\frametitle{Adaptive equalization: bootstrapping via a training sequence}
$a_t[n]~$ & \BDfilter{TX} & \ldots & \\ \\
$\hat{s}[n]~$ & \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & \BDsplit & \\
& & \BDsub & \BDfilter{Modulator} & ~$a_t[n]$
\frametitle{Adaptive equalization: online mode}
$\hat{s}[n]~$ & \BDfilter{$H(z)$} & \BDsplit & \BDfilter{Demod} & \BDfilter{Slicer} & \BDsplit & \\
& & \BDsub & \BDfilter{Modulator} &
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Adaptive equalization: the LMS algorithm}
FIR equalization:
\hat{s}_e[n] &= \sum_{k = 0}^{N-1} h_n[k] \hat{s}[n-k] \\
e[n] &= \hat{s}_e[n] - s[n]
adapting the coefficients:
h_{n+1}[k] = h_n[k] + \alpha e[n]x[n-k], \qquad k = 0, 1, \ldots, N-1
\frametitle{So much more to do...}
\item how do we compensate for differences in clocks?
\item how do we recover from interference?
\item how do we improve resilience to noise?
advanced topics in communication system design
\frametitle{Timing recovery}
$s[n]~$ & \BDfilter{D/A} & \BDfilter{channel} & \BDfilter{A/D} & $~\hat{s}[n]$ \\
& $T_s$ & & $T'_s$ &
\item<2-> in theory $T'_s = T_s$
\item<3-> if not, we have a time drift
\item<4-> need to estimate and compensate for
\frametitle{Back to timing recovery}
$s[n]~$ & \BDfilter{D/A} & \BDfilter{A/D} & $\hat{s}[n]$ \\
& $T_s$ & $T'_s$ &
\item<2-> assume $T'_s = \beta T_s$
\item<3-> each sample will have a delay multiple of $\tau = (T'_s - T_s)/T'_s = (1-\beta)/\beta$
\item<4-> compensation strategy only slightly more complex
dup 2.315 mul exch %
dup dup mul -3.74583333 mul exch %
dup dup dup mul mul 2.05 mul exch %
dup dup dup dup mul mul mul -0.45416667 mul exch %
dup dup dup dup mul mul mul mul 0.035 mul %
0.5 add add add add add %
3 mul }
\frametitle{Example: sampling too fast}
\FPupn\bb{\b{} 1 / 3 trunc clip}
\dspSignal{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=-.2,xmax=0]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=5,xmax=5.2]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[xmin=0,xmax=5]{x \polyFun}}}
\frametitle{Example: sampling too slow}
\FPupn\bb{\b{} 1 / 3 trunc clip}
\dspSignal{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=-.2,xmax=0]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=5,xmax=5.2]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[xmin=0,xmax=5]{x \polyFun}}}
\frametitle{Estimate the time drift}
\item send a {\em pilot}, i.e. a sinusoid of known frequency $s[n] = \cos\omega_0 n$
\item look at the deviation from the expected value:
s(t) &= \cos((\omega_0/ T_s) t) \\
\hat{s}[n] &= \cos\left(\omega_0 \frac{T'_s}{T_s} n \right) = \cos\left(\beta \omega_0 n \right)
\frametitle{Example: slower sampling clock}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=-.2,xmax=0]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[linestyle=dashed,xmin=5,xmax=5.2]{x \polyFun}
\dspFunc[xmin=0,xmax=5]{x \polyFun}}}
\dspSignal{x \polyFun}
% \multips(0.5,0)(1,0){5}{\psline[linewidth=0.5pt,linestyle=dashed,linecolor=lightgray](0,3)}
% \psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=6pt](! 0 dup \polyFun)
% \psline[linewidth=0.5pt](1.22,0)(! 1.22 dup \polyFun)
% \psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=6pt](! 1.22 dup \polyFun)
% \psline[linewidth=\psDSPlineWidth](2.44,0)(! 2.44 dup \polyFun)
% \psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=6pt](! 2.44 dup \polyFun)
% \psline[linewidth=\psDSPlineWidth](3.66,0)(! 3.66 dup \polyFun)
% \psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=6pt](! 3.66 dup \polyFun)
% \psline[linewidth=\psDSPlineWidth](4.88,0)(! 4.88 dup \polyFun)
% \psdot[dotstyle=o,dotsize=6pt](! 4.88 dup \polyFun)
% \psdot[dotstyle=+,dotangle=45,dotsize=16pt,linecolor=darkgray](! 3 dup \polyFun)
% \selectPlotFont
% \psbrace[rot=90,ref=tC,nodesepB=-5pt](0,-.3)(1.22,-.3){$T_s/\beta$}
% \psbrace[rot=90,ref=tC,nodesepB=-5pt](1.22,-.3)(2.44,-.3){$T_s/\beta$}
% \psbrace[rot=90,ref=tC,nodesepB=-5pt](2.44,-.3)(3.66,-.3){$T_s/\beta$}
% \psbrace[rot=90,ref=tC,nodesepB=-5pt](3.66,-.3)(4.88,-.3){$T_s/\beta$}
% \psline[arrows=->](1,.3)(1.22,.3) \rput[b](1.11,.35){$\tau$}
% \psline[arrows=->](2,.3)(2.44,.3) \rput[b](2.22,.35){$2\tau$}
% \psline[arrows=->,linecolor=lightgray](3,.3)(3.66,.3) \rput[b](3.33,.35){$3\tau$}
% \psline[arrows=<-](3.66,.3)(4,.3) \rput[b](3.83,.35){$\tau'$}
% %\endpsclip

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